
发布者:笑对凡尘 时间:2024-10-23 05:19




我的英语老师英语作文 1

My English teachers surname is Shen Lin, and everyone calls her Ms. Lin. She is also our class teacher. She has a pair of bright eyes, shining like a clear water, with a bright mountain light. A head of long black hair and a dignified and beautiful face give people a kind feeling.

During the English class, the English teacher walked lightly to the podium and said in English, "Class, hello classmates!" We said, "Hello teacher

During her lecture, her eyes occasionally scanned everyone, making them feel scared and afraid to make small movements. Her lecture voice was clear and vivid, making us listen with great interest. Even our classs "naughty king" was attentively listening to the lecture. I usually like to talk to my desk mate, but now I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to the lectures of MS Lin Hua Sheng Hua Se.

From her lectures, we can see that Ms. Lin is a good teacher.

I am so lucky to have such a good teacher teaching me now.

我的英语老师英语作文 2

Since I entered fifth grade, our class has had an amiable English teacher named Wang. In my heart, she is a good teacher.

Teacher Wang is tall, with a pair of bright and lively big eyes and black curly hair, he looks very beautiful.

Once she asked me a question in class, and I actually answered it wrong. At that time, I was very nervous, afraid that the teacher would be furious, and even more afraid that Teacher Wang would criticize me relentlessly. Unexpectedly, Teacher Wang kindly told me the correct answer and asked me to repeat it twice, reminding me to remember it firmly.

I remember there was another time when several classmates in our class couldnt solve a difficult problem. Teacher Wang took ten minutes to analyze this question, but there were still two students who couldnt understand it. So Teacher Wang demonstrated with actions until all the classmates understood. Look, our English teacher is not only amiable but also has a particularly flexible teaching method.

This is my English teacher!

我的英语老师英语作文 3

Our English teacher Yang is a lively yet serious good teacher. Her bright and lively big eyes are clearly cultured, often tied in a ponytail, appearing particularly energetic. She often wears a gentle smile on her face, making people feel particularly friendly.

In the past, my English grades were not good. Since Teacher Yang taught us, I have fallen in love with English and my English grades have also improved significantly. Teacher Yang cares about me in my studies. If there is anything I dont know, she will personally teach me. Teachers are like candles, lighting themselves and illuminating us. I want to thank our teacher Yang very much. I remember one time in class, I didnt listen well and even had a small conversation with my classmates in front of me. Teacher Yang noticed and said, If you dont understand anything, just ask me. Dont whisper below. One sentence made me blush. I secretly made up my mind not to whisper anymore in the future.

我的英语老师英语作文 4

I went to English class this afternoon and saw my English teacher cut my hair. She had a short haircut and a cherry like bun hairstyle, which was a little longer than the bun hairstyle. It looked really nice. The hairstyle was good, and with that round little face, it looked very cute.

Recently, the teacher has had a lot of hairstyle changes because she got married and even gave us candy! Once, he even showed us a photo of his wedding. We were stunned, the changes were really significant! Just like not being alone, the hairstyle is particularly beautiful: the hair hangs down from the head, it looks really nice, smooth, and at first glance, its like the four words "comb it all the way

我的英语老师英语作文 5

Today, my mother enrolled me in an English class called Dashan Foreign Language.

On the way to school, I thought to myself: Is my teacher gentle or strict? When I arrived at school, there were many children. I looked at the teacher, who had big eyes, a tall nose, and black hair.

Its class now, the teacher gave us English names, and I really like them. She taught us the letters "Aa Bb Cc" and also taught us letter operations. We not only learned knowledge but also played interesting games. This class was really interesting.

Oh! I guessed wrong, our teacher is both smart and beautiful.

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She held a pile of newspapers in her arms, covering most of her face, with only a cluster of fiery red hair like flames spreading to the classroom. She poked her head out from the side. With bright eyes, he said, "Hmm? Why arent you reading?" Then he shouted, "Come on, come on," while swaying his high heels towards the podium.

When she arrived at the podium, she put down the newspaper, adjusted the amplifier, held the microphone with one hand, and waved it vigorously with the other hand. Her clothes also swayed along: "Read up, everyone read up!" She randomly paced back and forth among the student seats, leaving behind a crisp "clacking" sound of footsteps.

我的英语老师英语作文 7

Teacher Lin was my English teacher in first grade. She has a head of jet black hair that cascades down her shoulders like a waterfall. Her smile is as sweet as chocolate, warming peoples hearts. She is gentle and beautiful, the most beautiful teacher in my heart. Her classes are lively, interesting, and full of emotions. She didnt criticize us like other teachers and make us copy, but we all obediently obeyed as if we were under a spell. Some people behave poorly and stop listening in class. Teacher Lin always gives them a gentle glance, and those beautiful and bright big eyes seem to explain everything. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, making it unbearable to break the tranquility in her clear eyes. In second grade, Teacher Lin left. I heard that I am going to study abroad in the UK. I am both happy and sad that Teacher Lin has the opportunity to study abroad, and sad that I will never see Teacher Lin again. Teacher Lin, it was you who opened the door to English knowledge for me. I will always remember you.

我的英语老师英语作文 8

The new semester has started again, and a new teacher has arrived to teach our English class. She is Ms. Chen, an English teacher.

Before, I didnt really enjoy taking English classes. Later, Teacher Chen drew a five pointed star and an apple on my notebook, and the teacher said, "You are my good friend." I was so happy.

When teachers grade homework, they often write "Little calligrapher, youre amazing!" and "Baby, amazing!" During English class, they even invited me to teach their classmates. After teaching, the teacher kissed me, which gradually made me like English.

我的英语老师英语作文 9

My English teacher is a backbone teacher who is quite strict with us. She often gives graduation papers, and many mischievous people are afraid of her. Some also dont like her. We all know that English teacher Yan is good to us, but we dont understand some of her practices. Dont worry about her, since shes already graduated, forget about the unpleasant things she had with her English teacher! I believe that when I grow up, I will understand her.

我的英语老师英语作文 10

When I was very young, I envied those big brothers and sisters who could speak English, because they all spoke fluent English.

I am also in third grade. In my first English class, the teacher spoke to us in English, but we couldnt understand what it meant. So we asked the teacher, and the teacher said, "Its class. Good morning, classmates." Only then did we understand.

The teacher asked us to read 26 letters: "ABCD..." and also taught us how to write A: "Move the end of the triangle horizontally back to the top, and it becomes the capital letter A." At this point, we became very interested in English letters.

The teacher is a child of love. One of his classmates forgot to bring his homework and his studies were not good. However, the teacher often encouraged him in class. He got used to it and his grades improved. He finished third in the exam and his classmates looked at him with new eyes.

Actually, my English teacher is such an excellent person.

我的英语老师英语作文 11

My English teacher is very kind, and this is what I met at Ladder English. Her name is ROSE, and I followed her to listen and learn preparatory level English. But before she could even play preparatory level English, she transferred to a branch school teacher. She gave me an English name JASON.

We transferred to three classes in a row, but when we transferred to the second class, because each class also had a JASON, they kept asking me to change my name, and I didnt want to change it. The teacher asked JASON to change to LAKE, which is a funny name. We all call him poop stuck. I have been the class monitor in the transferred classes 2, 3, and 4. So I am also an active participant, haha. I really like English. It is precisely because the teachers on the staircase are kind and beautiful.

How can I not learn well in this learning environment?

我的英语老师英语作文 12

Accidentally, taking a look at my email, a familiar name suddenly appeared in front of me. She was my teacher, my high school teacher, and my English teacher.

I havent checked my email for a long time, and the busyness of work has kept me from contacting my teachers and friends in my hometown for a long time.

The scene of studying in high school seems to be unfolding before my eyes, with the patient guidance of teachers and my gradual progress, scene by scene. I like English teachers because they are relatively young and easy to communicate with. They are both strict and humorous, haha. Now that I have become a teacher myself, I often think of my teachers who are proactive and dedicated to their work. I also recall their passionate explanations in English class, which I enjoyed and now move me. My teacher is my role model. I will work hard and continue to learn from them. Learning is not just about the knowledge in books, but also about being a good person, doing things, and having a sense of responsibility as a teacher.

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She is a quiet and beautiful teacher with a slim figure and long hair. She never has any decorations on her head, but I think she is very beautiful, a simple and natural beauty. On her pure white face, I often see that brilliant smile, and her smile always reminds me of the saying Pink face contains spring power but is not revealed, and red lips are not yet opened to smile. That kind of smile is beautiful, happy and joyful.

When she attends class, she always brings a tape recorder, and her voice is like flowing spring water - clear and pleasant to listen to. She often gently says to those who havent completed their homework on time: You are the hope of our country and the future of our school. You must study seriously. In order for our country to become stronger and our village to become more beautiful and prosperous one day, everyone must study seriously! Her voice has made many classmates become serious, focused, and have the strength and courage to move forward. She is a beautiful teacher, and we feel very happy attending her class.

I really hope she will still be with us next year, forever together.

我的英语老师英语作文 14

In every persons heart, there is a small sun that illuminates and warms them up. When they fall, suffer setbacks, or are hurt, it releases the sunshine, making everyones mood more cheerful and happy. However, the small sun in my heart is an ordinary person. She teaches English in our school, and the reason why she became the sun in my heart is because of her lively teaching method, which helped me regain confidence after some setbacks in English.

Last semester, I was still a student in an English gifted class, but due to my poor math grades, I was relegated to a regular class. However, here I am even happier and feel more warmth than in an English class. This English teacher, who is as fierce as the King of Hell, is actually as warm as the angels in the sky. The joy she brought me is indescribable.

When I feel bored in class, her jokes always help me wake up, drive away the drowsiness, and prevent me from falling asleep. She prepares her courses carefully and has story time every day, all of which are adapted from the most popular Korean dramas. She tells me her interesting college life, which fills me with longing for my college life.

Attending English class has become a source of joy, simply because the gentle sunshine warms me up and makes me love English even more.

我的英语老师英语作文 15

I have a teacher who teaches me English in extracurricular classes, and she is Teacher Li.

Teacher Li works hard every day. In the morning, she always arrives at school early to prepare class materials. At the end of class, the teacher conscientiously helps us grade our homework. If any students homework is not up to standard, the teacher will analyze the difficult problems one by one until that student meets.

Once, I was stumped by a problem and looked worried. Teacher Li saw it and put down his homework. He walked over with a smile and patiently helped me analyze the problem. Under Teacher Lis careful guidance, I solved the problem in less than a minute.

Whenever in class, Teacher Li always explains the grammar to us first. When we fully understand it, the teacher translates the text and reads it to us, allowing us to memorize it ourselves. Then the teacher asked us to identify the parts of the text that we didnt know, and explained them to us. Finally, let us read the words and text over and over again to deepen our impression, and let us try to memorize the text.

Teacher Li always silently dedicates himself to us, and I am proud to have such a teacher.

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She is of medium height, with a melon seed face and a pair of bright and lively big eyes under her curved eyebrows. She always likes to gently tuck her dark and slightly yellowish wavy hair into a bundle and tie it up. She is our English teacher - Teacher Cheng.

When we first met Teacher Cheng, we thought she was very similar to Jia Jia, Liu Xings classmate in the second part of Family with Children. If she tied two thick Fried Dough Twists braids, it would be even more similar. It was simply a copy of Jia Jia. Anyway, I think Teacher Cheng has a celebrity face.

Teacher Chengs class is very interesting. Once, when it comes to third person singular before a verb, the verb needs to be added with "s", but "go" needs to be added with "es" because "go" ends with the vowel "o". In order to make it easier for us to remember, Teacher Cheng told a joke: Go is the older brother, es is sugar. The older brother needs to go to the bathroom, and the younger brother also needs to follow. The older brother gave the younger brother a candy, but the younger brother didnt follow. We remembered the key points with laughter.

The new teaching method adopted by Teacher Cheng, which combines classroom questioning with a red flag, makes every class interesting and vivid, fully mobilizing our enthusiasm for learning English and gradually improving our English grades.

Can I not like this kind of teacher?

我的英语老师英语作文 17

He was born with a head of black, interwoven, tangled, curly, and upturned explosive hair, which can be described as an "explosive head" in common language. If you can imagine her long hair that looks like a chicken coop, you may not hesitate to immediately pull it down and stir fry it at home. Unfortunately, she didnt grow this "quite interesting" hair, but cut it very short, about one foot long. Those who didnt know would surely think that she was a "pure man" and exuded a unique "masculine flavor". Under her eyebrows, her slightly yellowish face would have crows feet wrinkled like tree bark next to her eyes when she smiled, making her look even older. As the saying goes, she was a "yellow faced woman".

However, the most lethal thing is that pair of sharp eyes. If caught by these two cheetahs, there would be nowhere to hide. If these eyes could kill, then the prey being caught would probably only have bones left. Her eyes seem to be able to see through peoples hearts, capturing every detail with precision. As she grew up, she would show a row of whiter teeth, very kind and gentle. Like a beam of light shining into the heart, very warm.

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