
发布者:清水有龍 时间:2024-6-15 23:21





假设你是Li Ming, 本周末班里举行英语角活动,讨论游泳安全问题。请你用英语写一篇简短发言稿。


1、 游泳有益健康,但有些地方不安全;

2、 不要独自到江河游泳,应有家人或朋友陪伴;

3、 游泳前做好准备工作,不要仓促下水;

4、 游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长;

5、 写一至两点个人建议。

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 1

Fellow students,Summer holiday is coming. And swimming safety becomes a big problem. I know swimming is a great way to keep fit and relax. However, not every place is suitable for us to swim. And I’d like to give you some advice to keep off the danger. The most important thing you have to know is that you are not supposed to swim in a deep river. Also, you cantgo swimming by yourself. You’d better go with your friends or your families. And before you swim, you should get ready for it instead of jumping into the water in a hurry. What’s more, you also have to look after your friends while you are swimming. Of course, you mustntswim for too long so that you and your partner wontfeel tired. Besides, if your swimming skill is not very good. You’d better not swim.

That’s all. Thanks.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 2

Im Li Ming, now Im going to talk about how to swim safely. You know, swimming is a sport that most of us like because it can help us keep in good health. But there are still some things we should care about. First of all, it’s dangerous for us to swim in rivers alone. So we had better go with our parents or friends. Next, before we get into the river, we should make sure that we have got enough preparations. Then, it’s dangerous to swim in a large circle. Swim in a small circle and you will get help quickly if you are in trouble and try to keep your swimming time a little shorter. Last but not the least, dontswim in a river if there is a sigh says “No Swimming” . I hope all of us would do this sport in safe ways. That’s all.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 3

Summer vacation is coming. The weather becomes hotter and hotter. Swimming is one of the best sports for us to get cool. But swimming is also a dangerous sport. Here is some advice that can help you to be safe. First, student shouldntswim in somewhere too deep, like rivers. Swimming pool is a good place. Second, students cantswim alone. If you want to swim, you have to go with your parents or friends. Another important thing is that students should do some sports before swimming. Making your body hot can be safer. And you cantswim for too long.

When you enjoy yourself in the water, dontforget to take good care of yourself.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 4

There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world!

We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings saying that "life can be repeated several times, and it will be like a stream of electricity."

Today, I heard the headmaster say: last semester, a junior student washed his feet by the river and accidentally dropped a shoe into the river. He went to pick up the shoe. The ground was very slippery and the person fell into the river.

Fortunately, a student saw it and called out "help". An adult heard it and ran to it, The student said, "a junior fell into the river. The adults went down in a hurry and rescued the students. Fortunately, they could be rescued in time. So I hope you dont go swimming by the river.

The following rules must be observed when swimming:

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 5

There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world! We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings saying that "life can be repeated several times, and it will be like a stream of electricity.". Today, I heard the headmaster say: last semester, a junior student washed his feet by the river and accidentally dropped a shoe into the river. He went to pick up the shoe. The ground was very slippery and the person fell into the river. Fortunately, a student saw it and called out "help". An adult heard it and ran to it, The student said, "a junior fell into the river. The adults went down in a hurry and rescued the students. Fortunately, they could be rescued in time. So I hope you dont go swimming by the river. The following rules must be observed when swimming:

1、 You must warm up before swimming.

2、 Dont dive when underwater is unknown.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 6

When you see a mother pregnant in October, after suffering countless painful and long waiting, with the loud cry of "wow", proclaiming the birth of a new small life, will you sigh that life is hard won? When you see a patient suffering from serious illness, he struggles painfully on the edge of life and death, numerous comas, countless times of life hanging on the line... Does his desire for life make you feel sorry for the fragility of life? Life is everywhere. In the endless stream of people, the heart that often beat, that smiling face, is a fresh life; In the forest with wisdom breath, bathed in the sun and growing trees, the great shore and peaceful ancient trees are full of vitality; In the vast sea, carefree swimming fish, graceful coral, is countless smart and beautiful life. But such a beautiful life is sometimes so fragile, a few minutes ago, but because of their own greed, ignorance and instant disappear! Pupils should swim in the swimming area with safety zone, and it is forbidden to swim in the swimming area. If river is selected, the area familiar with underwater conditions should be selected. Swimming should be accompanied by collective activities, not swimming alone, preferably with the guidance of adults. Swimming time should not be too long. 20-30 minutes should be taken to shore for a rest, and the swimming time should not exceed 2 hours. Before swimming, we should do full body exercise, fully move joints, relax muscles, so as to avoid cramps, sprains and other accidents after water. If cramps occur, calm down, dont panic, shout and help yourself. Common is cramp of small foot, at this time should do backstroke position, with hand to pull toe, calf force forward pedal, strive to shallow water area or shore near. So I call here: we should cherish life and stay away from drowning.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 7

When you see a mother pregnant in October, after suffering countless painful and long waiting, with the loud cry of "wow", proclaiming the birth of a new small life, will you sigh that life is hard won? When you see a patient suffering from serious illness, he struggles painfully on the edge of life and death, numerous comas, countless times of life hanging on the line... Does his desire for life make you feel sorry for the fragility of life? Life is everywhere. In the endless stream of people, the heart that often beat, that smiling face, is a fresh life; In the forest with wisdom breath, bathed in the sun and growing trees, the great shore and peaceful ancient trees are full of vitality; In the vast sea, carefree swimming fish, graceful coral, is countless smart and beautiful life. But such a beautiful life is sometimes so fragile, a few minutes ago, but because of their own greed, ignorance and instant disappear! Pupils should swim in the swimming area with safety zone, and it is forbidden to swim in the swimming area. If river is selected, the area familiar with underwater conditions should be selected.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 8

Swimming should be accompanied by collective activities, not swimming alone, preferably with the guidance of adults. Swimming time should not be too long. 20-30 minutes should be taken to shore for a rest, and the swimming time should not exceed 2 hours. Before swimming, we should do full body exercise, fully move joints, relax muscles, so as to avoid cramps, sprains and other accidents after water. If cramps occur, calm down, dont panic, shout and help yourself. Common is cramp of small foot, at this time should do backstroke position, with hand to pull toe, calf force forward pedal, strive to shallow water area or shore near. So I call here: we should cherish life and stay away from drowning.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 9

Drowning is a serious concern that can happen unexpectedly and quickly. To prevent drowning, it is crucial to take precautions both in and around water.

Firstly, always swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. These professionals are trained to ensure swimmers safety and respond promptly in emergencies. It’s important to never swim alone or in unfamiliar places where conditions may be unsafe.

Secondly, learning to swim is a vital skill that can save lives. Schools and communities should provide swimming lessons to children and adults, teaching essential water safety techniques such as floating and proper breathing. Knowing how to stay calm and float can be lifesaving in emergencies.

Furthermore, understanding the dangers of water is essential. Never underestimate the power of currents or the depth of water bodies. Avoid running or engaging in rough play near water, as it increases the risk of accidents.

Additionally, wearing proper safety gear like life jackets is crucial, especially for inexperienced swimmers or in boating activities. Life jackets can keep individuals afloat even if they tire or lose consciousness unexpectedly.

In conclusion, preventing drowning requires awareness, preparation, and respect for water safety guidelines. By following these precautions-swimming in safe areas, learning essential skills, respecting water dangers, and using safety gear-we can significantly reduce the risks associated with water activities and enjoy them safely.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 10

Water safety is a critical topic that everyone should understand to prevent accidents and ensure enjoyable aquatic activities. Here are essential tips for staying safe around water:

Firstly, always swim in areas supervised by lifeguards. These professionals are trained to monitor water conditions and respond quickly to emergencies. Swimming in designated areas reduces the risk of accidents and ensures help is nearby if needed.

Secondly, learn to swim and teach others, too. Swimming is not only a valuable skill but also boosts confidence in the water. Many communities offer swimming lessons for all ages, emphasizing water safety techniques such as floating and proper breathing.

Moreover, never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy or in groups, even if you consider yourself a strong swimmer. In emergencies, having someone nearby can make a lifesaving difference.

Additionally, respect water rules and signs. Pay attention to warning signs about currents, depth, or dangerous marine life. Avoid diving into unknown waters or areas with hidden hazards.

Furthermore, wear appropriate safety gear. For boating or water sports, wear a life jacket, regardless of swimming ability. Life jackets keep you afloat and are crucial in emergencies or accidents.

In conclusion, water safety is everyones responsibility. By swimming in supervised areas, learning to swim, always having a buddy, respecting water rules, and wearing safety gear, we can enjoy water activities safely and prevent accidents effectively. Always remember, safety first when it comes to enjoying the water!

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 11

Water safety is paramount for everyone, especially during recreational activities. Drowning, a significant risk around water bodies, can be prevented with proper precautions.

Firstly, never underestimate the water. Even calm-looking lakes or pools can pose dangers like strong currents or sudden deep spots. Always swim in designated areas where lifeguards are present, as they are trained to respond swiftly in emergencies.

Secondly, learning to swim is essential. It not only builds confidence but also equips individuals with lifesaving skills. Schools and community centers should offer swimming lessons to ensure everyone, regardless of age, can enjoy water activities safely.

Furthermore, never swim alone. Always have a buddy or swim in groups. This simple precaution ensures someone is available to assist in case of emergencies, reducing risks significantly.

Additionally, understanding and respecting water rules are crucial. Follow posted signs about water depth, currents, and prohibited activities. Avoid risky behaviors like diving into shallow water or swimming in restricted areas.

Moreover, wearing appropriate safety gear such as life jackets is non-negotiable, especially for boating or in unfamiliar waters. Life jackets keep individuals afloat and provide a critical safety net in unexpected situations.

In conclusion, water safety is a shared responsibility. By adhering to these guidelines—swimming in supervised areas, learning to swim, always having a buddy, respecting water rules, and wearing safety gear—we can minimize risks and enjoy water activities safely and responsibly.

中考英语作文:防溺水安全 12

Drowning is a preventable tragedy that claims lives each year. To reduce these incidents, it is essential to educate individuals on water safety and take proactive measures.

Firstly, swimming should always occur in designated areas with lifeguards present. These professionals are trained to monitor swimmers and respond promptly to emergencies, ensuring a safer environment for all.

Secondly, learning to swim is a fundamental skill that everyone should acquire. Swimming lessons not only teach strokes but also emphasize water safety practices like floating and controlled breathing. Such skills can prevent panic and aid in self-rescue if needed.

Furthermore, never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy or in groups, as companions can provide immediate assistance in emergencies. This practice is particularly crucial in open water where conditions can change rapidly.

Additionally, awareness of water conditions is key. Respect warning signs about currents, depth changes, or hazardous marine life. Avoid risky behaviors like overestimating your abilities or swimming in unfamiliar or unsupervised areas.

Moreover, wearing life jackets is essential, especially for non-swimmers or during boating activities. Life jackets keep individuals buoyant even if they become exhausted or incapacitated unexpectedly.

In conclusion, preventing drowning requires vigilance and adherence to safety protocols. By swimming in supervised areas, acquiring swimming skills, always having a buddy, respecting water conditions, and wearing life jackets, we can significantly reduce drowning incidents and ensure safer aquatic experiences for everyone.

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