
发布者:地理人小智 时间:2022-11-15 12:58



侧重学术性(Academic atmosphere)

侧重学术是托福听力的重要特点,考题中4篇lectures和两篇long conversations大都涉及到各个学科专业知识,仅在两篇长对话中会出现校园服务等一般性话题,数量较小。最常考的十五大学科为:Zoology,botany,biology or microbiology,geology,geography,meteorology,astronomy,archeology,physiology,law,business and economy,literature,arts (music and architecture),history,philosophy。因此,在考生正式进入听力练习之前,务必要先通过专业学术词这一关,推荐书籍为《词以类记》。

听力难度较高(Degree of difficulty)


题型复杂问法多变(Macro and micro)


多人讨论分不清(More characters)


重视实战经验(Focus on practical tests)

因为托福听力是IBT(internet based test)考试,所以真正的实战就显得尤为重要。ETS唯一的官方教材OG(Official guidance),官方真题Official (Toefl practice on line),DELTA 等套题或模考是考生必须要认真分析拿下的,因为新托福考试纸上的练习和上机练习有很大差别。另外,“机经”对于初识新托福的同学也会有较大的帮助,应该予以关注,这也是实战后的产物。


新托福听力每篇文章都在4-6分钟,长度是大部分考生之前没见过的,为了弥补短期记忆不足,就必须要记笔记。记什么,怎么记是笔记训练的关键。一般是三种境界:什么都记(记中听) —有选择的记(边听边记) – 边听偶尔记 (听中记),要达到第三层境界,需要较长的时间甚至需要一些有效点拨,当然内功到了,一点即破。


This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.

Used to be, teenage kids had to carry around a bag of flour wrapped in a blanket to learn the responsibilities of parenthood. But these days? The same lesson is taught with hi-tech dolls that cry and record every interaction.

"You know they get grumpy, you have to rock them to calm them down, they have to be fed." Sally Brinkman, an epidemiologist at the Telethon Kids Institute, in Australia. "It's supposed to be so tiring and so difficult that it puts them off and they say 'I don't want to be a teenage mom.' And then they think about contraception and all of those sorts of things."

Problem is, that theory — that the dolls will discourage teenage parenthood—doesn't seem to be true, according to a new study by Brinkman and her colleagues. The team recruited nearly 3,000 13- to 15-year-old girls for the trial, from 57 schools in Western Australia. All the girls got the standard Australian curriculum on contraception and sexual health. But half had to care for the infant dolls—and got extra education sessions with the school nurse.

The team's hypothesis? "We thought either it's going to make a difference, or it's going to make no difference whatsoever. We hadn't expected that it would do the opposite." And in fact, the girls who cared for the dolls were nearly one and a half times more likely to get pregnant before age 20, than teens in the control group. The findings are in The Lancet.

The company that makes the dolls has criticized the trial, and says the researchers didn't properly implement the educational portion of the program. But Brinkman disagrees. Maybe, she says, the program itself is flawed. "If we're inadvertently increasing teenage pregnancy rates, you know, this program needs to stop. We shouldn't be delivering it in schools."







1. calm down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来;

例句:His rage was soon calmed down by the rustic peace.


2. put off 使反感;使对…失去兴趣;

例句:The high divorce figures don't seem to be putting people off marriage.


3. care for 照料;照顾;护理;

例句:It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children.


4. in fact (用于修正、引出相反意见或对比等)事实上,其实;

例句:No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.



Various animals evolved coloration that keeps them hidden. A jaguar's patterns help it slink undetected across the sun-dappled rainforest floor. The mottled pigmentation on the wings of some let them rest on tree bark undisturbed. And then there are animals that can quickly change their appearance—for example, the Central Bearded Dragon.

This two-foot-long lizard lives in the more arid parts of Australia.

"They can change color really quickly, just in a matter of seconds or minutes."

University of Melbourne biologist Katie Smith.

"And they do this by moving pigments within specialized skin cells called chromatophores."

Bearded dragons modify their colors for camouflage, or to maintain their body temperature, or to communicate with other dragons. Smith wanted to know how they meet all those needs with the same tool kit.

So she and her team rounded up twelve bearded dragons and put them through a series of tests before releasing them back into the wild. They found that when the dragons want to communicate with other members of their species, they change the colors on their neck.

"This is actually one of the reasons they're called bearded dragons—because they look like they have a really serious five o'clock shadow."

Changes to their backs were for temperature regulation. Shifting to yellow lets them to cool off during extreme heat, while darker greys allow them to soak up more heat during cooler weather.

"They actually save about, on average, 22 minutes a day at the darker colors than the lighter colors. That's about 85 hours throughout the whole year."

Eighty-five hours a year NOT spent out in the open and exposed to potential predators. The results were published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: B.

The lizards can clearly control each part of their body separately, resulting in an efficient system. Temperature regulation involves the back, which is facing the sun. Social signaling uses the neck, easily visible to another lizard they're faced off with.

The researchers' next task is to see what happens when the lizards have to deal with simultaneous but conflicting coloration requirements—situations that could give a bearded dragon a close shave.















1. round up 使聚拢;使聚集;

例句:He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.


2. cool off (使)变凉;(使)凉快下来;

例句:Maybe he's trying to cool off out there in the rain.


3. soak up 吸收;

例句:The cells will promptly start to soak up moisture.


4. on average 平均起来;按平均值;

例句:On average, Mr. Kelly works out four days a week for at least an hour at a time.


5. result in 导致;引起;造成;

例句:His carelessness results in a serious blunder.


6. a close shave 幸免于难;侥幸脱险;

例句:His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave.


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