
发布者:飞哥 时间:2024-7-12 03:26




黄山的英语作文带翻译 1

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui.

Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there. It‘s not far from here. It takes you about three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful.

It’s really a nice place to visit.




黄山的英语作文带翻译 2

Last week we travelled to Mt. huang in Anhui Province. That is my first time to go there.

We went there by train and bus. It took us 1 night to get there. We have eaten many kinds of Hui Food. I like them very much. We have climbed the Mt.Huang for 2 day and we also have lived in the hotel which is on the top of Mt. Hunag.It is exciting. The weather on the mountain always rain. It was wonderful too. We have taken the telpher. It was the most exciting. The mountain is not only amazing but also beautiful. I love this mountain.

Travel to Mountain Huang is one of the most unforgettable travel in my memory. I really want to go there again.




黄山的英语作文带翻译 3

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. Its not far from here.

It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain you can enjoy the sea of the clouds wondrous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises the sky looks very beautiful. Its really a nice place to visit.



黄山的英语作文带翻译 4

Last Saturday. I and my father mother grandparents brother went to huangshan.

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains wild flowers bloom.

We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain I feel a little tired,it began to rainMy West Lake silk umbrella missed.

Dad said to me“Jill, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top the top of the scenery so beautiful.

We were flying kites I was thirsty my mother bought me a bottle of water.

Finally we went ,Since then Ive kept the was very happy.






黄山的英语作文带翻译 5

I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Huangshan Mountain last month.

There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM.

It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before.

We were talking and laughing all along the road people sharing their food and drink taking spent 4hours up and down.

Before we left we went to the peasants restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful peasant meal. It was really a pleasant trip.





黄山的英语作文带翻译 6

Last week Amy and her family went to huangshan.

Huangshan is located south anhui is Chinas famous tourist resort.

A large number of tourists every year to tourism industry.

Amy and her family went there by car and took nearly three hours. They climbing and saw the sea of clouds ,wondrous pines, unique rocks and beautiful sunrise .

See the beauty Amy was very excited. they had a good time in huangshan.






黄山的英语作文带翻译 7


I have never been to Mount Huangshan, but we learned a text called "Mount Huangshan Qisong". Mount Huangshan gives me the impression of picturesque scenery, because it is decorated with "strange pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs", so Mount Huangshan is more beautiful. Song Qi mainly receives, accompanies, and transports guests. Greeting Pine is the symbol of Mount Huangshan, which is Song Qi of Mount Huangshan.


Mount Huangshan has many strange rocks, some like monkeys looking at the sea, some like pigs eating watermelons, some like Song Wuda tigers... They are listed as strange peaks and various forms. There is also an overpass on Mount Huangshan Mountain, which leads directly to two peaks and is more than 1800 meters high. Both sides are suspended, making people tremble with fear when they lower their heads.


The sea of clouds in Mount Huangshan is also beautiful. Looking at the sea of clouds within reach, it was like a thick mist, covering those strange peaks. As the wind blew, the fog dispersed again, presenting a beautiful and spectacular scenery. Looking up, ten miles away, like an endless ocean, submerged all the mountains, only revealing one peak, breathtaking.


"Mount Huangshan Mountain, Mount Huangshan Mountain, you are really strange. You deserve to be the most wonderful mountain in the world. Your scenery is worth seeing."

黄山的英语作文带翻译 8


On September 9, my parents took me to Mount Huangshan to play.


On the way up the mountain, I saw a scenery I had never seen before: next to the road was a small stream with many large and small stones and clear water inside. As long as you listen carefully, you will hear the sound of flowing water, and anyone who hears it will feel very comfortable.


After getting on the cable car, my whole body was shrouded in mist, and the peaks were also blocked by the drifting mist, just like a fairyland.


The next day, I went to "Monkey Viewing the Sea". On a distant mountain peak, there was a piece of rock that looked like a monkey sitting on the top looking forward. The monkey was currently in a thick sea of clouds, which was very similar to "Monkey Viewing the Sea".


The stars in Mount Huangshan are also very beautiful. In the pitch black night sky, there is the only embellishment in the sky at this moment - shining stars. The entire night sky seems to have countless eyes staring at you, extremely beautiful.


The sunrise is no less impressive. Around 5 oclock in the morning, the sun poked its head out of the thick clouds, and a large area of clouds next to it was all dyed red, which was very spectacular.


Mount Huangshan has unique natural scenery. Next time, I will visit Mount Huangshan.

黄山的英语作文带翻译 9


Mount Huangshan, located in the south of Anhui Province, is a famous scenic spot in China. It is known as the "Five Mountains return without looking at the mountains, and Mount Huangshan return without looking at the mountains.".


Qisong is a major feature of Mount Huangshan Mountain, and the most representative one is Greeting Pine. Its branches are thick and tall, and its root system is exposed year-round. In foggy days, the root system desperately absorbs water from the fog to maintain life. A branch of the welcoming pine extends out, combined with green leaves, resembling a huge hand greeting us. The trunk of the Chinese pine tree is very slanted, almost reaching the horizontal line! Exploring the sea pine, as the name suggests, it looks like a person about to jump into the sea and explore.


The sea of clouds in Mount Huangshan is also very beautiful. In the morning, as soon as the sun rises, the sea of clouds is illuminated with a fiery red color, like a red cloth covering the sky. At noon, the sea of clouds was snow-white and snow-white, as if a huge marshmallow was floating in the air, looking extremely beautiful. In the evening, the sea of clouds turned red again under the setting sun. This time, it was not fiery red, but orange red, like a curtain about to leave.


Ah, beautiful Mount Huangshan, I love you!

黄山的英语作文带翻译 10


"The five mountains dont look at the mountains when they return, and Mount Huangshan doesnt look at the mountains when they return." Mount Huangshan really deserves its reputation.


There are four wonders in Mount Huangshan Mountain: strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. The Mount Huangshan Mountain is very pine. It can grow in the crevices of rocks. No matter wind, rain, thunder or electricity, it is still very firm. It stands on the cliff and stretches its "hands" as if it is welcoming guests from all over the world.


The most wonderful thing is still rocks! There is a turtle like one, and next to it is a "rabbit". The two of them seem to be about to race, and I also saw a stone eagle, as if it is about to spread its wings and fly, majestic. On the mountaintop, soaring in the clouds and mist, it looks like a fairyland! Some are like horses, they seem to be racing, chasing each other on the "track", without distinction, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.


At this moment, another group of little dogs arrived with fierce expressions, as if there was a prey ahead. As for hot springs, Mount Huangshan is famous! It is surrounded by smoke, and the hot springs are filled with warm water, which can relieve fatigue throughout the day and make oneself more energetic.


The beautiful Mount Huangshan Mountain is really fascinating.

黄山的英语作文带翻译 11


People say that when the Five Mountains return, they do not look at the mountains, and when Mount Huangshan returns, they do not look at the mountains. This May Day, my mother will take me to Mount Huangshan to play.


The scenery of Mount Huangshan is really beautiful! Sitting on the tour bus, looking out, the undulating mountains, towering trees, and steep stone steps are all shrouded in a hazy mist, like a fairyland.


In the morning, walking on a quiet path, the chirping of insects and birds echoed in my ears. Waves of fresh breeze blew by, and the dewdrops on the bamboo leaves scattered like broken pearls.


The scenery of Mount Huangshan is not only picturesque, but also very magical!


One mountain after another, handsome and diverse in posture. Some are like cows, some are like horses, and some are like pandas, which is dazzling. Looking down from a high place in the North Sea, there is a stone that looks very much like a monkey. It sits on the protruding stone, as if looking at the beautiful scenery of the North Sea. This is the Mount Huangshan Monkey Watching the Sea, as well as the Flying Stone Fairy pointing the way and other masterpieces of nature.


The weather in Mount Huangshan can change from day to day, just like the face of a three-year-old child. Just now, the sun was scorching, but now it is full of dark clouds. We put on our raincoats as quickly as possible, but we still became drenched in soup.


Mount Huangshan is beautiful and wonderful, grand and spectacular. I love you! I will never forget you!

黄山的英语作文带翻译 12


When I went to Mount Huangshan, it was like a beautiful fairy with a white veil on her face, giving people a sense of mystery.


I sat on the cableway, and she seemed to act coquettishly. A strong wind blew down from the mountain, causing the cableway to shake and leaving me feeling a bit helpless. I held onto my fathers hand tightly, afraid of being blown away.


When I walk on Mount Huangshan Mountain, I feel like I am in a fairyland. Looking down the mountain, a sea of white clouds is rolling. I cant see the strange stones of Mount Huangshan Mountain, and I cant appreciate the famous welcome pine, leaving a little regret.


As I walked up the narrow and long steps, I suddenly felt my feet trembling. There was some moss growing on the steps, which was slippery. I was very careful and worked hard to walk upwards when suddenly a clear spring flowed down from the mountain, and the water flowed onto my feet, feeling very comfortable. It made my originally sore feet feel less sour.


When I arrived at Tiandu Peak, it seemed like a crying little girl had shed tears.


And when I climbed to the top of the light, she laughed like a happy child, and the sky cast a golden light.


Mount Huangshan is really a magical mountain. It is so changeable and unforgettable.

黄山的英语作文带翻译 13


Hello passengers, everyone! I am a tour guide from Xingang Elementary School. My surname is Guo. Today, I will take you to a scenic spot. I hope everyone will leave a very good impression of this place through my explanation. The place we are visiting today is "Mount Huangshan".


There are some stones of historic sites in Mount Huangshan Mountain. Today we will take a look at the strange stones.


Everyone, this is a round peach that fell from the sky and landed on a stone. That peach is round, like a ripe peach falling to the ground. Everyone picks it up, but no one touches it. This is Tiantao.


The endless sea lay quietly flowing, and there was a monkey like stone squatting by the seaside. In the evening, the moon came out, and the little monkey was crouching on the beach looking at the moon. This is the sky monkey looking at the moon. These two stones are so interesting!


Theres even more fun! There is a fairy standing on the mountain, with his head high and chest straight, standing motionless. The fairys right hand is pointing forward, and his head is looking ahead, as if this is the legendary "fairy pointing the way". The more I look at it, the more it looks like it. Mount Huangshan also has many stones of historic sites, including strange stones such as the golden rooster calling Tiandu, the golden rooster crowing, and the golden rooster crowing.


Did everyone have a good time today?

黄山的英语作文带翻译 14


Early in the morning, my father took me and his brothers and sisters in the laboratory to Mount Huangshan to play. I am so happy!


At the foot of Mount Huangshan Mountain, my brothers and sisters went to climb the mountain. My father and I went up the mountain by cable car. The cable car started, and we were like being suspended in mid air, with steep cliffs on both sides. I was both excited and scared.


Half way through the mountainside, I found many strange shaped stones on the mountain. Some are like fish, some are like mice, and some are like turtles, peaches, and husbands. Going further up, there are also Dream Brush Blossom, Mobile Phone Stone, Lotus Peak, Boy Guanyin, Aoyu Carrying Golden Turtle, and so on. Its so interesting!


I havent finished looking at the wonderful stones in Mount Huangshan, but I have a new discovery. The pine trees in Mount Huangshan are all growing towards the sun. The needles are like an open umbrella, called "Mount Huangshan Pine". Among them, the "Welcome Pine" is the most beautiful, reaching out to welcome guests every day!


The next day, what we saw was neither a strange rock nor a strange pine, but a sea of clouds. There is a "monkey" squatting on a giant rock in the distance, gazing at the rolling clouds and mist from afar. This is the famous monkey watching the sea!


Everyone is going down the mountain to say goodbye. I really hate to leave the beautiful Mount Huangshan Mountain, whose strange pines and rocks I will never forget.

黄山的英语作文带翻译 15


It has always been said that "Five Mountains return without looking at the mountains, and Mount Huangshan return without looking at the mountains". Mount Huangshan Mountain is famous for its wonders, known as "the most wonderful mountain in the world". The four famous wonders are strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.


The beauty of Mount Huangshan begins with pines, among which the "welcoming pines" are the most peculiar. It stands tall among the cliffs, vigorous and lush, elegant and enthusiastic. Two side branches stretch out one by one, while the other bends inward, like a smiling and amiable old man. He extends his hands in a "please" posture, welcoming tourists from all directions.


The early morning breeze lightly brushed over my shoulders with a hint of moisture. Climbing the peak, the sea of clouds in Mount Huangshan Mountain is even more spectacular and charming! Clouds and mist surround the entire mountain peak, making one feel as if they are in a dream and relaxing both physically and mentally. In an instant, the sunlight seeped through the faint mist, gently caressing every blade of grass and tree, giving off a delightful feeling.

黄山奇石千奇百怪,令人叫绝。如“仙人指路”“飞来石”“武松打虎” ……

The strange rocks of Mount Huangshan Mountain are amazing. Such as "immortals pointing the way," "flying stones," and "Wusong fighting tigers"


Mount Huangshan is really beautiful. The beautiful scenery makes people linger!

黄山的英语作文带翻译 16


During the summer vacation, my family went to Mount Huangshan Mountain, which is famous all over the world.


As soon as I got off the car, I was halfway up the mountainside. I leaned against the railing and looked down, as if I had entered a fairyland. I felt my whole body light and ethereal. I lifted my head and looked up at the sky, with peaks facing straight towards heaven, cloudless for miles.


As we walked up the steps, the mountain was foggy. I saw strange shaped pine trees on Mount Huangshan Mountain. They grew in the crevices of the stones and had strong vitality. The trunk of the pine trees was tall and straight, with the momentum of heaven. The pine needles were thick and long, and there were various names: Greeting Pine, Phoenix tailed Pine, Dragons Claw Pine, and Farewell Pine.


Standing on the mountain and looking from afar, the rocks on the mountain emit a faint yellow color, with cliffs and cliffs everywhere. The rocks are diverse, some like Zhu Bajie, some like a lively carp


On the way to "Xinshi Peak", I saw a monkey with golden hair, brown black eyes, a small and delicate mouth, and a furry and adorable body. I picked up a peach and threw it next to it. It quickly picked it up and ate it.


At this moment, I asked my mother to take photos of me and the golden monkey, leaving behind beautiful memories of my life.


The beautiful scenery of Mount Huangshan is so beautiful that I feast my eyes on it. I hope I can come back to Mount Huangshan again.

黄山的英语作文带翻译 17


From the photos my father brought after his visit to Mount Huangshan, I appreciate the beauty of Mount Huangshan. Today, I finally got my wish and came to Mount Huangshan Mountain. In the morning, I followed the tourists to the foot of Mount Huangshan Mountain. After more than two hours of long-distance climbing, we finally climbed the White Goose Ridge. On the observation deck, we saw Tiandu Peak, which had just walked into the mist. As if covered with a veil, it seems as if there is nothing. We also saw Lianhua Peak, which is named after its shape.


He is tall and majestic, with a prominent main peak surrounded by small peaks. Like a huge lotus flower, it blooms in full bloom in the sky. Lets follow the group to the Bright Summit. On the way, I followed the tour guides hand and saw two huge stones, one big and one small, placed together, which were called flying stones. No one can explain how that small stone was pinned to the giant stone, and it is also known as a flying stone, meaning something that flew from the sky. Unconsciously, it was already past 3:00 in the afternoon. We cant travel all the wonders of Mount Huangshan, nor can we describe the beauty of Mount Huangshan. I cannot leave without deep attachment to him.

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