
发布者:泰山顶上 时间:2022-11-15 12:08



一. Task1-6使用方法介绍

Task 1& Task2(六步准备)第一步认真读题,找到题眼;第二步先自己按照考试要求作答并录音;第三步根据录音写好自己的答案sample;第四步修改掉错误并进行同义词替换和句式调整;第五步反复朗读;第六步计时复述直至背诵流利连贯。熟练掌握六步训练法,走遍南北都不怕。Task 3-6题,由于涉及到听力材料的回忆,所以会有一定的出入,所以对于这部分题目,熟悉答题的结构和题目关键词汇是重点。根据结构和题目相应的回答模板进行练习,但是模板不能死用,要注意什么位置放什么内容,因为口语Task3-6取胜的关键在于你通过回答体现了你读懂并听懂了材料,所以听力是关键。







1.The government is going to build a museum for visitors,which one do you think is better, Local history museum or children museum?

2016年9月11日托福口语真题Task 1.

Your city is planning to build a museum to attract more tourists, which one of following aspects do you think is the best for the museum to be about?

1. Local history 2. Art 3. Science



Sample Answer:

It would be better to build a local history museum from my point of view.

Firstly, in order to attract more visitors to boost the local economy, the government needs to seek for more opportunities in exploitation. A museum of local history would be a reasonable starting point. The museum would not only appeal to kids interested in history and culture, also will it contribute to the development of local cultural industries。 In both hands, it will be a rational choice.


Personally, I think the city should build an art museum. Art works like sculpture, painting, drawing, crafts and even architecture design can be displayed in the museum. All kinds of artworks can bring comfort and hope to people, and it is a very important way for people to express their happiness, sorrow and even anger. At the same time, visitors can improve their taste of artworks, this is a very important skill. Additionally, by appreciating different kinds of artworks, people can reduce their stress of life and it can be a great way for them to get refreshed.


1. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.


Question: One of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests?



Well, I would like to give him advice from several aspects.

Firstly, he could be stressed mentally to some extend. I may suggest him to go for a walk after work everyday before going to finish or prepare stuff as often to refresh his mind, like pressing the reset button on him.

Secondly, his daily routine could be a factor that causes his exhaustion after or during work. I would more likely to accompany him to workout in a gym to see if he can strengthen his muscle groups to be resistant to his painstaking job.


Personally, I suggest him or her play group sports, cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can stretch his or her body, and that is very good to one's cardiovascular system, and it is a great way to relax and have fun. By playing sports, one can develop the coordination of different parts of the body and be athletic. Additionally, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. One can also learn the importance of cooperation and responsibility when playing team sports, they can struggle together for a common goal.

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