Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文(通用11篇)

发布者:紫气东来 时间:2024-7-5 18:03

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文(通用11篇)

在生活、工作和学习中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文(通用11篇)

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 1

Life cannot be without rules. Mencius once said, without rules, one cannot achieve success. Compliance with rules is a responsibility and obligation that every citizen must fulfill. Not only responsible for oneself, but also for family and countless families.

With television and radio, we know a wider range of news. Through media reports, I have learned that over 100000 people in China die each year from various types of traffic accidents such as running red lights, going against traffic, and speeding, with the majority being young people, accounting for one-fifth of the global accident deaths and ranking first in the world.

If those young and strong teenagers slow down, give way, and wait for an extra minute at a red light while driving motorcycles, will it reduce the number of deaths a bit? Wont there be more happy families? We dont want this world number one.

This morning, at the intersection of Jinghua Road and Changan Road, I witnessed the whole process of not following the rules with my own eyes. A white van, like many other cars, was waiting for a street light when suddenly several ladies got off the bus and calmly crossed the road. Oh my god, thats in the middle of the road, just get off the car like this! If there were more cars at that time, accidents could have happened. No matter how important something is, you cannot joke about your own life. In the moment I passed by, I saw a little boy holding his fathers hand and saying, "Dad, look, someone has violated traffic rules.". Even children understand this truth, but as adults, they are just so illiterate? This is a true story and a typical example of violating traffic rules in todays society.

Life cannot be without rules, and no one in China has lost their life due to not following traffic rules.

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 2

What is our harmonious and orderly life? What makes our world peaceful and beautiful? Its a rule. Although we cannot see it, it is everywhere and constantly affects our lives. So what would happen to our lives without rules?

I remember that day, my mother brought me a toy after work, and I saw it as "Three Kingdoms Kill". This is a game that our class all plays. I was extremely happy and carried it into the room. Upon reading the manual, my goodness, it was over two pages and I lost my patience. Besides, I used to play with my classmates and understood some rules. So I hurriedly called my younger brother and started playing together! Unexpectedly, within two minutes, we had a conflict. I thought I kept killing my younger brother, hes almost dead! He said unhappily, "Why do you keep killing me?" I pointed to the equipment and said, "Zhuge crossbow, you can kill continuously." My younger brother retorted, "Then why dont you play cards? You must play a kill to attack me. You kill me three times in a row, you have to play three cards, but you havent played a card. How can you kill me?" "I have Zhuge crossbow, and I can kill you even if I dont play cards." I couldnt accept it, and we argued fiercely. At this moment, my mother came in and took a look at the instruction manual. He said to me, "You have to play cards." She placed the manual in front of me and pointed to a piece for me to read. When I saw it, it turned out that I was wrong! I immediately blushed and apologized to my younger brother. We both had a happy time playing now.

It seems that rules are really ubiquitous! Even the small games we play must be played according to the rules. Without its constraints, its really a mess! Remember the rules, abide by them, and our life will be better!

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 3

As the saying goes, "Without rules, there is no square." We live in this big family of society, where everyone follows the rules, so that society can develop in an orderly manner. If the rules are violated, society will become chaotic.

I remember on a hot summer day, our family went to a water park to play. As soon as I left, a heat wave rushed towards me, and my clothes quickly became wet with sweat. Although I kept wiping the sweat off my face with a tissue, it still kept coming out. Watching me heat up like this, my mom bought me an ice cream. As soon as I opened the bag, I began to wolf down a large ice cream, which I quickly eliminated after three or five cuts. I casually finished eating the ice cream stick and threw it into the garbage bin on the roadside, then without a glance, I chased my mother and them in three steps and two steps.

"Big brother, wait a moment!" I turned around and saw a little brother with a tiger like head and brain calling me. He saw me turn around and pointed his little finger at the ice cream stick that I was still on the ground. I think: a little bit, but instead hes taking care of me, ignoring him, Ill turn around and leave. "Big brother, big brother!" The little boy became anxious and shouted loudly. I pretended not to hear and chased after my mother. This is, Mom has turned around and is looking at us, her eyes full of questions. I looked embarrassed and waved my hands, stuttering and saying, "I... I dont know..." Big brother was not well behaved. The teacher said to abide by social rules and not litter The little boy pouted and bent down to pick up the ice cream stick, carefully stuffing it into the trash can.

Seeing all of this, I felt like I had a fever and was sweating profusely all over. I thought to myself, "If everyone were to litter, how dirty and messy our city would become! I suddenly realized that little boy is even younger than me, she understands environmental protection, and I am not as good as him! I lowered my head and secretly swore: from now on, I must be a person who follows the rules!"!

"Without rules, there is no square." Living in this big family of society, only by everyone following the rules together can we maintain a good social order, and life will run on the track of the train, heading towards a happy and beautiful place.

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 4

A few days after the winter vacation, our group has already prepared for the activity. On the morning of January 13th, all members of our Hundred Flowers group gathered at the back door of the school and went to the Central Book City as volunteers. We will not forget the tasks assigned by the teacher, and will not damage the reputation of the school. We will strive to leave a good impression on the uncles and aunts there and do our work well.

Early in the morning, I arrived at the back door of the school. Zhang Rongbin, Han Liu, Li Yilin, Wu Bingying, familiar faces, we chatted and laughed together and arrived at the Central Book City. As soon as we entered the door, we found the manager and asked him to arrange our work. Our activity started as scheduled.

I now realize that volunteer work is not easy. I need to organize the entire bookshelf of books, and now I understand that when reading books in the future, I must put them back in the distance and not leave them randomly. Some people who buy books casually flip through them, and the books become messy. My classmates and I have been running around for a whole afternoon before tidying up and arranging the books neatly. We feel how difficult work is, and at the end of the day, we experience how difficult it is to work in a volunteer studio.

What a meaningful event this volunteer activity is! We should be serious and meticulous in our work, and not be careless. We should bring glory to our school and leave a good impression on others. Lets have a meaningful winter vacation!

Everyone has a dream, and everyones dream is different. My dream is to become an inventor.

After each exam in school, students with high scores may become proud, complacent, and happy; Students who do not perform well in exams will feel sad and discouraged. I want to invent a love magic card that can guess your thoughts and send you warm words based on your thoughts.

I know that everyone hopes to study well and achieve first place in exams. So, what methods can we use to achieve this wish? I want to invent a multifunctional teaching book. The first page is a big problem pocket. Whenever you encounter a problem you dont know, write it in the big problem pocket on the first page. After 3 seconds, the answer will appear on the solution card on the last page. After 2 seconds, it will automatically explain the problem to you.

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 5

Mencius once said, "Without rules, there is no square." In our lives, there are various rules that are clear and require us to abide by them together. But in reality, we often violate rules. Is it really so difficult to follow the rules? I also had an unforgettable experience, when faced with rules, I chose to abide by them. That was an English test. Before the exam, the teacher announced the rules as usual: "No cheating!" I started answering the questions, and I did all the previous ones very smoothly, like a brave general who killed the enemy to pieces. Just as I was feeling proud, a word stumped me. What should I do? I am not sure about this word, but I am eager to get a perfect score. A thought flashed through my mind - the English book is right in my desk, and as long as I pull it out a little, I can see the vocabulary list! I couldnt help but reach into the desk... Just then, the teacher coughed. I was scared half to death and suddenly withdrew my hand as if it had been struck by lightning. My heart was pounding, pounding, pounding like fifteen little rabbits in my heart. My scalp was numb, my back was covered in cold sweat, and my hands and feet were limp. I looked up and realized that the teacher was just clearing my throat, not targeting me. I then reached out my trembling hand to the desk. Suddenly, a sentence that the homeroom teacher often says came to my mind: "Im not afraid of poor grades, only afraid of poor conduct."

I seem to have seen the teachers comment on my growth manual stating "excellent in both character and learning" again, as if I heard a voice saying, "What is the point of breaking exam rules and relying on cheating to get a 100% score?" I am truly ashamed of my previous thought! The exam was over, and I took a long breath and handed in a blank paper. I didnt get a full score in this exam, but my heart was very secure and happy because in front of the rules, I chose to abide by them! As the saying goes, a family has its own rules, and the state has its own laws. Since there are rules, we should abide by them; If everyone can choose to abide by the rules, then our family, city, country, and world will be more harmonious and beautiful!

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 6

As the saying goes, "Without a gauge, there is no square or circle.". Rules are an indispensable part of our lives. They are not a constraint, but a guarantee for a better life.

I remember one time, I took my younger brother to school and he was almost late for school. I grabbed my younger brother and ran all the way to a crossroads. Unfortunately, we ran into a red light and I was very anxious. I kept stomping my feet in place. I looked at the one minute long red light and then at the "large army of people" preparing to run the red light. In an instant, two thoughts came to my mind, like two black and white little people fighting. The white person said, "Dont run the red light! Youre a sister, take the lead in following traffic rules. Running a red light is not safe.". The black little man immediately stood up and retorted, "Your younger brother is almost late. If he doesnt run the red light, he will be scolded! Have you forgotten that he was criticized by the teacher for being late last time?" The two little people were arguing fiercely in my mind. I stood on the roadside, hesitating and in a dilemma. Looking at the 40 second red light, I remembered the scene where I was late to see my younger brother off: the feeling of being scolded by my mother was really unbearable, and it would also implicate my younger brother in not having breakfast at school, let alone the second time? Will the teacher scold the younger brother? Will you scold me? Anyway, for the sake of my younger brother, I forgot all the rules that the white little man said, and grabbed his hand as I walked forward. But my younger brother pulled me back and looked at the "big army" that was getting farther and farther away. I reluctantly looked at him and said, "Theres still a long way to go before the green light. If you dont leave, youll be late! You dont want to eat breakfast? Are you not afraid of being scolded by the teacher?" But my younger brother advised me, "Sister! When we were in kindergarten, the teacher taught us to stop at the red light, go at the green light! We must abide by the traffic rules! Otherwise, it will be very dangerous." After listening to my younger brothers words, I immediately felt ashamed. How come even my younger brother understands the truth, but as an older sister, I cant do it? I gave my younger brother a thumbs up and we stood quietly on the sidewalk, waiting for the green light

Since then, I have never run a red light again. It is precisely because of the rules that I see a different kind of beauty in my younger brother, and it is precisely because of the rules that our lives become so beautiful and society becomes more harmonious!

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 7

On the weekend, I was reading by the window when suddenly it started raining heavily. I suddenly thought of the old man who picks up garbage in the backyard of the community every day.

He definitely didnt have time to go home. Where will he hide in such heavy rain? He will get gonorrhea. No, I need to go out and take a look. I secretly glanced at my mother who was cooking in the kitchen, held my breath, and found a box of Contiq to put in my pocket. Then, I tiptoed into my raincoat, grabbed an umbrella, and quietly touched the door. I gently opened the anti-theft door and flew out.

The rain hit my raincoat heavily, as if it was about to knock me down. I ran through the green space with deep and shallow feet, and as soon as I turned, I saw the ragged old man hiding under the eaves, holding a hard paper shell to cover his head, trembling and shrinking into a ball!

I quickly ran forward, opened the umbrella, covered the old mans head, took out the cold medicine from my pocket, and handed it over: Grandpa, its too cold, please take the medicine quickly, dont catch a cold, give you this umbrella, go home quickly. The old man was taken aback for a moment, then extended his rough hand, trembling as he took the medicine and umbrella, and passionately said, "Good child, thank you, you are so kind!" After listening to the old mans words, he forgot about the cold and happily ran back home, letting the rain hit his face.

Ah! Giving is truly joyful!

On my way home from extracurricular class today, my dad said he wanted to buy me two pieces of chocolate. I was surprised and asked, "Dad, why did you buy me chocolate? I didnt do well on the test today, why did you still buy it?" Dad said, "You did very well on the test yesterday, so you should still be rewarded." After that, he took out 20 yuan from his wallet and gave it to me. He said, "You can go in and buy Defu chocolate yourself!" Then, I quickly finished buying it and went home with Dad.

As soon as I got home and finished washing my hands, I couldnt wait to take out a piece of chocolate. I said to my dad, "Ill eat it before it softens! Since its my dads intention, its a sin not to eat!" After I finished speaking, I ate it in big gulps. In no time, this piece of chocolate was eliminated by me. Next, I said, "Poor chocolate, how lonely you are! I have already let you eat, you two are inside (inside) and one is outside (outside). I will eat you too to reunite you two!" After saying that, I also ate the chocolate. Dad said, "You really look like Grete (the character in the story)!" Then I went to do my winter homework with satisfaction.

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 8

There is something that constrains our behavior, something that cannot be seen or touched. If we do not follow it, unimaginable consequences will occur. It is called a rule. God did not bestow upon us curse magic, but he bestowed upon us intelligent brains, which enabled us humans to clarify the rules of low-carbon and environmentally friendly behavior.

The blue sky, pure white clouds, and colorful flowers added some fun to my childhood. Nature nourishes everyone. With the changes of the times, our lives are constantly changing, and dilapidated thatched cottages have become towering skyscrapers; Before starting a fire and cooking, we used charcoal, but now we use liquefied gas; Previously, using geese to transmit messages, now using microwave communication... These subtle changes have brought great convenience to peoples lives. But everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and these changes have brought us benefits while also causing disasters to the Earth. I found that the sky is not as blue as before, the white clouds are not as pure as before, and the flowers are not as beautiful as before. Everything is changing. Our helplessness, our repentance, our remedy, can only be a drop in the bucket.

In fact, the "low-carbon rules" are right around us. Every household item, from machinery and household appliances to toys, books, and decorations, consumes resources and energy in production, resulting in carbon emissions. The things you discard may be exactly what I need. Exchange them with each other as needed and not buy new ones, which will naturally reduce the consumption of resources and energy, and reduce carbon emissions. Regularly using manual thinking to turn old things into treasure can also achieve "low-carbon". Generally, households have many discarded boxes, such as soap boxes, toothpaste boxes, milk boxes, etc. In fact, with a little cutting, they can be easily discarded and reused. For example, they can be made into storage boxes where items such as tea bags and cosmetics can be placed; You can also use instant noodle boxes, can head bottles, and yogurt bottles to make a beautiful desk lamp; Dried tea residue can be used to make a tea pillow, which is both comfortable and improves sleep

I heard that transferring money online can not only avoid queuing at the bank, but also reduce the energy consumption of paper documents during transportation. Therefore, I started learning from friends how to shop online, pay water and electricity bills, pay phone bills, etc., which is very time-saving and labor-saving. In addition, replacing ordinary light bulbs with energy-saving ones, walking, cycling, or taking public transportation as much as possible, and unplugging electrical appliances casually... These seemingly unintentional small things are all contributing to "low-carbon". As students, we should follow the rules of low-carbon living and cherish these priceless treasures. Energy conservation and emission reduction are closely related to the lives of each and every one of us. We should establish such environmental awareness and form a good habit as soon as possible.

The environment of the Earth is like a beautiful scenery. We should not only appreciate and enjoy it when it is beautiful, but also know how to protect it and keep it youthful. So we must remember: save the earth, live a low-carbon life! This is the environmental rule that every one of us should abide by.

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 9

Rules fill this world, and people live in a world full of rules. But if everything in life exists within rules, life is frozen from the beginning, and then the world becomes uninteresting.

Does happiness have rules? No, happiness has no rules. Cinderella wearing crystal shoes is happiness, and transforming an ugly duckling into a white swan is happiness. Even some misfortunes can bring happiness. Hais daughter has become a foam, but she has done what she wants to do most in her life. She is happy. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai both turned into butterflies, but they can fly freely together. Arent they happy? Happiness is the gratitude of every soul towards life, how can it be bound by cold and hard rules?

Is it happiness and rules? No, happiness has no rules. The singing in the fields during the harvest is happiness, the shouting in the streets and alleys during the successful bid for the Olympics is happiness, and the clear cry in the delivery room is also happiness. Even some very ordinary and simple things are happy. The first breeze of spring, although still slightly cold, warms the whole world and is joyful. The sunshine that seeped through the thick dark clouds after a thunderstorm, although still faint, brought a bright message to the world, and it was also joyful. Happiness is the feeling of the entire soul towards life, and those rigid rules cannot be bound.

Is there a rule for beauty? No, beauty has no rules. The rainbow in the sky after rain is beautiful, Venus with a broken arm is beautiful, and Yu Ji, who committed suicide in the dim yellow sunset, is also beautiful. Even some very subtle and unintentional things are beautiful. The misty and rainy mountains in the distance, although not steep, add a hazy beauty to the world with their vagueness in the humid air. Therefore, it is beautiful. Beauty is the charm of the soul, how can the rules and regulations be bound?

Does love have rules? No, love has no rules. Lambs kneel and suckle, crows feed back is love, "holding the hand of the child, growing old together with the child" is also love; Adding bricks and tiles to the Hope Project, helping those curious eyes is love, cheering for the glory of Olympic athletes is love, shouting for justice is love, shouting for the protection of nature and the earth is also love! Love is the sensation of the entire soul, and that passion cannot be measured by rules.

We live in a world of rules, and we are grateful to the Naxi rules because they have given us a peaceful, stable, and orderly world. However, we are living an irregular life, and we are grateful for those irregularities. Because of those irregularities, we have a colorful and poetic life!

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 10

Its midsummer, scorching with scorching sun, scorching the earth with scorching heat. The surging waves evaporate all my patience.

I looked anxiously at my watch, then resentfully at the scorching sun above my head. I hurriedly walked to the intersection of traffic lights, only to see sparse cars passing by, and felt like crossing the road. Suddenly, a bright red flag stood in front of me, followed by a whistle that hit my eardrums and stopped the surging crowd from the opposite side.

Waiting, slowing down the pace of time, the red lights on the sidewalk are still so bright. I urgently asked, "Auntie, can I pass for a moment?" "No!" The two words hit my forehead heavily. "You must abide by traffic rules! Have your teachers and parents never taught you?" She had a dark face, with wrinkles rising and falling like grooves on the mountain, and her eyes like a dagger, piercing me halfway. I cursed inwardly, "This old antique, black faced Bao Gong, doesnt know how to be flexible."

Just as I was about to say, with a "whoosh", a car shot past like an arrow leaving the string, rolling up waves of dust. My heart drumbed and I looked at the aunt beside me. The resentment I had just had gradually dissipated. I saw her wearing a beige work uniform, with the armband of "Traffic Civilization Advisor" on her left arm. Bean sized beads of sweat reflect the light of the sun. As I was mesmerizing, she said to me, "Child, you can cross the road now. Remember, Id rather stop for three minutes than take a second! Her hard gaze softened just now.

Stepping on the black and white piano like sidewalk, following the crowd, I safely walked to the opposite side of the road. I turned around and saw the withered arm holding the small red flag, which was as beautiful as a red plum. As I walked, I thought to myself that the scorching sun had burned their skin and the cold wind had aged their faces as these persuaders stood firm at busy intersections. Isnt it a heart that is willing to dedicate, abide by rules, and uphold responsibilities that lies beneath the surface of vicissitudes and lack of empathy?

Rules may seem far away from us, but they are everywhere: on our way to and from school, on our way up and down the teaching stairs, in our attentive classroom, in our reading room... The Chinese captain said, "Respect life, respect responsibility, respect rules." Classmates, lets start from small things, abide by rules, respect rules. Because following the rules makes life better!

Rules change our life550字英语六年级作文 11

Without rules, there is no square. Rules have always been with us and are ubiquitous in our lives.

On Sunday, I was riding my bike to go to the library when I passed a crossroads and happened to encounter a red light. I stopped and waited for the green light to light up. At the intersection, cars come and go in a criss crossing pattern, and pedestrians and vehicles are in order under the guidance of traffic lights. The green light is on, and pedestrians and vehicles follow the route indicated by the road sign, taking their own paths. At this moment, a tricycle forcefully passed by at the moment when the red light was on and collided with an electric vehicle. The tricycle was severely deformed, and the electric vehicle crashed to the ground, with parts scattered all over the ground. The person on the electric vehicle fell to the ground. If tricycle drivers abide by traffic rules, how could such disharmony occur? Clearly, it is everyones responsibility to abide by the rules.

I rode my bike and continued to leisurely ride on the road. The spring scenery was bright, and the green belts on both sides of the road were tender green with new shoots. Birds chirped, and the warm sunshine bathed my whole body. A gentle warm breeze brushed my cheeks. The dark asphalt road is adorned with beautiful and elegant white and yellow lane markings. Cross this road and you will reach the library.

I parked my bike in the parking spot on the roadside and walked towards the library, surrounded by silence. I couldnt help but feel happy in my heart: I should be the first to arrive today! Who knew, as soon as I entered the door, ah! The library is almost full, but how could there be no sound? Oh, everyone is quietly holding books, holding pens, and indulging in the sea of books, enjoying the pleasure of acquiring knowledge! I cant help but respect the unwritten rules in the library!

I also walked into the library lightly and took out the half read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from the bookshelf. The plot deeply touched me. This year, the Cao army entered Shouchun, and the city was short of food. Cao Cao issued a military order: No one is allowed to trample on crops, those who violate the order will be beheaded! Cao Caos horse was frightened and accidentally ran into the field. Cao Cao could have avoided this punishment with his prestige and position in the army, and the executioners dared not take action. The ministers of civil and military affairs also kept advising. Cao Cao still used his sword to cut off a strand of hair and "replace it with hair". I cant help but feel a thousand emotions: Cao Gong not only formulated the "rules", but also was the executor of the rules.

Rules are everywhere! In the classroom, we should listen attentively; At school, we cannot play and frolic; In public places, we cannot make loud noises; At gas stations, we cannot make phone calls or send text messages... thats the rule.

Rules are the embodiment of human civilizations wisdom. Only when people abide by the rules can society be healthy, the country be strong, and humanity progress!

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