
发布者:菜鸟五毛 时间:2022-11-15 12:51



在雅思考试中,很多考生由于对作文的话题不熟悉导致没有话可说,甚至有些学生由于词汇量不够而限制了表达自己的观点,因此很 多学生将雅思写作范文当做救命稻草,日夜苦背,我们承认,多背几篇雅思范文确实可以帮助我们提高词汇量,也能帮助我们提高写作 水平,但是一味的只知道原模原样的背,不但浪费了考生宝贵的复习时间,收效也甚微,那不原模原样的背,该怎么背?雅思写作技巧的掌握对于考试还是很有帮助的,希望大家能够总是雅思写作辅导的内容。

一篇好的作文,不在于他有多么华丽的辞藻,而在与她的结构,如果你的文章也像范文一样条理清晰,结构严谨,逻辑严密,那怎么 可能会得不到高分呢,所以,原模原样的被范文,不如仔细的研究范文的文章结构,看范文中是怎么安排段落的,段落之间以及句子之 间是怎么连接在一起的,运用了哪些衔接手段等等。如果你的基础很差,语言能力很低,不妨通过多分析几篇范文,来明白写作的框架 和机构,然后选择几篇范文熟练背诵之后将他们改写成自己的话,如果你的目标为5分,那么备考时就以一定要注重题意的理解,写作基 本模板的训练和简单句式的练习,尤其注意常见单词的词性正确使用。

另外,在如果你可以在短短的30分钟内,根据给定的话题快速的把你的观点条理清晰的陈述出来,再加上丰富准确的词汇,多样的句 式结构,以及你独特的见解,那么一定可以吸引考官的注意力,让他不得不给你一个高分数。所以,背范文不光要被词汇,还要学会鉴 赏好文章的结构。

雅思大作文:research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential

雅思大作文题目:Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Medical advancement like new drugs and therapies have been improving the average longevity of citizens and both their phyical and mental well-being, so a massive amount of funds have been and would be continously poured into this field. This essay discusses whether the fundings should originate from ordinary people, major coporations or governments.

Individuals, or the general public to be precise, perform little in medical progress. This fact should be widely acknowledged although this group is the major one that enjoys the achievements on health care. That is mainly because any one kind of new medicines requires time and money that is way beyond any single citizen’s affordability compared with the other two parities mentioned.

Business markets, in comparison, play a vital role on this issue. Businessmen can better detect and meet the needs of people – patients in this context – and they are able to invest greater capital in the pursuing latter higher profits. This strong incentive can bring along fresh treatments and a series of new drugs in the short term. However, the patented medical products with high prices can inflict greater pain for the lower class, which is the root of growing health disparities in the global context. Simply put, health care should not be regarded as a commercial activity but a social obligation.

Governments should take over this mission and cover the most costs. Their obligations, a well-argued and decided issue, are to organize social assets and to invest into fields that benefit people amid the general development. Moreover, the authority occupying greater statistical resources can better decide in which particular disease or diseases should the fundings be invested to help the majority or the immediate. Yet, it is to admit that tax revenue for these scientific researches may be ended up in vain as all the progress have based on numerous failures.

To sum up, I believe that major global companies and governments can both be the main investors on these projects whereas some tradeoffs can be implemented to benefit virtually all citizens, like regulation on price fixing and supervision on the distribution of government fundings.

雅思大作文:economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger

雅思大作文题目:Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger. Others say that economic growth is causing damage to the environment ,and should be stopped now. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Developed worlds have been devoting real efforts in economy growth since Industrial Revolution and have eventually succeeded in feeding their populations. Thus, some propose that stronger economy is the only approach in eradicating famine and poverty in the global context whereas some others argue that it should not be encouraged for the sake of environmental protection.

The state of being poor and hungry could indeed be improved out of economic development. The two fundamental reasons of this condition are mainly caused by the low amount of income on average and uneven social distribution. In dealing with the first, thriving businesses simply boost the social fortune like food, houses and a variety of products in aggregate, an objective and solid foundation of more resources for each member in the society. As for the second reason, it is extensively acknowledged that the majority of social resources are held by the elite groups in all social forms, but even under this circumstance, an ordinary citizen of a modern developed nation may worry less on the provision of food or welfare services comparing with a normal medieval farmer. As well as those, this method is clearly more humane and sustainable than others such as plundering other societies and eliminating the lower class.

A developing and prospering economy is commonly associated with environmental disruption. This is inevitable because people could not properly handle industrial waste with initial technology and the disposal results in pollution of all sorts. However, cleaner energy is generated and more by-products are reused and recycled with the progress of science and technology, leading to the reduction of pollution in the long term. What is more, the second idea mentioned is ridiculous and infeasible as the human survival and comfort is the top priority for common people and the authorities.

To conclude, I believe the development of economy can not be halted so more people can be relieved from poverty and hunger. Meanwhile, the awareness of protecting environment should be raised before it is too late.


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