
发布者:胡子哥 时间:2022-11-15 13:00



1. 托福听力文章细节信息越来越多



如今的托福听力文章中firstly, for the first reason之类的表达越来越少见,提示词也逐渐往后转移,更多的情况是这个观点表达完毕后才会出现补充的一句That’s the first hypothesis.,而考生则只好慌不迭地回到笔记的前端把(1)给补在笔记里。而类似Secondly这样的词汇其实也不会经常出现,出现的只有also, meanwhile, as well as等考生很容易忽略的小词来表达分层。


以前托福听力一段素材基本只会围绕一个话题或者学科展开,说生物的就是生物,聊历史的只谈历史,但现在大家会在有关绘画主题的art history里面发现有neuroscience的内容,也会在有关hydrology的生态学文章里发现geology, seismology的内容。这也就是听力话题涉及学科内容的综合化,可以想见,以后大家面对托福听力特别是讲座类内容,遇到理科混文科、生物混地理的情况也会越来越多,让考生应接不暇。


In Africa's battle against malaria, two low-tech tactics—insecticides and bed nets—have done a decent job killing off mosquitoes. "But it's mainly one species that's been affected. That's a species called Anopheles gambiae, often referred to the African malaria mosquito." Rickard Ignell, a chemical ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

He says, despite that success, the problem is far from solved. For one, mosquitoes are developing resistance to insecticides. And two, there are many other species that can spread the disease. Including one that's common in the horn of Africa: Anopheles arabiensis.

Unlike the pickier gambiae, its palate is wide-ranging. Arabiensis sucks the blood of cattle, sheep, goats. But… not chickens. "Chickens like mosquitoes. So they'll actively feed on mosquitoes and other insects. So avoiding chickens could be a way of surviving, and evolving a way of smelling the chickens could be an early warning system for them."

And it turns out, that aversion to chickens can be used against the insects. Ignell and his colleagues isolated chemical compounds from chicken feathers, and dispensed them next to a human sleeping under a bed net—a human lure. And they found that fewer mosquitoes came round for a snack, due to the repellent chemicals. The findings appear in the Malaria Journal.

Ignell says this chicken cologne won't be immediately available. "Ideally the world would be like that, that we could bottle it up and send it off and they don't have to pay anything. But that's not the case usually." Luckily, there's an equally effective substitute. "We can actually reduce the number of mosquitoes indoors by just using a chicken. So that's probably the cheapest option."







kill off 被全部杀死;被灭绝;

例句:Their natural predators have been killed off.


2. be far from 根本不;远远不;

例句:His explanation was far from satisfactory.


3. turn out 结果发现;结果是;

例句:It turned out to be a wild-goose chase.


4. due to 由于;因为;

例句:Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend.




a beach person → 经常去海滩的人,海滩迷

a collect call → 对方付费的电话

a good change of pace → 好的调剂

a larger waist → 大些的腰身(暗示体重的变化)同义词组:gain some weight

a lost cause → 徒劳无用的事

a passing grade → 及格分

a phone call away → 打个电话就能找到我

a rain check → 延期,比赛改期时下次仍有效的票根

a second opinion → 其他的意见

a short memory → 记性不好

academic calendar → 校历

across the street from → 在……的街对面

act up → (疾病)发作,(身体)不适

admission price → 门票价格

ahead of time → 提前

air conditioning → 空调

all along → 自始至终,一直

And how! → 真是这样,正确

annual checkup → 年度体检

answering machine → 电话留言机

apartment complex → 综合性公寓

apartment manager → 公寓管理员

art supply store → 艺术用品店

as a rule → 一般来说,通常来说

as far as I know → 据我所知

as it happens → 偶然,碰巧

at one time → 一度,曾经

at your service → 乐意效劳

auto show → 车展

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