Renting a House租房日常英语对话

发布者:天冰天降 时间:2022-11-15 12:02

以下是小编给大家整理的Renting a House租房日常英语对话,希望可以帮到大家

Part One: Expressions

1. I need to find a new place to live.


2. Prices have really gone up the past couple of years.


3. Could I take a look at it?


4. We just finished rebuilding everything.


5. We’re going to get that done next week.


6. Why don’t I come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?


7. You’ve done a great job.


8. How long did you want the place?


9. I’m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon.


10. You can move your stuff in tomorrow.


Part Two: Dialogues

1. Looking for an Apartment找房子

A: I need to find a new place to live.

B: Yeah? Why? Don’t you like living with me?

A: Oh, it’s not you. I just want my own place.

B: Well, check the newspaper.

A: Jeez…I didn’t realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days.

B: Yeah, prices have really gone up the past couple of years.

A: Oh, here’s one. It’s looks like its in this neighborhood, $600 a month. That’s not to bad.

B: No, it’s pretty good. Why not give the landlord a call?

A: Hello. I’m calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park. Could I take a look at it? Yes. Tonight at six is fine. Thanks.

A: 我要另找一个地方住。

B: 是吗?为什么?你不喜欢和我一起住吗?

A: 哦,不是因为你的缘故。我只是想有自己的私人空间。

B: 好吧,看看报纸上有没有。

A: 哇呀,我没料到一个单间公寓这些天这么贵。

B: 是呀,过去这几年价钱真是提高不少。

A: 哦,这儿有一个。好像在这儿附近。每个月600元,还过得去。

B: 不仅如此,真很不错呢。为何不给房东一个电话呢?

A: 你好,我打电话过来询问林肯公园的这间房。我可以去看看吗?是的。今晚六点可以,谢谢。

2.Renting a house租房

A: Hi, I’m Mary Smith.

B: Hello, I’m the landlord. John Taylor.

A: Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor.

B: Please, call me John.

A: O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place?

B: Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything.

A: Oh, it hasn’t been painted yet.

B: No, we’re going to get that done next week.

A: Well. It’s certainly nice. You’ve done a great job.

B: Thank you.

A: The rent is $600 a month?

B: That’s right.

A: Well, I think I’ll take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200?

B: Yeah. But why don’t you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

A: That would be fine.

B: Thank you. See you tomorrow.

A: See you.

A: 你好,我是玛丽·史密斯。

B: 你好,我是房东约翰·泰勒。

A: 很高兴认识你,泰勒先生。

B: 叫我约翰就好了。

A: 好的,约翰。那么,我可以看看了吗?

B: 当然。跟我来。我们刚刚将其重建。

A: 哦,还没有粉刷。

B: 还没有,下个星期我们会粉刷完。

A: 哦,不错。你们做得真不错。

B: 谢谢。

A: 租金是每个月600元吗?

B: 对。

A: 好的,我想我会租下的。现在写张支票交押金好吗?是1200元?

B: 是,你为何不明天顺道来你的办公室签下合约?

A: 这样也好。

B: 谢谢你。明天见。

A: 再见。

3. Signing a Lease签合约

A: Hi, John.

B: Oh, hi, Mary, come on in. Any problem?

A: Oh, no problem.

B: Great. I forgot to ask you, though. How long did you want the place?

A: Six months.

B: Oh, well, that might be a problem. I usually only sign one year leases.

A: Well, one year would be fine, too. I’m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon.

B: Well, if it’s not a problem. Then here you go.

A: Just let me look at it quickly.

B: Of course.

A: Looks like a standard lease.

B: Yeah, and don’t worry about the security deposit. If everything’s all right when you move out, you’ll get it back.

A: O.K. Great. Just sign and date it here?

B: Yes. Thanks. You can move your stuff in tomorrow.

A: Wonderful.

A: 你好,约翰。

B: 哦,你好,玛丽,进来。有什么问题吗?

A: 哦,没问题。

B: 很好。 还有忘了问你,你想租多久?

A: 6个月。

B: 哦,这可能有一点问题。我通常签1年的契约。

A: 那么,1年也可以。我不打算近段时间内搬离这个地方。

B: 好的,如果没有问题,你在这儿签。

A: 让我再看一下。

B: 当然可以。

A: 这看上去是标准的契约书。

B: 对。对于押金您不用担心。当你搬出的时候如果一切无恙,我会退还你的。

A: 好,很好。在这儿写姓名和日期吗?

B: 是的,谢谢。你明天就可以把东西搬进来。

A: 太好了。

Part Three: Substitution Drills

1. A: I need to find a new (place to live/ apartment/ home).

B: Why?



2. A: (Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past couple of years.

B: Yeah.



3. A: Could I (take a look/ look/ have a look) at it?

B: Sure. Come in.



4. A: We just finished (rebuilding/ remodeling/ renovating) everything.

B: It looks great!



5. A: We’re going to (get that done/ do that/ finish up) next week.

B: O.K.



6. A: (Why don’t I/ May I/ Can I) come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

B: Yeah, all right.



7. A: You’ve done a (great/ wonderful/ magnificent) job.

B: Thanks.



8. A: Don’t (worry/ be concerned) about the security deposit.

B: O.K. Great.



9. A: I’m not planning on (leaving the area/ moving/ moving out) anytime soon.

B: All right.



10. A: You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want).

B: Wonderful.



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