After working with dozens of small companies, I discovered that the successful ones share some common traits. Here, then, are the 14 qualities I've witnessed in many of the thriving small businesses I've worked with:
Company culture. Culture is defined as the "integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that depends upon man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations." For successful companies, culture is about attracting and hiring the people who would be most successful in that specific organization. And it's about driving the behavior that makes the company successful.
Customer service. Simply defined, customer service means taking care of your customers. Many companies integrate customer service into their business culture through training and the design (and frequent redesign) of relevant business processes. In most cases, the business plan dictates how they will provide quality customer service.
Business strategy. A complex strategy or business plan isn't necessary to achieve success. A simple one-page document will do, but it should be well thought out and well executed. A poorly crafted business plan that's well executed is far superior to the well-crafted business plan that sits on the shelf collecting dust. A good business plan defines and drives the activities and behaviors of the entire organization. Without it, the business becomes a ship without a rudder; it simply can't be steered and ends up going around in circles. A sound strategy should include a financial plan, marketing differentiators, and product strategy as well as a plan for employee retention.
Training. Because we live in a world of continuous change, it's more important than ever to implement a culture of continuous learning. For many successful owners, continual investment in training is a major contributor to success. For training to be successful, however, there must be a direct link back to the business plan and an understanding of how training supports the successful implementation of the business strategy.
share some common traits :有共同点
attracting and hiring the people who:吸引并雇佣X.X样的人
taking care of your customers:伺候好顾客
integrate s/th into:把X.X融入到X.X
be well thought out and well executed:经过深思熟虑然后执行的
poorly crafted business plan :没有被精细制作的商业计划
is far superior to :前者比后者高级的
well-crafted business plan :精细制作的商业计划
sits on the shelf collecting dust:搁置起来 (比喻形同虚设的政策等)
drives the activities and behaviors of the entire organization:
a ship without a rudder:没有舵的船
product strategy :产品策略
employee retention:员工保有率
in a world of continuous change:在不停变换的世界里
implement a culture of continuous learning:实施一个不断学习的文化
is a major contributor to success:X.X是一个成功的重要因素
It simply can't be steered and ends up going around in circles.
For any business to be successful, one must spend a lot of money on advertising.
What Are the Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students?
Taking on a part-time job while pursuing a degree is hard work, but the benefits are typically greater than the amount of a paycheck. Students who work during their college careers may have better time-management skills than their counterparts. They must understand responsibility and apply it to their daily lives. They earn money that can be used for fun or for tuition, while gaining experience in the workplace that will be attractive to future employers after graduation.
Simply put, students who hold down part-time jobs will have more money than they would have otherwise. As they come into adulthood, earning an income can boost their confidence and allow them to have some fun within the limits of their paychecks. Some students need to work through school to afford tuition. Others will set the money aside to pay back student loans. Still, the money will be theirs to spend as they wish, and they may appreciate it more because they worked for it.
Students earning their own money get lessons on spending wisely. They may be less likely to spend their hard-earned money frivolously and learn to delay gratification to pay for necessities, such as text books and rent. At the same time, they can save for non-essential purchases, such as a car.
Time Management
Students taking on a job on top of their studies will have less free time than non-working students. When working students have to measure out their time, they tend to be better planners as they make sure they complete every task expected of them on deadline. They learn to weigh their priorities, sometimes skipping fun activities to finish their responsibilities. This prepares them for life after school when excuses and tardy work will be frowned upon.
Often, students work jobs that introduce them to their preferred career after school is over. This allows them to gain important introductory experience in the business and begin networking with those in that field. Even students who work in places not connected to their majors will look more impressive to potential employers. They'll have some kind of work experience on their resumes to start, and the fact that they've been able to hold a job while a school attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management. Employers look for employees who understand the work environment and work well as part of a team. Having a part-time job shows that the student is at least somewhat accustomed to the professional world, which will make the transition that much easier.
time-management skills :时间管理技能
potential employers :潜在的雇主
non-working students:不工作的学生
gaining experience :获得经验
boost their confidence :增加自信
allow them to have some fun :给他们
set the money aside : 存一些钱
pay back student loans :还学生贷款
to delay gratification :推迟快感
weigh their priorities :权衡一下重要的事情
be frowned upon: 被看不起,不被赞同
gain important introductory experience :获得重要的入门的经验
attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management :
make the transition :过渡
is at least somewhat accustomed to: 至少在某种程度上习惯于
Students who hold down part-time jobs will have more money than they would have otherwise.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life to ask them to do a part-time job.