GRE填空难度逐年提升 ,做好填空也要提高阅读理解能力,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
GRE填空难度逐年提升 做好填空也要提高阅读理解能力
凡是包含because, since, for, if, thus, hence, so that, so...that..., so...as to..., therefore, consequently, as a result, accordingly, in that, result in, result from, cause, give rise to, derive from, lead to, be due to 等词汇的题目,必是在陈述某种因果关系(causal relationship)。在解因果关系时,必须牢记下述事项。
1. Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and ______, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world ______.
A bereft theatricallty
B composed adversity
C full circumstantiolity
D deprived polarity
E commercial
2. Today water is more ____ in landscape architecture than ever before, because technological advances have made it easy, in some instances even ____ to install water features in public places.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A serenity D bereft of theatricality
B corruption E deprived of polarity
C fertility F devoid of neutrality
答案:E D
3. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more ______ than a similar article intended for ______ use.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A conservative D vocational
B lavishly E commercial
C creatively F everyday
4. Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting entitled the Mona Lisa as an original and wonderful ______ feat, the reproduction of a natural object, the aesthetes saw it as ______ that required deciphering.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A collaborative D an aberration
B visual E a hieroglyph
C technical F an issusion
5. In spite of the ______ nature of Scotland’s terrain, its main roads are surprisingly free from severe______.
A rocky...weather
B mountainous...grades
C uncharted...flooding
D unpredicatable...damage
E landlocked...slipperiness
6. The skeleton of ____ bird that was recently discovered indicated that this ancient creature ____ today's birds in that, unlike earlier birds and unlike reptilian ancestors, it had not a tooth in its head.
A a primeval obscured
B a unique preempted
C a primitive anticipatied
D a contemporary forshadowed
E an advanced diffred from
7. Most plant species exhibit ____ in their geographical distribution: often, a given species is found over a large geographical area, but individual populations within that range are widely ____ .
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A discontinuity separated
B density dispered
C symmeetry observerd
D uniformity scattered
E concentration adaptable
8. Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to ____ himself: it was his ____ that had caused the debacle.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A congratulate D acrimony
B absolve E modesty
C berate F largesse
9. That she seemed to prefer ____ to concentrated effort is undeniable; nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but____ .
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A artfulness D considered
B caprice E superficial
C dabbling F lighthearted
10. The philosopher claimed that a person who must consciously ____ his or her own indifference before helping another is behaving more nobly than one whose basic disposition allows such an act to be performed without____ .
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A suffer D enthusiasm
B feign E duplicity
C overcome F deliberation
1. While many people utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not ____ such alternative treatments, ____ conventional medical treatments instead.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A distrust D relying on
B reject E eschewing
C countenance F envisioning
2. A number of scientists have published articles ____ global warming, stating ____ that there is no solid scientific evidence to support the theory that the Earth is warming because of increases in greenhouse gases.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A proving D categorically
B deploring E paradoxically
C debunking F hesitantly
3. Conceptually, it is hard to reconcile a defense attorney's ____ to ensure that false testimony is not knowingly put forward with the attorney's mandate to mount the most ____ defense conceivable for the client.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A inability D cautious
B promises E powerful
C duty F diversified
4. Surprisingly, given the dearth of rain that fell on the corn crop, the yield of the harvest was ____; consequently, the corn reserves of the country have not been ____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A inadequate D replenished
B encouraging E salvaged
C compromised F depleted
5. When a person suddenly loses consciousness, a bystander is not expected to ____ the problem but to attempt to _____ its effects by starting vital functions if they are absent.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A minimize D counter
B determine E detect
C diagnose F precipitate
6. The remark was only slightly ______, inviting a chuckle, perhaps, but certainly not a ______.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A audible D guffaw
B coherent E rebuke
C humorous F reaction
7. Although they were not direct____, the new arts of the Classical period were clearly created in the spirit of older Roman models and thus____ many features of the older style.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A surprising D challenges
B understandable E justifies
C irrelevant F changes
8. It is (i)____ that so many portrait paintings hang in art museums, since the subject matter seems to dictate a status closer to pictures in the family photograph album than to high art. But perhaps it is the artistic skill with which the portraits are painted that (ii)____ their presence in art museums.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A copies D maintained
B translations E introduced
C masterpieces F accentuated
9. In stark contrast to his later (i)____, Simpson was largely (ii)____ politics during his college years, despite the fact that the campus he attended was rife with political activity.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A activism D devoted to
B apathy E indifferent to
C affability F shaped by
10. Like Bela Bartok, Ruth Crawford not only brought a composers acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i)_____ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a performance in a written text, and this (ii)____ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A reverence for D fastidiousness
B detachment from E didacticism
C curiosity about F iconoclasm
1. Political advertising may well be the most (i)____ kind of advertising: political candidates are usually quite (ii)____, yet their campaign advertisements often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A controversial habit D endorsed
B cherished tradition E considered
C disquieting ritual F rejected
2. Human nature and long distances have made exceeding the speed limit a (i)____ in the state, so the legislators surprised no one when, acceding to public demand, they (ii)____ increased penalties for speeding.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A belies D an injudicious
B exposes E a disorganized
C overshadows F a cautious
3. Serlings account of his employers reckless decision making (i)____ that companys image as (ii)____ bureaucracy full of wary managers.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A polemical D interchangeable
B effective E dissimilar
C deceptive F vocal
4. In her later years, Bertha Pappenheim was an apostle of noble but already (i)____ notions, always respected for her integrity, her energy, and her resolve but increasingly out of step and ultimately (ii)____ even her own organization.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A undemonstrative panache D focus
B unrestrained enthusiasm E overwhelm
C unattractive gawkiness F deflect
5. The (i)____ of Vladimir Nabokov as one of North Americas literary giants has thrown the spotlight on his peripheral activities and has thus served to (ii)____ his efforts as an amateur entomologist.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A anachronistic D emulated by
B accepted E appreciated by
C exotic F alienated from
6. Belanger dances with an (i)____ that draws ones attention as if by seeking to (ii)____ it; through finesse and understatement, he manages to seem at once intensely present and curiously detached.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A stigmatization D foreground
B lionization E transcend
C marginalization F obscure
7. Ironically, the writer so wary of (i)____ was (ii)____ with ink and paper, his novel running to 2,500 shagreen-bound folio pagesa fortune in stationery at the time.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A peculiarity D indirect
B pellucidity E assertive
C conventionality F enigmatic
8. The activists energetic work in the service of both woman suffrage and the temperance movement in the late nineteenth century (i)____ the assertion that the two movements were (ii)____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A probity D acquisitive
B extravagance E illiberal
C disapprobation F profligate
9. There is nothing quite like this movie, and indeed I am not altogether sure there is much more to it than its lovely (i)____. At a moment when so many films strive to be as (ii)____ as possible, it is gratifying to find one that is so subtle and puzzling.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A undermines D diffuse
B supports E inimical
C underscores F predominant
10. Despite the ____ of time, space, and history, human societies the world over have confronted the same existential problems and have come to remarkably ____ solutions, differing only in superficial details.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A contingencies D identical
B actualities E similar
C exigencies F diverse