
发布者:兰影残月 时间:2022-11-15 12:55

词汇2大重要考点解读, 通过练习教材提升词汇量方法介绍,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE词汇2大重要考点解读 通过练习教材提升词汇量方法介绍










according to, accurate, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adequate, admittedly, aggregate,alternative, analogous, analogously, analysis, analyze, approach, approximate, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arguably, argue, argument, assume, assumption。balanced, basis, behavior, belief, cascading, categorize, cause, characteristic, commensurately, compare, comparison, compatible, competing, complex, complexity, concede, conceive, conceivably, conclude, conclusion, condition, conditional, conditionally, consequence, consequently, consider, consideration, consistent, consistently, contrary, in contrast, controversy, controversial, converse, conversely, convincing, convincingly, corollary, corrective, correspondingly, counteract, counterproductive, critical, criticism, criticize, cumulative, decidedly, deduce, deduction, define, definition, demonstrably, demonstrate, design, despite, determination, determine, detrimental, discernible, discover, discuss, discussion, disputable, dispute, distinct, distinguish, domain, due to.eliminate, entail, entity, environment, equally, equivalence, equivalent, establish, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, event, evidence, examination, examine, except, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existential, experience, experiment, explain, explanation, explicit, exponential, failure, familiar, feasible, footnote, granted, guarantee, hence, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, idea, identical, illogical, impact, implication, implicit, implies, imply, incompatible., inconsistent, increase, in addition to, in fact, in order to, in particular, in response to, in the guise of, indeed, indicates, indisputable, indisputably, induce, induction, inextricably, infeasible, infer, inform, insight, insightful, instability, instead, intangible, intensify, intensified, interpret, interpretation, intractable, investigate, investigation.justification, justify, knowledge, likelihood, likely, limitation, limited, logical, magnitude, matched, maximize, maximum, measure, measurement, method, minimize, minimum, mitigate, model, moreover, multiple, nearly, necessary, negative, negatively, negligible, nevertheless, numerical, notable, notwithstanding, novel, observation, observe, offset, on the other hand, optimum, otherwise, ostensibly, outweigh, overestimate, paradigm, particular, particularly, parameter, pattern, penultimate, percent, percentage, permanently, pertinent, phase, phenomenon, positive, positively, possibility, possible, possibly, potentially, predict, previously, primarily, primary, probability, probable, probably, problem, problematic, process, propensity, proves,rationale, reason, reasoning, recently, redesign, reduce, redundant, regardless of, relation, relative, relatively, reliability, require, requirement, requires, research, respective, respectively, result, reveal, rigorous, rigorously, riskier, salient, science, severe, severity, significantly, similarly, simultaneous, since, specific, specifically, specified, specify, speculate, speculative, stable, stability, still, stipulate, strengthen, strictly, structure, structured, study, subsequent, subsequently, substantially, success, successive, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, summarize, suppose, supposition, susceptibility, susceptible, systemic, tangible, technique, temporarily, theoretical, theories, theory, therefore, thus, tractable, tradeoff, traditional, truth, ultimately, unconditional, undeniably, underestimate, understand, understanding, undoubtedly, unfamiliar, uniformly, unique, unless, unmatched, unquestionably, unstable, unusual, valid, validate, validity, variance, variation, weaken, weigh, yield



交织 intertwine;interweave

好奇心 the eager desire to know;curiosity

尊敬 respect;esteem;think highly of

顽固的 headstrong;obstinate;stubborn

暗淡的 gloomy;dark;dim

巨大的 huge;gigantic;colossal;vast;enormous;tremendous

探索 explore;fathom

执行 carry out;execute;do

现代 modern times;modern age;contemporary age

偏见 prejudice;bias;partiality;predilection

混乱 chaos;commotion;confusion;disturbance;tumult


无缺点的 flawless;airtight

警觉的 alert;watchful;on guard;wary of

忍受 bear;put up with;endure;stand

突然醒悟 it dawned on me that

仔细思考之后 after long deliberation;after careful thought


一般而言 in general;generally speaking;by and large

满于现状 be happy with what you are

预测未来 project into the future

另一个观点是… another way of looking at the matter is…

不宜取笑… it is not decent to make fun of…

评估社会文化因素 assess (evaluate) sociocultural factors

那并非说… that does not mean that…

那有这回事 there is no such thing as

一个有待克服的困难是… a major hurdle for us to overcome is…

由…造成 caused by;attributable to;due to;resulting from

由…组成 is made up of…;is comprised of;consist

必须从两方面考虑此问题 this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions:

限制 limit;restrict;refrain;restrain;keep within limits;confine;keep in check

一般人认为… conventional wisdom suggests that…

这方法有陷阱 the method had pitfalls:

说服 convince;persuade;cause to believe

具体的 specific;concrete;tangible

刻意的 intentional;on purpose;intended

费时间去了 解…take time to acquaint oneself with…

…是此问题的核心 …is at the root of the issue

无法估计 is beyond calculation;incalculable

无资格的 disqualified


abandon v/n放弃;放纵

abash v使害羞,使尴尬

abate v减轻,减少

abbreviate v缩短;缩写

abdicate v退位,辞职,放弃

aberrant adj越轨的;异常的

aberration n离开正路;变形

abet v教唆,鼓励帮助

abeyance n中止,搁置

abhor v憎恨,嫌恶

abhorrent adj可恨的,讨厌的

abide v容忍,忍受

abject adj极可怜的

abjure adj发誓放弃;弃绝

ablution n净礼,沐浴

abnegate v否认,放弃

abolish v废止,废除

abolition n废除,革除

abominate v痛恨,厌恶

aboveboard adj光明正大的

abrade v磨损,磨小

abrasion n表面磨损

abrasive adj磨损的;生硬粗暴的

abreast adv并列地,并排地

abridge v删减;缩短

abrogate v废止,废除

abscission n切除;脱离

abscond v潜逃,逃亡

absenteeism n旷课,旷工

absolute adj绝对的;限制的

absolve v赦免,免除

absorb v吸收;同化

abstain v禁绝,放弃

abstemious adj有节制的,节俭的

abstention n节制

abstentious adj节制的

abstract n摘要;抽象的

abstruse adj难懂的,深奥的

absurd adj荒谬的,可笑的

abundance n充裕,多量

abundant 丰富的, 盛产的

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