托福听力练习进阶 经历过这三个阶段才能确保拿高分
托福听力练习阶段一 听懂
首先,什么是听懂? 就是听明白大意+听清楚细节。很多人以为托福听力不是精听,所以大致知道什么意思就够了。其实不然,很多时候考的就是你没听懂的那个点儿,尽管没听懂那一小部分其实并不影响你对于全文内容的理解。而且,必须承认,听不懂原文,就不可能做对题目。再好的提升听力方法也不可能实现10分-27分的屌丝大翻身,充其量是让像我这种20分上下徘徊的经济适用女提升到白富美罢了。补充一下,20分上下是个什么水平?就是大致能听懂,但是听不细;笔记记一堆,但是都没用;做题费时间,最后还不对。(原谅我,各种不押韵,就是这个意思~)也就是说,20分就是听力水平其实并不低,只是听得不细致。
托福听力练习阶段二 记准
啊,在此,给大家补充一下我不记的经验。每天晚上我都会出去锻炼身体——慢跑。跑步的时候戴上耳机,听托福考试的听力录音。先听原文,再听题目,虽然没有选项,但心里会做一个预判。一个小时之后,刚好听完完整的一套真题,然后打开电脑做题。全程没有任何笔记,1个小时内6段文章,我做题的时候居然每一篇都记得清清楚楚,除了非常细枝末节的题目,几乎都能做对,正确率达到80%以上!这让我明确了一件事:笔记,其实并没有我们想的那么重要,跑步中会有狗吠、虫鸣、汽车的鸣笛、人们交谈的声音等等各种干扰,但我都能听进去,甚至还能全部记下来。可见,人们的短期记忆能力潜力无限!所以,没必要太以来笔记,现在闭上眼睛好好回想一下,如果文章全部听懂了,做题的时候,你到底有几次看过笔记?所以,记得多不如记得准。记可以,但一定要有选择的记。不要记3种内容:1、你听懂的非考点内容。听懂了的其实都深深印在我们的脑海里了,你记或不记,它就在那里,不离不弃2、例子的具体讲述。例子很重要,但是只要知道它是用来说明什么的就够了,不要把例子里边各种描写和叙述的内容都记下来,评价才是重要的3、学生的回答。老师问问题,学生回答后,老师一定会做评价,这才是重点。因为2种可能,(1)学生答错了,答错的你还记它干嘛?!(2)学生答对了,但老师会做补充或者评价,老师说的才是真理,Trust me!
托福听力练习阶段三 答对
Ah yes.The ol' fluoride rinse at the dentist.Not pleasant.
But hey, good for your teeth, right?
Well now materials scientists have been able to figure out why—by mapping the nanostructure of tooth enamel.
If you zoom way in, tooth enamel looks almost like the weave of a basket.
"Where each thread is made from thousands of nanowires."
Derk Joester, of Northwestern University.
And in between those crystalline nanowires,Joester and his colleagues discovered a sort of amorphous glue.
And that's where the fluoride hangs out, helping to stave off an acid attack of the enamel—in other words, a cavity.
But the researchers found something that works even better than fluoride: iron.
And they found it in beaver teeth.
"Beavers don't get caries.
Chewing through wood is a very good way to clean your teeth."
But another reason, they say, is the iron-enriched glue in beaver enamel—which was even more acid-resistant than fluoride-treated enamel.
The findings are in the journal Science.
Of course iron-rich enamel comes with an unfortunate side effect: reddish-brown teeth.
But Joester says future human dental treatments that employ iron might find a way around that.
"We have the entire periodic table to play with minus a few things that are not too healthy.
So I'm sure we can come up with a way to do what the beaver does but do it better and do it in a way that still maintains a nice smile."
It's a scenario straight out of Hollywood:
You're up in a spacecraft, "you've got this capsule around you," and a loose bolt, a piece of space junk, is zooming your way.
"And it's going really fast.
It's going to very likely pass through your spacecraft and leave both entry and exit holes.
So all of a sudden now your atmosphere is rushing out those holes, and you want them sealed right away."
That's Timothy Scott, a polymer scientist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
He and his team have devised a potential solution to this space disaster:a material that patches itself up, less than a second after impact.
Think of an ice-cream sandwich.
"The central part, the ice cream of our sandwich, is a liquid resin."The cookie parts are sheets of thermoplastic.
When a projectile—or piece of space junk—punctures the sandwich,it exposes the liquid part to the ship’s oxygen, which causes it to solidify, patching the hole.
The researchers tested sheets of the self-healing material at a firing range, filming the results with high-speed video.
And indeed, the material worked fine here on Earth,but they say the findings will have to be replicated under pressure conditions like those you'd find in space.
The results are in the journal ACS Macro Letters.
The space station is already well protected by bumpers that vaporize particles on impact.
But protection doesn't come cheap.
"It turns out that robust things are also very heavy.
The intent of this is really to provide a backup that's very low weight."
It costs some 10,000 a pound to launch equipment into space today.
So a lighter weight material could save money—and lives.
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