
发布者:清源泉水 时间:2022-11-15 12:09



1. "Chinese people use trees as chopsticks."

(拿树当筷子?这筷子也太大了吧......应该是use trees for making chopsticks吧?由此可见雅思口语中准确使用动词的重要性。)

2. "I think environmantal protection is essential but not so important."

(典型的逻辑混乱......essential就等于very important,环保是至关重要但是不是那么重要的?......无语......)

3. "Without electricity, the world would become so dark that a person could not even see a hand in front of his face."

(缺了至关重要的时间状语at night!这么说的话古代人都是一直生活在伸手不见五指的黑暗中的吗?)

4. "Watching TV is convenient and people can avoid traffic jam"


5. "I like writing because it is good for your health."


6. "My grandmother is 98 years old so she is very pure."


7. "As we all know, every advantage has its disadvantage."


8. "The rate of net-cheating has boomed by 1.27% in the past 2 years."

(说这句话的人一定是雅思图表作文没学好。Boom=Increase rapidly,增长1.27%算rapid吗?应该用climb或edge up。)

9. "Modern ways of life brings people some healthy diseases."


10. "My father is a photograph......"


11. "The data is very astonished!"


12. "At that time, I was studied at university."

(“我那时候在大学里被研究?”你是小白鼠吗?应该是I was studying at university。)

13. "Traveling can enlarge our eyesight."

(旅行能够拓宽我们的视力?应该是broaden our horizon吧。)

14. "Today, more and more people are getting old."

(不是more and more people在变老,是everybody!只要你是地球人都在getting old的......)

15. -"Are you a student or are you working now?"

-"Oh, in my opinion, I am a student."

(为什么要加in my opinion?难道别人都不承认你是学生?)

16. "You need some skills, such as a partner, to play table tennis."


17. "China is a big country, so we have four seasons."


18. "My boyfriend doesn't fit me."


19. "To be my friend, you must be like animal!"


20. "Most Chinese people live in the north,south,east,and west of China."


21. "I go shopping for sports equipment. For example, I bought a cat yesterday."


22. "She is a good person, because I know her father."


23. "As we all know, every corn has its two size!"


24. "I study in a computer."

(谁会在电脑里头学习?应该是I study with a computer.)

25. "I want to go to America to learn hotel management so I can take this IELTS test."


26. "I live in a small city, so it has poor education."

(剑桥和牛津都是所谓的small city哦!)

27. "I come from a small village-Xi'an."


28. "As we all know, people can't live without life."


29. "Dancing is an indispensable part of people's lives."


30. "Young people don't like old buildings because old people go there."

(同学,就这么恨old people吗?)


雅思换题季: Part 1话题串讲

本季雅思口语Part 1新题的情况如下

本季总体的换题比例有超过40%左右,比重还是比较大哦。而题目类型的和上一季度相同的是,生活事件类依旧较多,例如haircut / jeans / makeup等等。同时依旧是照例出现了很多旧题回库的情况,例如friends / shopping / eating等等。



Part 1基本练习方向和原则


因此该部分的回答控制在流畅的3-4句话就差不多了。如果用时间计算,如果能流利的回答15 - 20秒左右,其实内容就很丰富了。(同学们会有看到一些高分视频Part1也比较简短,但是也要注意人家是非常自然和流利的。)

思路拓展上除了结合常规的 “6W1H”的疑问词拓展方向之外,就是做好细节填充和同类对比。这个也是我一直强调的内容了,把这两点落实好,基本就不用愁要讲什么了。






- 什么事情会让你觉得疲惫?

o Studying for long hours…

o (上面有点笼统所以可以补充一点细节) e.g. stay in the library working on my assignment … maybe more than 6 or 7 hours during a day…

o … so exhausted … don’t feel like doing anything … but going to sleep…

- 疲惫的时候会做什么?

o Take a break immediately… do something to wind down (这里的something有点笼统所以我们继续展开)

o e.g. have a walk in the nearest park… escape from my study or work for a while … be energetic again before going back to study or work…

- 精神上觉得疲惫的时候会和谁聊聊?朋友还是家人?

o Should be friends …

o … know more about my major or job… give me advices which are more feasible…

o (同样上面是形容词比较笼统,继续展开) e.g. how to reschedule when I’m stressed out… which is something that parents can’t usually do (这里和parents做一个小对比)

- 精神上觉得疲惫的时候会不会想要和陌生人聊聊?

o Not really …

o Not good to deliver negative emotion to someone you are not familiar with…

o Don't have the obligation to listen to you …



- 你的声音有没有改变过?

o Think so…

o … has become much lower compared with the voice I had when I was a kid…

o (可以具体补一个时间点)… especially after 18 years old… I’ve grown up and to be an adult…

- 你喜欢自己的声音吗?

o Pretty like…

o Especially when I’m singing… (可以选一个具体的场景比较好说)

o … keen on going to Karaoke with me … really enjoy the songs I sing…

- 你会喜欢录制自己的声音然后回听吗?

o Will do this in some occasions…

o … practice my oral English for IELTS … record and listen back…

o … find out any mistakes that would block the communication … a good technique for exam preparation…

- 你的声音和爸妈的类似吗?

o Quite similar… especially my dad…

o Talking over the phone … difficult to distinguish the voice of us … even for my mom (这里依旧是通过一个具体的场景来让拓展变得简单)




- 最喜欢的发型?

o 男生:crew cut … easy to dry after I’ve washed my hair … feel cooler when there’s a hot weather…

o 女生:long and straight hair … look more elegant … especially when I 吧… (女生如果想要讲短发可以参照男生的部分)

- 上次剪头发是什么时候?/多经常理发?/ 一般理发花费多少?(这几个点其实都可以合并用来拓展哈)

o 经常:have my hair cut every 3 weeks … need to keep it short… e.g. did this a couple of days ago … usually spend a lot on haircutting (e.g. may be more than 300 yuan every month)

o 不经常:(例如女生长发) don't have to do that very often … e.g. did this 3 month ago … have kept this hairstyle for more than 2 years… don't usually spend a lot for haircutting…

- 上次的发型是什么?/经常换发型么?/ 现在这个发型保持了多久?

o Same with this one … wouldn't like to change it before I decided to try a better one …

o Have kept this for more a couple of years … need some professional advice from my barber or hairstylist…

- 喜欢去理发吗?

o Really keen on going to the barber shop or hair salon…

o … escape from my stressful work or study for a few hours … a way to wind down (大家发现这个万能理由了么?)

- 有没有不满意不开心的理发体验?

o Ever tried to have a new hairstyle… was not exactly what I wanted …

o still charged me a lot … made a complaint… got some discount eventually …


从例题分析中,大家可以发现落实好细节和对比两大基本原则的重要性,稍微具体化一点,拓展的内容就可以满足Part 1回答的需求,同时也可以为之后Part 2和Part 3的练习做好准备。(不需要去纠结答案是不是很厉害,重点是能流利的多说一些即可。)





Do you prefer A or B? 你更倾向哪一边?

话不多说,上例题 (例题选自本季度part 1机经)

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?


Well, if you ask me, I say A is my top choice. As a X.X person, it’s like a common practice for me to ____________________, but I am not saying that X.X is not cool. You know, it’s just the matter of preference.


top choice 首选

a X.X.X person 是一种固定表达,意思是喜欢X.X.X的人

E.g. I am a dog person. 我是一个喜欢狗的人。

It’s like a common practice for me to 对某人来说习惯做某事


首先,第一句话我们要明确回到你的选择是什么。如果喜欢早上学习,那我们可以说Well, if you ask me, I say studying in the mornings is my top choice. 之后我们就加入细节或是解释来丰满答案。为了保证答案的长度我们还可以在补上一句,说明下午学也不是不好,只不过是自己的偏好问题。As a morning person, it’s like a common practice for me to do reviews and previews after breakfast, but I am not saying that studying in the afternoons is not cool. You know, it’s just the matter of preference. 基本上只要记住这三句话就可以把Do you prefer A or B?决掉,那么在备考阶段我们就可以适当减轻下负担。


Do you think your city is clean or not?


Properly speaking, to this question, I’d like to say ________ (topic words) , cause I really think ______________________. However, on second thought, it’s not always the case. You know, there will always be exceptions.


on second thought 仔细想一想

It’s not always the case. 情况不总是这样

There will always be exceptions. 凡是总有例外




Properly speaking, I’d like to say my city is well kept, cause I really think there is no much junk on streets. However, on second thought, it’s not always the case. You know, there always be exceptions. Sometimes streets are littered with trash.

下面附上本季度part 1话题中所有同类型话题,大家可以快速操练起来啦!

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?

Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

Do you prefer to use a calculator when doing mathematics?

Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?

Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in normal shops and shopping malls?

Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors?

Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?

Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil?

Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks?


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