开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文(精选23篇)

发布者:客至天涯 时间:2024-10-18 07:41

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文(精选23篇)

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开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文(精选23篇)

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 1

Today is Saturday, my family and I go to have a picnic in the park, I feel so excited, because our family does not have the activity for a long time. At first, I go to see the park and play for a while, then I come back to my parents, and join them. I play games with my parents, they laugh happily. Today is a happy day for me.


开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 2

Today is Saturday, I am very happy, because I have no class, so I wake up very late, I have enough sleep. At noon, my friend Li Hua comes to my house and asks me to go to the park with him. We play many games and see the beautiful scenery, I also take many picture. Today I have a great day, I enjoy the time with my friend.


开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 3


One day,my mother asked me to go shopping. I said happily,yes,mom,I know.. Then I went shopping.


I ran to the store as fast as I could,and I pulled the money to the store. I said to the boss,shopper,the boss said,go and choose what you want,kid,I said,good uncle,and then I went to choose things. I went home after shopping.


When I got home,my mother said that I was a good child and I was very happy. This is my happy day.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 4

Today is a sunny day. I wake up early in the morning, feeling full of energy. After having a delicious breakfast, I go to the park with my parents.

The park is so beautiful. There are many colorful flowers everywhere, like little fairies dancing in the wind. The grass is green and soft, just like a big green carpet. We walk along the path, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

I see many children playing in the park. Some are flying kites, and the kites are like beautiful birds flying in the sky. Some are playing on the swings, laughing happily. I also join them and have a great time.

In the afternoon, we go to the zoo. I see many lovely animals. The monkeys are jumping up and down among the trees, looking very naughty. The pandas are eating bamboo leaves, looking so cute. The elephants are so big and strong, walking slowly. I am really excited to see these animals.

When the sun begins to set, we go home. Although I am a little tired, I am very happy. This is really a happy day. I will remember it forever.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 5

I had a really happy day today. It started when I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my window. The sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly.

I got dressed quickly and had a big breakfast. Then I went to my friends house. We played many games together, like hide - and - seek and tag. We laughed and shouted, having so much fun.

After that, we went to the library. The library is a quiet and nice place. There are so many books on the shelves. I found a very interesting storybook and sat down to read it. I was so lost in the story that I felt like I was in a different world.

In the evening, my family had a barbecue in the garden. We grilled some sausages and chicken wings. The smell was so good. We sat around the table, chatting and enjoying the delicious food. The stars were shining in the sky, and it was such a beautiful sight.

This day is full of joy and happiness. I hope every day can be like this.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 6

It was a happy day for me. I went on a picnic with my classmates in the countryside.

When we arrived at the picnic spot, we were amazed by the beautiful scenery. There was a big green field, and there were many trees around it. We put down our picnic baskets and started to set up the picnic area. We spread out the picnic blanket and took out all the delicious food we had brought, like sandwiches, cookies, fruits and juice.

After having a great lunch, we played some games. We ran around on the field, playing football and badminton. We also had a race, and everyone was trying their best to run fast. We were sweating, but we were very happy.

As the sun was setting, we sat down together and watched the beautiful sunset. The sky turned red and orange, and it was like a painting. We took many pictures to remember this wonderful moment.

When it got dark, we went home. Although we were a little tired, we had a great time. This is one of the happiest days in my life.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 7

Today is a special day because it is my birthday. I woke up early in the morning and saw a big cake on the table. My parents and my sister were standing around the table, singing the birthday song for me. I felt so happy and excited.

After having the cake for breakfast, my parents took me to the amusement park. There are so many interesting rides and games in the amusement park. I went on the roller coaster first. It was so exciting. I felt like I was flying in the air. Then I played the carousel. It was so beautiful with all the colorful horses.

In the afternoon, we went to the cinema and watched a funny cartoon movie. The movie was really interesting and it made us laugh a lot. After the movie, we went to a restaurant for dinner. The food in the restaurant was delicious. I had my favorite pizza and ice - cream.

When I got home in the evening, I opened my presents. I got many nice gifts from my parents and my sister. I like them all. This is the happiest day in my life. I will always remember it.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 8

It was a sunny Saturday. I had a great plan for the day - going to the beach with my family.

When we got to the beach, the first thing I saw was the vast ocean. The sea was as blue as the sky, and the waves were crashing against the shore, making a beautiful sound. The sand was soft and warm under my feet.

We put up our beach umbrella and laid out our towels. Then I ran into the sea and started playing in the water. The water was cool and refreshing. I splashed around and had a great time. My parents were sitting on the beach, enjoying the sun and watching me.

After playing in the water for a while, I came back to the beach and built a sandcastle with my sister. We used buckets and shovels to build a big and beautiful sandcastle. We even put some shells on it to make it more beautiful.

In the afternoon, we had a picnic on the beach. We ate sandwiches, fruits and drinks. The food tasted great in the fresh air. After the picnic, we took a walk along the beach and collected some beautiful shells.

As the sun started to set, the sky turned into a beautiful shade of orange and pink. We watched the sunset and took many pictures. It was such a beautiful sight.

When it got dark, we went home. Although we were a little tired, we were very happy. This was a really happy day for me and my family.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 9

Today is a happy day for me. I woke up early in the morning because I was going on a picnic with my family. The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was as blue as a sapphire.

We drove to a beautiful park. There were many green trees and colorful flowers everywhere. We spread out a blanket on the grass and put all the delicious food we had prepared on it. There were sandwiches, fruits, cookies, and juice. We sat around the blanket, chatting and laughing while enjoying the food.

After having the picnic, we played some games. We flew a kite. The kite flew high in the sky, like a bird. We also played hide - and - seek among the trees. It was so much fun.

In the afternoon, we went for a walk by the lake. The water in the lake was so clear that we could see the fish swimming freely. We saw some ducks swimming happily on the water. They were so cute.

As the sun began to set, we packed up our things and went home. Although I was a little tired, I was very happy. This is really a happy day.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 10

I had a really happy day today. It all started when I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my window. The weather was perfect - not too hot and not too cold.

I got dressed quickly and had a big breakfast. Then, I went to the park with my friends. We brought our bikes and had a great time riding around the park. The wind was blowing through my hair, and I felt so free.

After that, we had a picnic under a big tree. We shared our favorite snacks and told each other funny stories. We laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt.

Later, we went to the playground in the park. We played on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. It was like we were kids again, having so much fun without a care in the world.

In the evening, my family and I had dinner together. We had my favorite dish - pizza. We sat around the table, talking about our day and sharing our happiness.

Today was a day filled with joy and laughter. I will always remember this happy day.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 11

Today is one of the happiest days in my life. I went to the zoo with my parents. As soon as we entered the zoo, I saw many lovely animals.

The first animal we saw was the panda. The panda was so cute. It was eating bamboo leaves and lying on the ground. Its black and white fur was so soft. Then we went to see the monkeys. The monkeys were jumping around and playing with each other. They were so smart and funny. We also saw the lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes and many other animals.

We watched an animal show in the afternoon. The animals performed many interesting tricks. The seals were dancing, the dogs were doing math problems, and the parrots were singing. It was amazing.

We took a lot of pictures of the animals. I also bought a small toy panda as a souvenir. When I looked at the pictures and the toy panda, I would remember this happy day.

After a whole day at the zoo, we were tired but happy. We had a great time together. This is a day that I will never forget.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 12

It was a sunny Saturday, and I had a wonderful day. I got up early in the morning and had a delicious breakfast. Then I went to the bookstore with my mom.

The bookstore was like a magical place. There were so many books on the shelves. I felt like I was in a world full of knowledge. I found my favorite book series and couldnt wait to read them. My mom also found a good book for herself. We sat in the bookstore for a long time, reading and enjoying the quiet time.

After that, we went to the cinema to watch a movie. The movie was so exciting. The special effects were amazing, and the story was very touching. I was completely immersed in the movie world.

In the evening, we had dinner at a nice restaurant. The food was delicious. We had pizza, salad, and ice cream. The service was also very good. We had a great time chatting and laughing during dinner.

When I got home, I lay on my bed and thought about this happy day. I felt so lucky to have such a great day with my mom. I hope there will be more days like this in the future.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 13

Today was an extremely happy day for me. I went to the beach with my friends. The moment we arrived at the beach, I was fascinated by the beautiful scenery.

The sand was as soft as cotton, and it felt great under my feet. The sea was a deep blue color, and the waves were crashing against the shore. We put down our beach towels and ran towards the sea. The water was cool and refreshing. We played in the water, splashing each other and having a great time.

We also built sandcastles on the beach. We used buckets and shovels to shape the sand into different forms. Some of us built tall towers, while others made cute little houses. It was so much fun to see our creations on the beach.

In the afternoon, we had a barbecue on the beach. We grilled hot dogs, chicken wings, and corn. The smell of the food made our mouths water. We sat around the grill, eating and chatting. The sun was setting, and the sky turned into a beautiful orange and pink color. It was like a painting.

As the night fell, we lit some lanterns and released them into the sky. The lanterns floated up higher and higher, like little stars in the sky. We watched them until they disappeared from our sight.

This day at the beach was full of joy and laughter. It was a day that I will always remember. I am so grateful to have such good friends and to have experienced such a happy day.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 14

Today was a really happy day for me. I woke up early in the morning to the sound of birds singing outside my window. The sun was shining brightly, and it seemed like it was going to be a great day.

After having a delicious breakfast with my family, I went to the park with my friends. The park was so beautiful. There were colorful flowers everywhere, and the grass was as green as a big carpet. We played many games together, like hide - and - seek and tag. We laughed and shouted, having a wonderful time.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I saw many lovely animals. The monkeys were jumping around, and the pandas were eating bamboo. They were so cute that I couldnt take my eyes off them. We also watched a funny animal show. The animals performances made us clap our hands and laugh out loud.

When the sun started to set, we went back home. Although I was a little tired, I felt extremely happy. I had spent the whole day with my friends, doing the things I loved. This day will always be in my memory as one of the happiest days of my life.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 15

I had a happy day today. It all started when I opened my eyes and saw the bright sunlight streaming into my room. I jumped out of bed, full of energy.

I got dressed quickly and had a big breakfast. Then, I went to the library with my parents. The library was like a treasure trove of knowledge. I found many interesting books and spent hours reading them. It was so quiet and peaceful there, and I really enjoyed the time alone with the books.

After that, we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. The food was delicious. I ate my favorite pizza and ice cream. It tasted like heaven.

In the evening, we went for a walk in the park. The park was filled with people. Some were flying kites, some were walking their dogs, and some were just sitting on the benches and enjoying the view. I ran around on the grass, feeling the softness under my feet. The gentle breeze blew through my hair, making me feel so relaxed.

As the day came to an end, I lay in my bed, thinking about all the fun things I had done. I felt so lucky to have such a great day. I closed my eyes with a big smile on my face, looking forward to another happy day tomorrow.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 16

Today was an unforgettable happy day. I woke up to the smell of freshly - baked cookies. My mom had made them especially for me.

After having the cookies for breakfast, I went to my grandparents house. They were so happy to see me. We sat in the garden and told stories. My grandfather told me some funny stories from his childhood, and I laughed until my stomach hurt.

In the afternoon, my cousins came over. We had a great time playing board games. We competitiveness but also had a lot of fun. Later, we went outside and had a water fight. The water was cool and refreshing, and we got completely wet, but we didnt care. We were just having a blast.

For dinner, my grandmother cooked a big feast. There was roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. It was the best meal Id had in a long time. After dinner, we sat on the porch and watched the stars. The sky was full of bright stars, and it was so beautiful.

As I went to bed that night, I thought about how lucky I was to have such a great family and to have had such a fun day. I knew that I would remember this day forever.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 17

It was a happy day that I will always remember. The day began with a beautiful rainbow outside my window. It was as if nature was giving me a sign that something great was going to happen.

I went to school with a big smile on my face. In class, our teacher told us some interesting stories and we had a lively discussion. I actively participated and felt really good about myself.

After school, I went to the playground with my friends. We played basketball together. Every shot I made made me feel more confident. We also had a race, and I ran as fast as I could. The wind was blowing in my face, and I felt so free.

When I got home, my parents had a surprise for me. They had bought me a new bike. I was so excited that I immediately rode it around the neighborhood. The feeling of riding the new bike was amazing.

In the evening, we had a barbecue in the backyard. The smell of the grilled food made my mouth water. We sat around the table, chatting and laughing. The stars were shining bright in the sky, and it was such a perfect moment.

This day was full of joy and happiness. I am grateful for all the good things that happened to me. I hope every day can be as happy as this one.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 18

Today was a truly happy day. I started my day by going for a jog in the park. The fresh air and the beautiful scenery made me feel alive and energetic.

After the jog, I met up with my best friend. We decided to go shopping. We walked around the mall, looking at all the different stores. We tried on some new clothes and had a great time laughing at each others fashion choices. We also bought some cute accessories and shared some ice cream.

In the afternoon, we went to see a movie. The movie was so exciting and full of adventure. We were completely immersed in the story. After the movie, we couldnt stop talking about it.

In the evening, I went home and had dinner with my family. We had a delicious meal together and shared stories about our day. My parents listened carefully as I told them about my adventures with my friend.

As I lay in bed that night, I thought about how wonderful the day had been. I had spent time with the people I love, done things I enjoy, and had so much fun. I knew that this was a day I would always remember. I closed my eyes, with a big smile on my face, and fell asleep, looking forward to another happy day in the future.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 19

Today is a sunny day, and it is also a happy day for me.

I woke up early in the morning because I was so excited about the day. After having a delicious breakfast, I went to the park with my parents. The park is so beautiful. There are many colorful flowers everywhere, and the trees are so green. We saw many people in the park. Some were jogging, some were flying kites, and some were sitting on the benches and enjoying the view.

I ran around on the grass and felt the soft touch of the grass under my feet. It was like a gentle kiss from nature. Then, my parents and I had a picnic on the grass. We ate sandwiches, fruits, and drank juice. The food tasted so good in the fresh air.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I saw many lovely animals. The monkeys were jumping up and down among the trees, and they were so naughty. The pandas were eating bamboo leaves, and they looked so cute. I also saw the tigers and lions. They were so strong and majestic.

When the sun started to set, we went home. Although I was a little tired, I was very happy. This day was full of joy and laughter. I spent a wonderful time with my parents. I will always remember this happy day.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 20

It was a happy day that I will never forget.

The day started with a big surprise. When I woke up, I found a letter on my bedside table. It was from my best friend, inviting me to her birthday party. I was so excited that I jumped out of bed quickly and got dressed.

I went to her house with a carefully - wrapped gift. When I arrived, the house was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers. Everyone was smiling and having a great time. We played many games, like hide - and - seek and musical chairs. It was so much fun.

After the games, we had a big birthday cake. The cake was delicious, with sweet cream and fresh fruits on it. We sang the birthday song together and my friend made a wish. I felt so happy to be there with her on her special day.

In the evening, we went outside to watch the stars. The sky was full of shiny stars, like diamonds shining in the sky. We lay on the grass and talked about our dreams and hopes. It was a really peaceful and beautiful moment.

As the day came to an end, I went home with a big smile on my face. I knew this was a day that I would remember forever. It was a day filled with friendship, love, and happiness.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 21

Today is one of the happiest days in my life.

In the morning, I went to the countryside with my family. As soon as we got there, I was amazed by the beautiful scenery. The green fields, the clear rivers, and the blue sky made a wonderful picture. We walked along the country road, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the gentle breeze.

Then, we went to the orchard. There were all kinds of fruits on the trees. The apples were red, the pears were yellow, and the grapes were purple. They looked so delicious. We picked some fruits and tasted them. They were so sweet. I felt like I was in a fairy tale world.

After having lunch in a local farmhouse, we went fishing by the river. I sat there quietly, waiting for the fish to bite the hook. When I caught my first fish, I was so excited that I shouted loudly. My parents also smiled at me. It was such a great feeling.

In the evening, we watched the sunset. The sun was like a big fireball, slowly going down the horizon. The sky was dyed red, orange, and purple. It was so beautiful that I couldnt take my eyes off it.

When we got home, I was very tired but also very happy. This day was full of joy and surprises. I learned a lot about nature and had a great time with my family. I hope every day can be as happy as this one.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 22

I had a really happy day today. It all started when I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my window. The sun was shining brightly, and it seemed like it was going to be a perfect day.

I got dressed quickly and had a big breakfast. Then, I went to the library with my friend. The library is like a big treasure chest, full of all kinds of books. We spent hours there, reading our favorite stories and sharing our thoughts. It was so interesting.

After that, we went to the playground. There were many children playing there. We played on the swings, slides, and seesaws. We laughed and shouted, having a great time. It felt like all our worries were left behind.

In the afternoon, we had an art class. We painted pictures of our own imagination. I painted a beautiful garden with colorful flowers and little butterflies. It was so much fun to use different colors and brushes to create something beautiful.

When the sun started to go down, my parents took me to the park for a walk. We saw many people walking their dogs, flying kites, and having picnics. The park was filled with the sounds of joy and happiness.

As the day came to an end, I lay in my bed, thinking about all the wonderful things that happened today. I felt so lucky and happy. I know that every day is a gift, and I should cherish every moment. Im looking forward to having more happy days in the future.

开心的一天 A Happy Day小学英语作文 23

Today was a happy day for me. It was a Saturday, and I didnt have to go to school.

I got up early in the morning and had a good breakfast. Then I decided to go for a bike ride with my brother. We put on our helmets and started our journey. The wind was blowing gently on our faces as we rode along the street. We saw many beautiful things on the way. There were colorful flowers blooming in the gardens, and the trees were full of green leaves.

After the bike ride, we came back home and had lunch. My mom cooked my favorite food - pizza and salad. It was so delicious. In the afternoon, I played video games with my brother. We had a lot of fun competing with each other.

In the evening, my family and I went to the beach. The beach was crowded with people. Some were swimming in the sea, some were building sandcastles, and some were just lying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine. We walked along the beach, feeling the soft sand under our feet. The waves were crashing on the shore, making a beautiful sound. We also watched the sunset. The sky turned into a beautiful shade of orange and red as the sun went down. It was so breathtaking.

When we got home, I was tired but very happy. I had a great day with my family and brother. I went to bed with a big smile on my face, looking forward to the next happy day.

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