
发布者:庆中机械 时间:2022-11-15 12:09




01 good teacher

02 good parent

03 good friend

04 good leader

05 person you admire

06 leader or follower


07 an important object

08 an important invention

09 an important letter

10 most useful book

11 efficient transportation

12 miss the most


13 a place that you like most

14 favorite room

15 a school

16 together with your friends (place)

17 public place

18 plain


19 celebration event

20 most important decision

21 best time in a year

22 enjoyable event

23 most happy event

24 deep impression

25 challenging experience

26 special opportunity

27 good news

28 ask for help


29 help research

30 books and internet

31 study alone

32 study method

33 work in an office

34 studying by oneself

35 with discussions

36 big city

37 personal experience

38 most important lesson

39 choose major

40 ideal career

41 goal to fulfill

42 skill learning

43 job or career

44 job or interests

46 intern


47 restaurant

48 eat at home

49 live with others

50 by telephone


51 attend college

52 one year break

53 college education

54 all students

55 higher education

56 music and art

57 sports courses

58 dormitory

59 uniforms

60 recycling


61 tell the truth

62 appearance

63 If I have money

64 emergencies


65 spare time

66 relaxed life

67 relax myself

68 short vacations

69 sight‐seeing

70 fictions

71 type of movies

72 together with friends (sports)


73 TV

74 guide children TV

75 media

76 computers

77 old buildings

78 forbid cellphones

79 artistic places

80 more influence



(1)这道题属于个人陈述题,choose a place/person/matter you like and explain why you like it.它要求你在陈述中加入对具体事例的描述。

(2)具体做题步骤:首先你必须确定你将要陈述的 specific topic,然后你要扩展2-3个sub points,当然要有相应的supporting details。此外,注意你整个陈述的时态把握,例如,你讲述的是关于一位过世的亲人,那么你的时态主要确定为过去式和过去完成时。最后要Pay attention to the time,尽量避免超时的现象。


事例1Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.

以下就是我一个客户对这道题的回答,大家可以参考一下,首先他首句就交待了主题the classroom is the most important place for him.然后扩展了两个sub points,一个是 study, 另一个是discuss problems with classmates.

Sample answer: As a student, the place I go to often which is very important for me is the classroom. Firstly, I can listen to the teacher face to face, and then I can acquire the knowledge according to the teacher’ instruction. I can also study by myself as nobody bothers me here. Secondly, I can discuss the problems with my classmates. We can exchange our opinions. Through the discussion, we can improve each other.

事例2 Describe a person you admire.

以下是我的客户对这道题的回答,首先他对自己陈述内容的整体架构把握地很好,分两个sub points来支撑它的主题,而且每个sub point都又有相应的supporting details来辅助。

Sample answer: I admire my father very much. Firstly, I think he is a wise man. When I am in difficult situation, he would give me a lot of useful advices. Secondly, his life is very successful. He makes a lot of efforts to make our lives better. He also has a lot of advantages which I should to study to learn from.


(1) W: When I am in difficult situation, he would give me a lot of useful advices.

R: When I fall in difficulties/ get into trouble, he would give/ offer me a lot of useful advices.


(2)在陈述中多次使用a lot of 。其实表示许多的词汇有很多很多. For example, many, much, a great deal of, plenty of, a great many, a large number of, a great deal of, a slew of, a myriad of还有建议大家在平常的学习中多多积累同义词,这对提高你的语言多样性表达方面很有帮助!

(3) W: He also has a lot of advantages which I should to study to learn from.

R: He also has plenty of strong points which I should learn from.

首先表示优点的词汇:strong point, strong suit, merit and so on.而advantage有有利条件,优势,利益,益处的意思,但是用它来表达优点不合适。此外,advantage有很多实用的固定短语:have the advantage of somebody比某人强,或者占上风;take advantage of somebody/ something充分利用某物/某人;to somebody’s advantage对某人有利。多积累这些实用短语,会对你的口语表达起到很大的作用!此外,study和 learn都有学习的意思,放在一起这样就造成了重复。也许在平常写作中不会犯这种低级错误,但是到真正考场上这并不意外!



和新托福的写作分为independent writing和integrated writing一样,其实它的口语部分也可以分为independent task和integrated task。因为task1和task2基本属于personal reference,而task3-task6都不同程度上结合了listening, reading, speaking这三个方面,所以把这四道题归为integrated task.




(1) 盲目地记录一些文章细节,而忽略了对文章整体架构和主要信息的把握。

(2) 缺乏对文章内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住文章的重点。

(3) 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。


(1) 在这部分中,大家好走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的陈述,二是对文章举例部分描述太多,没有把这两个部分的比例合理安排好。

(2) 速记的能力有待提高,而且本身考试的时间也很有限。

(3) 考前没有做充足的准备,没有有计划地进行相关针对性练习,所以导致对题型不了解或者是做题速度上不去。

(4) 有的托友本身的听力、语法、词汇的基础就比较弱,缺乏听力的技巧,譬如对signal words所透露的关键信息的把握。


(1) Independent task

我在这里建议大家在做笔记时从以下三个方面进行记录:topic主旨、sub-points or supporting details分论点、signal words or transitions信号词。


Question: Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.

Topic: library

Sub-point: read, study, rest, appointment

Signal words: firstly, secondly, moreover, the last but not the least

Sample answer:

A library is the most important place for me. I usually go to library twice a week. Firstly, I can read a lot of books for free in the library. Secondly, I can study there because it is a quiet place. Moreover, library is also a good place for me to have a rest, because no one bothers you there. The last but not the least, the library provides a wonderful environment for lovers to make an appointment. My parents had such experience!

(2)Integrated task



Bus Service Elimination Planned

The University has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.

The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Sample answer:

Obviously the man disagrees with the idea that the school will eliminate the bus service, because he thinks the fee of the car parking is so expensive and it is unreasonable to change the road and eliminate the bus. Also he points that if the school expands the student parking, more and more students will drive to school which will cause a lot of noise and maybe more traffic accidents. As a result, the school should encourage the students to take bus instead of driving to school, which is also bad for the environment of the school.

(3) 除了要提高对信号词的敏感度,在平常学习时也要有目的地多积累储备一些信号词,因为这些词的正确使用不仅可以使你的口语表达更有条理、更加连贯,而且运用在写作中也可以起到同样的作用,何乐而不为呢?

(4) 多多学习并且记忆一些不错的谚语,然后添加到你的主观题部分,它们会起到画龙点睛的作用!


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