
发布者:馬儿部落 时间:2024-10-23 05:19




河南抗洪救灾英语作文 1

Recently, Henan has suffered continuous heavy rainfall, and the serious disaster in many places has affected the hearts of the people all over the country. Countless rescue workers rushed to the front line, and countless social forces generously donated materials. They demonstrated the cohesion of the Chinese people with one heart and one mind with practical actions, and made great contributions to winning the battle of flood control and flood fighting.

Among these rescuers, there is a unique team. They wear blue uniforms, blue helmets and leather boots; They sometimes "ride the wind and waves" to find vitality, and sometimes "fly to the eaves and walls" to save lives; They come from all over the world, but they get together because of their common public welfare and love; They often rush to the disaster scene for emergency rescue at the first time, and leave quietly after the task is over; In the name of the "blue sky rescue team", they passed the torch of love with the "great love arm" of public welfare, brightened the darkness of the disaster and guarded the "most beautiful blue sky" of the people.

This broad "arm" bears the "family and country feelings" of the world“ Dad wants to go to Henan to help the people affected by the disaster. You must be obedient at home and wait for me to come back. " The members of Qingdao Jiaozhou blue sky rescue team held their young daughter tightly before going out, looked at their wife with the same firm eyes, and then followed the team to Zhengzhou, Henan Province overnight. After arriving at 4 a.m., they immediately carried out rescue“ "He" is not an example, "he" is the epitome of countless "blue sky rescue team members" who rush to Henan day and night. Their broad "arms" bear the "family and country feelings" of the world. In fact, they are also ordinary people. Among them are doctors, athletes, veterans and radio lovers. They also have relatives, families and friends they care about. But when danger comes, their hearts shine with a common name - "Chinese"! Home is the smallest country, and the country is thousands of families. It is their efforts to reunite families and make great China full of hope!

This solid "arm" bears the "mission" of giving up. There are many party members and comrades in the "blue sky rescue teams" around the country. They strictly demand themselves with "high standards" and play a pioneering and exemplary role with "high standards". At the first time of the disaster in Henan, blue sky rescue forces from Nanjing, Yangzhou, Xuzhou and other places in Jiangsu gathered and rushed to Zhengzhou for disaster relief“ The "blue sky rescue team" is full of young strength, washed by rainstorm, and their steps are firm; The flood raged, and their figures kept running. In fact, they are also a group of children. They also have busy studies and their own interests. However, when the disaster came, they stood up and took the initiative to shoulder their "mission" with a solid "arm". For the sake of Henan compatriots and the Chinese nation, they moved forward bravely without hesitation!

This great "arm" is responsible for "going through fire and water" resolutely. As a professional and independent non-governmental public welfare emergency rescue organization in China, "blue sky rescue team" takes "professional saving lives" as its purpose. In case of disaster accidents, large-scale production safety accidents and outdoor accidents, they will organize and rush to rescue day and night in an orderly manner. In order to ensure the timeliness of rescue, they must give full play to the "executive power" of "no wait for time" and "race against time", and show the "combat power" of "determination" and "going through fire and water". After receiving the news of the disaster area in Xinxiang City, Tianjin Wuqing "blue sky rescue team" immediately took action and quickly raised more than 3000 pieces of drinking water with a total value of more than 200000 yuan, more than 20xx boxes of instant noodles and some food such as biscuits and bread in a short time. They always keep in mind the safety of peoples lives and property and shoulder the resolute "going through fire and water" in their arms, Its like a bow arrow, ready to fire!

"Adversity shows true love, and there is great love in the world." Where there is a disaster, there is a "blue sky rescue team". Flood fighting and disaster relief, search and rescue the masses and transfer the victims. They are silently guarding the "most beautiful blue sky" of the people with the "great love arm" of public welfare. At the same time, we are also pleased to see that the strength of the "blue sky rescue team" is also growing, and more young people who love public welfare are injecting more vitality into this huge group. I believe that driven by the blue sky rescue team, more people will actively participate in public welfare undertakings and actively participate in emergency rescue. When more people join hands and more people stand side by side, the Chinese people will work together and unite as one, and the "most beautiful blue sky" will appear over China.

河南抗洪救灾英语作文 2

Recently, Henan and other places continued to suffer heavy rainfall, serious waterlogging occurred in Zhengzhou and other cities, some rivers exceeded the alarm water level, and individual reservoirs broke dams, causing heavy casualties and property losses. In the face of such a severe situation, flood control and disaster relief is urgent. Party organizations and Party members and cadres at all levels should actively carry out rescue and disaster relief, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and go all out to build a "red fortress" for flood control and disaster relief.

Grass roots Party organizations have gathered strength to tide over difficulties and become the "backbone" of flood control and disaster relief. Facing the wind and rain, we see our original heart. In front of the flood and beast, we should think with one heart and act a game of chess. Party organizations at all levels should establish a high sense of political responsibility, widely mobilize party members, cadres and the masses to participate in flood control and disaster relief, quickly sound the "rally" and lead the masses to overcome disasters and tide over difficulties. Grass roots Party organizations should be good at transforming the partys advantage of close contact with the masses into a majestic force for flood control and disaster relief, organize the investigation of hidden dangers, rescue and disaster relief, resettlement of the masses and other work, and convey faith and strength to the people with high morale. At the same time, we should strengthen the linkage mechanism of all Party organizations, promote the coordination and cooperation of all departments and units, unite the strong joint force of rescue and disaster relief, and build strong and solid "red dikes" to reassure the people.

Leading cadres bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and rely on the front line to be "commanders" in flood control and disaster relief. Danger and disaster are orders, and rescue and disaster relief are responsibilities. No matter how difficult we face, we must meet the difficulties. Leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the concept of people first and life first, put the safety of peoples lives and property first, and personally supervise, act and set an example in the front line of flood control and disaster relief. Leading cadres should take the lead in going deep into the front line of flood control and flood fighting, go to the places where the disaster is the most serious and the rescue is the most difficult, do a good job in understanding the disaster, investigating the dangerous situation, emergency rescue and disaster relief, rely on the front-line command, strengthen on-site guidance, make arrangements and arrangements according to the actual situation of all localities, transfer and evacuate the affected people to safety areas in time, and ensure that the disaster losses are minimized, We will ensure the safety of peoples lives and property.

Party members and cadres fulfill their mission, keep their original intention and join the "vanguard" of flood control and disaster relief. Where it is most difficult and dangerous, where there are dangerous situations and the needs of the masses, there are our party members and cadres. The majority of Party members and cadres should stand up and rush up at the critical moment, take flood control and disaster relief as the main position to practice the original mission, carry forward the selfless dedication of "I am a party member and I go first", quickly invest in flood control and disaster relief, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members. Party members and cadres should stick to their original intention, fulfill their mission, be the "Guardian" of the safety of peoples lives and property, actively respond to the call of Party organizations, actively participate in flood control and disaster relief, earnestly implement various work arrangements based on their own posts, bravely face difficulties and dangers, dare to win, bravely compete for the first, and take practical actions to hand over a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.

With the advent of the disaster, the "red" figure of the majority of Party members and cadres rose up to fight and charge ahead in the front line of flood fighting and rescue. They fully carried forward the fighting spirit of being not afraid of hardship, fatigue and death, became the backbone of the peoples flood control and disaster relief, built an unbreakable Battle Fortress, and demonstrated the vanguard force of grass-roots party organizations and Party members, Raise the party flag high and fly in the wind on the front line of flood control and flood fighting!

河南抗洪救灾英语作文 3

In recent days, many areas in Henan have experienced a rainstorm once in a century. This rainstorm has witnessed the unity of the Chinese people and made me really understand the significance of "one side is in trouble and all sides support".

How many peoples footsteps were blocked by the rapid water flow. The first floor of Yinji square in Zhengzhou city was submerged, and how many people were trapped in the water at a loss. In such an urgent and difficult situation, the staff of the mall and enthusiastic citizens quickly gathered in rows to build adult walls, and pulled out the trapped people one by one with ropes.

On July 20, people trapped in the subway were in danger. Some collapsed and cried, and some called for help. Soon after, rescue workers came one after another. Everyone shouted to let the fainted go first. All adult men said to let the elderly, children and girls go first. In the despair of suffocation, we helped and encouraged each other to evacuate in turn. Their bravery, kindness, warm everyone.

When one side is in trouble, all sides support. In times of crisis, the rich give money and contribute effectively. The people of the whole country are like a family, unite as one, unite as one, help each other, regardless of gain or loss. Many enterprises donated money to support Henan. Some supermarkets and convenience stores transported materials to the affected areas of Henan.

Natural disasters cannot be avoided, but they can be prevented. Society is developing continuously. Advanced science and technology can provide us with a good way to prevent natural disasters. For example, the prediction of earthquakes can make us take precautions. To develop science and technology, we must have a solid cultural foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the knowledge of natural science. We use our developed minds to save the world. Everyone is a superhero. In order to save more lives, we should strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge well.

The people of no country in the world can be united by the Chinese people. The tenacity of a nation depends not on heroes but on the people. After experiencing floods, typhoons, earthquakes, SARS and COVID-19, the Chinese nation will become stronger.

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