
发布者:章豆豆 时间:2024-6-4 00:40




实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 1

Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.Whales are also in danger from water pollution.We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.


实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 2


What is the biggest animal in the ocean? Maybe you will say, its the hippocampus, its the dolphin, its ... no, its all wrong. I tell you that the biggest animal in the world is a whale. Today I will tell you some secrets about whales.


At present, whales are in a desperate situation. Why? There are two reasons: one is that human beings kill it in large quantities, which reduces its number. For this reason, some countries have set up organizations to protect whales to stop human cruelty to whales. Another is that whales committed suicide in large numbers. In recent years, there have been many reports about whales and dolphins rushing from the sea to the beach to commit mass suicide. American scientists concluded that there was a bug one and a half meters long on the beach, which crawled into the whales ear, disoriented the whale and committed suicide by hitting the beach. There is a famous biologist in Japan named Ikujiro Iwata. He said, "Once animals lose their functions, just like humans lose their hands and feet, it is particularly normal to commit suicide when they are disoriented."


Maybe tomorrow, whales will completely disappear from human vision. Under the premise of not solving their suicide problem, lets stop the whale hunting together and let them live happily again!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 3


Hello, Im a whale. You dont know me, do you? Let me introduce myself!

人类那些高智慧动物认为我们像鱼,所以就管我们叫鲸鱼。听我那亲爱的母亲说,他们把我们分成两种,一种是齿鲸。这种鲸鱼有十分锋利 的牙齿,大鱼和海兽是他们最爱吃的,一到他们口里就像饿虎扑食一样一会儿就吃完 了。还有一种就是我,叫须鲸,我很温和,喜欢吃小鱼、小虾。我总是把海水和小鱼、小虾一起吃到嘴里,再把海水从须板中间滤出来。

Those intelligent animals think we are like fish, so they call us whales. Listen to my dear mother, they divide us into two kinds, one is toothed whale. This kind of whale has very sharp teeth. Big fish and sea animals are their favorite foods. Once in their mouths, they eat them like hungry tigers. Theres another one, Im a baleen whale. Im gentle, and I like eat small fish and shrimp. I always eat seawater with small fish and shrimp in my mouth, and then filter it out from the middle of the whisker board.

我们鲸鱼都很团结,睡觉的时候,都是几头鲸围成一个圆,头里尾外像一朵花儿 似的浮在水面上,一有风吹草动就像离弦的箭四散游开。

We whales are very United. When we sleep, a few whales form a circle, floating on the water like a flower inside and outside, and flying away like an arrow at the slightest sign of trouble.


I have a big appetite. I can eat more than two kilograms a meal. Oh, dear! I am hungry again.


I am full of treasures, fat can be used to make soap, bones can be used to extract glue, and meat is very fat. Because of this, people are killing us in large quantities. Fortunately, it has been completely banned, but the water has been polluted and our lives have been destroyed. Come and save us!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 4


I am a whale living in the sea.


In recent years, with the intensification of human factors, my life and my world have all undergone different changes. I hate this polluted environment, and I look forward to flying high in the sky! Unfortunately, I have no wings.


I dont want to get generous treatment. I just dont want to be confined to such a harsh environment. I should also have my own ideals and pursuits. I dont even want future generations to live like me. They should swim freely in an unpolluted water.


People should take many beneficial measures to prevent this kind of random thoughts from happening, instead of just putting forward slogans and policies and not implementing them. Of course, some of them also take pleasure in killing us. I sincerely hope that they will stop this kind of behavior and give whales a warm and comfortable home. There should be no generation gap between man and nature.


I am a whale, and I look forward to seeing the crystal clear sea water one day, which is not only my wish but also the common wish of the whale people! !


Therefore, children, we should start from ourselves and be a self-disciplined person. In order to have an environmentally friendly environment, everyone has the responsibility to care for the environment.

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 5


People say that the biggest animal is an elephant. In fact, there are animals much bigger than elephants, and that is whales.


At present, the heaviest whale found in China weighs about 160 tons. A whales tongue is as heavy as a dozen big fat pigs. If you are in the whales mouth, you cant touch its upper jaw.


Some people say that whales are fish, but thats all wet. In ancient times, the ancestors of whales, like the ancestors of cattle and sheep, were viviparous, belonging to mammals, and grew up by eating their mothers milk. Whales still breathe with their lungs. Now it is enough to prove that they are not fish.


There are two kinds of whales. The first kind is baleen whales, which have no teeth, mainly eat small fish shrimps. The second kind is toothed whale, which mainly eats big fish, sea animals and squid. Toothed whales will swim quickly when they meet sea animals. Some toothed whales flock together to surround a whale weighing about 30 tons and eat it up in an hour or two.


In recent years, the number of whales has become less and less, some of them have been hunted by human beings, and others have died because of the poor marine environment, people throw things into the sea, whales swallow garbage, and it is difficult for them to breathe.


Lets love whales and protect the marine environment!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 6


My name is Lele. I am a happy little whale. I live in an endless ocean. The sea is blue and beautiful! There are lovely starfish, colorful corals and small fish here ... I live happily here, and when I am bored, I play with my partner. When you are tired, lie in your mothers arms and rest; When you are hungry, go to find food with your father ...


But one day, my mother said that many friends died of torture. It turns out that people throw away plastic bags at random at the seaside. After the wind blows, a lot of plastic garbage floats to the sea surface, and some sink to the bottom of the sea. According to the estimation of anthropologists, there are about 20,000 pieces of plastic waste per square kilometer of land, and about 12.7 million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean every year. These plastic wastes have brought us great pain and even threatened our lives. Countless small fish like me have lost their parents and their once happy families. Now I am not happy at all. I cant see the lovely starfish, the colorful corals and the little fish. Plastic garbage not only makes the beautiful scenery disappear, but also destroys my home.


I hope you can hear my voice, act quickly, stop dumping garbage into the ocean and protect our beautiful blue home!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 7


Hello, everyone, I am a whale. People say that I am the biggest animal in the world, and nothing can compare with me.


My weight is amazing. Compared with a car, the biggest whale in the world is a small ant, and the whale is a person. My tongue is very thick, several times thicker than the distance between a wall. Also, my stomach is very big. Compared with a persons stomach, its nothing. More than 10 people are standing inside playing hide-and-seek, and those who catch it will definitely catch it around.


Now I want to introduce the species of whales. There are many whales in the world, such as blue whales, white whales, baleen whales, sperm whales and so on. Blue whales are the largest species of whales, but they took humans to kill them, and now there are not many left. Sperm whale is the most fragrant and pleasing whale among whales. And Moby dick, thats me. I am very powerful, and I can make ever-changing sounds, such as babies crying and cows barking, and children reading loudly. The most incredible thing is that I can learn to ring the bell!


After listening to my introduction, do you already like whales? It is said that whales can live for 10 or 100 years. If it werent for human killing and natural disasters, whales could live a healthy life. Lets protect whales.

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 8


Hello, everyone, I am a lovely whale.


I live in the sea. Although I look like a fish, I am actually a mammal. Also viviparous. Why are we mammals? That should start from ancient times: our ancestors used to live on land. Later, the environment changed. We came to live in the shallow sea. Gradually our posterior branch degenerated. Adapted to life in the ocean.


We have to sleep, too. We often sleep in a circle. You dont think we are asleep, but we are very vigilant. As soon as we hear some sounds, we will immediately spread out.


We are very big, and five elephants are not as big as me! The tongue is as thick as dozens of big fat pigs.


We are not only big in size, but also long in life. Can live for decades to more than a hundred years. The life span is similar to that of a big turtle.


Although we have a long life span, our number is running out because of human hunting. I hope everyone will stop killing us in the future!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 9


Hello, children! I am the famous killer whale. Maybe some children dont know me well enough, so let me introduce myself in detail.


Many people call us whales, but we are not fish. Fish breathe through gills, but we are different. We use lungs. Our ancestors were mammals living on the mainland, and later, because of environmental changes, their limbs gradually degenerated in the sea to adapt to marine life, and they became like this.


My belly is white, but my back is dark. This is to catch my prey. When my prey passes upstream from my back, the dark back makes it difficult for them to tell whether it is the bottom of the sea or my back; When they swam under my belly, my belly merged with the sea. I prefer to pretend to be a corpse at sea, so as to attract sharks to eat me. When he comes, I will turn over and bite his tail, so that I can catch them and have a good meal!


We can dive 350 meters under the sea to catch prey, whether its small fish, shrimp or penguin seals, or even sharks and whales. Sharp teeth can easily tear up prey and let me have a full meal.


I like sleeping with groups. When we sleep, we automatically form a circle, with our heads inward and our tails outward. At this time, if you look at it from above, it looks like a swimming ring.


Thats all for my self-introduction. Children should know me better. Well meet again sometime!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 10


In the blue, endless sea, several yellow bright spots appeared. Closer, closer, you can see clearly that it is a few yellow lights. It turns out that it is a cruise ship sailing at high speed at sea.


How can the ship travel so fast in the dark sea? It turns out that people have been greatly inspired by whales.


Whales live in water. They have a round head and a huge body, but whales often easily overtake ships sailing in the sea. Why?


After repeated research, repeated proof, repeated modification of the ships appearance and shape, and repeated experiments, scientists finally discovered the secret of why whales can easily surpass ships!


Once upon a time, the speed of the ship was very slow. Scientists studied the whale carefully and found that its shape was an ideal "streamline", which suffered the least resistance in the water. Later, designers imitated the shape of whales to design the hull, which greatly improved the sailing speed of ships.


In the world of nature, there are many places worth learning and imitating. The world of nature is wonderful, and we are inspired by animals, which makes us transform or invent many things. For example, we were inspired by dragonflies, which made the plane more stable.


Biology is really a good teacher for human beings! Is it true that human beings are the most powerful, and nature has also given us a lot of inspiration?

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 11


Whale, which is recognized as a giant under the sea by human beings, is a huge and docile animal. Today, I will introduce you!


Fish are marine animals, so are whales. Fish breathe with gills, but whales breathe with lungs. The whales breathing hole is long on the top of his head. When breathing, the whale first discharges the exhaust gas from his lungs. When this powerful airflow rushes out of his nostrils, it will make a loud sound, accompanied by passionate music, and a "fountain" will gush out, forming a beautiful scenery on the sea!


Whales have inventions.


Once upon a time, ships had sharp bows, but they never sailed fast, while whales with round heads and brains often overtook seagoing ships. What is the reason? After repeated research, scientists found that its shape is an ideal "streamline", and the "streamline" has the least resistance in water. Later, designers imitated the shape of whales when designing the hull, which greatly improved the time and speed of the ship sailing on the water.


Military strategists observed the life of whales. Every 20 to 60 minutes, you have to surface to breathe. The back arched out of the water and then poked its head out of the "fountain", so scientists were inspired to strengthen the strength and thickness of the submarines raised podium and enclosure, and treated the shape like the whales back. As a result, it played a great role in whales.


Nature, a good teacher!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 12


Although the name is fish, it is not fish, but it is big in the ocean. Do you know who this is? This is me-whale! I am a much bigger animal than an elephant, weighing about 160,000 kilograms at the most and 2,000 kilograms at the smallest. People stand in my mouth, but they cant touch my palate with their hands raised. Four people sit around the table and read in my mouth, which is very spacious. How about it? Its big enough!


There are many kinds of whales in our country, which can be generally divided into baleen whales and toothed whales. Balen whales mainly eat shrimp and small fish, while toothed whales mainly eat big fish and sea animals. We sleep every day, and when we sleep, several partners always get together. We usually find a safer place. Head in and tail out, in a circle, breast on the sea. If we hear anything, we will swim away immediately. Our cetaceans have a long life span, usually ranging from several decades to a hundred years.


We live in the ocean and are shaped like fish, so people call me a whale. In fact, we are not fish, but mammals. Because we breathe with our lungs, we have to come out of the sea to breathe at regular intervals, and we are viviparous and grew up eating our mothers milk, so we are mammals.


We used to live happily, but in recent years, with the deterioration of the environment and a large number of people killing, my partners are getting less and less. Im crying out here: help us!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 13


"Like a fish, it is not a fish, and it lives in the sea for life; It looks like a fountain from a distance and looks like an island from a distance. " Guess who this is? Ha ha! You are so clever, of course it is me! Whales!


Can you guess how long and old I am? Hee hee! Dont be surprised! As for me, I weigh two thousand kilograms and am about seventeen meters long! Dont be surprised! My tongue is as heavy as those dozens of big fat pigs.


In fact, I can still eat very much. I eat two thousand kilograms of small fish and shrimp in the ocean. Hows it going? If there were no eating contest in the ocean, my home would have been full of golden cups! That champion belongs to me.


There are many people in the world who ask me to go to whales. What a mistake! Im not a fish. I breathe with my lungs like cows and sheep. When I breathe, I will surface, and the water column from my nostrils is like a fountain in your garden.


I sleep every day. Whenever I sleep, my partner and I will float quietly on the sea with our heads facing inward and our tails facing outward in a circle. If we hear any noise, we will be alert and the whales will immediately swim away.


Now that we are almost extinct, please stop killing us and pollute the water resources. Everyone will get what they deserve. Saving us is saving everyone. Help us ...

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 14


Dear human friends, I am your good friend-whale.


We whales live in the ocean. Because we are like fish, many humans call us whales. We have a small body and a big head that is extremely asymmetrical with the body. Our head is an arc, which is called a popular line in your human words. It turns out that the ships head is sharp, and it always doesnt drive fast. It was only after we found our big head that it was changed to an arc.


We are not fish, but mammals. Our ancestors used to have limbs, lived on land and breathed with their lungs, so from the source, we are still a family!


We regard you as a family, but how do you treat us? You know very well that our whales reproductive ability is very poor, and it takes an average of two years to give birth to a calf. However, due to your hunting and the pollution of the marine environment, the number of whales has decreased dramatically. For example, nearly 360,000 blue whales, the largest among us, were killed in the 20th century, and now there are less than 50. We have lived on the earth for more than 5000 years, but now many of our species are on the verge of extinction.


Human friends, wake up quickly! Please dont kill us all. If so, the earth will become dull and lifeless. Wake up quickly!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 15


Hello everyone! I am a whale from the sea. We are mammals, because I am like a fish, and everyone is used to calling me a whale. That would be a big mistake. We breathe with our lungs like cattle and sheep, and we are still viviparous.


My weight is very heavy, about 30 thousand kilograms, 14 meters long. I belong to baleen whales, mainly eat small fish and shrimp, but my brothers-toothed whales are different. They have sharp teeth, mainly eating big fish and sea animals, and sometimes they will eat us!


We are the most beautiful when we breathe. My nose grows on the top of my head, and I will breathe after a while. When we breathe, a water column is formed, which is vertical, thin and high, like a fountain in the garden, but my brother is different. The water column they spray is inclined, thick and short, and experienced fishermen can judge our species according to the size of our water column.


Sleeping is a compulsory course for us. We always gather several heads together, with the head facing inward and the tail facing outward, floating on the water like a circle, which is good for us to escape and breathe. Our growth rate is very fast, we can grow 30-50 kilograms a day, and our life span is very long, we can live for decades-100 years.


After listening to my self-report, you must know something about us.

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 16


If I become a whale, I can swim around in the sea, see many kinds of fish and make many friends ...


One day we went to the seaside to play, and I wanted to go to the sea. I thought I would become a whale. I swam around in the sea and saw two whales together. I think they should have quarreled for a while, and I saw a large group of fish. Their shiny scales were purple and swam past me.


After a while, I saw a baleen whale shrimp in eat small fish. It ate the small fish and shrimp together, and then filtered out the water. The baleen whale only ate eat small fish shrimp, but didnt eat big animals, unlike killer whales.


Speaking of killer whales, Ill tell you a big secret. Every time a group of killer whales surround a baleen whale, they eat dozens of tons of food every time.


I wonder why killer whales eat baleen whales. Arent all whales? Later I learned that killer whales have sharp teeth, but baleen whales dont have sharp teeth.


If you become a whale, will you see as much as I do? I think you should be more different than I found!


Later, my mother patted me on the shoulder, and I immediately recovered. I asked, "I am making a whale in the sea, why are you patting me?" Mother said, "Its evening. Its time to go." But I still want to be a whale in the sea.


Do you want to be a whale through my imagination?

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 17


Many people know great white sharks, and they all say that great white sharks are "ocean overlords". In fact, there are animals that are fiercer than great white sharks and have smarter brains, and that is the king of the sea-killer whales.


Killer whales are the largest species in the dolphin family. They have a slightly round head, an inconspicuous beak, black and white saddle spots, especially their eyes, which look like ninja eye patches. At present, the largest known killer whale is about 9.75 meters and weighs about 9.5 tons, which is as heavy as 3-4 Asian elephants.


Killer whales mainly feed on squid and fish, and even prey on large sea animals such as sperm whales. They have strong teeth, and their teeth are mainly used for grabbing rather than chewing, so they are not as sharp as sharks, and the animals caught by them are swallowed whole.


Killer whales breathe with their lungs. Every time they breathe, they form a fountain of water column, and the water column that erupts is inclined, thick and short. Killer whales generally sleep close to the surface of the water, and they sleep in groups, which is conducive to improving vigilance and greatly improving safety.


The killer whale family consists of a male killer whale and more than 20 female killer whales. The female killer whale only gives birth to a baby killer whale, and their life span is extremely long, reaching 80 to 90 years old. But now, killer whales are very rare, only 20,000, all because people used to kill killer whales at will in order to get Long Xianxiang.


Lets take action to protect killer whales together!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 18


Hello, everyone, I am todays heavyweight "person", the largest animal in the world. "Although fish is not a fish by name, it counts in the ocean," you already know me! Im a whale.


We whales are much bigger than the largest animals on land-elephants. In our family, as far as people know, the largest whale at present is about 160 thousand kilograms, and the smallest whale weighs 2 thousand kilograms. China once found a whale weighing 40,000 kilograms, which is more than 17 meters long. Just one tongue is as heavy as a dozen pigs. If it opens its mouth, people stand in its mouth and raise their hands, but it cant touch its palate. Four people sit around the table and read in its mouth, which is very spacious.


Many people think that our whales are fish, which is not true. We are not oviparous, but viviparous, and we are brought up by eating our mothers milk. Moreover, we breathe with our lungs like cattle and sheep, which also shows that we are not fish.


Our familys vigilance is among the best. We have to sleep every day. When we sleep, a group of people get together. If there is noise, we will swim away immediately.


We used to live a happy life, but in recent years, nearly 360,000 blue whales, the eldest brother of our family, were killed in the 20th century, and now there are less than 50. Our family has lived on the earth for more than 50 million years, but now, we are going extinct. As a member of the whale, I appeal to people: save us!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 19


I am an animal that looks like a fish but doesnt belong to it. At that time, my ancestors were still on land, then occupied the ocean, lived in shallow water, and finally adapted to the life of the ocean and evolved into me now. People call me whale.


I live in a vast ocean. My family is very big. Many brothers and sisters roam in the deep sea. When the weather is fine, I swim to the seaside, rise to the sea surface, meet the blue sky and white clouds, and see the land and mountains from a distance. When dark clouds gathered, they dived into the bottom of the sea, ignoring that anyone was looking for me. Ha ha! I have a strange temper!


People describe me as a moving mountain. My weight can reach tens of thousands of kilograms! Do you know that?/You know what? My lungs alone weigh about 1500 kilograms and can absorb 15000 airborne gases. I can stay underwater for 18 minutes. When breathing, due to excessive pressure, not only the sound is loud, but also a high water column will be ejected at sea, up to more than 10 meters. Then they will spread out, fall into the sea and splash. From a distance, they are like fireworks in festivals. They are very beautiful! 285 words


Although I am very big, I am full of treasures! Fat can make soap; Bones can refine glue; Meat is nutritious and so on. It is for this reason that humans often kill them indiscriminately. Although all kinds of hunting are banned all over the world now, there are still some people who will not let us go for profit.


There is also marine pollution, which also destroys our homes. Our family is facing the crisis of extinction.


Help us! Humans!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 20


Hi! Hello, everyone, I am the protagonist today, the famous blue whale. Hey, dont look at my cheerful language. In fact, I am worried and hungry, so I have to move to the frozen Antarctic. Why? If you have enough patience, just listen to me in detail.


Now, Im in the Antarctic Sea. Although the climate is bad, the food is extremely rich, and there are countless small fish and shrimps. But my favorite food is krill, which is delicious and makes my mouth water. I have a big appetite. What if I lose it? Dont worry, krill is abundant in Antarctica.


How many are there? Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million? No, in the Antarctic, there are 500 million! In front of my house, there are swarms of krill roaming, frolicking and playing in the vast sea ...


Like human beings, sleeping has long been a part of my life, and I live a peaceful life of working at sunrise and staying in the sun. However, some time ago, whales were flustered and heard that humans were culling whales in large numbers. Therefore, we should choose every place to sleep at night, for fear of sneak attack at night.


One day, another bad news came. In the 20th century, humans killed about 360,000 blue whales. Because my body is full of treasures, there are currently less than 50 heads left. I wish I were an unremarkable whale and not valued by human beings.


This is my self-report. I hope more people will devote themselves to marine protection. Bye!

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 21


Hello! My name is Xiao Xuan, and I am a big toothed whale. I live in the blue sea, surrounded by many colorful corals and countless unknown little fish swimming around happily, like a group of happy elves. I like the sea, because it is beautiful and gives me a vast living space.


But, you know what? As early as tens of millions of years ago, our ancestors used to live on land and could run like cattle and horses. Later, due to the movement of the earths crust, the place where our ancestors lived gradually became an ocean. In order to adapt to the living environment, our ancestors forelimbs gradually evolved into fins and their tails gradually became what they are now.

现在,在湛蓝深远的大海里,生活着我们庞大的齿鲸家族,有脾气暴躁的杀人齿鲸,还有爱磨牙齿的利牙齿鲸,我属于脾气比较温和那一类,我爱与人交往, 与小鱼儿捉迷藏,和我的朋友们相处得特别融洽,我们经常三五成群的睡在一起,围成一大圈,那样子很可爱,也非常的.安全。我虽生活在深海里,你们不常见到 我,但我也会到海面上透透气,如果你在平静的海面上发现一注又粗还有点倾斜的水柱,就像一朵盛开的花儿,你就会找到我,那是因为我的鼻孔长在头上,每次到 海面上呼吸都会产生巨大的像喷泉一样的水柱,特别壮观。

Now, in the blue and far-reaching sea, there is our huge toothed whale family, including killer toothed whales with bad temper and toothy whales who love to grind their teeth. I belong to the kind with mild temper. I like to associate with people, play hide-and-seek with little fish, and get along very well with my friends. We often sleep together in groups of three and five, forming a big circle, which is very cute and very safe. Although I live in the deep sea, you dont often see me, but I will go to the sea to get some air. If you find a thick and slightly inclined water column on the calm sea, like a blooming flower, you will find me, because my nostrils are on my head, and every time I breathe on the sea, I will produce a huge fountain-like water column, which is particularly spectacular.


There are many interesting things in our family. Lets have a good talk together when we have time.

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 22


Hey! Hello everyone! My name is whale, and I am the biggest animal in the world at present.


From ancient times to the present, due to the change of environment, we began to live on the ground, slowly from land to sea, so we began to live in the sea. Many people call me a whale because I look like a fish. In fact, I am a mammal, just like the ancestors of pigs, cows and sheep. One thing that can prove that I am a mammal is that we are all born alive and have been drinking breast milk since birth. If people know that I live from land to sea, they can also know that I am a mammal and dont know that I was born alive. We whales are divided into two categories: one is toothless; One has sharp teeth. The water of our toothless whale is very rough, but the water of toothless whale is very fine.


But why should we spray water? Thats because we have to breathe. We must breathe every once in a while. If we dont breathe, just as humans dont breathe, we will die.


We baleen whales and toothed whales have something in common: first, they are viviparous; First, the water we spit out is like a fountain in the garden. It is high, low, thin, thick and beautiful. Of course, what they have in common is also different: the same food they eat is different, and the same thing is whether they have teeth. At present, the number of whales is less than 50. This is because human beings have polluted the ocean.


Therefore, whenever I see the stars, I will make a wish that human beings will protect animals more.

实用的写鲸鱼的英语作文 23


I live in the ocean. If I surface, people will think it is an island from a distance. I am the largest animal in the world-whale. My father weighs 60 thousand kilograms, isnt it amazing?


There are many kinds of our family. Generally speaking, it can be divided into two categories: baleen whales, which have no teeth; Toothed whales have sharp teeth. I have a big appetite. I specialize in shrimp and small fish. I can eat more than 2000 kilograms at a meal. Haha, it is a typical "big stomach king".


We breathe with our lungs like cattle and sheep. When you exhale, you should float out of the sea and spray a column of water from your nostrils, just like a garden fountain. Wait until your lungs are full of air, then dive into the water. We have to breathe at regular intervals.


We have to sleep every day. When sleeping, the heads are always in a circle: find a safer place and float quietly on the sea. If you hear any noise, you will swim away immediately, and you will never catch us.


We are viviparous, and the fin whale is more than ten meters long and weighs 7 thousand kilograms just after birth. You can grow into a whale in two or three years. Our life span is the birthday girl in the ocean. Generally, we can live to 70 or 80 years old, and the oldest is over 100 years old.


Our ancestors used to be cattle and sheep. Later, due to environmental changes, after a long period of time, the forelimbs and tails became fins, and the hind limbs completely degenerated, becoming fish-like and adapting to marine life.


This is me, a huge and lovely animal. Do you like it?

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Hello everyone! I am a lovely and lively little killer whale.


Do you know that?/You know what? In fact, we are not fish, but mammals. Long, long ago, the ancestors of whales lived on land like the ancestors of cattle and sheep. Later, the environment changed, and the ancestors of whales lived in the shallow sea near the land. After a long, long time, our ancestors forelimbs and tails gradually became fin stage, and their hind limbs completely degenerated, and the whole body became like a fish and adapted to the life in the ocean.


Do you know that?/You know what? There are many kinds of whales in our country, including fin whales, sperm whales and killer whales ... which can be divided into two categories: one is fin whales without teeth; One is the toothed whale, which has sharp teeth.


Do you know that?/You know what? Our baleen whales mainly include eat small fish and shrimp. Once baleen whales can eat more than 2,000 kilograms, toothed whales mainly eat big fish and sea animals, and toothed whales can eat about one ton at a time.


Do you know that?/You know what? We sleep every day, and when we sleep, we always get together. They usually find a safer place, with their heads inward and their tails outward, forming a circle and floating quietly on the sea. If you hear anything, disperse immediately.


Do you know that?/You know what? We are viviparous, and the young whales grow up on the milk of the mother whales. These characteristics indicate that whale mammals.


Do you know that?/You know what? Our whales have a long life span, usually ranging from several decades to a hundred years.


Children, do you know us by this introduction?

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Hello, everyone. Im a lovely and fat baleen whale. I ask you who is the heaviest and heaviest animal in the world, and you will say it is an elephant, and I will answer, no, we whales are the biggest and heaviest animals in the world. Next, let me talk about my appearance. I am a baleen whale, and my nose is not like yours. My nose doesnt grow above your mouth, but on the top of your head. We breathe with our lungs. Whenever I want to float to the surface to breathe, my nose will spray a straight and thick column of water.


My food is small fish and shrimp. I may have eaten it! You can eat more than 2000 kilograms once you eat it. But we only have half a year to eat these 2,000 kilograms of small fish and shrimp, that is, six months. Do you know why? Let me tell you, I came here for the first six months to prey on these small fish and shrimps, and I spent the last six months moving and sleeping in deep water, which is hibernation.


You dont think I look like a fish, but a fish is not. Im a mammal. My ancestors lived on land like the ancestors of cattle and sheep. As for me, I lived on the bottom of the sea because my ancestors lived on land first, and then because of the drastic changes in the environment, our ancestors lived by the sea. After many, many years of evolution, my forefeet and hind feet gradually became fins, and then they also adapted to the life under the sea.


Ok, I wont talk about it. Im going to play with my dolphin sister. Come and see me in Ocean Park if you are free.

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Hello, everyone, I am a blue whale, and I am the largest animal found in the world today! Dont think that we lay eggs just because my name contains the word fish, but in fact we are mammals, but viviparous!


Our blue whale is the largest animal known to people at present. At the longest time, it can reach 30 meters and weigh about 200 tons, which is equivalent to the sum of the weights of more than 300 adults. Oh, our blue whales skin is light blue or light gray, with light patterns on its back and white spots on its chest, which is beautiful.


Although we live in the sea, we breathe with our lungs just like human beings. We have to come out of the water to breathe every 10 minutes. I can eat a lot. My favorite food is aged shrimp. You can eat millions of shrimps at a time. If you eat less, you will feel very hungry. Eating a lot also provides favorable conditions for us to grow up, and also provides us with the necessary energy to breed the next generation. The mother of the blue whale has poor fertility, and it takes several years to give birth to a baby blue whale on average, so although we grow very fast, the baby born every year is barely worth the companion who died of natural causes. Therefore, I hope people can stop killing us and let our companions have a happy living environment.

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Hello, everyone. I am a minke whale living in the vast ocean. My name is whale Xiao Xuan. I have a big family. They are amazing. Let me introduce my family to you.


Our cetaceans are divided into two categories: one is a baleen whale like me, which has no teeth, so it is only eat small fish and shrimp. As long as we see a small fish, we will open our mouths, and the small fish and shrimp will enter our mouths together, and then the seawater will be filtered out from the whisker. The other kind is called toothed whales. They have sharp teeth, eat big fish and sea animals, and sometimes treat us as dinner. They are amazing! Often dozens of whales form a group and eat a baleen whale weighing more than 30 tons in a few hours.


When we breathe, the ejected water forms a water column like a fountain in the garden. Dont look down on this water column. Experienced fishermen can judge the species and size of whales according to the shape of this water column. The water column of baleen whales is vertical, thin and high, like a giant fountain; The water column of toothed whale is inclined, short and thick.


Sleeping is a compulsory course for us. We always gather a few heads together, with their heads facing inward and their tails facing outward, floating on the water like a circle, which is good for us to escape and breathe. In fact, our temperament is very gentle. We wont take the initiative to attack human beings. We really want to make friends with human beings. If you like, you can go to the sea or the Ocean Museum.


Our whales reproductive ability is very poor, and it takes an average of two years to give birth to a baby. Coupled with the excessive killing of human beings, nearly 360,000 blue whales, the eldest brother of the whale family, were killed in the 20th century. At present, there are only less than 50, which are on the verge of extinction. Therefore, please protect and care for us and let our whale family continue to survive on this blue planet!

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I, Beibei the Blue Whale, have been lurking in the whales for more than a year. People call us whales, which is really arrogant. We just look like fish. In fact, we are mammals.


When I was born, my mother taught me the skills of eating, distinguishing between friends and enemies and running away. According to my mother, whales like baleen whales and gray whales are docile and can be approached; However, I have a high risk factor for ferocious whales such as Yi whale, killer whale and killer whale, so Id better stay away from them.


We blue whales mainly eat krill, and a whale eats 3-4 tons of food a day. When I grow into a whale, my body length can reach 30 meters and my weight can reach 150 tons. I am longing for it!


Although we blue whales are giants in the sea, we are still afraid of toothed whales. When those toothed whales attack us, they work together just right. Some block our blowholes, some hit our heads, and some bite our flesh wildly, which can kill a 25-meter-long right whale in a few minutes.


The enemy of the whale is still stranded. Stranding is a nightmare for every whale. After stranding, the skin will be chapped and damaged by exposure to the sun, and eventually it will dehydrate and die.


But our greatest enemy is human beings. Because of human hunting, we have less than 50 blue whales, which are on the verge of extinction! People! Please put away your sinful hands and save us! And without us in the food chain, it will collapse! Our food, krill, will grow wildly, eat plankton and starve to death, followed by small fish, big fish and seabirds ...


So, to help us is to help ourselves. Oh dear! The whaling ship is coming! I have to go. Bye! Run ...

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Hello, everyone. I read an encyclopedia today. Let me describe myself as a sperm whale.


Although we whales look like fish, we are mammals. In distant ancient times, our ancestors lived on land, and later moved to shallow sea because of the influence of the environment. Later, our limbs completely degenerated and became whales. Then I lived in the sea.


My head is the largest among whales. It looks awkward, too. However, I am not a slow swimmer! One of my brothers has a big head, but when he swims in the water, the resistance is very small. It turns out that his body shape is "streamline", which can greatly reduce the resistance. Some ships use this "streamline" to increase their speed!


Our whales nose is strange. It grows on the top of our head. When we breathe, we have to float to the surface of the water, and then sink when our lungs are full of air. The most interesting thing is that because the nose grows on the top of the head, every time we breathe, we will form a fountain with a large scale. We are the largest and heaviest mammals. The bluest whale among whales can reach the total weight of 20 adult African males! Although we are huge, our fertility is very slow, and we only give birth to one baby every two years, and the number of people who kill us is very rare.


We whales all have unique skills. Some baleen can be used as strings on violins, and beluga whales can make dozens of different sounds. The staple food of our sperm whales is squid. After eating it, after complicated physiological treatment, it will produce a perfume in its secretion, which can also be used as perfume!


The world of whales is endless, and people need to explore and discover it.

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Whale is a giant in the ocean. Although it looks like a fish, it is not a fish, but a mammal. The whale has a powerful underwater breathing system, which can not only ensure its normal breathing in the air, but also ensure its long-term swimming with its breath closed.


The female whale is pregnant for 12 months, and usually gives birth to a calf. When giving birth, the female whale usually chooses a sea area that is often warm, because the newborn calf has little fat and poor warm-keeping ability. The calf weighs only about six or seven kilograms at birth, and it will drill under the belly of the female whale to absorb breast milk. The lactation period of whales is usually ten months. Usually, the mother whale will take her calf and move freely and rest in the water.


Whales eat an amazing amount of food, and its predation mode belongs to "swallowing type", commonly known as whale swallowing. Its main food is plankton such as shrimp, jellyfish and diatom fatigue. Whales will swallow food into their mouths with seawater, then close their mouths and filter out seawater with baleen, leaving the food to be swallowed. An adult whale eats about 4 tons of krill every day.


Whales are social animals. When they sleep, they always form a circle, with their heads inward and their tails outward, floating quietly on the sea. As long as there is any movement, they will immediately disperse.


Although the whale is very big, it is full of treasures. Its fat can be used to make soap, and it can also be used to extract glue from whale bones, which is very useful.


Whales are friends of human beings, but with the deterioration of environment and overfishing, there are fewer whales. So now all of us should start to protect them, and punish those who illegally catch whales, so that whales can live freely.

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Humans got inspiration from bats and invented radar. The airplane was invented from the shape of a dragonfly. Diving fins were invented from the soles of ducks. What inspiration did you get from whales? Lets have a look together.


Whale is not only the "creator" of seagoing vessels, but also the "reformer" of seagoing vessels, because it hides secrets that many people dont know.


The huge seagoing vessel can carry thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists on the sea without sinking. However, there are still many shortcomings of seagoing vessels: the speed is very slow in the process of sailing, and a young whale can easily surpass a seagoing vessel with full horsepower.


It turns out that scientists have discovered that the "basic shape" of seagoing vessels has great resistance when driving at sea, so the speed is very slow. Where a baby whale can swim in five days, it takes a seagoing ship seven days to reach. Why isnt the speed of a seagoing vessel as good as that of a young whale? Because the whales body shape is a "streamline", the resistance of this shape on the sea surface is the least, and the speed naturally increases. After observing and thinking, scientists discovered that the streamline was originally a water drop shape with a round surface and a sharp center at the back, which transformed the "basic shape" of seagoing vessels into a streamline.


"Streamline" has greatly improved the sailing speed of seagoing vessels, allowing tourists to reach their destinations quickly. Whales also have a skill, that is, spraying water. This is how they breathe. So the designer of the seagoing vessel imitated the whale to spray water, and installed a drainer at the tail, which improved the speed of sailing. Whales are really good teachers for human beings!


Yes, nature is the teacher of human beings, and it can inspire human beings. As long as we protect the ocean, love animals, observe and discover more with your beautiful eyes, it will facilitate our life.

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I am a whale, an extraordinary whale.


We are mammals. We mainly eat fish and shrimp. First, we suck them into our mouths, close our mouths, filter the seawater out from between the whiskers, and swallow the fish and shrimp into our stomachs. We can eat hundreds of kilograms of fish and shrimp a day!


I breathe every once in a while every day. When I breathe, I float to the surface and spray the seawater out of my nostrils, like a fountain, which is beautiful! I didnt sneak back to the bottom of the sea until I had sucked enough air on the water.


In the past, my friends and I played in the water and sometimes ate some fish and shrimp together. When sleeping, we get together, head in and tail out, and float quietly on the sea in a circle. If there is any movement, we will immediately spread out.


However, one day, our fate changed completely.


That day, when we were playing together, a friend was caught by a whaling ship by accident! Because the elder warned us: "Whaling ships only catch one whale, just to attract more whales to trap themselves. Thinking of this, we swam back to the village quickly, and the whaling ship left soon.


Then, the sewage was discharged into the sea, and all the fish and shrimp died. The companions starved to death and poisoned to death.


Because it was impossible to survive here, I fled to the North Pole, where the sea was clean and there were many fish and shrimp. I had enough to eat and drink for a few years and didnt want disaster to come again.


That day, workers built a chemical plant, and sewage polluted the water source. I fled to a water area and fell asleep. When I woke up, the chemical plant was here again! I had to swim as hard as I could to the South Pole and settle down here.


But after a while, I remembered my partner and the scenes of playing, eating, breathing and sleeping with them before. At this moment, I cant help feeling deeply: "Human! You have polluted the environment and poisoned the living beings, but at the same time, you are also digging graves for yourselves! Humans! Wake up! "

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I am a baleen whale, from China. I weigh about 30,000 kilograms and am about 16 meters long. I am a big animal in the sea.


Having said that, I havent said my name yet. My name is "Shrimp and Fish Emperor", because our baleen whale family mainly eats shrimp and small fish ...... I am also a big eater and a big MAC in this family. People eat 2,000 kilograms, but I eat about 3,000 kilograms of shrimp and fish. When I hunt, I will swallow the sea water together, and then I will spit it out.


Oh, Im hungry when I talk about food. I really want to go back to the past, live on land and play in the grass as before. Because in the past, our ancestors lived on land, and we were not fish, but mammals.


Since we used to live on the grassland, we will definitely breathe with our lungs. But our nostrils are long on our heads, and we can spray long and thin water columns. One thing has always been our glory. Humans invented fountains according to the water column we sprayed. It is said that people also invented fountains of other shapes. I really want to see them!


When it comes to fountains, I am proud and sad. Because in the past, we used sound waves to find friends, but now even so, the number of friends we can find has decreased, from 1,000 to 100, and it is difficult to find companions in Fiona Fang. Because of the capture of human beings, "sea fountains" have gradually become less and less, and now we have been listed as "rare animals".


With so many introductions, Im sleepy. To tell you the truth, we whales sleep and float on the water, head to head, usually five or six. We split up as soon as we heard the noise. Besides, we sleep every day!


Its getting late, good night!

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Hello, Im Moby Dick. I am 10 years old this year and live in the vast Arctic Ocean. There is ice and snow here, and snow-capped mountains stand, and the snow does not melt all year round. When the ice is thin, we will move to the south.


Our heads are small, our foreheads are protruding and smooth, our beaks are short, our lips are wide, our bodies are gray and white, and our bellies are bulging, which is very cute.


We always like to travel together. Every day, like a group of elves, they sway their gray and white bodies from under the huge ice floes and file past the cold sea water.


We also have the reputation of "canary under the sea" and "ventriloquist". It can imitate the cries of hundreds of wild animals, the groans of patients, the cries of babies, screams and whistles ... The sounds are varied and varied.


Our figure is not long, and the adult counterparts are about 3 to 5 meters long and weigh about 0.4 to 1.5 tons. The young ones are 1.5 to 1.6 meters long and weigh about 80 kilograms. It belongs to toothed whales.


We will eat all kinds of creatures, mainly cephalopods, fish and crustaceans. We are not as fierce and cruel as toothed whales. We are foraging near the seabed. At the same time, it will also spray water for the "audience" of Ocean World.


However, because our biggest natural enemies are toothed whales, polar bears and humans, our number is decreasing day by day, and only 100,000 "compatriots" in the world fight side by side. We lost our parents, brothers and sisters, friends and Lacrimosa all day. How we wish the enemy would stop hunting innocent us! Otherwise, we will be on the verge of extinction, and in a few decades, we will disappear completely in this world ...

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Once upon a time, there was a whale. Because he was the biggest in the sea, many animals in the sea called him the boss.


He became very proud because of this. No matter who he met, he had to compare himself with others. Every time he compared himself with others, he was older, so whenever he met someone, he would say, look at his bear. Its nothing compared with me. Then he swam over and knocked down others.


Once a beautiful fish came from far away, and all the fish here envied him. At this time, the whale swam over again, and he said loudly to the fish, "What a smelly fish!" This is my territory. If you want to ask me if I agree here, then I will tell you that I dont agree with you, an unknown thing, coming to my territory, so I ask you to get out of here at once. The little fish was scared and ran away. The whale said to the little fish, "And you, you cant praise others for being better than me behind my back or for hearing them in front of me." The little fish said a good word and ran away quickly. However, all this was seen by his mother, who told him not to do this. Good things should be shared with everyone, and dont be so kind to his friends.


After listening to his mothers words, the whale is no longer so fierce to his partners. Now the whale will protect them and treat them well. Even if there are outsiders, the whale will treat them well, and he will not let him leave immediately if there are outsiders, as before. Gradually, the whale has become the strong and kind king in the eyes of marine animals.


They lived happily ever after.

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