
发布者:江湖套路 时间:2022-11-15 12:07









Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

这道题目是比较标准的独立口语题,直接给出两个观点让你选择一个来展开。因此15秒内大家先要选定一边,比如觉得团队合作更好。接下来就是Explain why的部分。至少要有一个理由,比如大家一起做效率更高effective,证明例子是一起找资料分工合作会更快。接下来如果时间还够那就想第二个理由,比如正确率更高correct,原因是可以互相check发现错误。如果时间不够只想出第一个理由也能保底,第二个理由可以在叙述的同时再临时思考。



hit the brakes : 停车

I nearly went through the window when I hit the brake. I thought it was ABS.

run a red light: 闯红灯

She is so careless when driving and she just runs a red light.

cut someone off:强行超车

People like to cut each other off in this country.

tailgate: 后面的车离的很近

Some jerk was tailgating me all the way to work.

pull over: 把车开到路肩(一般指警察把车逼停)

I got pulled over by the police on my way to school.

pull out of : 开车出来

I just pulled out of the parking lot.

speed up =accelerate: 加速

We are getting late, and we need to speed up a little bit.

make a u-turn:掉头(180度)

I saw a police officer at the end of the block, so I made a U-Turn.

roundabout: 转盘(四个方向都可以去)

At the roundabout, take the third exit.


They made a detour to avoid the town center.

pull in: 开进, 进站

He pulled in for some gas.


Blow off steam:发泄情绪

He went to the party to blow off steam after failing the exam.

Boiling point:怒点(让人愤怒的最后一个时刻)

My boiling point is singing, so don't sing unless you want a black eye.

Chew someone out:愤怒责骂

I chewed him out when he said he wouldn't come to the party.

Fly off the handle:愤怒

I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle.

Give someone a hard time:很受难为

Indeed he would have a very hard time to give an explanation and make his apologies.

Give someone a piece of one's mind:责骂某人

I'll give him a piece of my mind if he is rude to you next time.

Go bananas:发疯

The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy.

Hot under the collar:发疯

Your nagging is making me hot under the collar.

Lose one's cool: 沉不住气

Don't lose your cool, man. You're a gentleman, remember?


★ 托福独立口语TASK1高分技巧详细介绍

★ 托福口语独立题型4个高分关键要点

★ 托福独立口语高频词汇整理归纳分享

★ 幼儿园小班新学期评语

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