the felling of titanic高三作文(通用11篇)

发布者:青衫磊落 时间:2024-10-23 05:16

the felling of titanic高三作文(通用11篇)

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the felling of titanic高三作文(通用11篇)

the felling of titanic高三作文 1

Before I see the movie "Titanic", I have saw an article called "Circumstances of emotion". What“s more, the author also wrote "The Magic Moutain" inside story like the "Titanic", they are situational fellings, until leaving that environment we will find ourselves falling in love with a person just a coincidence.

I belived the author“s opinion, because I fell in love in someone at that moment. However, after I saw the "Titanic", I changed my mind, in fact, there are full of necessity to fall in love. Titanic also shows that facing with the choice betwween life and death. This point is well worth thinking deeply. This is a story, which about a woman and a man.

It is only a story, but in Rose“s memory, it means all. In conclusion, I“d like to say: if you love someone, go after him or her courageously; if you like a way of life, go ahead and select it.

the felling of titanic高三作文 2

Titanic, the legendary ship, left an indelible mark in the long river of history. When I watched the film, I was deeply shocked.

In the film, the love story between Jack and Ruth is moving. In a short time, they experienced life and death and separation, and their love transcended material and class and became an eternal symbol. The sinking of the Titanic shows the insignificance and helplessness of mankind in the face of disasters.

At the same time, movies also made me think about the meaning of life. In the face of disasters, peoples fear, struggle and mutual assistance have made me feel the complexity and beauty of human nature. The tragedy of Titanic made me cherish the present life more and understand the preciousness of life.

the felling of titanic高三作文 3

Titanic, a classic, has brought me many inspirations.

It let me see the power of love, the kind of emotion that can make people desperate, so sincere and warm. It also made me understand the fragility of life. We can never predict what will happen in the future, so we should cherish every moment.

In addition, the performance of people in the face of death in the movies has given me a deeper understanding of human nature. Some people choose to face it bravely, while others fall into fear and despair. This makes me understand that in the face of difficulties, we should have the courage and belief to overcome it.

The story of Titanic will always be remembered in my heart and become an important inspiration on my life.

the felling of titanic高三作文 4

Revisiting Titanic still fills my heart with emotion.

The magnificent Titanic in the movie symbolizes the dream and pursuit of human beings. However, its sinking also reminds us that the disillusionment of dreams is sometimes so sudden and cruel.

The love between Jack and Ruth made me realize that true love can transcend class and life and death. Their persistence and dedication in the predicament made me understand the true meaning of love.

This movie has made me think more about life. We should bravely pursue our dreams and cherish the people around us, and dont wait until we lose them to know how to cherish them. The story of Titanic will always inspire me to move forward.

the felling of titanic高三作文 5

Titanic touched the hearts of countless people with its tragic beauty.

The glory and sinking of the Titanic have formed a strong contrast, and the power of this tragedy is heartbreaking. The love between Jack and Ruth is even more poignant and touching in the tragic background.

The brilliance and darkness of human nature shown in the film also gave me a deeper understanding of human nature. In the face of disasters, peoples kindness and courage are in sharp contrast with selfishness and cowardice.

The story of Titanic made me feel the charm of tragedy, which made us understand the impermanence and beauty of life and made us cherish everything in front of us more.

the felling of titanic高三作文 6

Titanic left a deep impression on my heart.

That luxurious ship, carrying peoples dreams and hopes, eventually sank in the cold sea. Its fate makes me deeply moved, and it also makes me think deeply about life.

The love between Jack and Ruth in the movie, like a romantic epic, immersed me in it. Their love stories make me believe that true love can transcend everything.

The story of Titanic is an eternal legend, which will live in my heart forever and inspire me to move forward bravely on the road of life.

I hope these compositions can help you, and you can modify and supplement them according to your own needs.

the felling of titanic高三作文 7

The story of the Titanic has always held a special place in my heart. Watching the movie, I was deeply moved by the tragic fate of the ship and the people on it.

The love between Jack and Rose is so touching. Their relationship represents the power of true love that can overcome all obstacles. In the face of disaster, their love shines brightly, making people believe in the beauty of love.

The sinking of the Titanic also reflects the cruelty of reality. It shows how fragile human life is and how powerless we are in the face of natures wrath. This makes me cherish every moment of life and not take anything for granted.

The image of the Titanic sinking is unforgettable. It reminds me of the preciousness of life and the importance of having hope even in the darkest moments. The Titanic is not just a ship, but a symbol of human dreams and tragedies.

the felling of titanic高三作文 8

The Titanic is a story that never fails to touch my soul. The grandeur of the ship and the dreams it carried are truly remarkable.

Jack and Roses love story is a classic that tugs at my heartstrings. Their passion and determination in the face of adversity are inspiring. Their love shows that true love knows no bounds and can endure even the toughest of times.

The disaster of the Titanic is a tragic reminder of the unpredictability of life. It makes me realize that we should live each day to the fullest and make the most of every opportunity. We should never take our lives for granted.

The memory of the Titanic will always stay with me, as a reminder of the fragility of life and the power of love. It is a story that continues to teach us valuable lessons.

the felling of titanic高三作文 9

The Titanic has always been a subject that evokes a myriad of emotions within me. The sight of the magnificent ship and the stories of those on board are truly captivating.

The relationship between Jack and Rose is a beautiful portrayal of love. Their love is strong and unwavering, even in the face of impending doom. Their story makes me believe in the power of love to overcome any obstacle.

The tragedy of the Titanic is a stark reminder of the harsh realities of life. It shows how quickly things can change and how we must always be prepared for the unexpected. This event has taught me to cherish every moment and to value those around me.

The memory of the Titanic is etched in my mind, a reminder of the human spirit and the strength of love in the face of adversity.

the felling of titanic高三作文 10

The story of the Titanic is one that leaves a deep impact on me. The sight of the grand ship and the tales of its passengers stir up a range of feelings.

The love between Jack and Rose is a touching example of true love. Their bond is unbreakable, and their story makes me realize the importance of holding onto love in difficult times. Their relationship is a source of inspiration and hope.

The disaster of the Titanic is a tragic event that reminds me of the fragility of life. It makes me appreciate the preciousness of each day and to make the most of every moment. We should never take our lives for granted.

The memory of the Titanic remains with me, serving as a reminder of the power of love and the unpredictability of life. It is a story that continues to move me.

the felling of titanic高三作文 11

The Titanic is a story that has always held a special fascination for me. The image of the magnificent ship and the stories of its passengers are etched in my mind.

The love between Jack and Rose is a beautiful and tragic tale. Their relationship shows the depth and intensity of true love. Their story makes me believe in the power of love to overcome any challenge.

The sinking of the Titanic is a stark reminder of the harsh realities of life. It teaches us about the fragility of human existence and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. We must cherish every moment and make the most of our lives.

The memory of the Titanic is a lasting one, a reminder of the human spirit and the power of love in the face of adversity. It is a story that will always stay with me.

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