dave: so how did you meet linda? phil: i met her through a computer bulletin board (电脑告示板). dave: oh really? what bulletin board? phil: it was one i used down at the local coffee house called ...
mike:: let's go get a coke. i gotta have some caffeine. susan: how many cokes have you had today? mike: this is my third. i have 3 or 4 cokes everyday. i'm a coke addict.. susan: you should ...
lisa:: what's the matter? sara: i'm not happy with the way i look. lisa: what's wrong? sara: i'm too flat-chested.(胸部扁平的) lisa: but you still look beautiful. sara: that' ...
ted:: hi, nobuaki! it's good to see you again. nobuaki: yes, it's been a while. hey, you've gotten bigger since the last time i've seen you. ted: yeah, ever since i got married i' ...
jane:: i have an acne problem. what causes acne? doctor: acne is caused when skin pours (皮肤毛孔)become clogged with (被...堵塞,被...填满) dirt. but other factors such as diet and stress have be ...
询盘是交易当中最初步的一个工作准备,也是直接影响交易的结果,以下是小编给大家整理的关于询盘情景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. Could you give us some idea about your price? ...
以下是小编给大家整理的关于报盘生活情景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. Let me make you a special offer. 我给你一个特别优惠价。 还能这样说: I can give you a discount. I ...
还盘是交易当中重要的环节。以下是小编给大家整理的关于还盘生活情景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. The price you offered is above previous prices. 你方报价高于上次。 还能这 ...
谈判是商人士工作内容重要之一。以下是小编给大家整理的关于谈判生活场景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. They need to resume contract negotiations today. 他们今天必须重新进行 ...
以下是小编给大家整理的关于签约生活情景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. Do you think it's time to sign the contract? 该签合同了吧? 还能这样说: Can we make the contra ...
以下是小编给大家整理的关于下订单生活情景口语实战人际篇,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看 1. You will receive a discount by ordering today. 今天下订单的话有折扣。 还能这样说: We will disco ...
dario: good afternoon brian. you look very tired today. brian: i am. i stayed up all night to watch the soccer. dario: i hate soccer. it's such a dumb game. brian: there is no way that you can ...
dario: are you going into the kitchen, brian? brian: no, i was going to the bathroom. dario: can you get me something to drink from the fridge on your way back? brian: i just told you that i am not ...
dario: what is your favorite christmas song? brian: do you mean xmas carol? dario: yep. my favorite is jingle bells. brian: i hate jingle bells! i prefer the little drummer boy song. dario: but th ...
dario: look brian! it's starting to snow. brian: that's bad news. dario: why is snow bad news? brian: because i forgot to bring my hat and gloves with me. dario: so you will freeze to deat ...
dario: brian, you have that look in your eye. brian: what look? dario: like you are going to ask me a stupid question. brian: well, you're wrong. dario: i know that you wanted to ask me a ques ...
dario: how was your date last night, brian? brian: it was ok. dario: do you think you will see her again? brian: i would like to but i don't think she would date me again! dario: what did you ...
dario: how was your date last night, brian? brian: it was ok. dario: do you think you will see her again? brian: i would like to but i don't think she would date me again! dario: what did you ...
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