
发布者:熊猫木木 时间:2022-11-15 12:08

在坊间,有关雅思考试总有许多传闻(Rumour)。那些所谓的“他们说”到底是不是真的呢? 下面小编就和大家分享雅思考试传言大揭秘之考官当场在给我打分么,来欣赏一下吧。



当你正思考答案或对着考官侃侃而谈,他们真的在给你打分吗?为了一探究竟,你是不是也会迫不及待一“瞄”再瞄 ?来,让我们的英语教学专家告诉你考场上,考官们到底在写些什么?



口语考试第一部分:daily conversation。考官需要把考生的回答时间控制在4-5分钟。这部分考官会引导考生从自我介绍开始,而后主要围绕大伙儿熟悉的话题,如朋友、兴趣爱好等展开。这部分主要考察大家就日常性的观点和信息,常见的生活经历等进行交流的能力。




考试结束后,总听到考生感叹:“一眨眼的工夫,我的口语测试就结束了。当考官说考试结束时,我真想说: ‘请您再多问几个问题吧,我还有大把的心里话可以说呢!’是不是他根本听不懂我的回答?因此没有然后了…“这种情况往往是考官在考生考试时用了所能允许的最短时间。

为什么会用最短时间呢?可能仅仅是因为在这段时间内,考官已经从你的回答中得到了足够的信息来评定你的口语水平,无需再进行剩余3、4分钟的考试。只要大家以正常语速回答,考官就能最短在11分钟内评定你的英语口语水平。因此,多数考生的口语测试时间约为11-12分钟。 但有时,考官也会对考生进行14分钟的最长时间测试。




• 在第1、3部分应该提足够多的问题;

• 考生有机会陈述观点;

• 对考生作出的评定确认是准确的。

因此,口语考试时,考官不仅需要对你的英语沟通和表达能力做出评判,他们还是一个严格的 time keeper,既要控制整体考试时长,还要对口语考试每一部分所花费的时间进行记录,以便严格把控,所以大家无需担心,也不必紧张。



You should say:

What is the name of the book

what type of book it is

how you knew this book

and explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend

雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:描述一本让人振奋的书(Describe an exciting book you have read)

One of the books that I have recently read is called At Home: A Short History of Private Life by an author called Bill Bryson. It is a thick, factual bookabout many different subjects. It is really a collection of information and anecdotes related to our private lives, past and present.

The book is mainly about things that have been included in our homes over the centuries. The author started out by wondering about the history of everything in his own home. As it is a factual book rather than a novel, it does not have a plot as such. Each chapter in the book covers the history of a particular room. For example, the chapter on the kitchen talks about the history of running water, electricity, gas cooking and so on. The chapter aboutthe bathroom looks at the history of plumbing, sanitation and privacy. The bookcontains so much interesting information that I think I will have to read it again in order to take it all in.

As to the kind of people who would enjoy it, I think anybody who is interested in history and enjoys learning lots of interesting facts would enjoy reading this book. It would also appeal to a busy person, as it’s a good book to dip in and out of, because you don’t have to follow a story, as you would with a novel. You can just take it chapter by chapter, or even page by page, as there is something to learn on every page. Each chapter is written like a story, even though it is a factual book, so it takes the reader to all sorts of unexpected places, and for me it was a real page-turner.

I like this book because I learned such a huge amount from it, which has made me look around my own home with different eyes and appreciate just how far we have come in a short space of time in terms of architecture, technology, lighting, comfort and many other things.

雅思口语part2高分话题范文:an interesting subject

Describe a subject that you studied that you thought was interesting.

You should say:

what the subject was

what your teacher was like

how long you studied this subject

and explain why you thought it was interesting.

雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:an interesting subject

Ok then, well the subject I’d like to talk about is Economics, because it was one of the few classes that I actually enjoyed, and this was in no small part due to the fact that we had a really great teacher for it.

And as for what makes me say that, well first of all, he had a knack of being able to make all of his classes really interesting, and he did this by always asking us questions and getting us to think deeply about all kinds of things related to Economics. So for example, he would often start class by telling us a story that was in some way connected to what we would be going through that day, after which he would then ask us how we thought the story ended, and this really kind of helped arouse our curiosity in the subject.

So that’s one thing, and another thing I liked about him was the fact that he seemed to take a genuine interest in all of us, and I could see this in the way he spoke and listened, because you know, it’s pretty easy to tell whether or not a teacher really cares about teaching, and with him I could tell straight away that he enjoyed teaching us and had our best interests at heart.

But anyway, as for how long I studied Economics for, well basically, it was for two years during high school, so it wasn’t really for all that long, which was a bit of a pity, because as I mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed the classes. And one more thing to mention about them, which I don’t think I’ve said yet, is that we hardly ever went through the text book, which was such a refreshing change from all the other classes I had. So instead, our teacher, who was called Mr. Guise, by the way, would give us things like newspaper clippings or magazine articles to read and discuss, and by doing this, we came to realize just how significant a role Economics played in our lives. So as you can imagine, this made the classes so much more fun than they otherwise would have been if we’d just ploughed through the text book, and I’m very grateful to Mr. Guise for this.

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