
发布者:窈窕美男 时间:2022-11-15 12:03
56. Let’s just say that….我们姑且说….

当你说话想要含蓄一点的时候,你就可以用“我们姑且说…..”Let’s just say that…来开头,用比较委婉的方式表达自己的意思:
A:Did Terry get fired because he was a bad worker?
B:Let’s just say that he wasn’t the best employee in the company.
A:How was your blind date? Was she pretty? 你相亲的结果如何。她漂亮吗?
B:Well, let’s just say that she’s not Vindy Vrawford.
A:John seems kind of dumb, don’t you think? 约翰看起来有点笨,你不觉得吗?
B:Well, let’s just say he’s no Albert Einstein. 呃,我们姑且说他不是爱因斯坦吧。

57. Sleep on it. 你考虑过后再做决定

Sleep on it 在字面上的意思是“趁睡觉的时候想一想”,也就是指“先不用作决定,等考虑过后在说”,通常当他人问了你一个问题,而又不逼你马上作决定的时候,对方就会跟你说这一句话:
A:I just don’t know whether I need such an expensive car.
B:That’s ok. Sleep on it and give me a call tomorrow.
Sleep on it 另一种使用时机是,当别人问你的意见看法,而你一时无法回答,你就可以说I need to sleep on it. “我得再想一想。”
A:Do you think we should accept Dave’s marketing proposal?
B:I don’t know. I need to sleep on it. 我不知道。我得回去想一想。

58. Turn….around 让…..改头换面

在美语中,若是你想要别人“转身”,你可以说turn around,而当你turn something around,最原本的意思当然是“把….翻转过来”,但是用来比喻事物的时候,就有了“将…..改头换面”的意思,表示把以往不好的东西,变得更好:
A:Wow! Your company is really expanding! 哇!你的公司真的扩张了!
B:I know! Our new president has turned the company around! 我知道!我们的新总裁已经让公司改头换面!

59. Catch on 学会,60. 领悟

Catch on 在日常生活的使用上,最常见的意思有两种,一是指“学会,领悟”:
A:Mike is such a bright math student! 迈克的数学学的真棒!
B:You bet! He catches on so quickly! 没错!他学得很快!

Catch on 另外一个常见的意思是“风行,受欢迎”:
A:The rating for our show are still really low. 我们节目的收视率还是很低。
B:I know, but don’t worry - it will take some time for it to catch on.

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