
发布者:最后的骑士 时间:2022-11-15 12:07



难点一 没时间构思完整答案

托福口语部分共有六道题,每道题的难度递增。以最容易的第一题来说准备时间只有15秒,回答时间只有45秒。这对于很多没有做好准备的考生来说根本还没来得及思考,准备时间就结束了。刚要开始回答,第一个句子还没来得及展开,回答时间就结束了。我们知道:People are very, very emotional. 正常情况下,人们是很容易受到自己情绪影响的。第一道口语题如果发挥失利,必然会影响到后面的表现。每道题衔接紧密基本没有让考生喘息调整的时间。所以很多考生都是从第一题开始一败千里,可能到了考试结束都不敢回顾自己在口语部分的表现。

难点二 答案不能太笼统

在托福口语部分的评分细则当中,考生回答中的details, examples and specific reasons被明确规定为评分的重要标准。许多考生背了一大篇模棱两可的句子。如: “Generally speaking, in current world we have some conflicting theories…”等等,打算在托福口语考试滥竽充数,但这在其他考试中行之有效的手段,在托福口语考试中是不会有好的效果。如果参与评分的美国教育考试中心的两位考官不能在回答中找到具体的细节,那么这位考生的回答立刻会被评为劣等。

难点三 高分需要脱离简单句

这一点要求考生在回答时,不能只使用单一的“this is a book.”, “that is a pen.”这样的句型。想要取得一个好分数,考生所使用的词汇和句型是需要能匹配自己的教育背景。要能表明该考生在真实的北美学术环境中可以很好的进行学术交流。

难点四 逻辑能力要求高



B、当考生对考题作了充分的研究准备,并按照事先准备的回答流畅的进行背诵时,考官会主动打断这位考生的背诵,且有意转换到生僻话题。目的仍然是要考察该考生真实的英语水平。 这样我们就能知道在雅思口语考试当中,侧重进行考察的是,真实的交谈能力。,但托福口语考试与此恰恰相反。因为没有考官的参与,整个的考察过程更类似于一个自我陈述,考生只需要围绕着考题进行回答,整个的回答过程都不会被打扰。这就意味着:提前准备好回答的魔板,完全可以减低口语回答的难度。




The school is going to play some student-produced TV shows. Which would you like to watch the most? Choose one and explain why.

1)Interviews with student leaders and professors

2)Debate on social and political issues

3)Comedy about different aspects of student life

Sample Response

I would like to watch student-produced shows that feature interviews with student leaders and professors.

First, such shows would demonstrate the students’ ability to make a good production. It would be interesting to watch how my classmates have learned to create and edit interesting video footage into a coherent program.

Second, I could learn more about the people in my school. For example, I might decide to take a class with an interesting professor I saw. Alternately, I might see a different side of a person I already know.

Therefore, I think interview programs would be a good choice for the school to broadcast.



If you run a small business with your friends, what do you want to do?

Sample Response

I would like to start a business making and selling handmade accessories.

I really love fashion, so it would be fun having a career related to the fashion industry. If I sold handmade accessories, I could attend trade shows and follow the latest trends as part of my work.

I also like making things by hand. If I sold the accessories I make, I could earn money from my hobby. It would give me a chance to get paid for doing what I enjoy.............


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