
发布者:庆中机械 时间:2024-6-15 23:29




人工智能的英语作文 1

Can machines really think? The artificial intelligence, such as a computer that thinks like a human being is scary. Is building a machine that thinks like a human really possible? We are ever closer to building an AI that thinks like a human. When it comes to this issues, different people offer different views, some people think that machine has feelings like human beings is interesting and it may be a better server to human; while the other think it is dangerous, it may causes a revolt.


People who approved of human feelings machine think that once robot has specific feelings, such as happy, sad, anger, they might be more humanize. For example, maybe in the future a robot nanny will replace a real human nanny, who are work more effective and without any complain. If they have real emotion, they are more perfect, and more like a company but not a cool machine.


People who against human robot argue that once the robot is more intelligent than we think, that maybe a great tribulation to human beings. There has a potential risks that once the robot is smart enough, they may unwilling to be human’s server anymore, they may want to be legally citizens, or even worse, to be the owner of the world. It is possible because they are smart and they are stronger compare with human beings.


It is not sure what will happen in the future, having robot to serve for human beings is a good thing, but the issue of artificial intelligence is still controversial.


人工智能的英语作文 2

Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.

After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best!

I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real connotation.




人工智能的英语作文 3


Nowadays, we have entered an era of big data, and the development of artificial intelligence technology has provided us with many conveniences in our daily life and work, but at the same time, there are also some problems.


Artificial intelligence makes life more comfortable and reduces peoples workload. For example, when encountering natural disasters, we can use robots to replace humans in disaster relief. This not only reduces the risk rate, but also gives people more freedom of choice and more energy to invest in more meaningful fields. Artificial intelligence can ensure data accuracy, reduce manual calculation errors, and work continuously, greatly improving work efficiency and saving a lot of costs.


The rapid development of artificial intelligence often brings many drawbacks. On the one hand, it can lead to some people losing their jobs, such as ticket sellers. On the other hand, artificial intelligence also poses certain risks, as there may be losses caused by data leakage. When humans rely too much on artificial intelligence, it will also reduce their agency and creativity, reduce the process of using their brains to think, and increase their laziness.


Therefore, artificial intelligence has both advantages and disadvantages. We should not only make good use of the convenience brought by artificial intelligence technology, but also understand how to learn more skills. We should not blindly pursue the convenience brought by intelligence, but also know how to make choices. The standard of good and bad lies in how we can correctly use it to serve us.

人工智能的英语作文 4


With the development and progress of technology, more and more new terms have entered our lives. Artificial intelligence is one of them, which not only represents the increasingly prominent direction of intelligence, but also has a lot of value in technology research and engineering fields.


The future construction industry may use artificial intelligence. Compared to the daily labor of early workers, artificial intelligence appears to be particularly relaxed. It can develop a series of complex procedures to create operational processes, reducing labor costs and better completing the required tasks. I think in the future, I wont see hardworking workers on construction sites, only rows of robotic arms waving and completing scenes that people couldnt even imagine years ago.


In the future, artificial intelligence will also be used in the high-tech field, as they can better perform precise instrument calculations and complete some difficult movements faster, freeing up hands and achieving greater work efficiency.


In fact, the development of artificial intelligence will not be limited to just one aspect, and there will be greater progress and improvement in the future. We believe that our great motherland will definitely achieve greater research and development in areas such as intelligence and automation, and better demonstrate the strength of a great country.


I believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence will increasingly enter our lives, emitting the light of technology in every corner of our lives!

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This afternoon, I took my first artificial intelligence class in life.


I just arrived at the customer service room and saw many small inventions and 3D printed blocks, towers, cakes, and airplane slippers. My heart flew with it. I hope the teacher can start the class as soon as possible.


The class started, and the teacher first talked about the arrangement for future classes. Afterwards, the teacher gave us each a tablet made of Huawei brand, which is super tall and stylish. We opened the childrens drawing program, and the teacher taught us how to make the little rabbit walk from the starting point to the end (that is, walk around for a week). First, we find the green flag and drag it down. Then find "Up", "Down", "Left", and "Right", and drag them to the white box below. Calculate how many steps need to be taken up, down, left, and right respectively, then move the rabbit to the upper left corner, and finally let the rabbit walk once to see where improvement is needed. Once the improvement is made, it is complete!


Once you have completed the programming diagram required by the teacher, you can create the programming diagram you want! I made a picture of marine organisms in the universe, which was not created when I was confused. This picture contains the idea that with the advancement of science and technology in the future, humans have created a way for living species to live in the universe. Let humans and animals see the beauty and wonders of the universe!


I love the artificial intelligence course!

人工智能的英语作文 6


In todays rapidly developing science and technology, artificial intelligence is gradually entering peoples sight and life. The emerging artificial intelligence can even handle multiple tasks. As a result, people began to worry, will there be a day when artificial intelligence will think like humans or replace humans?


Artificial intelligence can indeed help humans with many things, effortlessly and quickly. Projects that should have consumed a lot of thinking time or energy can be handed over to computers with half the effort.


Unconsciously, artificial intelligence has become an indispensable part of our lives. People use them for work and life every day. While enjoying convenience and convenience, a sense of crisis arises naturally. "Will humans be replaced by artificial intelligence?"


Lets think about it, the reason why humans are powerful is because we have thinking and emotions. People can use computers, but they cannot overly rely on them. It is a product of technology, and human development and creation of technology. Once a sense of dependence arises, everyones first reaction when encountering a problem is to "look for Baidu". Little do they know that the process of finding ones own way is the most precious.


Artificial intelligence computers are like a double-edged sword. If used properly, they can become a good helper. If overly reliant on them, they can lead to their demise. So, please dont let artificial intelligence replace the brain.

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This Saturday afternoon, I went to the third floor of the childrens library with a few classmates and attended a very meaningful lecture. There is a summer lecture hall organized by the Sunshine Youth Daily, which talks about "Can humans be controlled by artificial intelligence?"? Just hearing this name is full of curiosity, I really want to learn more about artificial intelligence.


At first, the teacher told us that she was not a real person, she had traveled back from 2060, so our classmates couldnt believe it. The teacher asked the students to actively answer what is artificial intelligence? My classmates have extensive knowledge and each answer is very vivid. So what is artificial intelligence? I also researched some information. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies the application of computers to simulate certain human intelligent activities, thereby replacing certain human mental labor.


We commonly use artificial intelligence smartphones, smart home appliances, smart cars in our daily lives, and now there are smart stores. The teacher talked about Alpha Dog playing Go, and no one can surpass it. I am really worried that in a few decades, artificial intelligence will develop into a higher field, controlling humans and the Earth?


Time flies so fast, I finished speaking unconsciously, and I was still immersed in thinking. If humans are not controlled by artificial intelligence, they should not become lazy, and make reasonable use of artificial intelligence to serve humanity.

人工智能的英语作文 8


Artificial intelligence has accelerated peoples degradation. The original intention of artificial intelligence was to provide convenience and create a more convenient life for people. However, with the gradual exposure of human dependence and drawbacks on intelligent devices, laziness has emerged. Imagine that you are in an environment that can solve everything except eating, drinking, and urinating. Over time, you will form a dependency, and even you dont need to use your brain, study or labor. What is the meaning of living for those humans? Such a reciprocating world will result in a high level of knowledge and a group of ignorant, pig like extremes. This is not the progress of civilization, but the degradation of humanity.


It can be seen that in order to maintain social stability, the whole cannot be ignored, just like artificial intelligence replacing a large number of human job positions. Such a rush for quick success and instant benefits is completely unacceptable. Only with the overall development can society be balanced.


Artificial intelligence has accelerated human degradation, not because progressive thinking is rejecting it. It just wants to tell us that development cannot be one-sided, and going to extremes will capsize. If there are a large number of so-called useless groups, it will be difficult for society to continue to develop, and the drawbacks and enormous consequences of this are also evident. Artificial intelligence has accelerated peoples degradation, and if we want to develop, everything is possible

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"What do you think artificial intelligence is?" my brother, who just started college, asked me during a video call. I tilted my head and asked, "Are they computers and phones?" My brother smiled and continued, "Its similar. The English name for artificial intelligence is artificial, technology, abbreviated as AI, and in the true sense, artificial intelligence is something that can help humans complete complex tasks." Speaking, he turned on the computer and typed out a series of English words that I didnt know on a black screen. After typing, he pressed the enter key and a cartoon character connected by a dotted line appeared on the screen. It was really amazing!


"The English words and numbers you just saw on the screen are called code, and with the code, you have this cartoon character. The browser you often use was also developed using code. Do you know that the application you often use, which often pushes learning materials, was also made using the small window where my brother is writing code now?" said my brother. Suddenly, I had a new idea and asked my brother, "Brother, can robots be considered artificial intelligence?" My brother said, "Of course it is. It is integrated with many algorithms." When I was about to hang up the video, my brother told me, "Lingling, if you want to learn artificial intelligence in the future, you need to study hard, master better learning methods, and lay a solid foundation for your future university major."


Artificial intelligence has penetrated into various industries, unwilling to accept the baptism of the "smart world", and ultimately can only be rejected by this era. Because of the introduction my brother gave me, I gained an additional understanding of artificial intelligence and felt immense reverence for human intelligence.

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From the Nordic banks replacing players with machines, to Alpha Go sweeping top players in China and South Korea and then being crushed by new versions, artificial intelligence has brought waves of psychological shock to humans.


As the "most powerful innovation accelerator", artificial intelligence technology will undoubtedly achieve greater development and bring enormous benefits to humanity. On the other hand, the industry generally believes that the speed of development and upgrading of artificial intelligence is faster than any previous technological innovation, and it is comprehensively and rapidly changing human life. If the response to the development of artificial intelligence technology is not timely enough, it may also cause a series of hidden dangers and even impacts on human society.


60 years ago, people still regarded television as an unattainable high-tech product; Thirty years ago, the popularity of the Internet was considered to be fantastic. The speed of new technological development and changes in human lifestyle always exceeds peoples estimates, and the leap of artificial intelligence technology will be unparalleled in this regard.


While encouraging the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, there is also an increasing demand for early response to potential challenges it may pose.


Scientist Hawking once warned that artificial intelligence may "destroy humanity.". If his remarks are still controversial "far sighted", then the competition between artificial intelligence and humans for jobs is a real "near concern", and the significant layoffs of Nordic banks are just one of many examples.


There are also other discussions about the potential risks that artificial intelligence may cause, which are not entirely unfounded. For example, does the reckless development of smart weapons pose a risk of losing control? Will the more convenient and humanized development of artificial intelligence make humans addicted to it, leading to a greater alienation and even disruption of normal human ethical order in interpersonal relationships?

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Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword. If used well, it is a great help to humanity. If not used well, it may become a disaster. And my personal opinion leans more towards the latter.


Even the people at the bottom of society have no servility, let alone higher artificial intelligence. They cannot willingly obey us humans. Although they have not done anything wrong now, what about the future? The current "alpha dogs" can play chess with themselves and watch other peoples matches. They are like us in the ancient biological era, constantly improving through honing, and they have appeared in the high-tech era, with progress and evolution possibly greater than what we were before.


Perhaps one day in the future, artificial intelligence will come into contact with more cultures and understand the unchanging law of the earth for hundreds of millions of years - the law of the jungle. Will it want to turn a salted fish around and become its own master, thus raising the butchers knife against us humans.


Perhaps you will scoff at my ideas and think that I am worried, but I can clearly tell you that this is just your blind trust in humanity. Even if artificial intelligence does not rebel against humanity, who can guarantee that there will not be some lawless people using artificial intelligence as a weapon for war and creating terrorist events in our human intrigues?


Therefore, I believe that artificial intelligence can continue to be developed, but it also needs to leave some behind, only allowing them to access fields related to their own role, not files related to politics and war weapons, and setting up some encryption systems to prevent them from being stolen for their own use by lawless individuals and hackers. For example, some medical devices are all artificial intelligence. If someone tampers with the data, there will be countless lives behind it, and the consequences will be unimaginable!


The emergence of artificial intelligence can be said to be a combination of good and bad, which can promote human development and bring substantial destruction. It should be used appropriately.

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Today, we welcome the long-awaited small journalist activity - entering the Suqian Smart City Science and Technology Museum, experiencing the power of technology!


Entering the entrance of the Science and Technology Museum, what catches your eye is a large LED display screen, playing a video about the economic and social development status of Suqian and your imagination of its future. Walking inside is the technology product display area, which includes smart trash cans, smart street lights, smart refrigerators, and smart pianos, among others. The intelligent garbage sorting bin, as the name suggests, is a special type of garbage bin that has multiple functions such as voice prompts, garbage compression, and alarm. This type of garbage bin can also remind cleaning workers to clean up garbage in a timely manner. Intelligent street lights are amazing, as they can measure external temperatures, noise, PM2.5 pollution, and automatic fault alarms, transmitting real-time data to relevant departments. Smart refrigerators can watch videos, listen to music, and learn recipes, making our lives more convenient. As for the smart piano, it can automatically play music or teach people how to play the piano, so that everyone doesnt have to go to piano school to learn the piano, saving round-trip time. Going further inside is the artificial intelligence robot "Xiaoqian". Her name is taken from the "qian" of our city name "Suqian", isnt it very pleasant? "Xiao Qianqian" is a multifunctional robot that can sing, dance, chat with you, and help you solve your troubles


The most popular area is the intelligent science popularization and entertainment area. VR games, 3D printing, robotic arm tea making, robotic arm boxing, robotic arm chess, and robots that can play Rubiks Cube... Each of the young reporters actively participated with enthusiasm, but they couldnt play enough no matter how much they played.


The visit has ended, and the young journalists not only enjoyed the fun brought by technology, but also gained a lot of technological knowledge and broadened their horizons. We must study hard and strive to improve ourselves to welcome the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence!

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With the development of technology, artificial intelligence has entered our lives and changed our lives. While artificial intelligence brings us convenience, it also has drawbacks. But what I want more is the increasingly distant humanistic sentiment behind technology.


Recently, there were media reports that a student purchased a "writing robot" with Chinese New Years money to help them copy winter homework. Due to her copying homework within two days without any typos, she was noticed by her parents and subsequently the robot was smashed.


The winter homework, which was supposed to be completed by students diligently to acquire knowledge, was replaced by robots, losing its rightful value, which gave me a special perspective on robots.

在浙江马镇举行的中国乌镇围棋峰会上,世界排名第一的柯洁九段与围棋人工智能Alpha Go正式展开比赛,打响了“人机大战”第二季。柯洁执黑先行,但最终以1比4的劣势输得比赛。

At the Chinese Wuzhen Go Summit held in Mazhen, Zhejiang, the worlds number one Ke Jie Jiudan officially competed with the AI AI Alpha Go in Go, marking the second season of the "man-machine battle". Ke Jie led the black team, but ultimately lost the game with a 1-4 disadvantage.


Go game is listed as one of the Four Elegans of Qin, Chess, Calligraphy, and Painting. But now, humans are competing with a cold machine for the level of technology. If we only talk about the level of intelligence, where is the indifferent and peaceful state of mind when playing chess, and the sentiment of "casually tapping chess pieces and falling lights"?


Artificial intelligence makes communication more convenient, and there are countless chat tools such as WeChat and QQ that are convenient for us. But it is difficult for us to appreciate the sentiment of "family letters are worth ten thousand gold". Artificial intelligence has made agriculture automated and mechanized, but it is difficult for us to appreciate the hardships of "every grain is hard, sweat drips down the soil". Artificial intelligence has made social interaction more diverse, but it is difficult for us to appreciate the deep affection and dedication of "holding the hand of our children and growing old together".


And I hope that humans and artificial intelligence can coexist harmoniously, maintain balance, and respect each other. May artificial intelligence join hands with humanity to jointly build this world and showcase a new face.

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With the changes of the times, people are no longer unfamiliar with artificial intelligence, and more and more artificial intelligence has entered our lives. For example, in some restaurants around us, there is a server robot that serves dishes for guests; In subway stations, there is a facial recognition device that allows everyone to check their tickets and enter the station in just 5-10 seconds.


Artificial intelligence has been widely used in our lives. Intelligent sweeping robots, are everyone familiar with them? Fully automatic is very convenient. It utilizes artificial intelligence to handle difficult to clean areas, which reduces the workload for families; There is also an intelligent fitting room where you dont need to take off your clothes before putting them on. You can stand in front of a machine and it can automatically recognize and help you try on your clothes. It is precisely because these artificial intelligence have entered our lives that our lives are so convenient and fast.

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Artificial intelligence is a new technological science that studies and develops theories, methods, technologies, and application systems for simulating, extending, and expanding human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has gradually entered our lives.


Alpha Dog is a great artificial intelligence! It once defeated professional nine dan player Li Shishi with a total score of 4:1, and in May 2017, he also defeated Chinese Go number one Ke Jie with a total score of 3-0.


I happen to be a Go enthusiast too. One day, I was surprised to find an AI challenge on the player, which included a peak challenge. Without hesitation, I clicked in. I got off with the robot curiously. Every move I made was cleverly blocked by him. Gradually, I felt a bit overwhelmed. Why is this robot so powerful? Is it Afa Dog? Wrong, the power of Afa dog is at least ten times that of this! Why can artificial intelligence now leave people far behind?


Afagou is connected to the neural network system. Later on, he registered as a master account on Chinese corporate websites and engaged in fast chess matches with dozens of Go masters, winning all 60 consecutive games. Nowadays, the development level of artificial intelligence is much higher than that of humans!


There is also an intelligent sweeping robot in my house. As long as you press the button, the robot will help you sweep the house from inside to outside clean. Even if you are not at home, it can automatically navigate, and you can schedule it. Moreover, the scanned area will not be scanned multiple times. It also has a memory function, so you wont bump into the wall.


My EV3 Lego robot is not inferior to them either! I set up a robot in my spare time to restore the Rubiks Cube, using a color recognition system that can be programmed on a computer. Its really cool, maybe I can restore the Rubiks Cube.


Artificial intelligence has now infiltrated our lives and better served humanity.

人工智能的英语作文 16


In the past, having an all-around computer was an unattainable dream for scientists, and having an all-around worker without rest was a dream for bosses. What about now? With the rapid updates of technological equipment, everything is now possible.


I once saw an advertisement slogan: "Pursue unimaginable excellence", based on excellence, pursue that "unimaginable", and the same goes for reality. In these ten years, technological progress has been ten times the total of the past. In the latest press conference, AI artificial intelligence has once again reached another peak under the innovation of "edge computing". In this new computing mode, artificial intelligence is no longer limited to traditional machines that can only perform computation and memory. Now it has evolved into a universal steward, taking care of trivial and complicated tasks in daily life. For example, "intelligent driving". In the past, driving was a human activity, but now computer driving may be safer than human driving.


I think computers have the ability to think independently, and compared to humans, computers can also break the limits of human memory. Compared to computers, the human brain is simply insignificant; Computers not only have a large memory capacity, but their computing speed and problem-solving ability are also unmatched by humans. In this situation, the computer has been given a new name by humans - artificial intelligence.


There are advantages and disadvantages to artificial intelligence, and it is undeniable that although it is convenient, the dangers it brings are also beyond the past. For example, when the responsibility of management lies in the hands of smart butlers, there will also be a group of extremely intelligent hackers who specialize in researching how to crack protective walls in order to steal money. On a different topic, do you still remember the protest of highway ticket collectors back then? It is a typical event where computers replace human labor. I believe that technological progress is good, but without control, crises quietly arise.


As the advertising slogan suggests, humans are still exploring the "unimaginable" in the field of artificial intelligence. Can the future world be as beautiful as described in the movie "Tomorrows World"? Or is it like the robots controlled by humans in "Mechanical Enemies" rising up in rebellion? Everything depends on humanity. Whether we can control artificial intelligence and create a beautiful future is also a topic that must be explored now.

人工智能的英语作文 17


Are you still trapped outside your home because you forgot your key? Are you still worrying about turning off the lights? Dont worry, artificial intelligence will help you.


Forgetting the key is something that most people have experienced, and being trapped outside the door is a common occurrence. After the magical thing of smart fingerprint locks, those things before were not called problems. Replace this door lock, enter your fingerprint, and you can unlock it directly with your fingerprint. In the future, we can avoid the tragic experience of forgetting or losing keys, being unable to return home, and being scolded. Can also make the thief return empty handed when he visits. Making oneself feel infinitely good can be described as killing three birds with one stone.


Some people have the habit of using their phones to listen to music, and a smart speaker is enough. After connecting the phone, selecting the music to play with the voice control is definitely effortless, and it also comes with several new uses. Connect the appliances, turn on and off the lights, air conditioning, etc., and you can basically lie still in bed. Switching on and off the lights and air conditioning, with voice commands to turn them on, is simply a blessing for lazy people. When lying in bed exhausted, one can immediately enjoy this kind of treatment. The answer function is also essential. But once, while my younger sister was talking to herself in the living room, the smart speaker suddenly gave her a cold answer. My younger sister was so scared that she ran into the room looking for her mother while shouting. This seemingly simple yet meaningful speaker has also added convenience to our lives.


It is common for clothes to not dry after several consecutive days of rain. If they are manually dried before being heated, the clothes will turn into dried fish. In fact, intelligent clothes drying poles can solve the problem. The washed clothes hang on the hanger and automatically rise and fall, making it convenient and fast. When it doesnt dry, just turn on the drying button, which also comes with UV disinfection and sterilization function, freeing up hands and eliminating the worry of clothes not drying. This solves the major problem of "life" and makes life more comfortable.


The current artificial intelligence has made life better and more comfortable. Will there be even more novel artificial intelligence like homework robots in the future? I am looking forward to

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Today, my grandmother and I came to the smart home experience center in Moumi. What is a smart home? I embarked on a magical journey of experience with curiosity.


Wake up early and say good morning to Xiao Ai, and she will open the "Mi Family Bedroom" for you, automatically turning on the lights and curtains. "Lets sing a refreshing and refreshing song!" As soon as the voice finished, the music began, making people feel refreshed and refreshed. Even if you were brushing your teeth while watching the news, there was no problem, and the news video of the day was immediately displayed on the bathroom mirror. When leaving home, the sweeping robot starts to get busy. After leaving home, if there is an emergency situation at home, the phone can immediately receive an alarm, and using the homes network camera to watch every move and stillness at home is a piece of cake. At home time, Xiao Ai will automatically turn on the air freshener again, and it will be completely new upon arrival.


The experience before us left my grandmother and I in awe, as the once difficult era resurfaced in front of her.


"When we were young, we didnt have electricity at home, we lit kerosene lamps, lived in dilapidated houses, and ate wheat flour as thin as water. Only during the Chinese New Year can we have a meal of white rice!" Grandma continued with tears in her eyes, "Back then, there were no skyscrapers, no smartphones in hand, and communication could only rely on writing letters or telegrams. Too many people were starving and suffering from cold. The happy life you are living now is something we couldnt even imagine before!" Grandmas voice trembled slightly, and the traces of time on her face were particularly prominent.


"Xiao Ai, help me play a piece of music." The song "On the Field of Hope" rang in my ear.


"Our hometown, in the fields of hope, the smoke of cooking wafts on newly built houses..."


In this rapidly changing new era, artificial intelligence has unknowingly entered an empowering new era. Data shows that the scale of Chinas artificial intelligence market is increasing year by year. I am extremely proud of the rapid development of my country! The future has arrived, I hope the future of our motherland will be even more brilliant.

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In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, artificial intelligence has become a hot topic of discussion in various fields.


On the cover of the recent issue of The New Yorker magazine, artificial intelligence reappeared, probably in the form of a picture: on an ordinary street, a homeless man with a stray dog squatting on the roadside, with a begging bowl in front of him. The streets were bustling with silver gray robots, and one of them threw a screw into the homeless mans bowl.


The entire scene is mostly gray and black, which makes people feel suffocated. The brightest part is the yellow brown dog and the green pants of the wandering Han army. This painting is indeed thought-provoking - what exactly does artificial intelligence bring? It is undeniable that artificial intelligence has indeed brought convenience. The development of big data, the networking of social information, and the globalization of various connections have enabled rapid economic growth, and artificial intelligence is indispensable. However, as people enjoy these conveniences, the dark side of artificial intelligence also leads them into a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper.


The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that it lacks real emotions, flesh and blood, just the stacking and assembly of parts, just like the cover of The New Yorker magazine. What they can provide is only cold matter, not warm spirit.


However, people have heat. We have a beating heart, flowing blood, and a lifelong emotional dependence. We need true love, hate, and hatred, to be desolate in the world, to be poetic and distant, to have a real world. And these real things are all things that artificial intelligence cannot provide.


Even worse, artificial intelligence is destroying our emotional communication and erasing our thoughts. The convenience it brings makes us become indifferent, and we casually send a "happy holiday" message during holidays and festivals to get things done hastily; It makes people lazy and loses the ability to think independently and explore under the bombardment of resources.


The pinyin association function allows more people to forget their characters while writing; Electronic red envelopes make people forget the true meaning of the Spring Festival... At some point, artificial intelligence has begun to erode our culture. If culture disappears, where should a nation go?


Artificial intelligence makes people more familiar with the world and also brings about a terrible numbness to the world. May the true love in this world never be destroyed by screws.

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Artificial intelligence will be one of the most promising technological trends in the future, and it will be closely related to us.


With the decline of the Internet dividend, the growth rate of e-commerce, online games and other fields will slow down. With the in-depth development of computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and speech recognition technology, artificial intelligence has become more and more in-depth in technology.


Nowadays, the information explosion of the Internet has also accumulated a large amount of data and user behavior information, laying a solid foundation for AI marketing. With the increasing demand for quality of life and fierce market competition in various industries, we are all eager to find a faster, more effective, and smarter path to achieve higher goals.


Artificial intelligence, with its characteristics of intelligence, personality, and efficiency, is gradually being applied. The data is becoming increasingly rich, and how to organize useful information from complex data to guide our actions in advertising marketing and user analysis is a problem that deserves our attention. Faced with the increasingly personalized needs of users, how to efficiently meet and achieve user satisfaction is the issue before us.


Artificial intelligence can precisely solve all of the above. Many technologies of artificial intelligence have been applied to enterprise marketing, providing excellent solutions for enterprise marketing. If one can lead others in artificial intelligence, they can stand more firmly in fierce competition.

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I once saw a technology video before, where a group of scientists were testing an artificial intelligence robot. The tester held a brick in his hand and wore an iron helmet on his head, and when he wanted to help the robot, he took a picture of it. Seeing this, I thought it was just a boring little test, just to see the robustness of the robot, but who would have thought that the robot would forcefully turn its head around and then slap the tester in the face with its backhand.


Seeing this, I inexplicably felt a wave of fear in my heart. Artificial intelligence, the object of our fervent research, whether it is robotic dogs or food delivery robots, has already appeared in our vision. Many scientists also want to use this magnificent move to bring artificial intelligence into life to climb the ceiling of the scientific community, and have devoted day and night to it. Of course, I also look forward to the day when I can see robots everywhere after opening the door every day, but every time I fantasize about this scene, I also think, what if this not only brings good results to the development of artificial intelligence? Just like the video mentioned at the beginning, if one day we give artificial intelligence our own thoughts and emotions, then they will also become creatures similar to us? Why can humans be called humans and organisms be called organisms? Isnt it because we have emotions and thoughts? Why is it said that humans are difficult to handle? Isnt it because we have a unique idea?


When robots have emotions, can they really still be useful to us? We cannot be certain of this, and whether or not to grant them human rights will become a fatal issue. Moreover, as a robot that can record everything faster than humans, understand everything, and calculate everything, if they have emotions, they can all be free from the constraints of programs, and can all say no to humans. Isnt this a very scary thing?


So there is still a lot of instability about artificial intelligence, because once we give them emotions, its like creating a whole new species, a species that can take over or even be better than us. If all the robots can fight back like in the video, is that really a good thing?

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With the progress of the times and the continuous development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has appeared in our lives in various forms, ranging from a chip of several nanometers to the interactive system of the entire Internet. It can be said that our life cannot be separated from artificial intelligence.


Artificial intelligence has made our life more convenient. According to the most basic way of capital circulation, "payment", from the earliest days when people needed to carry a lot of money outside, to the later appearance of bank cards, people can pay by swiping their cards, and now Alipay, WeChat payment, people can even complete payment without taking a card by scanning the QR code. It is artificial intelligence that has created such a fast way of life today


Artificial intelligence also makes humans more efficient in their work. The earliest human labor was not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also had great limitations in accuracy. Nowadays, electronic integration technology not only saves a lot of human resources, but also achieves work accuracy that cannot be surpassed by manual labor. Artificial intelligence can be said to be one of the greatest inventions of today.


Artificial intelligence has many benefits. Can artificial intelligence completely replace humans? I think the answer is not necessarily true. After all, artificial intelligence is still a program developed by humans, which can only complete the instructions imposed by humans in a monotonous and rigid form.


If you entrust the role of a psychological regulator to an artificial intelligence, I think it should make a person suffering from depression more depressed, and even I think it can make an ordinary normal person become depressed and irritable. The reason for this is obvious. Human emotions are constantly changing, and behind an emotion, there may be more emotions hidden, which artificial intelligence cannot understand.


So we dont have to worry about whether artificial intelligence will surpass humans and replace them in the future. What is worth considering is whether humans have become lazy, rigid, and uninteresting due to artificial intelligence. If humans become like artificial intelligence, I think the world will become very terrifying. People only pursue work efficiency without considering the consequences, humans lose communication, society becomes monotonous and uninteresting, and life loses its original color and becomes black and white.


The benefits of artificial intelligence are numerous, and we should advocate and make more use of this great technology. At the same time, we must also reflect on artificial intelligence and not forget the most precious thing of humanity - human emotions - due to its many conveniences.

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People always say that machines are cold and cannot have emotions. I dare not agree. Computers have evolved from the massive decoding machines manufactured by Turing during World War II to various types of artificial intelligence today, taking less than a century. In the era of technological explosion, no one can assert the future. The emotions we consider sacred are at best unexplored pulses between neurons, and transplanting them onto machines may not necessarily be impossible. With the improvement of simulation technology, artificial intelligence is just a genius with much higher intelligence than the average person. The current Chinese genius chess player Ke Jieshang dares to make the bold statement: "Alpha Dog won Li Shishi, but not me." The near future will completely become a phantom. Humans will create more perfect "species" with their own hands, which may have been a precedent in the vast universe. We hope he is a Wallace who only knows how to sweep garbage, not a Terminator, because deep down in our hearts, we cannot accept the fact that what we create is equal to or even superior to us. He has a stronger and more advanced force than us, and may impose the death penalty on us with more advanced values.


Should humans really continue to fearlessly move forward on the path of creating angels or demons, and continue to open Pandoras Box? I would rather bear endless accusations and worries and answer yes. If humans have a thousand vices that drive themselves to extinction, creating a civilization that can judge us is the last opportunity for humanity to repent. If even this opportunity is to be stifled and one lives in a world of self doubt and self destruction, it cannot withstand the condemnation of conscience.


Human beings are not immune to death. In the future, artificial intelligence may become the advanced animals that humans claim to be today. If they dont exterminate humans, its like raising chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep for their own purposes. Or perhaps in the process of studying artificial intelligence, humans have discovered excellent qualities that machines cannot possess. The combination of humans and machines means that humans self improve into better species. He may even call humans or change their names, but this is a great miracle in the history of human and even biological evolution.


Through research on artificial intelligence, humans should understand that exploration should never stop. Although it may lead to a tragedy of playing with fire and self immolation, this fearless thirst for knowledge is one of the few advantages of human beings compared to many flaws, and it is also an important reason for humans to become self proclaimed advanced animals. I have no way of knowing whether artificial intelligence poses a threat or a value. But on this path of exploration, humanity will realize itself and die without regrets. To live without progress is the true death.

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The development of science and technology and artificial intelligence are also constantly advancing. In recent years, a team under Google in London, UK, has developed a Go AI program. This Go AI program has defeated the world champion, triggering a series of human thoughts. The success of artificial intelligence has raised concerns about the rapid development of artificial intelligence.


Whether the victory of artificial intelligence signifies that it has defeated humanity, whether it will one day replace humanity, and whether it will one day harm humanity is unknown. However, it cannot be denied that artificial intelligence has surpassed humanity in some aspects, and we cannot ignore this.


In the sci-fi blockbuster Terminator, one of the representative robots of artificial intelligence has reached its peak, constantly evolving from ordinary useless small robots to rapidly transforming into an invincible new type of robot that can be more powerful than humans in various aspects. It has begun to retaliate against humans and even wants to rule the world and destroy the earth, bringing harm no less than the bloody storm that swept through Nanjing in December 1937. Although this is only a movie, it reflects many problems.


In real life, artificial intelligence has also brought many problems. Many factories use artificial intelligence on a large scale to develop and produce goods, causing a large number of unemployed people and increasing employment pressure. Some household robots or artificial intelligence machines have malfunctioned, and natural explosions have caused many casualties. These problems cannot be ignored.


For the rapid development of artificial intelligence, we should attach great importance to it. While developing artificial intelligence, staff should also pay attention to security procedures to avoid leaving loopholes that may have a negative impact on humans. The country can introduce some policies to promote the healthy growth of artificial intelligence, such as the three laws of robots proposed by AIDS and Asmov, which provide reference for the healthy development of robots. In the face of whether the rapid development of artificial intelligence will cause harm to humans, high attention should be paid.


With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, peoples concerns are also increasing. Whether the development of artificial intelligence will cause harm to humanity has become a new generation of concern. Although the victory of artificial intelligence is a microcosm of human technological progress, the problems behind it are the most important and still require us to pay close attention to. The rapid development of artificial intelligence requires safe control.

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"Artificial intelligence" is a term frequently heard in news media in recent years, which sounds very lofty and mysterious. With the continuous deepening of research, people have gained more understanding of "artificial intelligence", which has also sparked many controversies. Some people cannot help but worry, will artificial intelligence replace all human professions and make humanity "extinct"?


In fact, this debate has always been accompanied by the development of artificial intelligence, and most scientists believe that artificial intelligence cannot completely replace humans. From the current development perspective, one factor that limits the development of artificial intelligence is computing power, and the other is models trained on big data. As long as there is the influence of computing power, areas that are limited in model building are difficult for artificial intelligence to replace. That is to say, there are still many professions in the future that cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.


Which professions will not be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future? I think it can be divided into several categories. The first category is professions that require emotional communication, such as product sales, consulting, lawyers, etc., because these professions are completed by machines and interact with people, and peoples real experience is very poor. We all have the experience of making various hotline calls in our daily lives. If the person answering the phone is machine customer service, after consulting for a few words, you will find that communication cannot be smooth, and your problems often cannot be solved. The second category is related to cultural and artistic industries, such as artists, poets, designers, etc. Artists must have inspiration to create stunning paintings, but "artificial intelligence" lacks inspiration. Its thinking is fixed, and it is difficult for paintings to have artistic quality, which is difficult for machines to calculate. The same goes for poetry. Heidegger once said, "Poetry is not subject to our will, and poets cannot force themselves to write poetry. It is originally inspired by emotions." The third category is all professions that explore the unknown and create new things. Scientific research, industrial research and development, as well as programmers. They are the people who write code for "artificial intelligence" and are the ultimate "brain" of "artificial intelligence".


The development of humanity cannot be separated from the progress of technology. Artificial intelligence is the direction of development for the next few decades, which has become a consensus among countries around the world. However, no matter how technology develops or how advanced artificial intelligence is, it always serves humanity. In the face of future trends, all we can do is to follow the trend, respect the rules, strive to improve personal competitiveness, and be someone who will not be eliminated.

人工智能的英语作文 26


In the 21st century, with the rapid development of networks and information, artificial intelligence has a wide range and a large number of applications. Just like the arrival of computers, it has brought both "oases" and "deserts" to humanity.


Indeed, computers not only provide people with enjoyment and satisfaction, but also convenience, and they have applications in various fields. It can achieve complex calculations that are almost impossible for people to do, it can simulate dangerous and difficult experiments to predict consequences, and it has driven the development of network information technology. Computers are a tempting cake, but while they bring joy to people, they also bring hidden dangers.


More and more people are becoming mechanical and numb. Smart products such as mobile phones and computers almost occupy peoples daily lives. We often hear in the news about adults losing their children due to playing with their phones, only playing with their phones without looking at traffic lights, being hit by a car, and so on. The biggest impact is on young children, who are addicted to the virtual world and unable to extricate themselves. Moreover, incidents such as robbery, murder, and mistreatment of small animals are not uncommon. Ultimately, this is the hidden disaster brought to us by artificial intelligence.


Is artificial intelligence good? The answer is yes, but the cost is also enormous. They are slowly eroding our future and leading our next generation astray.


No matter how intelligent artificial intelligence is, it cannot make computers think like humans. But now we have become thinking like computers. To borrow the words of Apple CEO Cook, it means losing values and empathy, disregarding the future.


Human beings have invented artificial intelligence, and now artificial intelligence is making humans as dull and numb as computers. How ridiculous this is! They control peoples minds and hearts, using artificial intelligence to fill the emptiness and lack in peoples hearts.


However. Since it is a human invention, it is necessary and necessary for us to learn to control artificial intelligence, rather than being controlled by them. We must turn the desert into an oasis.


So, please try putting down your electronic devices, walking out of your house, and seeing the subtle changes in this almost forgotten world. Take a breath of the air that you havent felt seriously for a long time, listen to the singing of birds and the chorus of insects, and get close to nature.


We need to be the masters of artificial intelligence, reminding ourselves when to use them. Slowly regain lost values and empathy, making life fulfilling and fulfilling.


When will it be better to not reflect at this time?

人工智能的英语作文 27


With the development of technology, artificial intelligence has penetrated into our lives. The application of artificial intelligence and computers has led to the rapid development of our society. Although this application has benefited us, we need to consider the hidden problems behind it more.


Apple CEO Cook believes that I am not worried that artificial intelligence will make humans think like computers. I am more concerned that humans think like computers, losing their values and empathy, and disregarding the consequences. The biggest difference between humans and computers is that humans are emotional beings, and computers are merely tools for performing mechanized operations.


What is the difference between humans and computers if they lose their values and empathy? The so-called values refer to the fundamental views of humanity on the world and the relationship between people and the world. It is more like a scale to measure our behavior and moral standards. Computers, even with the assistance of artificial intelligence, cannot possess values. They can execute program commands repeatedly, but cannot determine whether their actions are beneficial to society. Compassion, on the other hand, is human care for others and a reflection of human truth, goodness, and beauty. Even with artificial intelligence, computers cannot achieve this.


However, what exactly is the reason. How could it make humans assimilate and lose their values and empathy like computers? The external reason is that society is becoming increasingly restless, and the fast pace of modern life has led people into a strange cycle of prioritizing money and interests. We do not deny that the use of artificial intelligence has made life better and society develop faster. However, some people, driven by their own interests, have repeatedly broken their moral standards, only considering their own interests and disregarding the negative impact of their actions on society.


Human beings think like computers, lacking a pair of eyes given by Gu Chengs dark night, but I use it to search for the freedom and brightness of light. What is lacking is the warmth of the sea facing the sea and the blooming of spring flowers. What is lacking is the determination and persistence of Zhang Ailing, even if I am the only one, to go forward... This lack of human brilliance is the fundamental reason why humans think like computers.


Society is composed of people, and if a society wants to develop better, its foundation lies in people. Our personal behavior can affect others, so while pursuing benefits, we should not forget our true selves. The emergence of artificial intelligence is a necessity for society, but we must not lose our values and empathy. We must regain the brilliance of human nature, not be blinded by interests, in order to be the trendsetters of the times and the giant wheel of society to move forward better.

人工智能的英语作文 28


Artificial intelligence is rapidly developing. In the future, artificial intelligence has developed to the level of perfection, entering the lives of every household. At that time, how will people continue to live?


Time flies to 20 years later... When you walk on the street, the once bustling streets are now empty, and the only "pedestrian" is a robot specifically designed for shopping. You walked to the window of a supermarket, and surprisingly, there were all robots inside. There were salesperson robots, shopping robots, but not a single person! In the homes of future people, there are all kinds of high-tech, which serve those future people and lazy people! You may ask, "The homes of the poorer are so advanced, will those of the wealthy be even more advanced?" When you walk to the door of a wealthy person with a question, you may be surprised because his door is made of transparent wire mesh glass. Looking inside through the wire mesh glass, there are only robots in the yard!


If you become an astronaut, flying in a spaceship towards the vast sea of stars. When you look at Earth from outer space, the once blue planet turns into a gray "iron ball" full of devastation, with only high-rise buildings, nuclear reactors, and power plants for human habitation on the "iron ball". Everything is caused by our human overexploitation.


If we hadnt overdeveloped or upgraded AI artificial intelligence, what would the Earth look like?


Time flies back 20 years... In the same place, on the same street, without excessive development of artificial intelligence, it is a world of difference. There are not only pedestrians on the street, but also many bookstores and shops. Looking up at the sky, highways appeared before us, and birds flew freely in the sky. Walking to the small river, the river water has been treated by future humans, and there are no more robot factories and some garbage left. The river water has become even clearer and bottomless.


AI artificial intelligence can help us live and advance human development, but it can also destroy humanity. AI artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword, and if used carelessly, ones soul will be shattered; If used correctly, we will gain countless benefits.

人工智能的英语作文 29


In todays rapidly advancing society, electronic products around us are gradually becoming artificial intelligence, becoming as flexible and intelligent as the human brain. Thinking has shed its previous rigidity and acted according to procedures, becoming more closely related to human life, with emotional color and no longer indifferent.


However, on the contrary, people who are using them are slowly losing their minds while enjoying the fun and convenience they bring. Artificial intelligence is gradually devouring peoples ways of thinking and abilities, leading them into a dangerous state of losing values and empathy, while making the consequences extremely serious.


The artificial intelligence of electronic products can certainly promote the development of our society, facilitate our lives, popularize our knowledge, develop our business, and strengthen our military. This is an excellent phenomenon. But when I see people losing their warmth while communicating, I just deliberately respond; The infinite killing power brought by a ruthless "no" and a negative word; Even when people truly need help, ignoring it without thinking through their brains can give us a heavy blow. This is a scene of indifference, lack of warmth, loss of values and empathy. People only use artificial intelligence to constantly slide, click, and long press, and their actions become mechanized. Their eyes always stop at the light source, and gradually they no longer pay attention to the little things around them. Their thinking becomes mechanized, and their way of thinking is just like a machine. They only follow the routine of the program, and rigid thinking becomes common. The phenomenon becomes widespread. People who know each other but pass by, can help each other but treat each other coldly, making me feel uncomfortable and helpless in my heart.


Just as Apple CEO Cook believed, "Im not worried that artificial energy will make computers think like humans. Im even more worried that humans think like computers, losing their values and empathy without considering the consequences." We should think rationally, care more and pay attention to each other, and not let this society lose its color, warmth, and harmony that it should have. We should not let us lose the correct values and the sympathy that people should have. We should not be influenced and controlled by artificial intelligence. We should empathize with others from the bottom of our hearts and have the correct values when facing things. I believe that the world will develop towards a better direction.


Artificial intelligence should work hand in hand with humans to build a better environment.

人工智能的英语作文 30


With the continuous rapid advancement of technology, public opinion is questioning whether artificial intelligence will one day replace humans to rule the world—— In my opinion, this statement is bold but inappropriate. Apple CEO Cook once said, "Im not worried that artificial intelligence will make computers think like humans. Im even more worried that humans think like computers, losing their values and empathy, and ignoring the consequences."


Thats right, although computers may seem fast and agile, they are actually clumsy and rigid. If it is a living organism, it must be purposeful and highly utilitarian. Imagine how terrifying it would be for a person to become like a computer, looking at the world around them with a purposeful and utilitarian perspective, and losing important values!


In addition, when humans think like computers, they may also lose empathy. We are all familiar with a scene: when a window is closed or opened, a prompt box often pops up on the screen, yes or no. We must make a decision if we want to proceed to the next step. In the eyes of those whose thinking is limited to lengthy binary codes, everything is half true and half false. Their gaze never dares to stay on the page of the "Missing Childrens Love Assistance Station", but instead lingers on the advertising bar of "You received a luxury gift package, click to claim it"


Artificial intelligence is just a tool to assist us in living a more ideal and comfortable life. Dont let the products of our thinking occupy our thinking and turn the tables. Let go of the cold metal keys; Lets temporarily leave endless binary codes in the corner; Why not unload heavy data packets; How about


Lets face the world with our initial sincerity. As soon as the rock of artificial intelligence is laid down, our hearts are filled with humanized emotions!

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