
发布者:大夏真兴 时间:2023-4-18 02:12




快乐的英语作文 篇1

this tuesday all the students and teachers in our school went to panyu, guangzhou for a trip. we spent a whole day in chime-long international circus. we enjoyed ourselves very much.

it was fine that day. in the morning, all the girls in our school got up very early because we couldn’t wait to get on the bus. when we got there, we had our pictures taken in front of the park. then i went to ride the roller coaster with some of my friends. it was so exciting that i shouted all the time. we played and laughed the whole morning.

at noon, we had lunch at the circus. the meal was not very good, i thought. so i didn’t eat much. in the afternoon, we went to play with water. i was so nervous that i forgot to wear my raincoat carefully. as a result, i got wet all over. luckily, the stores in the park sell different kinds of clothes. after i had changed my clothes, we went to see a show. it was very funny and made everyone laugh and laugh.

time flew. it was time for us to go back to school now. even though we were tired, we still felt happy. we really had a wonderful day and i will never forget it.

快乐的英语作文 篇2

Long long ago, there was a monster called "Nian", every night it came out of the twelfth lunar month thirty, wounding prey. People know that "years" sound, afraid afraid of fire, afraid of red, to the twelfth lunar month thirty on this day, people in the house stick. The Red Spring Festival couplets, the firecrackers, the "year" scare away. This is the origin of the Spring Festival.

As soon as the Spring Festival arrived, my favorite thing was to collect red envelopes. On the morning of the first day of the year, my mother called me, "little lazy pig, get up quickly!" Everyone is eating. " I listened to my mother's words and couldn't wait to climb up. As soon as I got out of the door, I saw my father and mother giving a neighbor's little friend a red bag. Yes, it is! I hurried to brush teeth, wash your face, to the floor, I thought: what a delicious thing today? As soon as I saw it, the neighbour had already enjoyed it. Watching people eat with relish, I quickly salivate. I quickly found a seat. Sit in your seat, and the fragrance is fragrant. I can't help but eat a lot of things at a sudden. I was full, and mom and dad came over. I stood in front of my father and mother and said, "Mom and Dad, good new year!" My father and mother gave me a red bag right away. Mom laughs and praises me! "This girl is more sensible." I was delighted, I thought: my father is very painful.

I really hope that every lunar new year will be so happy!

快乐的英语作文 篇3

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: "If we were to ask the question: 'What is human life's chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: 'It is happiness.'" Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, "subjective well-being". From joozone.com.

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. – Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay. But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill. The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised. As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.

快乐的英语作文 篇4

Today is the first day of the National Day holiday, mom and dad are too busy to take me out to play. But I also felt the taste of happiness at home.

When the clock on the wall rang, it had already been seven o'clock, and the parents had not come back yet, but my stomach had already started up. So I decided to cook for myself, and I began to worry again: "what to eat?" Suddenly, I saw a small basket full of egg in the cupboard, my eyes bright, "ah! By the way! Let's pack the eggs! " I called it up.

Fried eggs, I have never done it! I have time to do these troublesome housework because of the stress of learning. Oh! Do it with my mother.

I put the pot on the stove, and then pour the oil. Listen to mother said: "the oil is hot, you can put eggs." Who knows, when I got the egg, the oil in the pan was "squeaky" and came up with smoke. I hurried to the side of the pot, but the higher the smoke rose, I immediately encircled me. I coughed, and hurriedly picked up the egg, knocking in the bowl, put the egg white and yolk together poured into the pot,. Which know, water pot, oil in the pan "snapping" burst open, oil splash out, I rush to grab cloth to pan down, the pot has become a grotesque egg"

My face up red, hot, really do not want to cut. Facing the situation in front of me, I can't help thinking, "my parents have been busy for a day. I have to go home and do housework every day. How hard it is!" At the thought of here, I rearranged it and began to fry unhurried. This is very successful, the yellow yolk ornament, and the white egg white, like a yellow lotus pistil. I got the second fried eggs well again.

My parents came back, showing a happy smile, just complimenting me, I am very pleased, because I feel with their own labor for the happiness of all is how happy ah!

快乐的英语作文 篇5




年少轻狂,纵心知,然每于行,或尝抱怨,指责不休。但每思过,食日难改。 随年龄之长,渐晓之,父之伟大,一人活一家,不易之极。虽年龄近半百,因为尘世之奔波,夜替子女分忧!父虽凡而伟,虽矮而高,虽老而盛…………吾之偶像! 去年六月,逢吾高考,父重病患绝症无从医治。大夫曰:熬不过半载。吾知此事,心如刀割,终日哭哭啼啼,故厌学。然父曰:此乃命也,命薄,短寿,怪不得何人许?为父心痛吾儿未婚,吾女未嫁,龄甚小,上有老,下有小,父之使命未完成也!若离去,妻儿何过?





快乐的英语作文 篇6




Mr. Tang and Mr. Yang


You work hard!!


It's been a month since school began,


Children are also formal


From a kindergarten kid who doesn't know anything


Become a real primary school student,


Progress and change


Hard work with teachers


It's inseparable,


I sincerely say to the two teachers,


Thank you,


You work hard!!!


In the days to come,


Please take good care of your body,


take a rest!!


Children will study hard!!

快乐的英语作文 篇7

My Happy Vacation

sichuan on vacation.the weather was great!sichaun had some pandas.so i went to the zoo.the zoo has two pandas.they were black and write.they were very cute.and they were a little heavy.i love them.iwas very happy i found the people taling photos about the pandas.

so i decided to take photos for the pandas,too.i had fun taking photos.and i had sichaun specials for dinner.they were delicious.i was very happy that day.that was my happy vacation.

快乐的英语作文 篇8

Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.

Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. They bought me lots of beautiful presents. They all said,“Happy birthday to you!"We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!”

At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!


1) put on my new clothes穿上我的新衣服

2) My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents.我父母给我买新衣作为我的生日礼物。

3) bring out a big birthday cake拿出一个大生日蛋糕

4) at the end of the party晚会结束时

快乐的'英语作文 篇9

May Day is the International Labor Day. I have a short holiday from April 29 to May 1. My parents planned to travel to Sanya, but it was too hot to visit there. Therefore, we just canceled the plan but stayed at home. On the first day morning, I went out with my friends and played basketball. We did not play basketball for a long time, so we had a great time together. Afternoon, my mom didn't let me out because of the hot weather. So I have to be at home and finish my homework. Surprisingly, my grandparents visited us on April 30. It was the Spring Festival when I saw them last time. I missed them a lot. In the two days, we went to the parks and zoo during the day. At night, we watched TV together and talked. My grand parents cared about my study and asked some questions about it. I told them that I studied hard and that they didn't have to worry about me. I spent a happy holiday.

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