
发布者:浪迹天涯 时间:2022-11-15 12:59




听段子时,要特别注意那些“本身含义上就给我们以震撼或触动的词或结构”。比如:“Especially”一词后面的内容一定是考点,因为它本身就表示“尤其是”,体现了ETS的“求异思想”。再比如:“new theory”周围也一定存在考点,因为这体现了ETS的“求新思想”。

有时ETS 为强调某事,还特意用一些极其显而易见的表达方式提醒我们,例如:“indeed(真正得)”、“certainly(当然)”、 “Just remember(一定要记住)”、“And again.(再说一遍)”、“special feature(特殊的特征)”、 “Most importantly(最为重要的是)”、“One thing I should mention(我应该提及的是……)”、 “Make / Be sure to…(一定要……)”等等。更多的含义强调词还靠大家自己积累和体会。


要特别注意那些“本身含义上带有解释性质的词或结构”。比如:“…, which is / that is…(那就是说……)”显然,“which is / that is…”引导的定语从句是ETS为防止我们考生听不懂前面的内容(生僻的词或概念),而特意添加上去,用来进一步加以解释的。

所以这种解释性的定语从句理所当然就成了强调考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构如“What I mean is…”、 “All that means is…”等等不胜枚举。


要特别注意那些“带有举例或列举性质的词或结构”。比如:“for example…(例如……)”因为例子总比道理简单易懂得多。ETS清楚地知道:考生明白了后面的举例,自然也就理解了前面的概念,然后再考前面的概念也就顺理成章了。

这点显然跟解释原则类似。所以这种举例或列举式的结构也成了强调考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构如“for instance”、“such as…”“namely…”、“as an example”、 “take example for ”等等不胜枚举。


听段子时,要特别注意那些“带有级别比较(比较级或最高级)性质的词或结构”。比如:“much higher than…(比……高得多)”,因为有比较就有观点,是观点就是考点。

所以这种带有级别比较(比较级或最高级)性质的词或结构也成了表明考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构还有“-er”、“-est”“more”、“most”、“mostly”、“first”、“last”、“majority(多数派)”、 “minority(少数派)”、“above all(首要的是)”等等举不胜举。


听段子时,要特别注意那些“带有结论、总结性质的词或结构”。比如:“I concluded that…(我的结论是……)”,不可否认,结论性言语在哪里都是最重要的,所以这种带有结论、总结性质的词或结构也标志着考点的存在。

类似的结构还有“conclusion”、 “summarize”、“make a summary(总结)”、“in brief(概括说)”、“in short(简而言之)”、 “in a word(简而言之)”、“in a conclusion”、“finally”、“all in all”、“to sum up”等等举不胜举。


听段子时,还要特别注意那些“带有对比性质的词或结构”。比如:“compare to…(与……相比)”这种带有对比性质的词或结构也标志着考点就在周围。类似的结构还有“unlike(不象)”、“similar to(与……类似)”、“in contrast to(与……对照)”、 “differently”、“alike(象)”、“resemble(类似)” “on the other hand” “instead” “likewise” “in the same way”等等。


In Africa's battle against malaria, two low-tech tactics—insecticides and bed nets—have done a decent job killing off mosquitoes. "But it's mainly one species that's been affected. That's a species called Anopheles gambiae, often referred to the African malaria mosquito." Rickard Ignell, a chemical ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

He says, despite that success, the problem is far from solved. For one, mosquitoes are developing resistance to insecticides. And two, there are many other species that can spread the disease. Including one that's common in the horn of Africa: Anopheles arabiensis.

Unlike the pickier gambiae, its palate is wide-ranging. Arabiensis sucks the blood of cattle, sheep, goats. But… not chickens. "Chickens like mosquitoes. So they'll actively feed on mosquitoes and other insects. So avoiding chickens could be a way of surviving, and evolving a way of smelling the chickens could be an early warning system for them."

And it turns out, that aversion to chickens can be used against the insects. Ignell and his colleagues isolated chemical compounds from chicken feathers, and dispensed them next to a human sleeping under a bed net—a human lure. And they found that fewer mosquitoes came round for a snack, due to the repellent chemicals. The findings appear in the Malaria Journal.

Ignell says this chicken cologne won't be immediately available. "Ideally the world would be like that, that we could bottle it up and send it off and they don't have to pay anything. But that's not the case usually." Luckily, there's an equally effective substitute. "We can actually reduce the number of mosquitoes indoors by just using a chicken. So that's probably the cheapest option."







kill off 被全部杀死;被灭绝;

例句:Their natural predators have been killed off.


2. be far from 根本不;远远不;

例句:His explanation was far from satisfactory.


3. turn out 结果发现;结果是;

例句:It turned out to be a wild-goose chase.


4. due to 由于;因为;

例句:Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend.



In the early 19th century the fur industry reached what was then known as the Oregon Territories. Lewis and Clark found massive numbers of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout there, swimming among the beaver dams scattered across the Columbia River Basin.

But in an effort to starve American interests, Canada's Hudson's Bay Company tried to create a "fur desert" by killing off as many fur-bearing animals as they could. As a result, beavers had all but disappeared from the area by the year 1900. And once the beavers and their dams were gone, fish populations dropped.

Today, steelhead trout numbers in the region continue to fall. But scientists and government agencies are working to restore their habitats.

"We're looking for restoration approaches in these areas to recover ESA-listed species, but we really don't know what works and what doesn't." Nick Bouwes of the environmental consulting firm Eco Logical Research and Utah State University.

He says that the U.S. spends a billion dollars each year to restore watersheds, but without any real empirical information to guide those efforts. So Bouwes and his team tested the idea that by helping beavers, they could help the fish.

Dams naturally alter the flow of streams, providing fish with a variety of suitable habitats. But the watersheds have become so degraded that there's not enough woody vegetation available for the beavers to build strong dams. The flimsy ones they do build get washed away whenever there's a big storm.

"The idea was, can we reinforce these dams so that they maintain their integrity during high flows, and can be maintained by beavers to capture that sediment, to reconnect that floodplain?"

For seven years, the researchers compared Bridge Creek, which had lots of artificially strengthened dams, to Murderer's Creek, which had none. And in Bridge Creek, the fish flourished—despite the view held by some that beaver dams are bad for fish. The results are in the journal Scientific Reports.

"Beavers, they're really good at making a mess of a system, and it's that messiness that's exactly what we're looking for, by creating more complex fish habitat."

And costing just $11,000 for each kilometer of stream, artificial dam reinforcements are much cheaper than conventional restoration methods—since the beavers do most of the work for us. And that is a dam good deal.








七年来,研究者将有过很多人工加固水坝经历的Bridge Creek与没有人工加固水坝经历的Murderer's Creek,相比较。虽然有观点认为海狸水坝对鱼类有害,不过在Bridge Creek,鱼类大量繁殖起来。这项研究成果刊登在《科学》杂志上。




1. kill off 全部杀死;灭绝;

例句:his spray will kill off any pests or insects.


2. as a result 结果;后果;

例句:As a result, daily output has doubled.


3. wash away 冲垮;冲走;

例句:Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan.


4. be good at 擅长的;精通的;能干的;

例句:I'm pretty good at water skiing.


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