
发布者:触摸天际 时间:2022-11-15 12:02


H:As a mathematician and physicist, Sir Isaac Newton is one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time.


R:I can’t agree with you more. And Newton remains influential to scientists, as demonstrated by a 2005 survey of members of Britain's Royal Society.

R:我非常同意你的观点。2005年对英国皇家学会的调査显示,牛顿仍然对现在的 科学家有一定的影响。

H:Newton’s study lays the groundwork for most of classical mechanics.In one of his books, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated⑦ the physical world for the next three centuries.

H:牛顿的研究为经典力学的大部分内容打下了基础。在他的一本书中,牛顿描述了万有引力和三大运动 定律,主宰了接下来三个世纪的物理世界。

R:Speaking of the universal gravitation, do you know how Newton comes up with this law?

R:说到万有引力,你知道牛顿是怎么想到这个定律的 吗?

H:Of course. Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.

H:我当然知道。牛顿自己就经常说他是看到苹果从树 上落下受到启发而构想出万有引力定律的。

R: Cartoons have gone further to suggest the apple actually hit Newton’s head, and that its impact somehow made him aware of the force of gravity.

R:漫画还更夸张地暗示那个苹果其实是掉在牛顿的头 上,被苹果砸到的牛顿开始注意到万有引力的存在。

H: It is known from his notebooks that he was grappling in the late 1660s with the idea of terrestrial gravity. However it took him two decades to develop the full-fledged theory.

H:从牛顿的笔记中我们知道他是在17世纪60年代晚期提出"地球重力”这个概念 的,但是他花了 20多年时间才构建出一个成熟、全面的理论体系。

R: In the year 1666 Newton retired again from Cambridge to his hometown in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Observing a fully formed apple drop from the tree prompted Newton to ask the vital questions.

R: 1666年,牛顿再次从剑桥大学"退休”回到他的家乡:林肯郡伍尔索坡。观察到 一个成熟的苹果从树上落下,牛顿心中疑惑重重。

H: I heard that Newton asked himself; “Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground? Why should it not go sideways or upwards, but constantly to the earth’s centre?’,

H:我听说牛顿自问道为什么苹果会永远垂直地落到地上呢?它为什么不斜向一边 或是往上窜,而是朝着地心的方向坠落呢?"

R: In the popular myth we all grew up with, Newton was hit on the head by the apple, its impact suggestively knocking a moment of enlightened inspiration into him.


H: John Conduitt, Newton's assistant at the Royal Mint and husband of Newton’s niece, described the event when he wrote about Newton’s life.

H:约翰?孔杜伊特是牛顿在皇家铸币厂的助手,同时也是牛顿外甥女的丈夫。当他 描述牛顿的生活时,提到了这一事件。

R: John Conduitf's version is different from those stories we heard, right?


H: Yes. According to Conduitt, Newton was pensively meandering in a garden and it came into his thought that the power of gravity was not limited to a certain distance from earth, but that this power must extend much further than was usually thought.

H:是的。根据孔杜伊特的描述,牛顿闷闷不乐地在花园里散步,他突然想到引力的 作用并不是局限在一定的距离之内的,它的作用肯定比之前人们认为的要大。

R: Although there are many versions, the apple tree at Newton’s home became well-known around the world.


H: It's true. And in the back garden of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge is an apple tree. There is another in the University Botanic Gardens.


R: Each is said to be a descendant of the apple tree at Woolsthorpe Manor that inspired the founder of modem physics to inquire into the nature of gravitation and the laws of motion.

R:正是受到位于家乡的伍尔索坡庄园的一棵苹果树启发,现代物理学之父牛顿开始 对万有弓I力的本质和运动三大定律进行探索研究。据说剑桥的两棵苹果树之一就 是那棵苹果树的后代。

H: But some people said that a descendant of the original tree can be seen growing outside the main gate of Trinity College, Cambridge, below the room Newton lived in when he studied there.

H:但是有些人说那棵苹果树的后代长在剑桥大学三一学院的主门外,上方就是牛顿 当时住的房间。

R: Wow, it’s really confusing. Any apple trees in Cambridge may be the descendant of the apple tree inspiring Newton in his hometown.

R:哇,这真令人感到困惑。牛顿家乡的苹果树给予了他灵感,剑桥大学的任何一棵 苹果树都有可能是它的后代。

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