减肥新时尚情景对话Unit 03

发布者:永爱善良小天使 时间:2022-11-15 12:02

减肥已经是成为了一种时尚的潮流,以下是小编给大家整理的Unit 03:减肥新时尚情景对话,希望可以帮到大家

A: It really drives me crazy.

A: 我真是快要疯了!

B: What happened?

B: 出什么事了?

A: I bought these trousers last month, but now it's difficult to put them on. I must put on weight recently.

A: 我上个月买的裤子,现在穿上去有点费劲了。我最近一定是又胖了。

B: Ha-ha, losing weight has become an important part in our life now.

B: 哈哈,现在减肥已经成了我们生活中的重要部分了。

A: Do you have some good ideas?

A: 你有什么好方法么?

B: I read a report about losing weight a

few days ago. There were some useful


B: 我前两天正好读了一篇关于减肥的报道,上面倒是给了一些减肥的小方法。

A: Great! Tell me.

A: 太棒了!说给我昕听听。

B: Give me a few minutes to think about.

B: 给我几分钟想想。

A: Sure.

A: 嗯。

B: First of all , you should pay attention to what you eat. Don't eat too much food with high calories , such as chocolate, ice cream and the like.

B: 首先你要注意一下自己的饮食,不要吃太多高热量的食物,比如巧克力、冰祺淋之类的。

A: Any more?

A: 还有呢?

B: Stay away from fried foods. Fried foods are fried in oil or fat. And even if the external oil is drained away, there is still a lot of hidden oil in it, so stay away from it.

B: 远离油炸食品。油炸食品炸的时候太油腻了。所以即使表面上的油、沥干了,还是会有许多的油隐藏在里面,因此最好远离它们。

A: Got it.

A: 我记住了。

B: Do not be a couch potato. You should do more exercise.

B: 不要终日窝在家看电视,多出去做做运动。

A: Well, it seems that I should do some jogging from tomorrow.

A: 嗯,看来从明天开始我应该出去跑跑步了。

A: Hi , Anna, we are going to swim this weekend, would you like to go?

A: 嗨,安娜,我们准备周末去游泳,你要不要一起去?

B: Swimming? No. I'm getting bigger in the waist. It must be awful to put on the swimming suit. Maybe after

my diet, I will do it.

B: 游泳?算了吧。我最近腰上都是赘肉,穿上泳衣一定难


A: Diet? You must be crazy. You are doing harm to your health.

A: 节食?你一定是疯了。你会把身体弄坏的。

B: I don't think so.

B: 不会的。

A: Well, what have you got in lunch?

A: 那你今天午餐吃什么了?

B: I had an apple and a glass of orange juice.

B: 我吃了一个苹果,喝了一杯桔子汁。

A: Is that all? Are you hungry now?

A: 就这些?现在不饿吗?

B: To be honest, I'm starving. But I can't give up so soon.

B: 说实话,我现在都快饿死了,不过我不能这么快就放弃。

A: You can do exercise to lose weight.

A: 你可以通过运动减肥啊。

B: It doesn't make any sense. I haven't run for years.

B: 运动就算了,我都几年没跑过步了。

A: Now, l' m taking a Yoga class. I think it's really great. You can lose weight as well as relax yourself. Just have a try.

A: 我现在正在一个瑜伽班学习,感觉蛮好的,既能减肥又


B: Sounds not bad. When will you do it again?

B: 这听起来还不错。你下次什么时候去?

A: Tomorrow afternoon.

A: 明天下午。

B: Good, I will go with you.

B: 好的,我明天跟你过去看看。

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