The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文(精选15篇)

发布者:青山一角 时间:2024-8-28 08:41

The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文(精选15篇)

在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文(精选15篇)

The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 1

Today is Saturday. I was so happy that my grandparents would come to visit us, because they haven’t seen us for a long time, so they carried some local food.

I was so excited to eat my grandma’s food. She always knew my favorite food. We talked happily and I enjoyed the happy moment.



The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 2

Today, when the class is over, my friends and I don’t go home and we decide to eat outside.

We choose a restaurant that is buffet. We are attracted by all kinds of food, we can choose food according to our taste. It is such a happy moment, and we eat and talk a lot.Then we go home after finishing the food.



The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 3

We comfort ourselves that life will become more fulfilling with marriage and having one or two children. However, when children are still young, they can make us feel overwhelmed, and only when they grow up can we feel satisfied. Afterwards, we will feel helpless about the problems of teenagers. Only when they have gone through this period, can we truly be happy and joyful. We tell ourselves that life can only be considered perfect when our loved ones consistently provide us with support, when we acquire a beautiful car, have a pleasant trip, or when a demon retires.

In fact, there is no happier time than now. If its not now, when would it be? Its best to accept the fact that life is full of challenges and decide to be happy no matter what.

Happiness is a journey. Therefore, cherish the moments you have and cherish the special people who share your time with you. Remember that time waits for no one.

So, dont wait.

There is no happier time in life than now.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Therefore, working wholeheartedly makes people feel that you dont need money; Love with all your heart, make people feel that you have never been hurt, and dance freely as if you were alone

我们安慰自己,生活会随着结婚,有了一两个孩子而更加美满。然而,孩子尚小时,他们会把我们弄得焦头烂额,只有当他们长大后我们才能感到心满意足。 之后,我们又会对十几岁的孩子的问题感到手足无措。只有当他们走过这一时期,我们才会确实幸福愉快。我们告诉自己,当爱人始终如一地给予我们支持,当我们获得了漂亮的`汽车,能够进行一次愉快的旅行,或者当恶魔退休后,那时的生活才称得上完美。







The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 4

Happiness is like a cup of strong coffee, bitter in the mouth but sweet in the throat. The love of parents is like coffee, bitter and sweet, only by understanding can we truly taste its strong aroma.

Every Mid Autumn Festival, no matter how busy our parents are, they will spend the holiday with us. Every day at that time, we would bring in tables and chairs early and sit in the yard. Under the bright moonlight, we would bask in the cool breeze, gazing at the starry night sky, laughing and chatting freely with the high round moon. Father brought mooncakes and made a wish, wishing our whole family happiness and peace. That small mooncake embodies the emotions of many people and consolidates their wishes. This reminds me of Su Shis "Song of Water Tune": I hope people will live a long time, sharing the beauty of a thousand miles. How many memories of wanderers longing and worries. Watching the lively scene of our family, I sincerely feel happy, what a happy moment it is.

A gathering, a conversation, and a trip have all brought us joy, and we can feel the sincerity of our parents; You can feel the value of friends.

Happy moments are like this, can you catch them? Under the bright moonlight, we are enjoying ourselves to the fullest





The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 5

The most memorable moment of the day for me was dinner time. Before that moment arrived, I had already been eagerly anticipating this wonderful time.

As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a series of delicious dishes, each with a delicious aroma that made my mouth water. Those delicacies not only caught my dads stomach, but also my heart. And each dish is like a five-star dish, each one is delicious and tasty. I am different from others because some people eat alone and feel lonely.

Every day, I look forward to my family sitting around the dining table and having dinner together. We usually discuss topics related to work or school at the table, and the atmosphere is sometimes happy and sometimes serious. During that time, there is a "taste of happiness" floating around, which makes my heart and my parents so good that we want to dance!

Dinner time is a time when a family can communicate with each other. I really enjoy this time, and my feelings about it are so happy that I want to go to heaven! I wish I could eat and chat with my family every day. What a wonderful thing it is!





The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 6

What is childhood? Its a melody of birds and flowers, laughter and joy, and a palette that makes my life colorful.

When I first started school, my teacher was my idol in my heart. Every move she made during her lecture was imprinted in my mind. I feel honored and proud to be a teacher. So, I made up my mind and vowed to become a teacher when I grew up.

I remember when I was in third grade, there were several mountains behind my house, and in front of them was a field that was my playground. I often went there to play. One day, on a whim, I started a "school" in the fields, and of course, the teacher was me! Two children are my students. I brought two small chairs from home, and in front of them, there is a small blackboard leaning against a small tree. Ready, I rang the bell for class. I walked up to the "podium" with a book in hand, and the two "students" immediately stood up and shouted in unison, "Hello teacher!" "Please sit down." Then, we officially started class.

We had a wonderful lesson in nature like this. At the end of class, we all laughed. This laughter echoed in the fields for a long time, and it always lingered in my heart, gently, gently





The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 7

I have many happy moments, and the happiest one is playing football with my friends on the playground.

The second session on Friday afternoon is our football clubs activity class. After the first class, I rushed to the playground at lightning speed to help the club teacher organize my friends to stand in line. The teacher saw us standing in line so quickly and decided to reward us with a football match for this class. Our partners shouted in unison, Great! After dividing into groups, we started kicking left and right. My friends and I chased the football around the playground. Suddenly, an opposing teammate wanted to pass the ball to his teammate, and his ball rolled forward quickly. I took an arrow step and stopped the ball. When I was about to pass the ball to my teammate Huang Chengdong who was closer to us, I noticed two opposing teammates staring at me not far away, intending to stop my ball. I deliberately dribbled the ball forward slowly, and when I was close to them, I gently kicked it to the right. They chased after me to the right, and then I kicked it to the left. They didnt have time to turn around, so I suddenly threw a flying ball, which rolled in the air and entered their goal. I couldnt help but jump up, reached out my scissor hand and let out a "yes", and my teammates cheered with me.

This is the most unforgettable and joyful moment for me.




The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 8

On Friday evening, we performed at Huipu Experimental Primary School. I couldnt wait to run to the classroom and conference room to take a look. The conference room was extremely beautiful! Balloons are pasted on the wall one by one, some red, some blue, and some yellow, so colorful and beautiful! Colorful ribbons hang in mid air, fluttering in the wind as if waving at us! The adults were waiting inside early for our performance to begin!

This is, Teacher Li and Teacher Song are also here, and the students are eager to greet the teacher.

After a while, Teacher Song stood in the center of the venue with a smile and said, "Please let the children perform Happy Festival on stage!" As soon as the words fell, the children flew onto the stage like birds. We sang and danced at the same time, we were extremely happy! At first, I was a bit nervous, but after a while I was fine. The fairy tales performed by the classmates are all very exciting!

Soon, its our groups turn to perform Little Green Worms Dream for everyone on stage. I performed with a few other actors on stage, and I felt like a happy little bird flying and singing.

Our performance has ended, and the audiences applause was very enthusiastic. My heart blossomed with joy.






The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 9

Happiness is an experience that everyone has had, and my happiest experience was after last semesters final exams.

After the final exams ended, I rested at home for two days and returned to school again. I found my desk mate Zhu Jianghan looking at me with infinite admiration. I felt particularly puzzled and asked, "Whats wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" "Do you know, you got a perfect score in math, but I only got 98 points?" Zhu Jianghan replied dejectedly.

Class has started, and the teacher quickly walked into the classroom with a stack of test papers. At this moment, I felt my little heart beating wildly at a rate of a thousand beats per minute.

When I heard the teacher say Wang Yuxuan, 98 points in Chinese, 100 points in Mathematics, 60 points in English, I felt like countless roses bloomed in my heart. Classmates exclaimed in amazement

However, happiness is always short-lived, and when I heard about the first place in my class (although only one point higher than me), I felt a little discouraged. Ah! It seems that we still need to work hard!

The moment of success may be joyful, but the beautiful moments are ultimately short-lived. Therefore, we should always cherish the time in front of us, constantly strive, and strive for greater success.







The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 10

Ill give you a riddle: What is it that makes you laugh at it? If you cry to it, it will cry to you? Many people have answered, the answer is the mirror.

Life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it smiles at you, you cry at it, it cries at you. I have encountered such a thing before. There was a pair of good friends who were inseparable every day. Many people said that they were even closer than their sisters, but a language test almost separated them. On that day, their Chinese teacher said that the total score is 105 points, and whoever can exceed 100 points is good! They both have great confidence in surpassing each other and achieving full marks!

But the fact didnt help them. One scored 103 points, while the other scored 104 or 5 points. Both of them didnt believe that each others scores were true, and even spoke ill of each other behind their backs. From then on, neither of them paid attention to the other, and their mood didnt improve every day.

Life is like this, there may be many disappointments, but these disappointments are just insignificant things. As long as you dont think about them, your mood wont be bad every day!





The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 11

What is the happiest moment of the day for you! I have, thats 30 minutes before bedtime. Although it was brief, it added infinite joy to me!

Every evening at 7:30, my mother and I would hum a tune, hold hands, and come to the study to pick a book we like from the bookshelf to read. We read books together without restraint, free and unrestrained! Lets talk and laugh together. We will put aside the intense study every day and devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the book. I always read books like fairy tales, but my mom loves to read books like jokes. After I finish reading them, she tells me the interesting content in the book, and she also tells me the jokes she thinks are the funniest. So, one persons happiness turned into two peoples happiness! In the blink of an eye, 30 minutes passed.

I cherish these 30 minutes very much.

In these 30 minutes, I discovered that books are an ocean of knowledge, and it taught me how precious time is. We should all cherish every second.

If you observe carefully, you will find that every moment you have passed is so wonderful and exciting.






The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 12

Everyone has their own beautiful and joyful childhood. My childhood was spent in joyful laughter: swinging back and forth on the swings; A seesaw that tilts up and down; Interesting slides... However, my favorite is still the various sports activities in the childrens playground.

My parents took me to the childrens playground. There are many colorful and interesting projects in the amusement park, some are thrilling and exciting, some are dreamy and interesting... Its really a playground for children. In the past, I used to be so scared when playing these thrilling projects, but now that Ive grown up, the thought of it makes me laugh. Now when I play these constantly spinning projects, I get so excited that I laugh out loud.

I love grass skating the most. The grass sliding project is set on a slope. I was sitting on a skateboard, and with a gentle push from the person behind, in an instant, I charged down fiercely. Ha! Dont mention how exciting it is, its really fun and thrilling.

Roller skating may seem simple, but it also contains mysteries. The first time I slid, I fell all over. There were also occasional sounds of falling around, indicating that other children had lost balance and fallen. After multiple practice sessions, I have already skated very well. I can glide freely on the ice rink and enjoy the feeling of flying.

What an unforgettable happy moment for me in the childrens playground!






The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 13

During winter vacation, I went to many fun places, including science popularization centers, Nanquan, and my favorite fishing.

One Sunday morning, my grandparents and their friends took me to the fish pond on the back mountain to fish. We arrived at the edge of the fish pond and saw that the water was clear and blue, like glass, reflecting the white clouds in the shape of fish scales in the sky. We could also see fish swimming freely in the water. Some fish even jump up and down, splashing water onto us.

I saw that some people had already caught several fish, so I couldnt wait to find a good place and took out my fishing rod to start fishing. I used earthworms as bait, then picked up the fishing line and threw it far out. I sat down and slowly waited for the fish to take the bait. Ten minutes passed, one, two, three, and the fish hadnt taken the bait yet. I was getting impatient and was about to change my position. Unexpectedly, the float was moving. I stood up quickly, seized the opportunity, slowly lifted and swung it, and saw an arc of light in mid air, landing next to the blue stone. It was actually a bright red carp.

I put the fish in the bucket and looked around. I saw my grandfather slowly retracting the fishing line, and I could tell that the fishing rod was very heavy. The top had bent like a big bow, indicating that I had caught a big fish.





The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 14

Do you have any moments of happiness throughout the day? I have, thats thirty minutes before going to bed.

After the evening self-study each day, my younger brother and I would dive into our "little world" - the bedroom. My bedroom is very big and spacious, and the two of us hide in the room singing.

Let me sing a few lines first! "I said, then let out a loud song." We cried, we laughed, we looked up at the sky... "I was intoxicated by my own singing, closed my eyes, and learned from the singers on TV, shaking my head and head with deep affection. After I finished singing, my younger brother praised me for singing beautifully and asked me to sing a few more times!

Next, its my younger brothers turn to sing. My younger brother sang a song with a completely different style from mine. He sang and danced with great interest.

Ah! I cherish these precious thirty minutes so much, they are the happiest moments I feel every day.






The Happy Moment 快乐时刻英语作文 15

Whoosh - bang -! During the Chinese New Year, everyone sets off colorful fireworks to ignite a joyful celebration. Make my wish to make my troubles disappear, because I am far away from exams and can receive many red envelopes and gifts to return with full load!

Happy after-school hours, favorite basketball, no sadness of losing, everyones laughter keeps echoing, as long as you enjoy the madness of playing basketball and make progress step by step. Basketball is my biggest dream, I must persevere!

My joyful day is like waves of water, we are lovely little angels with the brightest and most beautiful faces. Like a butterfly dancing gracefully, light and free, leaping over the happiest paradise on earth!




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