
发布者:章豆豆 时间:2024-1-27 03:23




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 1

I read the book "good family style in the new era", and I know a lot of stories about family style, family rules and family instructions. For example, Huang yezhen treats people with kindness, Pang Fuying inherits his family with filial piety, Zeng Zi kills pigs for honesty All of these have set a very good example for us, and the good name will be handed down forever.

Although I dont know what the family style is, my parents make me understand a lot with their actions.

Once, the Chinese teacher asked to buy a collection book to take notes in class. In the supermarket, my mother told me to buy a hard shell one, so its not easy to break it when I put it in the bag. I look around, I look around, my eyes flash, and I see a beautiful and exquisite book with a beautiful shell. I said happily to my mother, "I want this, mom?" Mother looked at the price and frowned and said, "this is so expensive. Please take this." I read my mothers notebook. Its so ugly. There are square squares everywhere. The color is either grey green or grey. Its ugly. "I dont want this. Its ugly." I am very unhappy to say. "We dont have to be good-looking when we buy books. We need to be practical. We need to save money." After listening to my mother, I bought this book reluctantly.

It turns out that my family style is thrifty. I hope that my family style can be passed down from generation to generation. Family style is a positive energy. We should be strict with ourselves all the time and carry forward the national spirit from each family.





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 2

Thrift is a virtue of the Chinese nation. As a new generation of primary school students, we should know how to be thrifty and be a good thrifty student.

But now the living conditions have improved and we are all rich. We children living in sugar water dont understand the meaning of thrift. The schoolbags and stationery of the students have been changed one by one. Pencils and erasers are dropped on the ground and never picked up. There are a lot of toys to show off. I used to be such a child, but one thing changed me.

In the first grade, the parents of the students took turns on duty. Once, my mother picked up a dozen pencils and erasers when she was on duty. On the way home, my mother asked me, "why dont you pick up your pencils and erasers when they are gone?" I said indifferently, "its not expensive anyway. If it falls, it will fall!"! What are you doing with it? " After hearing this, my mother was very angry and said to me with a long heart: "a pencil is not expensive, but do you know how many poor children cant afford a pencil to go to school? And you are so wasteful and dont cherish what you have. "

When I got home, my mother showed me some information about poor children and the story of thrift. After reading it, I deeply realized the importance of thrift. Since then, I will always remind myself to be diligent and thrifty. When the pencil and eraser are gone, I will pick them up. When I use up my homework book at school, I will take it home to make an calculus book. The same toy will not buy a second one. I want to donate the pocket money I saved to the poor children who cant afford to go to school.

Frugality is not only a virtue, but also a responsibility. Lets start from a small age, starting from saving a piece of paper, a pen, a piece of rubber, little things, and form a good habit of frugality.






勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 3

Ninety three percent of the worlds water is salt water and cannot be drunk. Fresh water only accounts for seven percent, while drinking water only accounts for eight percent. Five billion people in the world depend on drinking only 0.8% of the fresh water. Look, how valuable the water is!

How do we get the tap water we use every day? Dont think running water is all right. It was the worker uncle of the waterworks who introduced the river water or groundwater into the factory, put the water in the sedimentation tank, added the medicine for disinfection and sterilization, and removed the harmful and impurities. In this way, many pipes were buried underground. These pipes are connected one by one. They are the result of the hard work of many workers in Waterworks day and night. When we turn on the tap, we should think of how many workers uncles hard work are contained in the water!

Students, we are the little masters of the country. We should form a good idea and good habit of saving water from childhood. No matter in or out of school, we should pay attention to water conservation to avoid waste of water resources, do not let the tap drip, try to make rational and recycling use of water resources. We should be a good child who saves water with practical actions.




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 4

The slogans are shouting over and over again, the life is still continuing, the extravagant story is still spreading, what is the root of the evil, what we should do in the end, and we continue to discuss, and I have some of my own views and cognition.

The slogan is shouting, but it is not loud enough and the slogan is profound, but it is not enough to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The slogan is hardly seen in the corner of the people. The story of saving is seldom happening. It is inevitable and can be imagined. It is not enough to move the heart of the people, and it is not easy to be seen by people. Here, this is the sadness of our propaganda work!

The big word banner is not noticed. It is not frugal to publicize slogans like the tortoise just born. Do you need to be thrifty in this area? This is frugal. Will other extravagance and waste attract others attention? Will there be a thrifty story? Our leaders have already dared to drink more than 10000 yuan of Moutai to hide in the corner to sing the national anthem. Do our ordinary people still not know thrift? Its nothing for a person to be thrifty, but we have hundreds of millions of people going together, who can stop it, we can enjoy this kind of life really happy, some places can not even afford to eat. Compared with them, we have no doubt that we are happy, but how many people are sighing under happiness? Do we care about that food or something? Thats the harvest of autumn, the result of the starvation of the farmer.

Hope to arouse the attention of the society! Thrift and frugality come along the virtue of our Chinese nation!





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 5

Thrift is the traditional virtue of our China, so my father and mother have taught me not to waste, and I am particularly obedient. In peacetime, my father and mother give me the pocket money in the "piggy and pig" storage tank. I never spend much time and save much, I will buy learning supplies.

On Sunday, there were some guests at home. Dad bought several bottles of beer to entertain guests. After the meal, I quickly put the empty wine bottle in a corner, plus the usual milk cartons, drink bottles, and some of the old newspapers and cartons in my home, and there was a lot of it! After finishing, I asked grandpa to help me and sell these waste products to the waste purchase station. The aunt of the purchasing station is straight, I am a sensible and economical child. I counted the money in my hand, which was 3 yuan and 8 cents. I can be happy and flattered to put money into the "little pig" jar.

I have to save more time this time, because I am going to buy a gift for grandpa who has been bringing me and caring for me, thanks for Grandpas affection for me. I will always be ready to donate this money to those who need help.

It is very good that the waste goods are sold, that is, to get money, and help the mother to clean up the home, and more important is that it will not cause pollution to the outside environment, is it not a stone? So I will always stick to my thrift and thrift.

From this, you should have known the benefits of thrift, too. Join me in action quickly, and you can also get unexpected results from it.






勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 6

Let’s startwith the things around us!

Recently,“Clean Plate Campaign”has been very popular with many people. Our government isdoing its best to build an economized society.

As a middleschool student, I think we should join in the campaign. We can start with thethings around us. Firstly, make sure that the lights are turned off when wefinish our work and leave the room. Secondly, we can save as much paper aspossible. Thirdly, it is important for us to form the habit of turning off thetap after it is used. What’s more, we mustn’t spend money buying unnecessarythings. When we eat, we’d better not use one-off chopsticks and we mustn’twaste food.

In a word,saving energy is very important. Let’s work together from now on!





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 7

One day, I went out to play. As I was walking, I saw a child twisting the faucet and water splashing down. I quickly turned off the faucet, Then he gently said to the child, "Little brother, do you know that water is an indispensable thing in the world? If we dont have water, we will all die of thirst. If everyone wastes water like you, then there will be no more water in the world." The child said, "I was wrong. I will never waste water resources again in the future."

I walked forward again and saw a child playing with lights. I quickly ran over and said to them, "Children, do you know that without electricity, the world will become a dark place? We need to save electricity." The children said, "I will never waste electricity again in the future.".

The sun has set and I have gone home. My mother has prepared a table of food, but my younger brother doesnt like the food my mother makes. He even threw the rice that my mother worked so hard to make on the ground. As soon as I got angry, I said sternly to my younger brother, "Do you know that food is hard-earned by farmers and not easy to obtain?". After listening to me, my younger brother shyly said, "I was wrong, I wont waste food anymore."

I want to promote the fine tradition of diligence, thrift, and thrift. Everyone should start with small things like me!





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 8

My grandmother is a hunchbacked person. Once, without telling her, I secretly took 12 yuan and went to treat my classmates to snacks. As a result, there was very little money left. After being discovered by my grandmother, she said to me meaningfully, "Granddaughter, our family is going to build a house, so we need to save, you know?" I nodded. From then on, I began to save money.

Later, my grandmother fed the sheep with rice washing water to drink. So I sneaked into the kitchen and threw away the rice washing water. Afterwards, she became furious and said, "Who asked you to throw it away? The people in the mountains cant even drink water now. When youre good, pour out all the water, and at least you can water some flowers and plants! Hmm!" I thought to myself, "Even people like my grandmother know how to save money, and I... I feel extremely ashamed.". From then on, I will no longer waste water.

Grain is also something Grandma saves. Once I will never forget in my lifetime. I casually dispose of the food that I cant eat in the trash can. Unexpectedly, she picked up the food from the trash can, placed it in a bowl, and mixed it with chopsticks for the cat. He murmured, "This child, why dont you know how to save. You should know that waste is shameful."

Yes, waste is shameful. Classmates, lets join hands and start with small things around us, striving to be the little guardians of conservation!





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 9

Some people say that diligence, frugality, and thrift are virtues, while others say that diligence, frugality, and thrift are responsibilities that we must abide by. We are pursuing a moderately prosperous life, and while pursuing material possessions, we must also deeply recognize the importance of resources to us. At the same time, we are also protecting the natural environment for the sake of our next generation. As contemporary people, we should start with small things and small things. No matter where we are or where we are, we should save a drop of water and a grain of rice. "Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard." "Diligence and frugality will never be poor, and the mountain of food is empty." If any country or nation develops a habit of waste, then that country or nation will have no hope.

In our daily lives, we should save water. When we see a dripping faucet, we should immediately turn it off. At home, vegetable washing water can mop the floor, and face and clothes washing water can flush the toilet; Turn off the lights when leaving; Unused notebooks after a semester can be bound together as draft books; Do not litter food; Dont buy things randomly, dress without mentioning famous brands; Pencil can be used from today on, from now on, there are still many things we need to improve that we must cultivate diligence, thrift, and thrift.

I hope we can make frugality and frugality a habit, and let us spend our lives to achieve it.




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 10

The teacher said we should save water, otherwise the world will one day run out of water and people will be thirsty to death. My mother said we need to use disposable chopsticks in small quantities because only a big tree can make 1500 pairs of chopsticks, while my father said we need to grow more plants to protect the environment.

We must be diligent, thrifty, and not wasteful. I saw a clear saying in the book, written by Sima Guang: It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Everyone says that if you want to save, I must also save. I have some good methods. After washing my face, I can use it to water the flowers or flush the toilet. On rainy days, I can also use a basin to collect rainwater and use it to rinse the flowers with a mop.

If a milk box is no longer useful, you can cut a notch on top, wash the inside clean, and it can be used to hold things

In fact, there are many places in life where one can be thrifty and frugal. For example, watching less TV and playing less computer every day can save some electricity, and reducing radiation can reduce environmental pollution.

Saving paper can save one tree from being chopped down. Please be a diligent, thrifty, and not wasteful citizen, turning waste into treasure.

Save resources and spend less money because money is earned by parents through hard work.

I believe I can do it myself, and I hope everyone can do it like me.








勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 11

My grandmother is tall and has a very strong body. She walks with great energy. Her biggest characteristic is frugality, but sometimes she makes jokes about it.

I remember one night during the summer vacation, when I was reading in my small room, the light suddenly went out. I was startled and thought there was a power outage, so I shouted, "Is there a power outage?" My grandmother walked in at a loss and said, "So you werent asleep." It turned out that my grandmother thought I was asleep, so she turned off the light outside the room. I was amused by my grandmother, so I had to turn on the light again and continue reading my book.

Once, while I was washing rice, I was about to pour out the water when my grandmother in the living room shouted, "Slow down!" I stopped there and saw my grandmother holding a small basin, He strode up to me and said, "Baby, pour the rice washing water into this basin." I curiously asked my grandmother, "Whats the use of rice washing water, and it cant be drunk?" My grandmother said, "Dont waste it. Rice washing water is very nutritious and can be used to water flowers and flush the toilet." I laughed heartily.

This is my grandmother, a kind and frugal grandmother. Because of her frugality, I have developed a good habit of diligence, thrift, and thrift since childhood.





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 12

In this happy society, we can be said to have whatever we want, and as we have more things, our sense of thrift is forgotten. In fact, our country doesnt have as much "everything is needed" as you imagine.

We often encounter situations where many people pull and only use a small amount of toilet paper. Why? Because this paper doesnt cost any money. Can it be wasted without spending money. The tree coverage in our country is pitifully low. The recent haze is the reason for the decrease in trees, let alone the country with the most deserts! You didnt buy the paper, so you can squander it?

Our minerals are not abundant either: all of our minerals are only sufficient for 30 years! Our countrys per capita mineral resources are far below the world average!

Our resources are really limited. In fact, Xian, known as the "Feng Shui Treasure Land", is also starting to run out of water. Dont think that the Earth is still far from extinction. If this continues, the ecology of nature will disappear, and then everything goes without saying.

However, whether you are poor or wealthy, of high or low status, you should save all the resources around you. Nature has nurtured us, and at least we cannot waste her other children, can we? Let us develop in harmony with nature and create a better tomorrow for our descendants!






勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 13

Diligence, frugality, and thrift are traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. Everyone knows the word "diligence, frugality, and thrift", but can they really be achieved? My grandfather is a thrifty and thrifty person!

I remember one time, when I had nothing to do, I went to play with my grandfather. When I saw that his light was already dim, I left dejected. Suddenly, I heard a cough. It turned out to be Grandpa. As I pushed the door open, I saw Grandpa wearing a pair of reading glasses, holding the newspaper in his hand and muttering something. When I looked at it, I felt like it was so dark. It turned out that Grandpa was using a candle to light the newspaper and read it. I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, why did you turn on the good light and light such a short candle?" My grandfather said, "I just want to save some electricity. Every time I go to your house, I have to turn on the light to save some electricity!"

After listening to my grandfathers words, I have many feelings. My grandfather has always adhered to the virtues of diligence, thrift, and thrift of the Chinese nation. In the future, I will also be like my grandfather, not wasting any water or a grain of rice! Be a thrifty and thrifty person!




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 14

As a Chinese, everyone should adhere to the four words of "diligence, thrift, and thrift" because this is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. There are many people like this around us.

School is about to start, and my parents and I are tidying up our rooms at home. The three of us have discussed the plan and decided to tidy up the other rooms first, and finally the most messy childrens room. In less than two hours, the house was organized and my room was missing. We ran in all directions, looking for different cleaning tools to start cleaning. I am responsible for making the bed, my dad is responsible for mopping the floor, and my mom is responsible for tidying up the desk and bookshelf. The area that my father and I were responsible for was quickly completed, but my mother sorted out a large stack of notebooks. Upon closer inspection, I found that they were all weekly notebooks, preview books, and so on issued by the teacher last semester. My mother asked me if I wanted these notebooks, and I said if they were useless, lets just throw them away. When Mom was about to throw it away, Dad said not to throw it away. There were so many blank pages at the back of these notebooks, and those blank pages could be used to write essay drafts, vertical columns, and so on. My mother and I listened quite reasonably, so we left them behind.

There are so many hardworking, frugal and thrifty people around us, and we need to discover and learn from their spirit.




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 15

Diligence, frugality, and thrift are virtues. We cannot be extravagant or wasteful, we must be diligent, frugal, and thrifty. Diligence, thrift, and thrift are still traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and we should start from now on.

There were one or two things in the past that taught me what frugality is. That night, I saw a hole in my socks, so I told my grandmother, "Grandma, this pair of socks has a hole. Throw it away now." My grandmother said, "Why throw it away? Just sew it and you can wear it again!" I hummed. Grandma picked up the meticulously sewn socks.

Whether its wealthy or poor families, we must be frugal. Rice, a kilowatt of grain on a piece of paper, and a drop of water cannot be wasted. We should establish good habits of hard work, simplicity, diligence, and thrift when we are young. Hand washing, facial wash can wash feet and flush the toilet. Water for vegetables can water flowers. This semesters endless books can be set up for use as this draft. After drinking a bottle of beverage, the household appliances are packed in cardboard boxes. The household appliances waste paper and can be sold for money. If you turn off the lights casually, you should go out to avoid wasting electricity. Dont litter food, dont buy it, spend money on useful things.

Classmates, we should cherish todays happy life. Lets start from the little things in life and cultivate good habits of hard work, simplicity, diligence, and thrift.





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 16

Diligence, frugality, and thrift are virtues. We cannot be extravagant and wasteful, we should be diligent and frugal. Diligence, frugality, and thrift are still traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. We should start from now on.

There was something in the past that taught me what diligence, frugality, and thrift are. That night, I saw a hole in my socks, so I said to my grandmother, "Grandma, this pair of socks has a hole, throw it away!" My grandmother said, "Why throw it away? You can sew it on again!" I let out a sigh. Grandma picked up her socks and sewed them carefully.

Regardless of whether our family is rich or poor, we must be diligent and frugal. We cannot waste a kilowatt hour of electricity, a grain of rice, a piece of paper, or a drop of water. We should cultivate good habits of hard work, simplicity, diligence, and thrift from a young age. Wash your hands and face with water that can wash your feet and flush the toilet. The water used for washing vegetables can water the flowers. The books that cannot be used up this semester can be bound up and used as draft books to continue. Bottles for drinks, cardboard boxes for household appliances, and waste newspapers can be sold for money. When going out, turn off the lights easily to avoid wasting electricity. Dont litter food, dont buy things that shouldnt be bought, and spend money in useful places.

Classmates, we should cherish todays happy life. Lets start from the little things in life and cultivate good habits of hard work, simplicity, diligence, and thrift.





勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 17

Diligence, frugality, and thrift are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and everyone should inherit and promote this virtue, carrying forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation.

There is an ancient Chinese saying that diligence and frugality lead to household management. This is true for a family, and even more so for a country. Diligence, frugality, and thrift are not only attitudes, but also spirits. Since childhood, our teachers have taught us to be diligent and frugal. But in real life, the phenomenon of extravagance and waste can be seen everywhere. How heartbreaking are the wasted food on the dining table and the water flowing from the faucet that has not been turned off! Imagine, with a population of 1.3 billion in China, wasting one grain of food and one drop of water per person, how much waste would it be!

Everyone should strictly demand themselves and cultivate the habit of diligence, thrift, and thrift. Starting from me, starting from small things, not wasting every grain of food, not wasting every drop of water. Diligence, frugality, and thrift will make our lives better. Let each of us inherit and promote the traditional virtue of diligence, frugality, and thrift!




勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 18

Diligence, frugality, and thrift are the responsibilities of each and every teenager. Li Kun said, "Who knew that every grain of food on the plate is hard," which is about cherishing food; Li Bai said, "The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and flows to the sea without returning." This is about cherishing water. Only by cherishing can we achieve thrift, and only by understanding thrift can we know diligence and thrift.

In the cafeteria, some students skip eating half of the rice in their bowls; In the classroom, some students write one wrong word and tear up their notebooks; At home, some students keep the faucet on and not off... This is all uncivilized behavior.

Save water, dont let the last drop of water in the world become the last tear of humanity, dont let the last tear of humanity become the last drop of sand!

Save food, every grain of rice is made up of a grain of millet and 99 drops of sweat. Therefore, please care about that grain of millet and respect those 99 drops of tears!

Be a civilized youth, a diligent and thrifty civilized youth, because you will always be respected by people, just like you care about that drop of water, a grain of grain of grain, and respect that 99 drops of sweat!






勤俭节约英语作文带翻译 19

My grandfather is 67 years old this year. He has already white hair and even his beard is white, but his habit of frugality has not changed.

I remember one time, when I was sitting on the sofa, I accidentally broke an automatic pencil. I was about to throw it away when my grandfather stopped me and kindly said, "You cant throw it away. Ill stick it to you with glue and you can use it." I replied, "Were not without money. Besides, one automatic pencil costs only one yuan, and you can buy another one." My grandfather said, "No, no matter how rich you are, you cant spend it recklessly!" After that, he skillfully took out 502 glue and stuck the broken area together. I looked at the restored automatic pencil and thought to myself: Grandpa is really frugal.

I remember another time when my grandfather accidentally hung up his clothes while working. When my parents heard about it, they planned to buy him another one. My grandfather said, "No need, the clothes are so expensive now. Each one costs over a hundred, so its better to sew them and they can still be worn." After saying this, my grandfather took a needle and thread, sewed them one by one, and in no time, he showed us the sewn clothes and said, "Isnt that enough?"

My grandfathers frugality has invisibly influenced the whole family, and now I am also starting to learn frugality.





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