
发布者:笑对凡尘 时间:2022-11-15 12:07





















Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Government should not allow the violence and bad language in TV program.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that government should forbid bad language in TV programs.


2016年10月22日托福口语真题Task 3



改变:The school requests that the student club should contain at least ten members.







The school has announced that the student club should contain at least ten members, since it's not easy for the school to receive some funding, and it may waste the money as they don't know what the money will be used for; plus if there are only few members in the club, it won't last long.

The girl disagrees with the idea, because actually it doesn't cost a lot to run the clubs except some administration fee for hiking, and the school actually spends way more money on bigger clubs. And the other thing is, no matter how long the club will last, students will actually benefit a lot from the club where they can meet new friends and tighten the relationship that may help their future career.


T2: Do you agree or disagree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs?

I disagree that government should ban violence and bad words in TV programs. A lot of the people may say that those materials may distort young people’s value system, and lead them to wrong directions; some of the teenagers may even imitate those bad actions, but TV is certainly not the only channel for them to get those kind of bad content exposure; it is easy for young people to find them on the Internet, or the computer games, etc. So a better way is calling for parents’ supervision and an enhanced degree of self-discipline.(鲁妍钰)


Personally, I think it really depends, if there are lots of TV shows with violence, crime scenes, and gangster talk, it will definitely be bad influence for youngsters even though adults are okay with that. Children will quickly learn whatever they see. They will be easily addicted to that since they are in their formative years and yet to be mature. However, if it is boxing, wrestling which might involve violence and some kind of trash talk between the boxers, then it will not be a good idea to ban that. Since they are part of the Olympic events, and it is very meaningful and educative for people to watch.

Some believe that young people should do various activities while others believe that they should focus on one activity that is important to them. Which one do you think is better and why?(孟炎)


I totally agree with the statement to forbid the dirty words in TV programs. There are several reasons.

Firstly, for the betterment of children’s growth, we need to protect children’s world from what they see to what they listen. When they are exposed to the TV programs with dirty words, chances are high for them to be influenced by the gram subconsciously. From their personality to their social behavior, they may start use these inappropriate language without knowing it.

Though the TV program itself will testify that the dirty words or expression is for the effectiveness of the program, it still cannot escape from the condemnation from the general public.



T1:Describe the characteristics a good leader should have.


What do you think is the most important quality for a leader to have?


Task 1参考答案:

Well in my opinion, a good leader should have the following characteristics: first, honesty. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy. A good leader needs to be trusted and known to live his life with honesty and integrity; or in other words, “walk the talk/practice what he preaches” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others; otherwise, no one will be serious about his words or orders; then leadership will become a joke. Second, communication skills. Being able to clearly and succinctly describe and convince others what you want to achieve is extremely important. If you can’t relate your vision to your team, your people will be confused and distracted, and won’t be able to work towards the same goal.


I think a good leader should at least be responsible. Otherwise if anything happens, no matter good or bad, the team may just fall apart. I used to take part in a play club. And one time we got this real great opportunity to represent the school and compete with other play clubs in the region. All members of the club were thrilled and eager to win. We had to solve problems in casting, adapting the script and rehearsing of course. But the club leader, who should be making big decisions wasn’t even there the whole time. He missed out some important meetings and left us hang there. Some of us understood it was his final year, the schoolwork was overloaded, but he should at least explain or assign somebody to take his part and do the right job. In the end however, it didn’t turn out that bad. We won the third place, the club leader went upstage and got the award. All seemed good. But our club fell apart within a week.


★ 五年级语文教学工作计划精选范文五篇2020

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