
发布者:一鹤北飞 时间:2023-1-30 01:39




春天的英语作文 篇1

I love spring, spring has a fragrant and pleasant fragrance, it is every year to come, because it let us put the heavy jacket off, because it makes the trees wake up; because it makes the earth wearing bright, green and beautiful clothes.

In my childhood, I lived in a small village where spring air is fresh, flowers and grass are flourishing, colorful, trees are flourishing, and leaves of trees are beginning to come out.

My family is all in the spring. My mother knitted sweaters, my father planted fields, my grandfather planted vegetables, grandma cooked, and sometimes it made warm and warm. I sometimes help you.

My favorite season is spring, because spring brings us happiness.

春天的'英语作文 篇2

Some people like the hot sun hot summer, some people like the fruitful autumn, some people like snow in the winter, but I like the flowers of spring.

Connect stepping light footsteps coming towards nature, she is like a magician, with a magic wand, waving everywhere. With a wave of his hand, her on the grass, the grass from the earth drill out; She told jasmine, jasmine tree was full of flowers; She of wild flowers, colorful wildflowers smiled from the grass. Voice like a painting teacher, add on to trees and flowers are colourful color, she gave the red on the draw, azaleas, edition makes them look gorgeous; She gave the grass on the draw, willow green, let them become more vibrant. A breeze blowing, the trees and flowers are blowing in the wind, they laughed cheerfully. The earth is full of vitality.

Connect stepping light footsteps came to a small river, awaken the frozen river and swam in the bottom of the fish out of water, breathing the fresh air; Hibernate frog also woke up, singing cheerful tune; The swallow flew back from the south, enjoying the beautiful scenery here.

Connect with the cheerful step came to our side, she help us to take off the thick sweater, put on the light. People are out of the house, some play in the park, some in the suburbs for an outing, and fly a kite on the grass. People grin.

"Spring" spring is a good time, we don't miss her. I like spring.

春天的`英语作文 篇3


Spring gradually returned to the earth, was the spring of the girl wake up again gradually active in the earth up. It was covered with flowers district filled with rich floral and that not only sounds, but also a wonderful Xiaosheng, I am relaxed and happy.

I am afraid to break the share of quiet, intoxicated with the step by step, and slowly down the marble staircase that smooth, that the beauty of spring, that spring immediately to my eye: a small flower bud in the spring when the girl came out of a change Duo beautiful winter jasmine, it seems that one after another of the golden Shakes the Barley, gently in the wind, it is like a lively little speakers are just playing the wonderful music it! The winter jasmine neighbor has just stuck your head out soon, they are the world's fastest-growing, very tenacious vitality of tall bamboo plants, their straight to keep the basketball court next to the guard is not only the audience, looked very imposing. Wind, light leisurely way across their faces bamboo, bamboo in the ground trembled slightly, I really like in yelled out: "Go, go, must not lose!"

Look at that side of several happy children, are playing 老鹰捉小鸡 it! Nazhi awkward "eagle" left right hop hop kept on holding clever in a "chick" it! After a very long time, "Eagles" tired sweating profusely, or nothing. Suddenly a "chick" dodgy caught behind the success was an eagle, only the poor, "chick" a butt sitting on the ground Wawadaku, everyone in this moment with a laugh ... ...

I walked, kept trained on a sheet descending from the sky to collect samples of leaves and enjoy with ulterior motives in a red corner edge of the apricot in the springtime beauty of the contests, and they are playing it who is the most beautiful! Felt the kids happy mood. At this point, I was reminded of the beautiful spring of the Southern Song Dynasty poet Ye Shao Weng, "not worth the Garden" in the poem: Spring beauties lock in limitless, an affair, come. Ah! I love the beauty of spring. But I love spring, it is encouraging, urging them motivated share of the good mood.

春天的'英语作文 篇4

春天到了,小草变绿了,花儿开放了,蝴蝶和小蜜蜂匆匆忙碌着;小河的水变清了,鱼儿在快活地游来游去;东风吹来,风筝飞满了天;阳光里,不知名的小飞虫在跳跃着;小蚂蚁也钻出洞 穴,忙着找食物;大树脱下厚厚的`冬衣,发出嫩芽;小朋友们也脱下那厚厚的棉衣,换上春装,手拉手在暖暖的阳光下蹦呀。跳呀······春天真美!

When spring comes, the grass turns green, the flowers open, the butterflies and the bees are busy in a hurry; the water in the river becomes clear, the fish are swimming around happily; the east wind blows, the kites fly all over the sky; in the sun, the unknown flying insects are jumping; the ants are also drilling holes Hole, busy looking for food; tree take off the thick winter clothes, send out buds; children also take off the thick cotton clothes, put on the spring clothes, hand in hand in the warm sun jump ah. Jump... Spring is beautiful!

春天的英语作文 篇5

Winter was gone,spring comes.I love spring best,because it's very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.



春天的英语作文 篇6

pring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring。Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green。The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season。Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much.

春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月。春天,天气变得越来越暖和了。有时候,也会下很多雨。春天,所有的`事物都开始变化了。看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸。 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心。当然了,我也 是喜欢春节。总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春天。祝开心!

春天的英语作文 篇7

Spring is the first season of a year。There are there months in spring :Morch ,April and May ,The weather is warm and windy。It rains a lot。The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont。In spring,I can wear my shirts 。I often plant trees and go hiking 。So I like spring very much 。Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too。


春天的`英语作文 篇8

There are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. I think spring is the most beautiful season. In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring. We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine. I think spring is the best season ever!


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