
发布者:清水有龍 时间:2022-11-15 12:58






由于新托福听力取材真实的校园生活学习场景,所以其中的语言也很生活化,更加鲜活。这些内容对于绝大部分考生来说都很陌生,因为传统的中国英语教学中学习到的都是过于正式或者老套的说法。很多同学都没有在意这点,甚至在出国了以后,最基本的打招呼问好都要花好久才能适应,因为课本上学的打招呼的方式是”How are you?” 或者”How do you do?” 当听到外国人以平常语速说出”How is it going?” 或者”How are you doing?” 的时候,肯定不知道别人在说什么,更不用说怎么回应了。类似的情况在新托福听力当中比比皆是。当然,就应对托福考试来说,可以先把听力文章中鲜活的用语学会,如果能配合一些电影或者美剧,多进行了解巩固,那效果肯定更好。




一学生在办公室问学校工作人员”I am supposed to be having my class right now, but I can’t find my classroom, do you know where it is?”

而工作人员答道”There is a room assignment sheet on the bulletin board outside this office.”




DNA analysis is a staple of crime scenes—and crime shows, like HBO's The Night of or the old standby, CSI:

"We just need to get this to the DNA lab, confirm it's the victim's blood. And then, case closed."

And it's not just for crime: DNA sequencing also helps determine our relationship to Neandertals, and our primate cousins.

Problem is, DNA's a relatively fragile molecule—it doesn't last forever. What's more sturdy is protein. So now researchers have come up with a way to use protein in a similar way to DNA: to link an individual to a piece of evidence or to determine ethnic background.

The protein source these scientists studied was human hair, from 76 individuals of European-American, African-American and Kenyan descent. And they determined that the variation of a couple hundred proteins in a person's hair could be enough to single her out from a group of one million individuals.

The way it works is that proteins are made according to the instructions in DNA. So one individual's genetic variations can result in slightly different proteins being made, compared to another individual. And by determining the protein composition, the scientists can then extrapolate info about the DNA. The results are in the journal PLoS ONE.

The researchers say the technique still is not ready for prime-time—ideally the process needs to be more sensitive, to avoid consuming valuable crime scene or archaeological samples in the analysis. And the statistics behind the technique need to be validated, too. But someday, they say, it could come within a hair of DNA analysis.









1. come up with 想出,提出(计划、想法等);

例句:I had a hard time trying to come up with an idea.


2. single out 单独挑出;特别选出;

例句:He was singled out for special training.


3. according to 依据,根据,依照 (原则等);

例句:He ranged the books according to size.


4. result in 导致;引起;造成;

例句:It resulted in a diminished output.


5. compared to 与…相比;和…比起来;

例句:The cost is just peanuts compared to what you get from the money.



Living at the top of the food chain, sharks can accumulate dangerous levels of methylmercury. So much that pregnant women and children are advised not to eat shark at all. But sharks can accumulate another toxin too, called BMAA, which has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative disease. Which could be bad news for shark eaters.

"Mercury in combination with BMAA is a one-two punch." Deborah Mash, a professor of neurology at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. "These are two synergistic toxins. So even if there are low levels of exposure from the mercury or the BMAA, when humans are exposed to both of these toxins, then they will have a synergistic effect on the nervous system."

BMAA starts out in cyanobacteria, and travels up the food chain through crabs and shrimp and fish. And, as previous studies have shown, makes all the way to sharks. What Mash and her colleagues wanted to know was how widespread the problem was, and if the chemical often appeared alongside mercury. So they analyzed fin and muscle samples from 10 species of shark—55 individuals in all—from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. And they found BMAA and mercury in all 10 species. Suggesting that exposure to that "one-two punch" could be pretty common. The results are in the journal Toxins.

It's still not clear at this point what sort of risk this occasional exposure through food might have. Still, Mash isn't waiting.

"I myself would not want to be exposed to BMAA or methyl mercury in my diet by eating shark fin or shark meat or taking shark cartilage products. We already know that mercury is toxic to our health. And we already know that BMAA plus mercury is a very bad mix for the brain. So people need to be concerned, and I think that's not only for the benefit of us as consumers, but also to the poor sharks, who are threatened with extinction."

Conservationists have argued for years that sharks should be spared. Maybe now that it's us who are threatened... people might finally start to leave them alone.








1. even if 即使;尽管;纵然;

例句:They'll stand by you even if you don't succeed.


2. be exposed to 使暴露于(险境);使遭受(危险或不快);

例句:Women who are exposed to mercury, cadmium, or vinyl chloride before conceiving seem to be especially likely to have autistic kids.


3. start out 起初是…;

例句:He started out to fix the car himself, but in the end, he had to ask for help.


4. leave alone 听…自便;随…去;不打扰;

例句:Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.



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