
发布者:不虚此行 时间:2022-11-15 13:00


托福听力必备高频话题词汇整理 常见文学类词汇一览


literary studies 文学研究

literary criticism 文学评论

narrative 叙述

narrator 叙述者,人称

school of literature 文学派别

Realism 现实主义

Romanticism 浪漫主义

surrealism 超现实主义

stream of consciousness 意识流

William Shakespeare 威廉. 莎士比亚

莎翁四大悲剧:Hamlet 汉姆雷/Macbeth 麦克白/King Lear 李尔王/Othello 奥赛罗

Mid-summer Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦

O'henry 欧亨利

Mark Twin 马克吐温

Tolstoy 托尔斯泰

content 目录

summary 总结

annotation 注释

reference 参考文献

authorship 著作权

copyright 版权

fairy tale 童话故事

folk tale 民间故事

legend 传说

literature 文学

poetry 诗歌

poem 诗

poet 诗人

heroic poem 英雄主义诗歌

sonnet 十四行诗


autobiography 自传

drama 戏剧

prose 散文

novel 小说

novelist 小说家

allegory 寓言

comparative literature 比较文学

editorial 社论

editor 编辑

fiction 小说

non-fiction 非小说类

abstract 摘要

preface 序言

prologue 前言

main body 主体

plot 情节


Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, I'd like to welcome you to tonight's program.

晚上好,我的名字叫Pam Jones,代表现代舞俱乐部,我想欢迎大家来到今晚的节目。

The club is pleased to present the TV version of The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharp's rock ballet.

本俱乐部很荣幸地介绍Catherine Wheel(凯萨琳车轮)的电视版,Twyla Tharp的摇滚芭蕾舞。

This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production.


It includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes that really help the audience understand the dance.


The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D.

这个作品的名字指的是Saint Catherine(圣凯瑟琳),她于公元307年死于一个轮子上

Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework.

现如今,Catherine Wheel也是一种烟火(转轮烟火)

It looks something like a pinwheel.


Anyway, the dance is certainly full of fireworks!


You'll see how Twyla Tharp explores one family's attempt to confront the violence in modern life.

你将会看到Twyla Tharp是如何探究一个家庭在现代生活中面对暴力的尝试

The central symbol of the work is a pineapple, but exactly what it represents has always created a lot of controversy.


As you watch, see if you can figure it out.


The music for this piece is full of the rhythmic energy of rock music.


It was composed by David Byrne.

由David Byrne作曲,

Of the rock band Talking Heads?

(David Byrne)貌似是来自摇滚乐队Talking Heads?

And the lead dancer in this version was Sara Rudner, who is perfectly suited to Tharp's adventurous choreography.

这个版本的领舞是Sara Rudner,她完全适合Tharp的大胆的编舞

Following the video, dance teacher Mary Parker will lead a discussion about the symbolism Ms. Tharp used.

伴随着视频,舞蹈老师Mary Parker将会引导一个关于Ms. Tharp所用的象征主义的讨论。

We hope you can stay for that.


So, enjoy tonight's video and thank you for your support.



Did you ever wonder why it is that most people are "programmed" to sleep at night instead of during the day?


If there's something about the cycle of light and dark that's telling us when to sleep, then shouldn't the sleep cycle of a blind person be different?


As it turns out, many blind people—people with no visual perception of light at all—do have the same sleep cycle as sighted people.


So now you're wondering, "How can this happen?"


The answer is: hormones, one hormone in particular. It's called melatonin.


In sighted people, the level of melatonin goes up at night, or when it's dark, and goes down in the day, or when it's light.


It's believed that it's the presence of this hormone in the blood that gives us the urge to sleep.


If an increase in melatonin level "programs" sighted people to sleep at night, then what about blind people?


A researcher, named Dr. Charles Czeisler, tells about an interesting experiment.

一个研究者,名叫Charles Czeisler博士,讲述了一个有趣的实验。

He tried shining a bright light into the eyes of some blind people.


When he did this, he noticed that the level of the melatonin in the blood of these subjects went down just as it would do for sighted people.


Somehow, the eyes of these subjects, even though they were damaged and had no visual perception of light, could tell their brain when there was more or less light.


Now, this doesn't work for all blind people;


in fact, most of Czeisler's subjects had no hormonal response to light at all.


Further research may be able to explain this sensitivity to light in terms of the type of blindness of the subject.



★ 雅思难还是托福难

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