一个成功又爱冒险的我崇拜的家人,一个曾经帮助我的良师益友,一个小时候认识的邻居。一个认识的小孩 (可以说自己小的时候)。
A classmate, 还可以用来形容 best friend,happy person,A good friend
A family member,an old person who influenced you the most,someone you admire
A happy person,a successful person,A person who has influenced you
A person you would like to spend a day with,successful person,famous person
A character in TV show or films,happy person,successful person
Describe a colleague,successful person
Describe a music group or singer in your country,famous person
Describe your neighbor,your best friend
Describe your parents,family member
Describe your personality and its advantages
Describe your teacher,a friend
Describe your favorite book选一本熟悉的书,小说什么都可以,不用很详细的介绍内容,一定要多谈书的作用。
Describe a invention before computer 也就是谈谈电话,收音机。
Describe a letter or a card说说学校的录取信,应聘兼职成功的通知信等,可以和success in your life结合着准备。
Describe a pet 有养宠物的话就说自己的宠物,一定有很多可以说的,没有宠物可以说说自己在网上云养猫,为什么不养宠物的原因等等。Describe an animal也可以用同一个回答。
Describe photography 可以同describe a card or letter。
Describe a product that you bought but not satisfied with. 剁手党应该会有很多这种经历。
Describe a traditional Chinese dress 可以描述汉服或者是旗袍。
Describe your favorite advertisement 简要描述情节,重点说为什么喜欢。
Describe a special piece of clothes or jewelry 简单描述一下外形,主要说说背后的故事,哪怕是现编的也可以啊。
Describe an expensive thing you wan to buy 说清想买的理由,可以具体到价格。Describe a food that you enjoyed. 除了说明喜欢的原因,还可以说怎么做。
Describe a problem you’ve met in your life。参考a success in your life,先说有什么问题,然后说怎么解决的
Describe a thing you are interested in doing in the future=describe a book you want to write
Describe a your favorite way of communication=mobile phone
Describe an artistic skill you wish to learn=write a book或者绘画
Describe a small business you want to start=可以结合自己以前的兼职工作或者未来的计划来说
Describe an important decision you’ve made=describe a change in your life可以说决定要出国
Describe your ideal job着眼于现在工作的不足来写理想工作的特点
Describe a special meal讲第一次约会的晚餐好了
Describe pollution in your area说说雾霾就可以了,再说一下如何改善环境
Describe a skill or subject you want to study结合自己的兴趣来说
Describe something you are good at说自己的特长
Tell me about how you can improve your work or study参考advantage of your character
Describe your favorite period of time during a day具体到一小段时间,例如after lunch, 或者on my way to work
Describe a project or work you finished with others=每天的工作=describe your colleague
Describe a youth culture in your country=describe a singer, band or singing group
Describe something you’ve learned from foreign culture=describe eastern wedding and western wedding
Describe an ambition in your life=describe an ideal job=describe and ideal house
Describe one or two bad habits or yours 应该比较简单,例如no exercise, too much coffee, too much pressure
Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.
You should say:
what it was about
when you heard/ read about it
what the story was
and explain why it was interesting to you.
I came across this intriguing article in a newspaper I read at my school’s library. It involved how positive attitudes have greatly affected people‟s success, based on the story of how alocal woman had never given up her dream and had now become a world-famous novelist.
According to the news story, optimistic people are more likely to be successful. Since they look at the bright side, their lives are always full of enjoyment. Therefore, when running intoproblems, optimists try their best to work out solutions. This leads them to great achievements. In contrast, pessimistic people tend to act negatively, which not only puts them under a lot of strain, but also has a bad impact on their performance and people around them.
Since I read this news, I have tried to maintain positive attitudes about everything. Whenever I fail to do something, I will not blame myself but work harder to overcome such failure. I hope that, like this woman, everybody can learn to be optimistic about whatever situationthey face.
Describe a family that you like (not your own).
How do you know this family?
How much time do you spend with this family?
Why do you like it?
I will talk about my best friend Amit’s family. I have known them for ten years now. I met Amit at college. He was a fun-loving person and soon we became great friends. His home was near our college. As my family lived in another town at that time, I was staying in the hostel. I had some good friends in the hostel but I hated the food they served. Amit knew this. He would frequently invite me to his home. His mother is a kind woman. She is very caring and affectionate. Whenever I visited them she would prepare my favourite dishes and serve them with great love. I found my own mother in her. I also enjoy a great relationship with Amit’s father. He is a retired engineer. We both share the same passion for cricket and electronics. Amit has an elder brother who works in Germany. I have met him only a couple of times and on all those occasions he was extremely cordial. He is like an elder brother to me. Amit now lives in the Middle East and I am in Singapore. We still talk to each other on phone but I haven’t seen him in a year or so. However, I make it a point to visit his parents whenever I am in Bangalore. They are like my own family to me and have always treated me as their own son.
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