
发布者:石狼 时间:2024-10-20 14:21




愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 1

"Grapes of Wrath" is written by John Steinbeck. It was a great work that inspired millions of people during the great depression. In 30s the economic meltdown era, a large number of farmers in the Midwest to abandon their homes, like a fleeing westward migration to California as a better life pursuit. Reality is not as good as ideal, but they do not give up hope. The story is moving, the content is realistic and accusation, and everywhere reveals the brilliance of human nature. The hero was driven out of the land by his bankers tractor, sold his family property, moved to California, and pursued a new life. Along the way, the elderly elders died, but unable to bury, young people continue to disperse and go. After a hard journey to California, he was driven and robbed even as "Russian Dutch man". So big a country has no place for them. Their poor life can not help but shed tears, but exhibited in this hardship among the glory of humanity is impressive.

There are 3 characters in the novel that left a deep impression on me. Thats Tom, grandma and mom. Tom is an honest, kind-hearted, very sincere person, as long as you believe is right even if the pay is also going to do, he is not evil bow, like Tom more than family love, are we the readers love, although this image seems to be ideal. Grandma is a naughty boy, he is stubborn, he is naive, he is cute. I really love this grandmother, his death makes me sad for a long time. Mother is the most vivid character portrayed in this novel. Although she is only a housewife, she is the master of the family. She has a strong aura to maintain the integrity and dignity of the family, at the same time she has the ability to accept the suffering of the extraordinary, and then the great disaster can not beat her, nor can it defeat the family.

In the authors writing, although he severely condemned human ignorance and greed, but to show readers the natural life and vitality. He lovingly described in the sunlight on the grass, the grass is warm, the grass in the shadow of a variety of insects in the activities of ants and ant lion busy layout catch insects into the air trap, the grasshopper jumped up, patted her wings, with many fine woodlice feet like armadillo like a slow paced." In the eyes of the author, although the dust storm brings disaster, the life in nature is so beautiful and lovely. Nature gives human beings something so beautiful. What else does man have to do to destroy this harmony and balance?

If humans have been so unrestrained, all you know, dont know return, then harmony of human and nature once it is broken, it will enter a vicious spiral, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate. "Protecting the environment and protecting the environment is our common responsibility."." This sentence from childhood to hear, or to mention the important agenda. For the future of mankind, sustainable development must also be mentioned as an important agenda.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 2

The Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1940, the same year it was directed by John F. Kennedy. Ford made a movie of the same name. The "mothers road" and "Flying road" mentioned in the novel are still the honorific names for Route 66.

Route 66 was built during the Great Depression. In difficult times in the United States, the construction of Route 66 alone provides tens of thousands of jobs and creates a chance of life for many people. After the completion of Route 66, many people with the dream of wealth on this highway all the way west, hoping to explore more opportunities in the infinite possibilities of the West, to create a better life for themselves and the next generation. In Steinbecks account, Yoder, the protagonist of the story, is one of the countless pioneers heading west.

"The Grapes of Wrath" tells the story of the frontier road is full of bitterness, but also a little warmth. This work awakens the passion of Americans to pursue freedom, embodies the national spirit of American courage, freedom and courage incisively and vividly, and also shows the great historical status of Highway 66.

After reading "The Grapes of Wrath", I feel that this is really a huge impact of the book.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 3

The novel was full of so much misfortune and so much sorrow that I could not let go of it long after I had read it.

Farmers in the United States also have such a history of blood and tears, which I think many people do not know, which also left a deep impression on me. The economic panic of the 1930s and 40s in the United States was a great disaster for farmers. A large number of farmers lost their land and were forced to wander, and the process of wandering was full of blood and tears.

There are three characters in this novel that make a deep impression on me. Thats Tom, Grandma and Mother. Tom is an honest, kind and honest man, who will do what he thinks is right even at the cost, and he will not bow to the evil forces. Such Tom is loved not only by his family, but also by us readers, although this image seems to be a little idealistic. Grandma is a naughty child, he is stubborn, he is naive, he is cute. I really love this grandma, his death made me sad for a long time. Mother is the most vivid character portrayed in this novel. Although she is only a housewife, she is the head of the family. She has a strong aura to maintain the integrity and dignity of this family, and she has an extraordinary ability to accept suffering, no matter how big the disaster can not break her, it can not break the family.

A large number of farmers in the middle of the United States have lost their land and been forced to wander, their dream is only to be able to eat and warm, to have their own home, but such humble aspirations are also torn apart by ruthless reality. They are no match for those cunning capitalists. The cunning and ugliness of the big capitalists is evident in this book, but the deeper problem is the capitalist system, which protects the interests of the big capitalists at the expense of the poor, and this is the only way for the development of capitalist countries, and the British enclosure movement is also.

There is a memorable passage in the book: the farmers burned mountains of oranges and grapes and buried many pigs alive in order to maintain the price of these things, while millions of homeless people starved to death because they had nothing to eat, and even the grapes became angry. I remember when I was young, I often heard my parents teach me that capitalist countries are very luxurious and rotten, that large quantities of milk are thrown away and large quantities of fruit are burned. At that time was still small, after listening to quite shocked, this is not a waste, this capitalist country is really x waste ah. In fact, on reflection, this is also a necessity. Imagine that those farmers also need to survive, if there is no profit, it means that their hard work is useless. Then why not give things to the poor or sell them cheaply? This is of course impossible, if you do so, not only will you lose blood and no loss, but also will be excluded and condemned by your peers. Therefore, no one is the savior, everyone will only think about their own interests, if they want to survive, only on their own.

The novel is perhaps more to express that poor people should unite at critical moments to overcome difficulties together. "Only the poor will give you a helping hand when you need one." It also celebrates the working peoples ability to endure hardship. This is where the book moves the public.

In fact, each of us has to face a lot of suffering in our life, we can choose how to face. If we are brave enough to accept suffering, nothing can break us.

Even if we unfortunately become a loser, so what, life is not still moving forward, how many beautiful scenery in front of us silently waiting for us...

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 4

In recent days, I have been reading the novel The Grapes of Wrath. Before reading, I was deeply skeptical about this topic. How could the teacher recommend us to read this book? With such a doubt to read, just read once, the article is not short, and finally understand a little bit, the original teacher recommended this book is not only to read a story about a large number of farmers bankrupt, fleeing famine, more importantly from the perspective of ecology to understand the story.

From the overall context of the book, it is based on the Joad familys escape or search for "happy life" process as the main idea to describe the whole story. It truly reflects the American society and the suffering life of the peasants at the bottom during the Great Depression. In addition, the author also shows the interdependence between man and land and the concern and reflection on the human living environment in a unique way.

In the first chapter, the description of the natural environment is mainly used to render the atmosphere, so that people can unconsciously produce a kind of understanding of the environment at that time (including natural environment and natural environment). For example: "The wind blows the dry corn again, and it is more and more tight." The road was dusty again, and the cornfields behind it were thick with gray smoke. At night, the Phoenix runs faster, close to the ground. She digs up the soil around the corn roots. The stalks fall horizontally to the ground, indicating the direction of the wind." "At night its pitch black. The stars cant get through the sand, and the lights in the house cant get through the Windows." These descriptions of the corn, the road and the night seem to say that God is not so fair to this land, giving them only some wind and dust storms, but it is not known that there are other reasons, thus arousing the readers interest in the following. Looking down, we can see the second chapter, one of the protagonists of the novel Joad appeared, and then re-write Tom returned to his hometown after his release, found that the appearance of his hometown has completely changed, the original people are missing, including his family, and later in the explanation of Mulley, only to know where the family went. Many people in the village have gone west to California to survive, and he has experienced some incredible things, one of the most hated is watching the entire land being mercilessly destroyed by tractors. "For this land, Grandpa killed the Indians and Dad killed the snakes. Perhaps we can get rid of banks -- banks are worse than Indians and snakes." In order to make maximum profit, the agricultural capitalists constantly increase the number of machines. In the United States, as technology advances, machines are increasingly threatening the land. More and more tractors mercilessly bulldoze the houses and occupy the land, making the middle and low farmers who originally lived on the land bankrupt and displaced, and then had to go west to California to find a beautiful life story. After setbacks along the way, they finally arrived in California, only to find that life there is far less good than the ideal, but the reality is cruel, they can only be satisfied with the status quo to do some cheap labor for others, but the income can only feed their family, there is no little surplus at all. Is this the good life? Judging from the performance and mood of the protagonists in the article, the answer is certainly no.

Speaking of this story, it is indeed moving, and very critical and ironic, but from the ecological perspective of the analysis of this article, it seems to be more meaningful.

The people in the book are closely linked to the land. When modern agriculture drove them away with tractors, they protested angrily: "We measured the land, we reclaimed it." On this earth we are born, on this earth we work, and on this earth we die." The land was their life, their mother, their everything, and they would not leave it here. Its gut-wrenching when the land is ravaged, when its run over by big tractors." From this we can see that the causes of land death are not only human ignorance and greed, but also the ravages of modern technology and modern industry. Sad land and sad nature need human sympathy and love! But in fact, the opposite is often the case, and the endless cultivation and exploitation of land eventually bring only raging sandstorms and endless deserts. I dont think this is what humans want! There is a good description: sitting in this machine, people can neither see the real face of the land, nor smell the smell of the land, can not step on the earth, nor feel the warmth and power of the earth, and the relationship between people and the land will disappear. "When the crops are growing and reaping, no one has ever crushed a pinch of earth with his finger and let the crumbs slip through his fingers. No one touched the seed or wanted it to grow. People eat what they dont grow, they have nothing to do with bread anymore. The earth suffers and dies under the machine of iron, because no one loves it or hates it; No one prayed for it, no one cursed it." The natural relationship between man and the land is severed, and not only does the land suffer, but people become empty machines.

As a necessary element in the ecosystem, human beings must rely on nature, and the deterioration of the natural environment will seriously endanger human survival. This requires that human beings must respect the value of nature, love nature and protect nature when using and developing nature, and achieve harmony and win-win between man and nature.

However, in the authors pen, although he harshly condemns human ignorance and greed, he still shows the reader the life and vitality of nature. He describes fondly how the sun shines on the grass, the grass is warm, the shadows of the grass are full of insects, ants and ant-lions are busy setting traps for insects, grasshoppers jump into the air and tap their wings gently, and tide worms walk slowly like armadillos with their many thin feet. In the authors eyes, despite the disaster caused by the dust storm, life in nature is so beautiful and lovely. What nature has given man is so good, what reason does man have to destroy this harmony and balance?

At the end of the article, we can see that California, which was able to provide tens of thousands of natural resources for local residents and enough for the survival and continuation of these homeless farmers, has been seriously damaged because of the greedy development of big farmers and big capitalists. With a bumper harvest, prices plunged under the control of big landowners and big bankers, and many small local farmers could not afford to pay for the harvest, only to watch the fruit rot on the branches and watch the debt flood in. The next year, insolvent small farmers will join the ranks of the unemployed. And their farms or orchards would be absorbed into larger estates. But the fruit produced on this big farm cannot be completely free for the homeless people to eat, they would rather rot than take one to save the suffering farmer, the nature of the world has changed. Has become a part of the world... This is the result of mans infinite greed for nature.

The above is my feeling after reading this novel, how to say, people and nature or a little harmony is better, respect for nature is also respect for themselves, I think so. Look, in the past decade, due to human overuse of natural resources, the environment has been hit hard by everyone: acid rain, the ozone hole, the greenhouse effect... As well as the serious consequences they bring, are our human beings in the nature to get at the same time to her harm, there is also a saying that those consequences are nature in retaliation for human beings, perhaps this is the case. If human beings have been so intemperate, have only known to ask for, do not know the return, then once the harmony between human and nature is broken, it will certainly enter a vicious circle, the consequences are unimaginable. "Protecting and caring for the environment is our common responsibility as human beings." This sentence has been heard since childhood, and still needs to be mentioned as an important agenda. For the future of mankind, sustainable development must also be high on the agenda.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 5

The tractors drove farmers off the land, and while industrial agricultural production boosted the output and quality of agricultural products, the farmers fell into extreme poverty because of the devaluation of labor. Native farmers who owned land and property had to sell the land they had cultivated for generations, or leave their land for distant California to make a living. However, on the way, a large number of farmers have become "refugees" because of poverty. Local farmers, real estate developers and capitalists take advantage of the trend to reduce the employment price, and let the refugees to pick ripe peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, cotton and other crops; There are more refugees, but more harvests. The displaced can only do manual work beyond the original price of employment to earn a meager salary to support the elderly, women and children who bring their families.

On this road, it is sad and painful, many bumps, tribulations, death; Some people can not hold on to this hopeless pain, abandoned the family fled back to the original land. Despair spread among the crowd.

Chapter 25 is one of the best chapters in the book: "Those who can graft and change seeds cannot figure out how to make their produce available to the hungry." Those who create new varieties of fruit cannot create a system where people can eat their fruit." By changing seeds, improving planting techniques and spraying insecticides on fruit trees, technology has produced bountiful fruits that grow fat, sweet and juicy, but rot quietly in warehouses. People are almost dead poor and cant afford anything, but how can the capitalists sell these fruits at low prices or even give them to the displaced people for free? You cant afford it, I cant sell it, just throw it all away, burn it, destroy it. Well, if you want to pick up the discarded crops, call the guards to stop you. Hordes of people struggle to the brink of starvation, while batches of food are destroyed for no purpose or value. Hunger and despair simmered into anger.

The "grape" in the book, the most intuitive meaning is a harvest, indeed a large harvest in nature, the author used a large number of positive statements, as well as a few words mixed in the dialogue of the characters to describe a large harvest. And more deeply, that is, the suppressed anger in peoples hearts, like the process of grape ripening, the beginning is just a little inconspicuous white seed, with time, the sun slowly grow, the white seed into a small ginkgo, and then the green fruit, and from green to red, become purple and black, full hanging on the branch, the branch is pressed into a bend, must use the support to not fall down. Its a beautiful metaphor, really, that the full, purplish black grapes, their skins so shiny with juice, are about to burst out, like a raging fire, from the inside out, just short of a spark to detonate it.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 6

The grieving mother, who had just given birth to a dead baby, loosened the covers and breastfed the starving man with a mysterious smile on her face. This weak and selfish woman who kept complaining finally became a determined mother. That was the end of the Grapes of Wrath. How I wish Joe would take up the faith of the missionaries, organize and lead the poor, and reverse the outcome. But they may eventually starve to death.

The Joads, along with other poor farmers, were forced to leave their homes, and with the hope of a better life, they traveled to California along Route 66, the refugee trail. On the way, my grandfather, who died of a stroke, was buried in a foreign land. Maybe, for Grandpa, he died the day he left his homeland. The whole family must go through the desert, can not be delayed in the desert, the painful mother had to hide the death of grandma, and the dead grandma lay all night... During the long journey, they were blackmailed and rejected all the way, and the description of the West by the one-eyed dragon, and the bad news they kept hearing along the way, failed to stop them from moving forward, failed to extinguish their vision for a better future. Either way, its their only hope. Beautiful California, full of fruit, sunshine and grapes, oranges, peaches, and the fantasy of countless jobs, so that people can eat, maybe children can go to school...

However, arriving in California, everything is shattered, starving families and children, desperately struggling to get cheap jobs that are not enough to fill their stomachs, and cannot be sustained. A family with no food, no work, nothing, will starve to death...

So difficult, but never lost hope, has been desperately trying to live, desperate to survive, facing a lot of suffering and endless despair, still do not give up, they just want to live on their hands, but why so difficult?

However, it is full of warmth, and on the way to meet the warm and kind couple, help each other warm each other. The poor in their misery send kindness and warmth to each other.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 7

Angry grapes after reading English 7

When I finished reading this novel, my heart was very depressed and uncomfortable. The life of the bottom people is really very hard, very hard.

The story is about the Joad familys struggles with being forced to move.

Tom Joad is on parole and heading home after being convicted of a manslaughter. On the way to meet for a long time do not pray "pastor" Casey. The two men then set foot on Toms old home. Upon returning home, the Joad family was forced to relocate. The reason for the relocation is that the land is about to be taken over by the bank, and the people who currently live here have no right to continue using the land. The Joads talked about following the leaflet and going north to earn a living.

I encountered a lot of discrimination and difficulties on the way. Being picked on by the cops, bullied by the foreman, whatever. Even the most basic problems of food and clothing can not be solved. The book says that a farm originally needed only three thousand people to complete, but the farmer sent out leaflets saying that six thousand people were needed, and the farmer began to reduce the wages. Thats kind of sneaky.

When the Joad family, after settling into a council run camp, learn that the police deliberately intend to cause trouble in the camp and intervene in the camp, Tom and his gang calm down. After wounding the police, Casey volunteered to take the crime, and Tom felt guilty. In a chance Tom and Casey meet, Casey said his inner thoughts, do not know to be betrayed by their own people, was killed, Tom in anger will hit Casey people killed and run away.

Tom inherited Kathys spark and left the Joads. After Tom fled, the Joad family went back to the mobile life.

The image of the Joad family picking cotton stuck in my mind. Its hard to have a bag around your neck, between your legs.

Joads eldest daughter gave birth in the storm, and the child was stillborn. Hiding from the rain, going into a barn, breastfeeding a dying man. This is the end of the story.

In an old age without clear legal supervision and suffering by the lower classes, life was like an ant. The government brute force machine and the ranchers conspired to bully the underprivileged. People at the bottom dare not speak up. They approved shovelling grapes and vines, burying pork, potatoes in water, oranges in oil. Better go bad than feed the hungry.

The grape must be angry if it is buried in the ground, because it has not withdrawn its value.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 8

There is no social meaning in Hardy, though it is always claimed to be, although I do not think that only social meaning is a good novel. And "The Grapes of Wrath" is really a novel of deep social significance, condenses the social conditions of an era, and is so delicate and profound. For a long time, a heart has not been so shaken by words. In fact, he has been deliberately avoiding American novels, second only to avoiding Japanese novels. The reason why I avoid Japanese novels, because I hate that nation, after I made it clear that I hate, I refuse to read Japanese novels, just like eating, after all, there are a lot of things to fill the stomach, deliberately abandon two things I think is irrelevant, I would rather. But I can give no clear reason for avoiding the American novel, except "It is a new continent after all", and such reasons do not seem to contribute to this result, so what else, I do not know.

Published in 1939, The Grapes of Wrath describes the story of a large number of farmers fleeing for bankruptcy during the economic crisis of the 1930s in the United States, reflecting the forced and helpless of farmers, as well as aggressive poverty, and the miserable struggle under the extreme situation. After reading, I feel that this is not only a story in the United States in the 1930s, but could very well happen in any era and any place in any country - as long as there is such an objective environment, and such an objective environment is not difficult to prepare for. According to the book, there are roughly two reasons for farmers bankruptcy, one is wind and sand, and the other is tractors. The wind and sand reduced the yield of the land, so that these "dividend farmers" (farmers who cultivated the land of the landlord and shared the profits with them) could not give the landowners full benefits. In order to protect their own interests, the landowners used tractors to industrialize agriculture in order to effectively reduce costs. A single tractor could wipe out ten or twelve farms, and so the peasants were driven off the land by the tractor, even though they had lived on the land for decades, and even though it was their ancestors who had driven out the Indians, the fundamental owners of the land, in the first place, and had shed a lot of blood. The farmers, who had their land confiscated, sold their possessions, bought an old car, and moved west with their families to California. All the way, suffered a lot, many people have died before they arrived, and what is more sad is that California is not as beautiful as the legend. Large tracts of good land exist, but they already have owners, and people would rather waste them than let them sow; There were also opportunities for work, but because so many immigrants arrived and everyone was hungry, they managed to reduce their wages to the point where six people could pick peaches for a day for only one dinner, and it was clear that the serfs, who had been eliminated with blood and life, were about to rise again. The hungry farmer finally understood: we raise a horse to make it work, but in the winter when there is no work to do, we do not make it hungry, and our hunger is because we are people, not horses. These people are not hungry anymore, they are dying or even starving. At the same time, huge piles of oranges were sprinkled with oil, huge piles of potatoes were sunk into the ocean, tons of coffee were used as fuel, and batches of fat pigs were buried in puddles of lime. These people are not only hungry, theyre hated. The rich hate them because their hunger frightens them and makes them rebel; The poor hated them, hated that they might compete with them for work, and even if they did not, their wages would be cut by competition for their low wages. Everyone hated them because their naked poverty had brought disease and squalor and spoiled Californias paradise.

After having a little experience, he also tried to resist, appearing in the form of strikes, but the people were difficult to unite and were soon suppressed. By the end of the novel, there is no sign of any improvement in their situation. Its very sad. Im dying to know what happened to these people? What has become of the descendants of these people? In 1940, the novel was made into a film, and when I came to see it, I was disappointed. Generally speaking, films based on novels are better than the novels themselves, after all, they are set in action, but this is an exception. I thought about it, and I think it might have something to do with the fact that the novel is so good. The beauty of this novel lies in the delicate language, in the arrangement of the structure, and in the presence of many insignificant but effective fleshless secondary characters, and the film is unable to express these, the film only remains the skeleton of the novel, blood and flesh are gone. For example, there are several small animals and insects in the novel, so that each paragraph is filled with noise and even the slight movement of tentacles. Read the words line by line, and every now and then wonder: My God, how did he see that? How did he hear it? How did he put words into words that I could see and hear? These images and sounds are too late for the film to represent, and thus become dull and dry. In the face of farmers despair, the author is optimistic, and says "the road for the poor is getting wider and wider."

Although I myself can not see where this road is wide, I still admire and thank him for his optimism, otherwise, what can I do? I am especially grateful to the author for his analysis in the book, which makes it possible for a non-political mind like me to understand some of the causes of oppression and oppression, as well as the social institutions necessary to produce these causes. Between cause and effect, we may learn to make some distinctions, to distinguish between what is the cause and what is merely the necessary result of the cause. Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962, and was praised by the laureates for his "realistic and thoughtful writing that shows compassionate humor and acute social observation."

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 9

Winter vacation, I read a book, the name is "The Grapes of Wrath". "The Grapes of Wrath" is a novel of profound social significance, condenses the social conditions of an era, and is so delicate and profound. For a long time, a heart has not been so shaken by words.

"The Grapes of Wrath" describes that in the economic depression at that time, small and medium-sized farmers were not able to survive under the monopoly merger of large corporations, and one after another went bankrupt. Thousands of families suddenly no land, displaced everywhere, at this time just received the leaflets of western California workers, the above salary is also described quite attractive, everyone for this "west" is very longing, so every family with the old and young crowded in a car to "beautiful" California to create a new world - the Yode family is the best representative. Tom (the second son of the Yoder family) is paroled from prison, and happily returns home to find the house empty, only to find out what happened, so they decide to go to the west to live again, in the bumpy journey Toms grandfather and grandmother have died, their broken truck is often in trouble, thanks to a search for a service station in the process met the Wilsons, From then on, the two families took care of each other on the road. Finally, after a very difficult and rugged journey, a large orchard, rows of willow, peach trees neatly arranged, they think that the happy day has arrived, which does not know that there are waves of difficulties are about to come.

The most impressive character in the book is Toms mother. In her husbands eyes, after their marriage, her personality is very gentle, but in a car breakdown, he resolutely decided to stay to repair the car, in order not to want to separate the whole family, is not just with our Chinese since ancient times "reunion" concept? What I admire most is that in the scene of the truck crossing the desert, grandma died in a foreign land because of her old body and could not withstand the difficult road, and now Toms mother, because he did not want to affect the whole family, he alone endured great grief lying beside the body, and pretended to be angry halfway to deceive the checkpoint personnel, which made the whole family successfully reach the destination. It is because she turns love into endless power that the whole family can tide over the difficulties one after another. This kind of determination and fearlessness would have been an amazing achievement in the modern era, but she was born at a time when, in the era of the Great Depression, it was difficult to feed a family, let alone create something? This really makes me deeply sorry.

What I hate most in The Grapes of Wrath is the contractors and orchard owners, who can do anything for their own interests, collude with the police to exploit migrant agricultural workers, and do anything for "money".

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 10

Steinbeck uses the writing technique of double chapter narration and single chapter supplementary narration to connect the whole story both naturally and smoothly and carefully. Against the background of the loss of land by the bottom farmers in the United States, he guides the readers through the hardships of tens of thousands of displaced people on the American roads. His strokes are simple, but they are mixed with pity, helplessness, compassion and uncontrollable anger. Steinbecks words, like the wind in the east and the rain in the west, are rough and real, pouring out and natural. In the book, the Joad family moves from east to west, north, and south again, and they experience numerous challenges of survival due to poverty. They will take a chance for hope and light when their growing anger is about to erupt, but more often they will endure, compromise and settle for food and survival. They always think that one day they will have a house to live in, but in the end, they are living here and there on the endless road.

Their family was separated because of wandering, which was the last thing the mother wanted to see, and also the most unacceptable for people with the earth as their blood. The moment the land is seized, the moment the tractor arrives at the door, it is doomed to the tragic career of countless poor farmers. If you want to survive, you can only erase the "we" deeply rooted in the heart, and let the spirit only "I" exist. However, when hunger and oppression ferment into anger, even if they lose their lives, they will join hands and deeply feel "part of their larger soul." They keep moving forward, and if they move back, they dont move back a whole step. In the pain and detour, they never gave up the enthusiasm, affection and kindness buried deep in the bones.

Poor people always help each other. This is the most moving part of the novel. Extremely weak daughter or use milk to save a dying poor, with this scene to end, have to make people temporarily forget anger, only let the heart stay. In almost destitute circumstances, the poor show a compassionate and considerate heart towards their fellow human beings. They are homeless, they have nowhere to go, no one to go by, they are weak, but ironically, only the weak will help the weak.

In addition, the mother is the backbone of the family. There was a tenacity and stability about my mother that reminded me of Dilsey, the black maid in The Sound and the Fury. The appearance of several female characters represented by the mother not only neutralizes the rough, muddy and simple feelings generated by the description of a large number of men in the book, but also brings a lot of smart and warm charm to the whole story. A mother is not only a woman, but also a watchman who keeps the hope of a family alive. Her compassion and patience are full of hope and hope for the future.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 11

In chapter four Casey says, "Many evil thoughts have come into his mind -- but they seem reasonable."

Because Casey had been a minister, he knew that his idea was "evil" from a religious point of view, but "reasonable" from a human point of view. This initially shows his doubts about religion and Jesus.

"The Holy Spirit tells me to lead people, but where Im supposed to lead them, I dont know."

When I saw this sentence, I was thinking that as a teacher under the examination mechanism, my profession called me to guide students to learn knowledge and get high marks. But sometimes, what exactly should I teach them? Should they get good grades now and get into good schools? Or we should cultivate their excellent qualities and be the people they want to be. Like Casey, I dont know.

Cathy woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and said, "What the hell! There is no good or evil in the world, people have their own ways. Its the same thing. Some of the things people do are good, some are bad, and thats all anyone can say."

I agree with Casey. I often feel that there is no clear line between good and evil. The same thing, some people think it is a good thing, but for others, it may be a bad thing, just from a different perspective. Like the little boy in the last scene of the book, who tells his "mother" that he broke someones window and stole bread. This should not be desirable behavior in any era. But he did it to save his dying fathers life. Those who do not know will accuse, criticize, and even beat him, arrest him and lock him up! But who knows the truth? Will admire, praise, praise, love his sensible! In the same way, I think its hard to make a clear distinction between good guys and bad guys. Good people can do bad things, and bad people can do good things. Most of the time, I am afraid that I have not been able to understand the heart of others, not really from the perspective of others to think about the problem, who can really appreciate whose heart? Even if you have a similar experience, it is still a different experience, and it is a different person, at most a little better than others.

In the sixth chapter of The Grapes of Wrath, Murry, like a ghost, refuses to leave his home, but it has been shovelled by tractors and the well filled. When he meets Tom, who is out of prison, and Kathy, who is no longer a priest, he is very reluctant to take out the two white-tailed gray rabbits and one that he has just caught. Finally, he said distressed, "Be careful not to burn the long-eared rabbit, I am not used to eating a long-eared rabbit with a black burn scar." But once his words gate opened, his depression, annoyance, helpless to find someone to talk to, Tom told him "better eat now." Mulley said, "Let it burn a little more until it is brown and thoroughly baked, and almost dark before you eat it." The reason for the change is, "I have to talk! I havent talked to anyone. Call me crazy, crazy!"

I can understand how Mulley feels. Eating is not the most important thing for him at the moment. Most of the time, we just need an audience, we just want to talk, even if the other person is not listening. It doesnt matter, as long as you have someone to talk to. I have such a time, depressed in the heart, and a good friends PHS and not in the service area, I will send a text message one by one, not to care whether he received. The heart of the depressed say out, the purpose is achieved. Maybe thats why I keep a diary. I dont think theres anything wrong with that. On the contrary, I think it is more conducive to regulating my state. Let all the depression is left on the notepad, you can slowly forget.

But Casey did say, "Youre just lonely -- youre not crazy."

Or sometimes I do too! Surrounded by loneliness, the house is filled with the atmosphere of loneliness.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 12

The Grapes of Wrath is written by John Steinbeck. This is a great work that inspired millions of people during the Great Depression. During the Great economic collapse of the 1930s, a large group of Midwestern farmers abandoned their homes and fled west to California in search of a better life. Although the reality is not as good as the ideal, they do not give up hope. The story is touching, the content is realistic and accusatory, and everywhere reveals the brilliance of humanity.

Driven out of their land by a bankers tractor, the family sells their property and moves to California in pursuit of a new life. Along the way, the old elders died one after another but could not afford to be buried, and the younger ones continued to disperse. Made it all the way to California only to be expelled as Russo-Dutch and even plundered. Theres no place for them in this big country. The hardship of their lives makes people cry, but the brilliance of humanity displayed in this hardship makes people admire.

They have been afflicted by poverty, but have not lost their dignity; Although the blow of the disaster, but did not lose the hope of life. All this has made people feel sad and angry, especially their hopes, as the book says, "the grapes of anger fill the hearts of men, where they grow and are heavy, ready for the harvest ", but these hopes are repeatedly dashed and crushed by the harsh reality. The tragic experience of the family makes people feel sad; The greed and shamelessness of the capitalists make people feel hateful; The strong and unyielding character of Joad and his mother in order to maintain personal dignity, as well as their moral judgment beyond ordinary people, makes people admire.

In The Grapes of Wrath, people face the hardships of life and the helplessness of reality, but they still have hope for life. I think this work can still be used as a reference for our real life. During the world economic crisis, many millionaires lost everything overnight, and many people were in debt. Many people stand on the top of tall skyscrapers, jump, and leave this world. However, have they ever thought that since they can make their own great achievements with their own hands, why not keep hope in their hearts and create their own brilliant world again? In the reality that we live in, its more important to thrive in a recession.

As college students, we will inevitably encounter some setbacks, but these setbacks are far from the experience of the characters in the book. We must learn to be strong and brave, learn to overcome this setback, and learn to enrich ourselves in the process. It should not be a little setback to give up, discouraged, self-degradation.

As John Steinbeck said, "Human beings have proven to have great hearts and spirits - courage in the face of failure, fearlessness, forgiveness and love." He passionately believed in the human capacity for self-improvement. Therefore, in the face of difficulties, what people should show is not to escape, but to face it bravely, to find a way out in the face of time and again, whether they can successfully solve this difficulty, at least leave a hope, at least let the soul grow.

After reading this work, one will be infected by the tenacious spirit of the characters in the story. In the face of their hard life, we should cherish the present life, safe and happy; When we encounter setbacks, we should learn to face them bravely, and let our hearts grow up in the face of them again and again. When the real environment is not good, we should learn: in the depression, we should be more vigorous.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 13

Recommended by a friend to read this novel, at first read feel ordinary, with the deepening of the contradictions in the article, slowly realize the deeper feelings. The Grapes of Wrath is set against the background of the bankruptcy, flight and struggle of farmers in the middle states of the United States during the economic crisis. The farmers were in debt, their land had been confiscated by big companies, their homes had been destroyed, and they were homeless. They had to move west to California to find a way out.

The novel takes the Yoder family as the representative, recounts the difficult experience of their family of 12 fleeing from Oklahoma to California. After selling everything in their home, they exchanged for an old car, and the family fled west by car. Grandpa and grandma died on the way to escape the famine because they were old and weak and missed their homeland. On the way, the weak-willed young men Noah and Connie escape halfway. In California, everything is not as good as they imagined, waiting for them are still unemployment, hunger and hardship. Farmers there used surplus labor to lower the wages of tenant farmers, and local forces extorted and persecuted wandering peasants. So the farmers got angry, they united, and they rose up against it. The "anger" in the novels title, The Grapes of Wrath, is a strong protest against the unjust social system that causes people to live in poverty and misery.

Jim Casey was originally a pastor, when he witnessed the brutal reality of the exploitation, oppression and slavery of a large number of farmers, he began to doubt his religious faith, and instead began to grow revolutionary political beliefs. He led the people who supported the suffering to unite in a revolution to overthrow the oppression of the capitalists and fight against the ruling class. He had a great love in his heart, a love for sentient beings, a love for the toiling masses, a love that made him sacrifice his life in violent conflicts, but his spirit was like a spark that could start a prairie fire. Tom Joad inherited his spiritual will.

Tom Joad is the embodiment of justice, with a tenacious spirit of resistance, even if it once landed him in prison. After being released from prison, he fled with his family and endured the oppression of the exploiters. When he saw the priest die in the violence, he decided to fight back and killed the police. He inherited the mantle of Jim Casey and became a revolutionary, fighting for the suffering of the underprivileged.

Mother is the spiritual pillar of the family, her maternal love shines in every corner of the family, in order to maintain the integrity of the family, the courage to fight against men. And supported his sons revolution. She treats other poor farmers generously and warms everyone around her with her love.

At the end of the whole story, Rossaxiang uses her own milk to save a stranger who is on the verge of starvation. She has grown from a fragile little girl who loves to cry to a warrior like a mother and brother, who struggles with this suffering life and this cruel reality. The full text uses simple language to describe the miserable conditions of the bottom working people, but everyone is tenacious struggle, with the cruel exploiters, tragic reality, suffering life. Despite its historical setting, The Grapes of Wrath is more like an American version of Alive.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 14

"The Grapes of Wrath" describes a short story that takes place in the economic depression of the United States, with the experience of Tom Yoders family as the main clue, showing people the difficult life of ordinary people in difficult times and the awakening of ideas during this period.

I think "the Grapes of Wrath" has two meanings. One is that these disasters happen because grapes and other fruits are so abundant and cheap that they cost more than peoples income, and as a result, more and more people go bankrupt. The second is that bankrupt people realize in the difficult life that "the most important thing to change the status quo is what to do ", they slowly wake up, and the" grapes "are more and more mature.

The bankrupt people became homeless, and they went to the road to wander. The road was crowded with many people, all looking for work like hungry wolves, desperate to find work. The wanderings, the terror, the hunger, and the hostility they had received had brought them together, united them, and made anger begin to brew in the stream. The displaced people on this side are hungry, but the big owners on the other side are destroying all kinds of food in order to maintain prices, and the government also sends soldiers to assist. The displaced can only watch as their "life-saving food" is burned and buried. A growing anger flashed into the eyes of the hungry people who had seen the great defeat. The grapes of anger fill the hearts of men, and there they grow, and are heavy, and ready for the harvest.

In the process of wandering, little Tom Yoders family experienced one blow after another and abandoned: the death of grandpa and grandma, the innocent imprisonment of his friend pastor Kai 浽, the difficult birth of his sister Rosa Xiang, the cowardly escape of his brother Noah and brother-in-law Connie, the indifference of the government, the discrimination of western residents, and the endless exploitation of big farmers... In the hard times of life, homes become broken, people become indifferent, the courage to live seems to be less; However, life has to go on, even if not for themselves, but also for the family, in order that they can live a little easier, for the integrity of the family, had to fight, fight...

There is no content in the novel about whether the refugees finally won the battle, whether they got a safe and happy life, but at the end of the novel there is such a sentence: "The grass shoots out of the earth; In a few days, the whole mountain turned pale green, and it was early spring. Can we get the answer "yes" from this description of the environment?

I hope that all those who have suffered and hurt can finally obtain that simple happiness...

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 15

The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck. It was a great work that inspired millions of people during the Great Depression. During the economic collapse of the 1930s, a large number of Midwestern farmers abandoned their homes, like one who fled west to California, to become a better life seeker. The reality is not as good as the ideal, but they will not give up hope. The story is touching, true, accusatory, and full of humanity. The hero is evicted from his land by a bankers tractor, sells his family property, and moves to California in pursuit of a new life. Along the way, the elderly died, but they could not be buried, and the young people continued to disperse. After a rough trip to California, he was even driven and robbed by the "Russian Dutch." Such a big country is not suitable for them. Their pitiful lives shed tears, but the brilliance of humanity in this suffering is impressive.

There are three characters in this novel that have left a deep impression on me. Thats Tom, Grandma and Mom. Tom is an honest, kind, very sincere man, as long as you believe is right, even pay is to do, he is not the bow of evil, just like Tom loves more than family, is the love of our readers, although this image seems to be ideal. Grandma is a naughty boy, he is very stubborn, he is very childish, he is very cute. I really loved this grandma, and his death made me sad for a long time. Mother is the most vivid character in the novel. Although she is only a housewife, she is the master of the house. She has the strength to maintain the integrity and dignity of her family, and she has the capacity to accept extraordinary suffering, and then the great disaster cannot overcome her, nor the family.

In the authors works, although he harshly condemns human ignorance and greed, he shows the reader the life and vitality of nature. He described fondly the sun on the grass, the warm grass, the grass in the shadows of all kinds of insects, the ants and the ant lions busy arranging traps to catch insects in the air, the grasshoppers jumping up and flaps their wings, and the many exquisite tide worms with feet like armadillos like slow rhythms. In the authors eyes, although the dust storm brings disaster, the life of nature is so beautiful and lovely. Nature has given man something so beautiful. What else does humanity need to do to disrupt this harmony and balance?

If human beings are so unfettered that everything you know, you do not know the return, then once the harmony between man and nature is broken, it will enter a vicious circle with unimaginable consequences. It is our common responsibility to protect the environment and protect it. Sustainable development must also be high on the agenda for the future of humanity.

愤怒的葡萄英语读后感 16

The Grapes of Wrath is written by John Steinbeck. This is a great work that inspired millions of people during the Great Depression. During the Great economic collapse of the 1930s, a large group of Midwestern farmers abandoned their homes and fled west to California in search of a better life. Although the reality is not as good as the ideal, they do not give up hope.

The most impressive character in the book is Toms mother. In her husbands eyes, her personality is very gentle, but in a car breakdown, she resolutely decided to stay to repair the car, in order not to want to separate the whole family, is not just with our Chinese since ancient times "reunion" concept? What I admire most is that in the scene of the truck crossing the desert, grandma died in a foreign land because of her old body and could not withstand the difficult road, and now Toms mother, because she did not want to affect the whole family, she alone endured great grief lying beside the body, and pretended to be angry halfway to deceive the checkpoint personnel, which made the whole family successfully reach the destination. It is because she turns love into endless power that the whole family can tide over the difficulties one after another. This kind of perseverance and courage, if the spirit of fear in the present age, it will have an amazing achievement.

We have just entered the society of young people, all aspects will inevitably encounter some setbacks, but these setbacks and the characters in the book compared to the encounter, far worse. We should learn to be strong and brave, to learn to overcome this setback, to learn to enrich themselves in the process, and should not encounter a little setback on self-abandonment, discouraged.

After reading this work, I was impressed by the tenacious spirit of the characters in the book. We should cherish the present life, safe and happy; When we encounter setbacks, we must learn to face them bravely, and let our hearts grow up in the face of them again and again.

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