
发布者:方天话戟 时间:2022-11-15 12:28



Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day。 It has bee a big headache in every city。 How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it。

Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment。 What is more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection。

Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions。 Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them。





The resources of the earth are limited。 We should cherish and cherish these resources。 So we're going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again。

At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins。 In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable。 Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish。 In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers。 This allows you to easily categorize。

Everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful。 We will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile。





Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day。 It has bee a big headache in every city。 How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it。


Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment。 What’s more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection。


Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions。 Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that citizens can leave their sorted rubbish in them。



Some waste is not degradable naturally,which will exist forever, but some waste can be recycled and reused again。

Waste sorting can help divide the reusable waste from the rest。 And there are two reasons for doing this。

Firstly, the earth is limited in its natural resources, and many products are made from finite resources, which cannot be generated by nature in a short period of time。 Simply dumping this kind of products is wasting resources。 Secondly, some part of the waste is of value。 To reuse and recycle this kind of waste is to save resources to a large extent, which also contributes to environmental protection。 Sorting waste is a meaningful deed。 If everyone can do it, small things can make a big positive impact on the environment。





Seeking to reduce the amount of garbage in the city, Hangzhou, capital of East China’s Zhejiang Province, is experimenting with a measure to ‘name and shame’ those who fail to put garbage in the right place。

At the Dongpinggang Community on Hubing Road, people should mark their household numbers on garbage bags before throwing them away, and there are now inspectors staying beside the dustbins, evaluating the classification of garbage。

The regulations on garbage classification require people to put garbage into four separate bins labeled recyclable waste, harmful waste, kitchen waste and other waste。 A total of 843 residential(住宅区的) areas, about 55 percent of the city’s total, have adopted this measure。

The results of the evaluation are posted in a diagram near the dustbins。 The households which have correctly sorted more than 80 percent of their garbage will be marked in green,those with less than 40 percent garbage correctly sorted are marked in red and the rest in yellow。

Vice director of the Hubing Road office, Yao Jie, said。 “The performance of every household in garbage sorting can be clearly seen by the public under such a system。”


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