
发布者:贫在闹市 时间:2022-11-15 12:08






第二个原因是考官需留出时间向你提出不同的问题,引导大家通过讨论不同的话题, 从使用不同词汇或多样的语法表达等方面来全面地展示你的英语表达能力。毕竟一个单词,一种时态是不能够走遍天下的, “千篇一律”或者过分依赖熟悉的易于使用的结构都会容易在实际沟通中让人失去听下去的兴趣,而无法达到顺畅沟通交流的目的。



关于这部分的官方评分标准描述是:“Use a wide range of both simple and complex structures 同时使用简单及复杂的语法结构”; “Demonstrate flexible use of structure 融汇运用不同的语法结构”; “Focus on accuracy without losing fluency注意确切且流利”和“Be communicative有表达欲”。

但很多烤鸭苦恼的是语法课是一回事,写的时候都能注意,张嘴说的时候,却又是另一回事了。因为毕竟上课时间只占你学英语或者说英语总时长里很小的一部分。所以,提升的办法就是“增加说的时间”,并且一定要有意识地纠正。还是那句老话,纸上谈兵终觉浅,想要在口语考试中取得好的成绩还是需要大家有不怕犯错的精神,无需被传言困扰,stay focused! Practice makes perfect!

雅思口语Part3范文:small successful company

1.What types of businesses are there in your hometown?

2.Are you willing to work in a family business?

3.What kind of new media are there in China?

4.How to run a business successfully?

5.What's the disadvantage of a family business?

Sample answers:

1.My hometown is Shanghai, which is a very modern metropolis with variety of businesses. First of all, many fortune 500 companies set up their office in Shanghai because Shanghai is the center of China’s economy. Also, lots of startups choose to locate their office in Shanghai, since in Shanghai, it is usually easier to obtain financial support from investment companies.

2.Yeah, I am. Working in a family business does offer more opportunities for an individual to grow with the company and learn variety of skills. You know, usually a family business will not hire as many as employees as those fortune 500 companies, so every employee has to take on more duties. For example, the administration staff may be require to purchase office supplies, interview potential candidates for the first round as well as handling financial affairs.

3.I think Wechat is one of the most popular new media in China. Many companies open their WeChat Official Accounts to publicize their products, expanding their customer base. For example, once a coffee producer set up a stall on the first floor in our office building. As long as you had subscribed their WeChat Official Accounts, you would be give a bottle of coffee for free. Many companies employ Wechat as one of their marketing methods.

4.In order to run a business successfully, you need to have a good budget planning and make enough profit. Good budget planning can help you figure out the total cost for your business—basically fixed cost and variable costs, as well as how much profit you need to gain in order to break even. Setting the price too high or too low will probably affect the total profit you can earn.

5.For a family business, it is very likely that, only family members can be promoted to important positions. Due to this kind of promotion system, many competent employees may feel it is so unfair and quit the job eventually. It is worse if the promoted family member is good for nothing. In addition, a family business runner tend to be a dictator, who make decisions by himself/herself, without taking advice from others.

雅思口语Part3范文:a foreign country you'd like to work

1.What kind of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

Teaching English is one of the most popular options for people wanting to work overseas. Jobs are very abundant, the pay is great, the work is easy, and the benefits are good, too. The only downside is that these jobs are only open to native English speakers. Another option is working for a global company. Getting a job with a big company with overseas offices could eventually lead to a position abroad, if you play your cards right.

2.Should young adults work abroad?

Working in a foreign country is a unique and wonderful experience. It provides insights into a country that isn’t your own. It exposes you to a different culture. And it allows you to learn a new language, meet new people, and get a new perspective on the world. It’s an experience not many people get a chance to have.

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