
发布者:芝麻炒西瓜 时间:2024-10-15 11:22




A Strange “Letter”

My neighbour"s children love playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) as all children do,but no one expected that a game they played last week would be reported in the local newspaper (地方报纸).

One afternoon,they were playing in the street just outside the postoffice. Young Lan,who is only five years old,found the perfect place to hide. His sister,Janet,had shut her eyes and was counting up to ten when Lan noticed that the small metal (金属的) door of the letter-box had been left open. The postman had just taken all the letters out and had gone into the post-office to see if there were any parcels (包裹).Lan climbed into the letter-box and pulled the door from the inside so hard that it locked. Soon realizing what he had done,he became very frightened and started crying. Meanwhile,Janet was looking for him everywhere but could not find him. It was lucky (幸运的) she happened to stop outside the letter-box and hear her brother"s cries. She immediately ran to tell the postman who hurried out to unlock (开锁) the metal door. Lan was now free,but he had had such a bad fright (惊吓) that he could not stop crying. The postman,however,soon found a way of making him laugh again. He told him that next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box,he should remember to stick a stamp on himself!


1.What were my neighbour"s children playing outside the post-office one afternoon?

2.Had the letter-box been left open or not? Where did young Lan climb? Did he lock himself in or not? (Finding that) (and)

3.When did his sister,Janet,realize where he was hiding? What did she do? (so)

4.How did the postman make Lan stop crying after he had let him out?(After letting…by telling)


A Strange Letter

One afternoon my meighbour"s children were playing hide-and-seek outside the post-office. Finding that the letter-box had been left open,young Lan climbed into it and locked himself in. His sister,Janet,realized where he was hiding when she heard his cries so she ran to tell the postman. After letting him out,the postman made Lan stop crying by telling him that next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box he should remember to stick a stamp on himself. (80 words)


原文问题后的括号内容要求缩写的文章中有一个“Finding that”开头的现在分词短语结构和两个“After letting… by telling”的介词+动名词的短语结构。在写这两种结构的句子时要注意结构中的逻辑主语要与主句的主语一致,否则就会造成修辞上的错句悬垂修饰语,如把“After letting”结构写成“After letting him out,Lan was made to stop crying…”,前半部分就是悬垂修饰语,因为letting的主语不是Lan,而是postman。










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