
发布者:查子账 时间:2022-11-15 13:01










This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Cynthia Graber.

Many people remember the colors of the rainbow by the acronym ROY G. BIV. For red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Well, the color indigo just made news.

Indigo gets its name from the plant Indigofera tinctoria and its relatives, which supply the dye that makes fabric the rich, beautiful color between blue and violet.

Indigo dye was used around the ancient world in fabrics created from Egypt to China to Meso and South America. And it's in South America that researchers recently found the oldest known example of fabrics dyed with indigo.

The artifacts were discovered at Huaca Prieta, a ceremonial mound on the coast in northern Peru. But their color was initially hidden by the grey tones that had leached into them from the materials used in the mound itself. But when a conservator carefully washed the fabric, the true colors reappeared.

"And it was at that point that I realized we probably had indigo and it was probably the world's oldest indigo."

Jeffrey Splitstoser, an anthropologist at George Washington University.

"Which was really exciting. I hadn't thought I'd be discovering, or we would be discovering, the world's oldest indigo, when I took on this project."

The research is in the journal Science Advances.

The dyed fabric is about 6,000 years old.

"In the Middle East there are inscriptions that discuss blue fabrics that date to about 3100 B.C. These are just texts though. And so we think they're referring probably to the earliest Old World indigo-blue dyed textiles. So that would date to about 5,000 years ago, 3100 B.C. And so these are at least 1,000 years older than that. And the earliest known indigo blue textiles were from Egypt and they date to around 4400 B.P., before present. So these are almost 2,000 years older than those."

Splitstoser says that the discovery means it's likely that the techniques to dye fabric blue were developed in the Americas before they were developed in Egypt.

"It really means that we have to look at the ancient Andes as one of the earliest sources of textile innovations in the world."














1. take on 承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任);

例句:He is ready to take on heavy responsibilities.


2. refer to 提到,指的是;

例句:It can refer to an academic subject or a practical skill.


3. at least (数量)至少,不少于;

例句:Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America.



Only about 23 percent of the world's land area is still what you'd call wilderness—where indigenous people, wildlife, plants and microbes get a chance to live with little or no disturbance from large human populations. But even that current figure of 23 percent is down by a tenth in just the last couple of decades. Which translates into an area the size of Alaska being converted away from wilderness since the 1990s. That's according to a study in the journal Current Biology that was also announced at the just completed Honolulu meeting of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The research found that the regions that suffered the biggest wilderness losses were South America and Central Africa. South America lost almost a third of its wilderness while Africa's is down about 14 percent.

James Watson is the lead author of the study. He's with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Queensland—he's no relation to the more famous DNA double helix James Watson.

In the journal article he and his colleagues write: "The continued loss of wilderness areas is a globally significant problem with largely irreversible outcomes for both humans and nature: if these trends continue, there could be no globally significant wilderness areas left in less than a century. Proactively protecting the world's last wilderness areas is a cost-effective conservation investment and our best prospect for ensuring that intact ecosystems and large-scale ecological and evolutionary processes persist for the benefit of future generations." And future generations includes both the organisms in the remaining wilderness—and us.





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