
发布者:麦田晴空 时间:2024-6-13 09:39





"On October 1, to the winter solstice, every family to eat dumplings" we a family of four make dumplings.

Mother roll skin, and stuffing, my father and brother and I make dumplings, mother and stuffing is really unique! Both beautiful and delicious, green leek, golden eggs, plus a little pink shrimp skin, and then cut them up, and then mix them together, look at the appetite, dumplings must be very delicious. Mother roll out the dumpling skin, everyone in a rush, scrambling to grab the wrappers, packed up the dumplings, my mother made the most beautiful dumplings, my father made dumplings with a "general belly" arranged in the middle, my brother made dumplings soft collapse, I made dumplings of different sizes, but, I am satisfied with the appearance.

I quietly said to my mother: "in the future, dumpling activities can be arranged a little more, we together more happy ah!"


The early morning of the winter solstice is an unpredictable and psychedelic morning.

A few big trees in the yard lost the sunshine and became gray. The crystal raindrops jumped down from the trees one after another. "Tick, tick," played a beautiful symphony. In the teaching building, bright lights were lit and the students' loud reading sounds were heard.

The sight moved slowly, and the canteen came into view. Several houses stubbornly resisted the invasion of the morning fog and stood upright in that position. The lamp, like the brightest star in the night, selflessly offered its own light and polished people's blurred vision.

The mountains in the distance stand up and down, like a giant dragon lost its way in the fog and stayed where it was. Instead of succumbing to the ubiquitous fog like a mountain, plants, with the help of the wind, tried to move towards the light, but seemed powerless. Although you are so dark that you lose the bright green of your body, you should also pursue the bright. Finally, several leaves flew under the light and realized their desire to pursue brightness.

The light gives all creatures a sense of security. It is a guard standing outside the door, resisting the morning fog and cold wind, and bringing comfort to the creatures inside. This is really a beautiful dream!

The sun rises slowly from the horizon, and the earth is filled with sunshine and warmth. Everything becomes clear and bright again, which seems to be another kind of beauty.

The dreamy morning of the winter solstice pierces our hearts and is the most beautiful ten minutes of the year.


The arrival of the winter solstice caught me off guard. The winter solstice means that my responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier. It means that my mind is not only loaded with myself, but also moving towards maturity.

But am I ready? Do I have enough ability to face difficulties? Can I really take the responsibility? No, really not.

I can't get rid of my childhood childishness, my dependence on my parents, and my cowardice. I cannot bear the wind and rain alone, meet the challenges, and accept failure. There are many more things I can't do

Perhaps I am used to being a flower in the greenhouse and forget the hardships of weeds in the past, or I am used to being a bird in a cage and forget the strength of eagles in the past; Maybe I am used to being a tourist in the tank and forget the vicissitudes of life of the fish, or I am used to being a pet and forget my responsibilities. Only know how to rely, only know how to get, only know how to enjoy.

Fear of failure, fear of difficulties, fear of hardship, fear of everything that goes against one's wishes. How can a young rose understand the strength of a tree, an easy fish understand the blue of the sea, and a rich man understand the sadness of a beggar. I know my heart is too soft, my eyes are too short, and my shoulders are not wide enough. In short, I am not strong enough.

I want to learn to be strong.


Today is the winter solstice. There is a strong wind outside and the sky is mixed with snow. I really want to stay in bed in such a weather. I have no choice but to learn sketch today. I still got out of bed.

It takes a long time to ride from home to school. It's bumpy all the way to school. The wind outside was blowing like a beast, howling fiercely with a loud voice, and the snow in the sky was overwhelming. Although the room is still heated, I feel cold when I look at such weather. After school, snow showed no sign of stopping. I arrived at the station with white breath. No, my bad luck came.

I don't know what happened to today's No. 122 bus. There was no sign of waiting left and right. I stamped my feet, rubbed my hands and shrunk my neck like an ant on a hot pot. The wind and snow seemed to be deliberately against me. It got worse and worse. The wind hurt as much as a whip. After waiting for nearly an hour, I simply ran home, but my home was too far from school. After a while, I broke my head. I had an idea. An uncle on the roadside borrowed a mobile phone and called home. My mother asked me to "call" back, I was about to stop a taxi when I saw No. 122 coming towards me. I really hated and happy. I got on the bus and went home.

People say that this year's winter solstice "auspicious snow heralds a bumper year", but for me, today is terrible.


The winter solstice is a very important solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar and a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. It lasts from December 21 to 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year. It is the shortest day and the longest night in the northern hemisphere; Most parts of northern China still have the custom of eating dumplings and Tangyuan in the South on this day.

I finished the above paragraph in a very happy tone, and sadness didn't have time to appear in my mind.

I looked out of the window and saw a row of bald Wutong trees in the sun.

Loneliness is a magical feeling. Sometimes people say they are lonely and melancholy, just because they like that feeling. It's not true. At least I'm one of them.

"Suddenly, the sky is dark, and the world can suddenly have nothing"... In the past five hours, I have been listening to this song, dazed and silent. The song is reincarnated again and again, no sound has changed, and my thinking has not changed. At this time, time seemed to stagnate and solidified. Zhang Xiaoxian said, "our biggest third party is time". It's just a sentence that suddenly comes to mind. It doesn't have any practical significance for me.

Your favorite guitar is in my room now. The song you want to write most has not appeared yet. This is one of my favorite lyrics. It's simple but profound. I happened to find a new meal in Huo Yan's book, and then engraved it in my mind. Huo Yan is somewhat similar to me. I think she is narcissistic.

Qiqi will grow up overnight on the night of the winter solstice. I'm waiting for our adult ceremony.

Last year's winter solstice seemed to be yesterday. In the twinkling of an eye, another winter solstice came quietly. As many poems say: time flies, flicking your fingers and your ears. Understand the origin of the winter solstice, feel the atmosphere of the winter solstice, and appreciate the happiness of life.


This morning, we ate glutinous rice balls in the canteen. Seeing it, I thought of the winter solstice and the drizzle just coming for the winter solstice.

On the way to school, I suddenly felt something knocking on my head. Suddenly I looked up. It was raining! But this is not rain, but a Misty drizzle. The moon still remains in the sky, adding a touch of poetry to the hazy drizzle. Instead of speeding up my pace, I slowed down and felt the smell of winter following the drizzle. The air is mixed with the faint fragrance of soil. Such a beautiful scenery makes me feel comfortable in it. The drizzle danced back and forth between the branches and leaves, like a naughty elf, telling the interesting things encountered in the journey.

Probably because of the rain, the already dark sky and earth were covered with a layer of gray gauze. There was no wind, but the winter solstice, which should have been cold, became dead and very muggy, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

After arriving at the school, the rain did not get heavier. The flowers, plants and trees in the campus are like being baptized, all crystal clear. The fruit on the tree looks fuller and more attractive. Occasionally I hear one or two birds singing, crisp and pleasant. The students' reading voice came from the huge teaching building, which was enough to show the students' hard work and hard work. In such a good atmosphere, I shouldn't fall behind. After thinking about it, I quickly ran to the canteen and sat down to read and recite carefully.

This continuous drizzle came at the right time. It not only purified the air, but also made people feel relaxed and happy.

This light rain is welcoming the arrival of the winter solstice and the final exam. I should take back my impetuous heart and concentrate on my final review.


It is conceivable that the customs of the winter solstice festival are different in each place. Today is the winter solstice. Let me talk about the customs of the north and the south.

There is a little legend about the winter solstice in the North: if you don't eat pasta during the winter solstice festival, your ears will fall off. So now most of the dumplings people see are made into the shape of ears. During the winter solstice, the wind is cold outside. Northerners will put a small table on the Kang and light firewood under the Kang. The family will sit on the hot Kang and eat hot dumplings. When they are interested, they will pick a red pepper from the door frame and chew it. There is nothing more warm in cold winter.

In our South, especially Taizhou, the winter solstice is the first choice for Taizhou people.

Dumplings and winter solstice balls have different tastes. Dumplings are salty and delicious, while the winter solstice circle is sweet and thick. I think it has something to do with the climate of the two places. It's very cold in the north. It snows heavily every day. It's snowy everywhere. Those vibrant things go down to the bottom of the snow, just like dumplings. The skin outside is white, and the most delicious things are hidden in the skin. It's relatively hot in the south. In winter, the sun shines, and the winter solstice circle is "black", so the winter solstice circle is orange.

Dumplings and winter solstice circles have different shapes, one bend and one circle, different colors, one white and one yellow, different tastes, one salty and one sweet, and different natural practices. Dumplings are wrapped with some pork and winter bamboo shoots in the dumpling skin, and then pinch the skin and cook it in the pot for a few minutes to eliminate the "crescent moon". The winter solstice round is to make flour into large balls, embed some bean paste in the balls, fill the balls, cook them, pick them up, roll them on the soybean flour for a few times, and then you can eat them.

Friend, the winter solstice is a traditional festival. What do you eat there? Please share with us.


Today is the winter solstice. The teacher organized a special winter solstice meeting. The first program of the winter solstice meeting was to perform ancient poems about the winter solstice. Just after the teacher said that, the students all raised their hands. Wang Zhenxing came to the stage first. Look at his voice, which is full of emotion and voice, is a little proud! After that, Yiqi, Siqi and others performed one by one, and the clattering applause in the classroom almost never stopped.

Although everyone listened carefully, they had no idea where they were flying, because they were all looking forward to the next program to make dumplings. Finally, it was time to rub dumplings. Everyone was eager to try. As soon as the teacher handed out the dough, several anxious students immediately grabbed the dough, broke a small piece, and rubbed it vigorously. The dough broke, making everyone laugh. The uncles and aunts of the parents' council also came to help us make dumplings. They helped us knead the dough. Our group was all hands and feet, and soon we finished kneading the dumplings. The aunts of the parents' council just wanted to put the dumplings into the pot to cook. One person said, wait. It was Lin Jiaming. What's wrong? Everyone asked in unison. Jiaming said. Here are some small steamed buns. Everyone laughed. After laughing, we quickly rounded the small steamed buns and glutinous rice balls.

Finally, we had tangyuan. We felt very fragrant when we ate our own tangyuan. It was really a happy winter solstice.


I can make dumplings and make them well, but I haven't made dumplings, but I believe it must be as simple as making dumplings.

On the winter solstice day, my mother said, "the dumplings sold on the street are not delicious. It's better for us to wrap them ourselves, and there's a more festive atmosphere." As soon as I heard it, I was excited. So I ran around. Wash your hands clean. Then he picked a small ball of glutinous rice flour and put it in the palms of his hands. He rubbed it gently. After a while, a white and flawless dough the size of a quail egg was rubbed. Then, I hold the dough with four fingers of my left hand, and then my thumb into the dough to make the dough rotate constantly between my fingers.

Soon the dough became a small nest like a small wine cup, and then put the mashed stuffing into the nest. Gently clip the edge of the nest with your right thumb and index finger, and slowly rotate the dough with your left finger until the mouth of the nest is sealed, so that the dumplings are ready.

At this time, the water in the pot boiled. I couldn't wait to put the dumplings into the pot. When the dumplings floated, my mother said, "come and eat them. The dumplings are cooked." I was the first one to rush up to get a bowl and hurriedly sent a dumpling to my mouth... Alas! No, I haven't tasted the taste of glutinous rice balls, but I burned my tongue. I cried out in pain, and tears came out. But my father gloated aside and said, "this is called being anxious to eat hot dumplings." Alas, what bad luck! My tongue still hurts a little until now!


It was another winter solstice, and the cold wind of winter still blew on the window, lifting a white fog, as if a flower with silver edge had opened. The darkness covered the sky, and I could see the reflection in the room, reflected on the glass and reflected in my eyes.

As soon as I got home, I took off my heavy cotton padded jacket and shook my hair. Then I heard Grandma's voice, "Come and eat quickly. The dumplings are already wrapped!"

I looked back, and sure enough, the delicious food I had been thinking about all the way was already neatly placed on the table, as if it was waiting for me. It was still steaming, and my glasses were a little smoky. Grandpa took the dishes out of the kitchen, so he put a bowl of rice porridge in front of me, and told me, "You have a bad stomach these days, drink more."

I answered his words with a smile and ate a mouthful of dumplings. The dumplings were fragrant and warm enough to flow into people's hearts. One winter solstice after another, the dumplings remained unchanged, just like the love contained in the dumplings, pure and beautiful.

The family is integrated into the long night, accompanying me at the summer solstice and winter solstice.


Today is the winter solstice. In the morning, my mother went to the supermarket with a basket to buy the flour of tangyuan and prepared to cook tangyuan in the evening.

In the evening, my father picked up the tangyuan powder that my mother bought in the morning and began to make tangyuan. Dad put the rice noodles in a small amount of water to soak for a while, and then mixed them with his hands to make the rice dough softer. After that, Dad put the dough into a container. I started to make glutinous rice balls. I took some glutinous rice balls and made them into small glutinous rice balls. I did the same. After finishing, the water just boiled, and Dad put the dumplings in the pot. The next step is to wait.

After more than 5 minutes, the skin of Tangyuan became soft. I thought: I really want to taste my own craft. It must be delicious. So my father brought me a bowl to taste. I also wolfed down. "Yummy, yummy." Dad said while eating. "Ah, the tongue is really sweet and smooth, fat but not greasy, and the rice does not stick to it." Mom also said while eating. So I ate quickly and wanted to eat another bowl. After a while, all the dumplings were finished.

This winter solstice night, I am most happy to eat dumplings.


Today, my mother told me that today is the winter solstice, I asked: "what is the winter solstice?" My mother told me that the winter solstice is a festival, representing the winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder, according to the custom, we will eat glutinous rice balls today. At noon, we really ate the sweet dumplings.

In the afternoon, the teacher came, a door and asked me to eat dumplings today, I said no, the teacher said, today is the winter solstice, why did you not eat dumplings ah, today do not eat dumplings winter will freeze ears. I was very confused and asked: "why mother said to eat dumplings, the teacher said to eat dumplings?"

The teacher thought for a while and told me that it was the difference of traditional culture and customs in different regions. Im still a little confused.


Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.

Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.

Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead.

That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.

Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.


Today is December 22, the winter solstice of the 24 solar terms. On this day every year, our family will eat dumplings together, and this year is no exception.

In the afternoon, our family gathered together to eat all kinds of dumplings, including mutton, big meat, radish... I suddenly thought of a question, eating dumplings on the winter solstice is the custom of the Chinese nation, but why eat dumplings on the winter solstice? I asked my grandma, and she said, "After eating dumplings at the winter solstice, you won't freeze your ears!" "But after the winter solstice every year, I still wear earmuffs. How can I explain this?" "Don't worry, Grandpa will tell you," said Grandpa, "There is another story about eating dumplings on the winter solstice. It is said that there was a medical sage in ancient times. One day when he came home, he saw some poor people whose ears were cold and rotten. He felt very uncomfortable. He put some cold dispelling medicine into the pot to boil, and then made the shape of ears with noodles. He put them into the pot to boil, so that the poor people could eat them, and their ears would be better within half a month... Well, let's not say more, here comes the dumplings~~" I thought to myself, eating the hot dumplings, I never thought there was a story about eating dumplings. My knowledge is too shallow. I must supplement my knowledge!


On the winter solstice, we got together in the canteen to make dumplings.

As soon as the flour arrived, everyone started to work with great interest. Jin Yitong poured water, and several classmates and I kneaded the flour. Wang Yula has rich life experience. She commands us orderly: "Huang Xining, you can't beat directly. You should turn the dough around with your hands, and then press the dough at the upper part of your wrist." Wang Yula pays attention to life everywhere. Although she is a little boyish at ordinary times, after all, she is a daughter and does a beautiful job. Listening to her command, I felt ashamed. We kneaded the dough in a moment, and brought the filling. We should really start work.

Su Liming did not say a word, but wrapped the dumplings carefully. It is said that Su Liming's dumplings are really unique. They are as big as those small dumplings without filling. I am too "generous". I wrap the dumplings one by one like a big fat doll. However, the people who eat them should be very happy. When they are so big, one can make two. Seeing that the size of other people's dumplings was just right, I began to lose weight for my dumplings.

Everyone's dumplings are big and small. The big ones are bigger than table tennis balls, and the small ones are about the same as a finger. If someone eats our dumplings, I hope they don't care about their image, but feel our intentions and efforts.

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