
发布者:子迎陳氏 时间:2022-11-15 12:59






Today, we’ll focus on/constrated/discuss…

Today, our topic is…


特殊情况(也经常出现):开头会将讲一些上次课讲的东西,作为复习,之后才是主旨,我们把这种情况称为:Miss start

注意:出现Miss Start,上次课讲的东西一定要听,在这部分很可能出细节题

Miss Start 信号词:Before we get started, let’s review what we’ve learned last class…

Let’s pick up where we left off last week, OK, as you recall(记得)…

Before we begin our discussion on…(此处为本次主题),Let’s review what we know about…(此处为上次主题)

间接开头: In your text book, the author says that… (主题出现),I thought we all to/should take sometime to talk about it. (不一定完全一样,但是类型差不多)




To some up

To conclude/in conclusion

In summary/to summarize



From this, we can see that…


Walk through Times Square—you're bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. "So these flowers are these billboards, they're advertising a good, this delicious nectar reward, and bees are very picky shoppers." Anne Leonard, a pollination biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno.

She describes a flower field as a sort of pollination marketplace. And one way bees choose where to visit? "Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar." They also scope out the shape and size of the flowers, and their color and scent. And now Leonard and her colleagues have discovered that bumblebees are pollen aficionados, too.

They found that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine. And to display the pollen to bees, "We got really into it—we started 3-D printing flowers in our lab." And for the anther—the male flower part, which presents the pollen—pipe cleaners. "So we bought out Michael's craft store supplies of these pipe cleaners and used them in our experiments."

Turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there. But when confronted with the bitter pollen? They sought a different colored flower for their very next stop. All of which suggests that, in addition to savoring nectar, bees taste pollen too—and judge flowers by it. The results are in the journal Biology Letters.

The finding means that plants have to find a happy medium: "So can you make your pollen attractive enough that the bees will collect it, but distasteful enough that they won't collect too much of it?" And that balancing act, of carefully calibrated chemistry—it's just one of the many transactions that plays out in the buzzing pollination marketplace. Where the object is to make a sweet profit.







1. be good at 擅长的;精通的;能干的;

例句:The conductor is good at keeping the players together.


2. buy out 买下…的股权(或产权);

例句:The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.


3. be confronted with (问题、任务或困难)降临,使面临;

例句:There is always turmoil when humans are confronted with change.


4. in addition to 另外;加之;除…之外;

例句:In addition to the radio, newspapers were also a main source for information.


5. play out (使)(戏剧性的事件)逐渐发生;(使)展开;

例句:We play out an imaginary confrontation in our mind.



Sometimes a snout full of snot can be just what the doctor ordered. At least if you're a dolphin. Because a new study shows that a little bit of mucus helps these marine mammals generate the rapid-fire stream of clicks they emit and use for echolocation.

First off, let's just get this out of the way. Dolphins do not actually sound like this. [Flipper laugh sound] That's a made-for-TV giggle that some say is actually the doctored call of a bird: the Australian kookaburra.

Real dolphins, like these bottlenoses, sound more like this. [Bottlenose sounds] They use their clicks, chirps and whistles to navigate, communicate and to catch their next meal. The high-frequency clicks, in particular, help Flipper and his kind locate and track fish dinners.

Dolphins make these sounds by forcing air through a nasal passage just beneath the blowhole. In this nasal region are liplike flaps of tissue called dorsal bursae that vibrate and collide to produce dolphin talk.

Now, a team of researchers has created a simplified model that can reproduce this characteristic dolphin chatter. And they found that the secret ingredient is snot.

While looking through the literature, oceanographer Aaron Thode stumbled across a model that represented vocal cords as masses connected by springs—which store and release energy—and dampers, which dissipate that energy. This model successfully replicated the essential characteristics of the system, like the frequency of vocal cord vibration.

So Thode enlisted his father Lester, a retired nuclear physicist from Los Alamos National Lab, to help him fit the model to a dolphin's nasal anatomy. When the Thodes compared the simulated sounds produced by their model to a recording of actual dolphins, they found that the model mimicked both the loud thump and extended ring that are part of the natural click. That's the sound, but slowed down to make it audible to our ears.

The initial thud comes from when those dorsal bursae collide. And the reverberation results from the vibrations that linger when the tissues pull apart. But Thode the younger says the bursae have to be somewhat sticky for the clapping together and snapping apart to produce a noise with the correct loudness and pitch. That stickiness comes courtesy of the mucus. Thode vocalized the results at the meeting of the Acoustical Society in Salt Lake City.

The match between the simulated sounds and the real deal is encouraging, and the Thodes plan to keep up their collaboration to refine their model. "Yeah, I guess some fathers and sons bond over football, but my dad and I, I guess we bonded over differential equations and writing this paper."











1. in particular 尤其;特别;

例句:She stressed that point in particular.


2. stumble across 意外发现;偶然看见;

例句:I stumbled across an extremely simple but very exact method for understanding where my money went.


3. part of 一些;部分;

例句:The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job.


4. keep up 继续做(或提供);

例句:You can't keep up the pretense any longer.


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