
发布者:飞哥 时间:2022-11-17 12:51




Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Poor Tess, she was survived because of love, and was also destroyed because of love.

Tess was a very beautiful girl. Her beauty and elegance was prominent under her white appearance and clear soul. Yes! I wanted to say that she was so white and pure, and this white could not be profaned by dirt; she was very white, brilliant and amazing, and this white could change this world into happiness; she was pretty white, delicate and charming, and this white could even make flowers feel shy! To my surprise, I really liked the repeated played music in this film. The music was so wonderful, and could let us feel a deep touch of sadness. Although the plots of the story was romantic, I still smelt the sorrow, which controlled by fate. The plots and the pictures were seamlessly matched up, the audio and video with the fate of the duet, also painted Tess a fatalistic color. Generally speaking , the main melody, the background music and the blending melody were interspersed in this story, and run with a touch of sadness, loneliness, continuous weak and helplessness, indicated that the dark fate.

The novel told a pure, loyal, intelligent, strikingly attractive girl; Tess was seduced by a so-called gentleman----Alec. Unfortunately, her ideals could not prevent her from sliding further and further into misfortune after she became pregnant. Forced by the gossips and the church’s blame, Tess thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past, she decided to go to a distant diary farm but still thought she was of guilty. Maybe God didn’t approve of this, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart----Angel Chare. They loved each other deeply. Somehow,

Tess agreed to marry Angel. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told her past to Angel, and hoping to be forgiven. But she was wrong and Angel didn’t listen to her explanation at all. Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. Alec found Tess again and forced her to stay with him. At last, Tess couldn’t bear it and killed Alec. Everything was changed. Tess was arrested for her murder eventually. And this story was ended with the death of Tess.

In the novel, it reflected the Patriarchal. And Tess‘s father is one of representatives of male parents of the patriarchal society, who dominate the whole family. Thus sent Tess to D’Urbervilles mansion and marry a wealthy man. Alec and Angel are also endowed with the male chauvinism, which made them hurt Tess physically and mentally.

According to Tess, she was a rebelled girl. Firstly, she would not succumb to social pressures. The contest between corruption and innocence took place not only in a field, but also in the human’s heart. In Tess’s life, there were two men----Alec and Angel. Both of them had a great influence to change her fate. Facing Alec’s force, Tess attempts to rebel him. And after the seducing, Tess decided to leave Alec and work for a distant diary farm. She used her action to prove her rebellion to the world. Secondly, Tess killed Alec at last. This thing showed her rebellion again. In the latter part, as Angle returned with renewed loyalty and love for Tess, it became apparent that Alec’s

trick had considerably broken down Tess’s loyalty to Angle. Torn apart, her shame and grief caused her violent side to explode; Tess killed her lover in a murderous rage out of love for her husband. In a word, Alec of the representatives of the bourgeoisie, he had a bourgeois state apparatus, law, and ethics, as a backup. While Tess and his contradictions, it could also be said that the workers were oppressed and the specific performance of the entire capitalist social contradictions.

At the same time, she was coward. This character was also showed on two aspects. First, her loves for Angel. As a typical nineteenth century progressive representative, Angel rejected the values handed to him, and set off in search of his own. His disdain for tradition which was an independent spirit contributes to his aura of charisma and general attractiveness. However, it must be pointed out was that he had not really jump out of his area against the old moral values, he had not really despised from the class prejudices, he was still upholding the decadent bourgeois social customs and moral hypocrisy. Second, her second stay with Alec also presents her cowardice. Tess’s situation made her very vulnerable to Alec’s persuasions. And she was obviously heartbroken and needed to be loved more than ever. She was also distraught by her family’s ever-worsening financial situation. Thus she became Alec’s mistress for the sake of her family. When she felt the opinions of all the sacrifices was so insignificant, as all acts of levity, finally decided to angrily rebel. Of course, Tess once expressed her plainness angrily by the last letter to Angel under a completely disappointed condition. Tess's soul was pure and her virtue was lofty, but in the face of bourgeois morality, she was regarded as the typical offend public decency, serve to the lascivious example.

Tess was such a strong and beautiful girl, she did nothing wrong, but in the face of power and violence, and she had been to forbear. Finally she rebelled and she paid the cost of life. Tess's life was ruined by the two men; I thought Angel should be responsible mainly. Sometimes happiness was really completely in our hands, it was easy to get happiness if we forgave other people. If the thoughts were radical and stubborn, it would not only harm ourselves, but also destructed our happiness. Angel had been haunting because of the deep psychological ingrained traditional ideas of ethics; it personally ruined the happiness of Tess’s life. Just imagined, if Angel was open-minded and forgave the past of Tess, the tragic story would not happen, and Tess did not become a murderer. Angel’s heart was bound by a secular moral values, and what angry was that Angel had the same past as Tess’s, but he could not forgive Tess as Tess forgave him, which not only showed the gender injustice, but also reflected the social patriarchal thought at that time.

I was so touched by her story after read all above these words. In order to get her love Tess paid the most expensive price of her, and she preferred to do in that way. What the love really it is, it is worthy someone to afford their lives for it? I do not know, and I also think many people will have no certain idea about it. But they will certified their love in their own ways, and whatever they might are. They deserved respected always, I think.

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