
发布者:子迎陳氏 时间:2022-11-15 12:57


gre考试 成语及俗语及搭配方式


想法 frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking

想出 come up with

找出 come up with;find out

利用 use;take advantage of

夸耀 brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of

照顾 take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over

对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of…

对抗权威 stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority

对…有信心 have confidence in

说清楚 articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter

接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…

累积 amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble

连系 tact;get in touch with;contact with

排除这可能性 rule out the possibility

等于 is equivalent to;equal

选择 choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out

发出 deliver;give out;hand over

绕路 detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way

禁止进入 is kept out;is barred from

小看 make little of

坏了 out of order;on the blink;is not working

分别 distinguish between;make a distinction between;tell…from

依靠 count on;depend on

忽视 neglect;give too little care to

存在 come to be;come into existence;come to birth;come into being

考虑 consider;take into consideration;take into account

考虑到 in consideration of

用尽力气 exhaust one’s strength;use up one’s strength

开动 initiate;set going

准备…brace for;prepare for

在于 lie in;rest on;rest with

主动 take the initiative

不算 exclusive of;not counting;leaving out

应该得到 deserve;have right to;is worthy of

避免 avoid;shun;get around;circumvent

幻想 fantasy;play of the mind

以此标准来算 by this criterion;by this standard

乍看之下 at first glance

面对 in the face of;in the presence of

以 by means of;by virtue of;by the use of

不惜代价 at all costs

每况愈下 from bad to worse

承受错误造成的后果 in reaping the harvest of his mistakes

取得同意…get the go-ahead to

不择手段 unscrupulously;by hook or by crook

想法与作法 beliefs and practices

内情 ins and outs;turns and twists

关键时刻 the critical moment

虽然 although;notwithstanding;albeit;though


pontificate v自大武断地做或说

populace n民众,老百姓

populous a人口稠密的

porcelain n瓷;瓷器

porcupine n豪猪,箭猪

pore n毛孔,气孔

porous a可渗透的;多孔的

portentous a凶兆的,有危险的

portfolio n文件夹;股份单

portray v描绘,描述

pose v摆姿势;造作

poseur n装模作样的人

posit v断定,认为

posse n武装团队

possessed a着迷的;疯狂的

poster n海报,招贴画

postpone v使延期,推迟

postulate v假定;要求

posture n姿势,体态;态度;v故作姿态

potable a适于饮用的

potation n畅饮;饮料

potentate n统治者,当权者

potential a潜在的,有可能性的

potentiate v加强(力量,效果)

potpourri n混杂;杂文集

pottery n制陶;陶器

pout v噘嘴,板脸

practitioner n开业者;从事某种手艺者

pragmatic a实际的,实用主义的

prank n恶作剧,玩笑

prate v瞎扯,胡说

preach v传教,讲道

preamble n前言,序言;先兆

precarious a不稳的,危险的

precede v在…之前,早于

precept n箴言,格言

precipice n悬崖

precipitant n沉淀剂

precipitate v加速,促成a鲁莽的


precipitation n降水(量)

précis n摘要,大纲

precise a精确的

preclude v避免,排除

word list 30

precocious a早熟的

precursor n先驱,先兆

predator n食肉动物

predecessor n前任,前辈;原先的东西

predestine v注定

predicament n困境,窘境

predilection n偏袒,爱好

predisposition n倾向,癖性

predominant a有势力的

predominate v支配,统治;占优势

preeminent a出类拔萃的

preempt v以先买权取得);取代

preen v整理羽毛;(人)打扮修饰

preface n序言

pregnant a怀孕的;充满的

prehistoric a史前的

prejudice n偏见,成见v使产生偏见

preliminary a预备的;初步的,开始的

preliterate a文字出现以前的

prelude n序幕,前奏

premature a过早的,早熟的

premeditate v预先想过,预谋

premeditated a预谋的,事先计划的

premiere n/v首次公演

premise n前提

premium n保险费;奖金

premonition n预感,预兆

preoccupation n全神贯注;使人专注的东西

preponderate v(重量上,重要性上)压倒,超过

preposition n介词,前置词

preposterous a荒谬的

prerequisite n先决条件

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