
发布者:看进人间 时间:2022-11-15 12:08




笔者在教学及模拟测试的过程中会发现,考生在紧张的情况下,通常张口说出来的,都是开始学习英语就接触的最简单的词汇。这个很好解释,是因为这些词汇已经扎根在了他们的脑海里,根深蒂固,几乎可以不假思索的脱口而出。例如,当问到喜欢的事物的时候,考生的答案里会充斥着like、love等字眼,而“许多、大量”等词,则通常用“lots of”、“many”等表达。然而,后果也是显而易见的,如果考生所使用的词汇一直单一重复的话,则无法吸引考官,那么,当然也就无法取得理想的成绩。

学习近义词是拓展词汇量的一个好方法,尤其是形容词的同义词替换。当然,此类同义词替换不能只做同级的替换,像把“like”替换为“love”, 这样的做法丝毫没有任何意义,考生需要做的,是将本想使用的词用稍难一点的词汇表达出来。为什么要在考试中适当使用难词呢?这是因为雅思口语考试注重考查与考生日常生活和所学领域密切相关的话题,考生如果能适当使用一些难词来描述日常生活和所学领域,不但能避免千篇一律的模板式回答,而且会增加表达亮点,引起考官兴趣。

以雅思口语考试Part 1的一个常见话题为例,让考生体会一下如何适当使用难词。在Part1中,考官经常会问到一个问题:“Areyou a student or do you work?”考生该如何回答才能更出彩呢?我们可以对比一下两种回答方式。

回答一:I’m a student. / I’mworking now.

回答二:To be honest, I graduatedlast year and now I’m an entrepreneur, since I launched my first company lastmonth.




A.Students of the poor regions have no advanced education.

B. Students of thepoverty-stricken regions have no access to the advanced education.


不同:B句利用合成词poverty-stricken和词组haveaccess to分别替换了A句中的单词poor与have,使得B句表现力更强,更体现考生的词汇水平。以下笔者再列举几个可用来替换单词的合成词与词组。例如:

1. bekeen on替换love, 如:“I love football”替换为“I’m keen on football”。

2. beavailable替换have, 如:“Famous universities have delicate facilities.”替换为“Advanced facilities can be available in well-knownuniversities.”。

3. cost-effective替换cheap, 如:“Metrois cheaper than bus”替换为“Metrois more cost-effective than bus”。

4. time-consuming替换waste(time), 如:“Shoppingwastes time”替换为“Shoppingis really time-consuming”。





24/7= 24 hours a day, 7 days a week=all the time

bust a gut= tryextremely hard to do something

heads up= update ona situation

hook up= to meet upor to join in

no sweat= used tosay that you can do something easily

rip-off=overly expensive

take the piss=to make fun

up to speed= having the latest information or knowledge about something



1.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country?

I suppose the so-called “junk food” in the western country has gained a lot of popularity in China.There is a large number of restaurants serving hamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People,especially youngsters, are really enthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of food is time-saving and also very fashionable. But personally, I don't regard it as a positive trend in our society.

2.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Well, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw a newly-opened Mexico restaurant,so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are two types of Mexican food. I thought it might take me some time to get used to the food but surprisingly I fell in love with it from the first bite! The spicy flavor is exactly my cup of tea.

3.Do you like to try new food?

Yes, of course! I am passionate about trying new restaurants especially those that serve foreign food.Every time I have meals in a restaurant that I have never been to, it is like having an adventure. Also,as a real foodie, I’m fond of cooking with different ingredients, hoping that I can invent my ownrecipe one day


1.What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from the newspaper?

I think it is more complicated to get information from the library than from a newspaper. Whensearching information in a library, you are forced to first find books that you are looking for,write down their locations, and then go searching for them through the aisles of the library. You must then gather them all up and read through them, trying to find relevant information. However,the newspaper is generally thinner than books, which means less reading times. Moreover, the newspaper has a certain theme. If you want to find financial information, you can buy a financial newspaper. And the newspaper contains current information.

2.In what ways can people get information these days?

Now we are living in an era of technology. With the development of the Internet, we can getinformation fast. These days, we have lightning fast search engines that can give us thousands oflinks based on specific keywords. The internet allows for an unbelievably large amount ofdownloads and uploads of information, music, videos, attachments, and all sorts of other things as itis the engine of the Information Superhighway of our Information Era, in which we live. What’s more, we can also get information from TV programs.


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