
发布者:青山一角 时间:2022-11-15 12:51


托福独立写作常见扣分原因盘点分析 提升作文成绩先解决2个问题


首先要说的是托福独立写作的论述逻辑问题。大家都知道独立写作从文章要求上来看其实是比较标准的立论文,也就是给出一个题目,考生自己选择一个观点进行展开论述的写作要求。而作为论述文章逻辑自然是非常重要的。无论是文章整体的逻辑,还是各个展开段落的逻辑以及段落之间的逻辑,考生都需要把握好才能避免在逻辑论述的环节扣分。中国考生在写议论文时候的思路一般都是按照顺序first, second这样的方式来展开。但开头之后具体内容其实跟这个顺序都扯不上关系。不仅每个段落自己之间无法实现逻辑自洽,段落之间更是没有合理的逻辑联系,这样的论述被扣分一点都不奇怪。








在写作备考中要有计划地、合理地增加词汇量。多读范文,如果考试时间临近,可以选用背诵范文的方法,虽然辛苦一点,但是还是有效的。曾经一位哲学家讲过这样一个故事,说人的一生都会面对以下五个名词:爱人、家庭、工作、健康、朋友 (lover, family, career, health, friend )。打个比方,如果把这五个方面比喻成为五个球的话,只有健康是玻璃球,其他四个全都是橡皮球,即使不小心弄掉了,还是会反弹回来,而健康却是一旦落地,满盘皆输,没有任何办法补救。听过这样的故事,你不但很容易弄懂其中的道理,这几个英文单词也不会离你远去了。


有的句子恐怕只有中国人才能理解是什么意思,究其原因就是生硬地翻译了汉语表达方式。受汉语文化影响,我们博大精深的语言在我们的头脑中已经根深蒂固,人的逻辑思维很奇怪,一旦我们每天的思维习惯已经养成,你很难在短时间内进行改变。外国人开始崇拜汉文化,开始学习我们的语言,孔子学院也应因而生,这对推广我们的文化是好的,但是托福考试是对英语的测试,只有26个字母。我见过很多有趣的中文式的翻译,比如把“黑社会”翻译成“black society”,还有把“八卦”说成“eight hang”的,等等。



这里的套路,就是templates。很多老师授课过程中刻意突出写作套路,学生也千方百计背诵写作套路,导致展现在阅卷官面前的作文框架甚至很多语句千篇一律、如出一辙,从而极大地损害了得分。模板固然有用,但是针对first draft的观念,文章的亮点就看不到了。

建议:考生可以暂时抛开托福考试,从blog或者日记开始,每天用英文进行托福写作练习,尽情地把你对社会的情绪和对学校的不满写出来,发泄出来。这个练习会让你的文章逐渐符合first draft的要求。






Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends?

1) Joining a sports team

2) Doing community activities

3) Travelling


I think that joining a sports team is a wonderful way to make friends. Members of a sports team are working towards a common goal and share at least one interest, so there is a greater chance that they will want to do things outside of the sport together as well.

Students on a sports team need to work together for a common goal, which is usually winning games against other teams. Therefore, it is best for the team if everyone works together and helps each other improve. To do so, it is necessary to talk and find out the strengths and interests of other members. In other words, communication is necessary for a team to succeed.

Communicating is the first step in becoming friends, because once the ice is broken, it is possible to extend the conversation to other areas of interest. Members of a sports team may be friendly to new players because they want the new person to be just as committed to the goal; success is only possible when members trust each other. Therefore, the need to work together encourages positive interactions.

To become friends, though, takes more than conversations; friends need to have interests in common. Members of a sports team have at least one interest in common, the sport. If it is a school team, then the students are about the same age and share the same school. From these starting points it is possible to find other similarities. Those similarities make it easier to become and maintain friends. For example, members of the team might go out for pizza after a game and talk about their performance, and people who are morealike will sit together and become friends. By contrast, two people with nothing in common could politely share a meal, but they will not pursue the relationship once the meal is over.

The other advantage of making friends in sports team is that the chances of other contact are greater. Members of a team may go to the same school or live in the same neighborhood. Therefore, it is possible to meet the friend outside of the sports activity, allowing the relationship to grow. Compare the opportunities of team members who live nearby to the opportunities of friends who live far apart. It is harder for people who can only meet once a year or so to establish a new, deep friendship. Even with new technology, a conversation will not be the same online as it is in person.

Therefore, joining a sports team is one of the best ways for a student to form new friendships. A sports team offers the opportunity to meet people with at least one similar interest who are all working towards a common goal. Sports team members need to meet regularly to practice, so they also live close enough to meet regularly outside of the sport. These factors are all essential for developing new friends.


a common goal 共同的目标

be committed to 致力于

positive interactions 积极的互动

be about 大约

be alike 相似的

pursue the relationship 继续维持关系

in person 亲自


★ 英语口语

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