穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02

发布者:自由的坚冰 时间:2022-11-15 12:02

以下是小编给大家整理的Unit 02:穿出个性的情景对话,希望可以帮到大家

A: Hey, do you have a plan for tonight?

A: 嘿,你今晚有什么安排没?

B: Not yet.

B: 没有啊。

A: There is a fashion show in Ladies Club tonight. Let's go there together.

A: 今天晚上女士俱乐部有一场时装秀,我们一起去看看吧。

B: Fashion show? I'm not interested in it.

B: 时装秀?不感兴趣。

A: God! You dress yourself like a house wife every day. I think this show is just held for you.

A: 天啊!你看你现在每天穿得跟家庭主妇似的,我觉得这种活动最适合你了。

B: I'm busy with my job. So, I have no time to go shopping.

B: 我每天忙着工作,哪儿有时间出去逛街啊!

A: You always have a lot of reasons. Although work is important, you should pay attention to your dressing. Your clothes do not match with each other at all.

A: 你总是有一大堆的理由。虽然工作很重要,不过你总得在穿衣方面讲究一下吧。你看看你,衣服和衣服之间一点儿都不搭配。

B: Are they?

B: 有吗?

A: It's really difficult to find another girl like you.

A: 现在再想找到一个像你这样的女孩儿,真是太难了。

B: Ha-ha.

B: 哈哈。

A: Starting now, I will change you into the trendiest girl.

A: 从现在起,我一定要把你改造成一个时髦女郎。

A: May I help you?

A: 有什么可以为您效劳的吗?

B: I'd like to see that white skirt.

B: 我想看看那件自裙子。

A: You really have a sharp insight. This model is popular with young ladies.

A: 您真有眼光。这款深受年轻女士的追捧。

B: Does it match with my shoes?

B: 它和我的鞋配吗?

A: Why don't you try it on? The fitting room is over there.

A: 为什么不试试呢?试衣间就在那边。

B: OK!


A: Wow! You look great. It's just the right size, a perfect fit.

A: 哇!你看起来棒极了。大小非常合身。

B: Thank you. How much is it?

B. 谢谢。这裙子多少钱?

A: 368 yuan.

A: 368 元。

B: Can you give me a discount?

B: 可以打折吗?

A: I'm afraid not. It's the latest style.

A: 恐怕不行,这是今年的新款。

B: It's nice , but I suppose it's quite expenslve.

B: 漂亮倒是漂亮,就是价格有点儿贵了。

A: But it's perfect on you. And it is a very famous Japanese brand.

A: 但你穿起来非常不错。而且这是一个日本知名品牌。

B: Anyway, I am satisfied. I will take it

B: 不管怎么说,我对它很满意。我买了。

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