
发布者:看进人间 时间:2022-11-15 12:09




I would choose music history for a number of reasons.

First, taking music courses has a ripple effect of helping students become better at other courses. When a team of researchers explored the connection between intelligence and music, they found that music instruction is far more effective than computer-based instruction when developing abstract critical thinking skills.

Secondly, regardless of what we do for a living, all of us can learn from the past. Music is an integral part of our culture, a part that has ebbed and flowed in various directions over time. Learning about its history, and the ways in which it has changed over time, will make our appreciation for it much greater.






choose music history 选择音乐史

R1: music courses help students become better at other courses 音乐课程有助于学生更好地学习其他课程

R2: music history help people learn from the past to better appreciate things 音乐史帮助人们学习过去从而更好地欣赏事物


ripple effect 连锁反应 涟漪作用

explore 探索

abstract 摘要

critical thinking skills 批判性思维技巧

regardless 不管的 ebb 衰退




Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves. Which one do you think is more reasonable and why?

Sample Response

I think that parents should let kids solve their own problems and troubles. Of course, there are some dangerous situations where a parent should help, but for the most part, children should be allowed to come up with their own solutions.

First, parents need to remember that they will not always be there to help. Children will face many situations in the future on their own, so they need to become comfortable solving problems on their own.

Second, children will remember how to do things better if they solve problems. Even if they make mistakes, the kids can learn what not to do. The process is important for understanding how to solve other troubles in the future.

Therefore, I think that, when possible, parents should let kids learn to solve their own problems.



You are the members of two clubs in your school, but you have to quit one because this semester you have a lot of schoolwork to do. Which one do you prefer to quit? And why?

1)hiking club

2)speech and debate club

Sample Response

If I were too busy to participate in both the hiking and speech club, I would quit the hiking club.

Although hiking is fun to do with friends, I can do it on my own whenever I have time. By contrast, it is impossible to get feedback about a speech or participate in a debate by myself.

Plus, I want to focus on things that will help me get a good job. Speech and debate are important work skills, so I think it is better to practice those now and do hiking later when I have more time.

Because speech and debate are hard to do on my own but are important for getting a good job, I would keep attending that club.


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