六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold(精选5篇)

发布者:水军一号 时间:2024-6-25 20:21

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold(精选5篇)

在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold,希望能够帮助到大家。

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold(精选5篇)

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold 1

I’m not feeling well today. I think I have a bad cold. I have a headache. I have a fever. My nose hurts. My throat is sore. I have to take some medicine and stay in bed. My parents will take me to the hospital. What a bad cold!

I hope I can be better soon. And I want to go to school.




六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold 2

I had a bad cold last week. It all started when I went to play in the park with my friends on a windy day. I didnt wear enough clothes and caught a chill.

The next day, I woke up feeling very tired and had a sore throat. My nose was running non-stop, and I kept sneezing. It was so uncomfortable. I had a headache too, which made it hard for me to concentrate on anything.

My mom was worried about me. She took my temperature and found that I had a fever. She made me stay in bed and gave me some medicine and hot water. But I still felt really bad.

For the next few days, I couldnt go to school and missed a lot of classes. I was so sad because I was afraid I would fall behind in my studies.

Finally, after taking medicine and resting for several days, I started to feel better. I learned that I should take care of myself and dress properly, especially in changing weather. I dont want to have a bad cold again.

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold 3

I had a really bad cold last weekend. It was terrible!

On Saturday morning, I woke up feeling very weak and my head was aching badly. My throat was so sore that it hurt every time I swallowed. I also had a running nose and couldnt stop sneezing.

I told my mom how I felt. She touched my forehead and said I had a fever. She immediately gave me some medicine and made me a cup of hot honey water. But I still didnt feel any better.

I spent the whole day in bed, feeling so miserable. I couldnt play with my friends or do the things I liked. I even had no appetite to eat.

The next day, I was still sick. My mom decided to take me to the doctor. The doctor checked me carefully and told me to take more rest and drink plenty of water.

After a few days of rest and taking medicine as the doctor advised, I finally started to recover. This bad cold really taught me the importance of taking good care of myself and keeping healthy.

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold 4

I had a bad cold last week. I felt very sick.

I had a high fever and my whole body was aching. My throat was sore and it was painful to talk. My nose was blocked and I kept sneezing.

I had to stay in bed and couldnt go to school. My mother took good care of me. She gave me medicine and made me warm soup.

It took me several days to get better. I learned that I should wear warm clothes in cold weather to avoid getting sick.

Im so glad Im healthy again.

六年级英语作文:A Bad Cold 5

I had a bad cold last Monday. I felt very terrible. I had a headache and a cough. My nose was running and my throat was sore.

I couldnt go to school. I stayed in bed all day. My mother was worried about me. She brought me some hot water and medicine.

I didnt have much appetite to eat. But my mother told me I needed to have something to get better soon.

After two days of rest, I started to feel better. I learned that I should pay more attention to my health and wear warm clothes in winter.

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